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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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24024691 No.24024691 [Reply] [Original]

Why are we still pretending it's anything more than the flu?

>> No.24024726

Because jews want more control, always has been this way always will be. Hitler did nothing wrong.

>> No.24024745

New world order

>> No.24024773
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Cause Trump's weak leadership left us in this position.

What do you mean he wanted to close the borders before this started? That's heckin racist you nazi!!!! Just wear a mask!

>> No.24024791

Never let a good crisis go to waste or something

>> No.24024808

isn't the virus fake?

>> No.24024834

Because this flu is indended to end the world as we know it. It was released on purpose for just that.

>> No.24024898

>he has no idea about COVID 21


>> No.24024914

I love this quote by Rahm Emanuel, even better since his brother Ezekiel was just named a member of Biden's Covid advisory board kek

>> No.24024965

what an annoying accent

>> No.24024995

The only people pretending it's a flu are sleeper agents for the CCP.
The longer it stays active, the more western governments are stuck bailing out their irresponsible private sectors, and the more division it sows, then only the more glory and honor for the motherland in the very near future.

>> No.24025064

Coronavirus is just a test run of their control mechanisms. Its working wonderfully

>> No.24025109

Anyone with eyes can see that

>> No.24025147

So we can stay getting paid for shit posting at home

>> No.24025148

It's not even in the same familiy of viruses, you tard. Its fucking SARS.

>> No.24025200

it's a globalist power grab like global warming

>> No.24025258

I remember when this started you polfsgs were saying this was super deadly shit made by China to threaten Western countries and now you flipflop and say its fake and daa Jews. Which one was it?

>> No.24025289

Its always the jews

>> No.24025422

I never pretended and I tell everyone who believes and complies with the government mandates that they're a retard. I'd sooner put my klingon-mode vest on than wear a mask.

>> No.24025675


>> No.24025917

Ignore the the shizos. My position on coronachan has been the same since janurary.

>> No.24026437

Almost as if it seemed serious and turned out not to be. If we just lock down for two weeks then we can be back to normal by easter though

>> No.24026480

/pol/ is dumb, but nobody knew what to make of it when it started.

>> No.24026794

globalists are using it as means for ushering in Great Reset.
