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24095947 No.24095947[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Nearly 60 yo Brad Pitt.
>smoks, drinks, drugs obviously
>doesn't give a shit about protecting his skin from sun
>no makeup like many K-POP twinks
>still mogs 99.9% of male population
How? What's the point of making money if you don't look like this? Did he sell his soul to the devil? Also full head of fucking hair. Zoomers nowadays are bald at 19. Jesus christ.

>> No.24095979

I hear consuming childrens blood does wonders for the skin

>> No.24095981

He also eats the best food and works out like a mad man. Also, TRT.

>> No.24095985

What kind of shitty-ass thread is this?
Some people are dealt better cards than others when they're born into this world. Don't compare yourself to others

>> No.24096004
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>> No.24096022

He has access to good plastic surgeons and a healthy diet cooked special for him. If he takes advantage of both he doesnt have to worry about aging too much. And finasteride.

>> No.24096024

Idk nigger go ask lookism.net fags

>> No.24096089

FACT: Southerners are the most powerful race.

>> No.24096092

That face is pure evil

>> No.24096128

He probably has god tier genetics + he probably has all sorts of black market techniques like injecting himself with the blood of 18 year olds

>> No.24096139

Boy you’re in for a treat,

>> No.24096144

Hes clearly hurting inside since that hellspawn woman turned his biological daughter into a transgender freak.

>> No.24096146

This. TRT and probably GH

>> No.24096169
File: 247 KB, 1029x1536, ft3q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First of all top 99.9999 percent genes compared to the world, this is him in troja (great film one of the best americans have produced) and he was 41 at that time !!!!!!!!!
Then the fucking diets messes you zoomers up, not enough meat, saturated fat, gelantine but more plants, toxic plants like garlic, ginger etc, fiber, unsaturated fat all the bad shit. No wonder people are balding earlier.

>> No.24096198

This. Imsgine bring married to that liberal monster

>> No.24096237

Genetics and steroids

>> No.24096252
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Clearly because he smokes organic American Spirits, probably good booze, and clean drugs dipshit, aka he's fucking loaded from being successful actor. Worst thread in a while

>> No.24096273

>doesn't give a shit about protecting his skin from sun
Oh yeah such bullshit is the reason, "protecting" from sun.... Stop eating foods with citric acid and sellery during summer (look it up) to stop getting sunburns, and if the body has enought cholesterol etc. sun is beneficial, in fact extreme beneficial if you dont expose yourself completely for hours.

>> No.24096285
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one world: adrenochrome

>> No.24096322

Dude looks depressed as fuck.

>> No.24096331

I had to google this, wow, explains the deep pain in his eyes.

>> No.24096335

>Did he sell his soul to the devil?
all hollywood does this

>> No.24096334
File: 565 KB, 600x610, F1528D9E-96A3-47D0-8486-F439AA11546C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>toxic plants like garlic, ginger

>> No.24096356


>> No.24096372

He personally mogged Harvey for trying to fuck with Gwenyth Paltrow when the two were dating
Look it up, he’s one of the only dudes in (((the industry))) with his soul intact

>> No.24096373

fuck....i say this as full of hate as possible FUCK cigarette smokers

>> No.24096400

or too much raw onions, also chilly (the substance in chilly is prohibited in wars as chemical weapon), and other shit. Im NOT joking

>> No.24096442

capsaicin is also used in arthritis cream, BAP
easy on the bronze

>> No.24096503

chili pepper, sorry my first language is german.
Too proof it, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_chemical_warfare_agents
Capsaicin the substance that makes cili spizy is listed

>> No.24096610

Brad Pitt keeps harassing me and calling me fat...I think he might hit me

>> No.24096625

I eat raw onion and garlic with my meals every day and I like it.

>> No.24096667

he has filler all over his faggot face

>> No.24096674

This. He has enough money that if he wants to never work another day, he can.

>> No.24096698
File: 42 KB, 646x595, 1600677300020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are normies really this naive?

>> No.24096726

> finasteride
wealthy people don't use that poisonous shit

>> No.24096779

Capsacin is good for your blood pressure and it helps you to loose weight. Garlic is good for your stomache, just dont eat to much of it.Sugar and grain products are the things that really need to go constantly out of a diet.

>> No.24096785

> finasteride
This is completely a poison. Even over the bottle there is a precautionary advice that don't let pregnant women and child to touch it.

>> No.24096786

>doesn't have to wageslave
>probably sleeps 8-10 hours every night
>has access to best plastic surgeons on the planet
>dyes his hair
>wears sunscreen
>probably smokes and drinks recreationally, not habitually

>> No.24096821

You are addicted, you may like it but not your body! Age?

>> No.24096874

I've been on it for 10 years with no side effects, and still have my hair. Cope.

>> No.24096908


If you just work out for an hour three times a week, spend some time reading up on personal grooming and dressing, and keep yourself groomed and well dressed, in a year you'll look better than 95% of all other men.

Because 95% of men put in zero effort on any of these things.

>> No.24096932
File: 85 KB, 722x842, pitt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are you talking about? he uses a ton of beauty products and probably gets laser treatment to keep his pores small.

>> No.24096963

I'm almost 40 and have all my hair without any drugs.

>> No.24096985

I am 26 and enjoying it specially the garlic and think my body likes it too.

Enjoy your ED and infertility then.

>> No.24096988

The toxicity of these plants may lower your blood pressure, but (((who))) told you artificial lowering for a bit of time is good for you? Garlic isnt good for the stomach thats a lie. Also its just me but i hate garlic and have no stomach problems.
>Sugar and grains are bad and eaten too much
Agree, but simple carbs are NOT the worst thing and in small doses good for you. Juts whole grains and corn is bad.
Read a bit about Garlic, i dont like this website but this artikel is true rawsomehealthy.com/garlic-health-food-or-poison/

>> No.24097022

I also have all my hair, in a bag

>> No.24097181

Gut health is key to not only feeling amazing but looking amazing. Take organic chicory root every morning. Drink lots of water and lift

>> No.24097342

Kingdom of Heaven was much better. Production values on straight to DVD movies are higher than the SFX they used in troy.

>> No.24097367

Exactly, this is what zoomers believe and thats why they aging quick.
This plant has very toxic substances (bitter taste is always a sign for that), and somefiber and water. Horrible. Also too much water is bad. First sentence is right but if you have bad gut heath try: Meat/Bone soup, raw milk, raw honey maybe even raw meat. Thats the deal and thank me later for it

>> No.24097372

how much baby blood for hair like that?

>> No.24097402

thats literally the most important things
be on carnivore diet and work the fuck out everyday

>> No.24097464
File: 209 KB, 2048x1090, gqsvttfk0vz51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>satured fats
>unsaturated fats
ya i totally agree fats are bad

>> No.24097505

Kingdom of Heaven is a 6/10, director's cut is a 9/10. Same with The Abyss.
The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly is a 9/10, Director's cut is a 6/10.
How does this happen?

>> No.24097553

>The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly is a 9/10, Director's cut is a 6/10.
decisions by committee can even out a madman, but they strangle a true genius.

>> No.24097566

those foods do wonders for testosterone

>> No.24097652

I wont convince you right, you believe the media instead, i might just give up arguing now and buy some more SMARTCREDIT as long as its under 3 dollar. 10 dollar EONW

>> No.24097688

I'm not taking nutritional advice from you.

>> No.24097701

eat a fist sized piece of raw ginger and then tell me its not toxic. Same for onions and garlic. Plants dont want to be eaten.

>> No.24097767

Garlic is scientifically good for you retard

>> No.24097774

The media did not convince me to eat raw onions and garlic. /fit/ did. My health is head and shoulders above anyone I know. I get boners more often in my late twenties than I ever did in my teens.
Provide some sources for your claims or post your body, if you like.

>> No.24097800

>it tastes yucky!!! i dont likeeeeeee
stuff your face with some milk chocolate then, lardass

>> No.24097806
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>> No.24097809


Stem cells. For ~$25k you can go to Panama and get a dose too. Most Hollywood Stars have done it, many more than once.

>> No.24097826

You should take, because my arguments are logical
first intelligent anon

>> No.24097827

>doesn't give a shit about protecting his skin from sun
He is healthy because he gets plenty of vitamin D

>> No.24097897

Dude he’s brad Pitt

>> No.24097906

>believe the media
dude, people have been eating these since before the printing press

>> No.24097940

> What's the point of making money if you don't look like this
You're either underage or a turbo normie. You want to get rich to fuck women and/ or get lots of attention from other normies. That's not why most of us want to make it.

>> No.24098015


>organ meat

>> No.24098058
File: 33 KB, 590x284, gr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, absolutely NO
I can only speak for German cuisine now: Garlic was since the mid ages considered very bad and was NOT used until 50 years ago AT ALL in german cuisine. Curry same and ginger was only used as tea as far i know. Chili obviously aswell, german cuisince is free from spicy food.
These things were only used by shitskins, i can speculate why: They covered up taste, they were antiviral and antibiotics which helped in the warm weather, or they blundered up the tatse of their shit food. And they had wayyy lower life expectancy and were much unhealthier then europeans 100 years ago. And they are balding rapidly, pic related

>> No.24098094

oh right i forgot
or maybe they just did eat it because they could...