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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24040954 No.24040954 [Reply] [Original]

I'm 23 and in good health. Would it be a good idea to skip paying health insurance until I'm 30? Not like I'm gonna use it anytime soon

>> No.24040968

why is dr. breen talking to a bunch of jeep wranglers?

>> No.24040971

How to go bankrupt trying to save pennies 101

>> No.24041008

stupid idea especially with COVID

>> No.24041039

Just get the cheapest plan, anon. It sucks. Also, plz explain pic related...

>> No.24041162

No, at least go for a High Deductible Plan and something with an HSA.

I had the same mentality then one year our of no where I get hit with something and ended up shilling $1.5k out of pocket.

US Healthcare sucks cock. Fuck you republicans.

>> No.24041320

if I get the chink flu and have to be hospitalized I'm not paying one fucking cent of the bill. there will be so many avenues to sue the state/hospital with covid...you'd be a fool to pay.

>> No.24041372

same question that brought me to this thread. Hoping this is a new meme

>> No.24041399
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Health insurance feels like the ultimate Jewish scam

>> No.24041444


Republicans didn’t create Medicare/Medicaid or odious pharma regulations. Imagine thinking the government is the solution to a government imposed issue.

>> No.24041587

Imagine thinking that government and health industry bloat/beaurocracy/kickbacks didn't create this problem. A doctor once told me "I see you smoke. Smoking isn't good for you. Do you want to quit?" I said not right now. End of discussion and moved onto what I came there for. He billed the insurance $50 for nicotine counseling. Luckily they covered it or I wouldve raised hell