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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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24074627 No.24074627 [Reply] [Original]

* this is the ref link. you get an extra 10% if you use it. If you do not want to use it, just delete ?ref.....

14 Billion $AXN, worth $8,400,000, are in the Axion Auction starting in 13 hours

If/when this auction fills, 80% of that goes directly to buy pressure on uniswap

The AXN that are bought are then ALL distributed to stakers. If there was ever a time to get staked, it's right now

Oh, and we are #1 on Dextools

>> No.24074668

I removed the ref link.

>> No.24074772

U can get cheaper AXN by uniswap

>> No.24074858

This is an unreal chance for some cheap AXN which is already set to flip hex

>> No.24074888

fucking assfuckers still havent airdropped my tokens, wait another week they say the fuck kind of bullshit is this

>> No.24074894

>The AXN that are bought are then ALL distributed to stakers
What does this even mean? People are spending money at an auction to give other people money?

>> No.24074975

Nah, they use ETH spent in the auction for market buyback of AXN, which is distributed to the stakers.

>> No.24074977

No. You buy Axion from the auction for eth, and 80% of the eth thats collected will be used to immediately marketbuy tokens and give them to staker.

>> No.24074993

the ETH that gets put into the auction purchases Axion in real time. it doesnt wait until the end of the day. so buy now goys

>> No.24075061


>> No.24075087

holy shit mooning

>> No.24075100

tried to swing at 0.0003 didnt you?

>> No.24075105
File: 348 KB, 455x450, 1475209770569 (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Makes sense, thanks. I'm not going to stake, I'd rather have the ability to dump if something crazy happens. GL bros. We're all going to make it.

>> No.24075111


>> No.24075124
File: 60 KB, 1199x639, buybacks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im retarded sorry

buybacks already happening

>> No.24075175

this is 100x better than hex haha holy shit

>> No.24075211

Lmao not even 100 eth and it already pumping from buy backs. Lmfaooooo ahhhhhhhh man this is comfy af
I got 200mil axn staked this year

>> No.24075249
File: 53 KB, 540x627, parabolic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moonrise is upon us bros

I might have to stay up all night to ride the wave

>> No.24075295

there's no way more ETH doesn't pump into this shit right? there's 2000 AXN worth of eth in the pool today

>> No.24075348

I'm getting drunk I'm early and I picked the right one this coin is gonna make me 100 grand

>> No.24075480

Based. I'm cracking open the good scotch. Comfy as fuck

>> No.24075485

My Axion bros, How comfy is this. God bless you all.

>> No.24075509

Hello fellas, did you come across the Baexplatform(baex.com)? Found their advertising, didn't know if defi binary exchanges work. What optionsdo you use? I am thinking about Tesla and Amazon but still not so many guides and videos on how to use them profitably

>> No.24075527

I still have HEX2T how the fuck do I convert it?

>> No.24075542

you received hex3t, you have to claim axion with your hex2t now

>> No.24075570
File: 32 KB, 539x670, REEEEEEEE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24075571

Theres 7k eth of axion in the auction today...

>> No.24075670

I think its like 14k eth worth

>> No.24075847


>> No.24075949

You might be right.

>> No.24076257

Over 14 billion tokens up for today's auction.
Currently 176 ETH in for it.
Still over 22 HOURS left.
I have one rug pull under my belt, a LINK stack that's stagnating, a pile of useless ROT, and a bunch of other trash tokens, and despite everything I finally feel like I might make it.
$0.01 was originally a pipe dream. Now it feels conservative. What a time to be alive.

>> No.24076598

Same boat anon, i have useless ROT and other shitcoins but now feel that i finally struck gold with this project. Unfortunately im a 2m stacklet so ill have to drop another eth into this auction

>> No.24076861

0.01 is en route 100%

>> No.24076964

>$0.01 was originally a pipe dream. Now it feels conservative.
Holy shit there are actual paid shills here? I thought that was a meme

>> No.24077017

.01 is fud. This going to 1$ believe it or not

>> No.24077761


Hopefully we wake up to better numbers

>> No.24077966

>tfw just bought the bottom

>> No.24078120

Sminem is pumping back! Thanks you based sminem!!

>> No.24078125

we're all going to make it axionbros.
holding a suicide stack of 2mil

>> No.24078518

Big auction is starting today! shoulda coulda woulda