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23931363 No.23931363 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>23927774#p23927777

I had to leave and couldnt answer questions. Will stay a bit more until I forget about this thread.

You probably won't be able to avoid it, but dedicating most of your current free time to stacking assets and land + knowledge/skill is the best thing you can do right now
Can't go into details sorry
Get the plebs used to the idea of "cryptocurrency" and have npc's rail about "muh privacy" etc (when it's the opposite)
Original thread:

it's all so tiresome

This is part of an old project I had made back in 2014. At the time I guess it made little sense to most, and on top of that it ended up getting me in trouble.
With what has happened in the past 6 years things should be clear now. I've redacted some illustrations, but the audio is original. Those who have eyes to see might get a little head start on what is to come, if they pay attention to what has already passed.

Part 1 of a long series. Will premiere part 2 if interest picks up. It helps if you like sub etc but whatever. Enjoy


This documentary is the ultimate financial redpill. If it got me in trouble in 2014, imagine how relevant it must be now

>> No.23931608
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If I'm holding a make it stack with link will I be able to still "own things" after the great reset?

>> No.23931717

a 1k or 10k make it stack? The latter, you might have enough resources to escape and relocate, with a remaining stack to milk with staking (possibly)

>> No.23931739

Yes anon. They love link so much they're going to let link holders join their elite club of baby murder and fast cars.

Ignore the fact they can backdoor your computer or phone to access your wallets, and this happens everyday. The CIA have stolen billions this way

The Great Reset would be impossible without CBDC's

>> No.23931816
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10k is a make it stack and I have more than that. I just wanted to know if oldschool marines would have hope too

>he doesn't have a hardware wallet with a 13th seed word that's all memorized
I don't expect to be let into their satanic cult, I just want to be able to be left alone and do what I want

>> No.23932082

>I just want to be able to be left alone and do what I want
You have no idea what the great reset is, do you?

>> No.23932208

This guy gets it >>23931739 >>23932082

It's not gonna be a school trip you can just get a not from your parents unfortunately

We have to start thinking NOW if you want to figure out how to avoid it (if thats even possible at all)

>> No.23932454

Clearly, but what makes you think I'm not making plans outside of the minimal shit I'm talking about on here? What is YOUR plan of making it in so far as you can elaborate without your plans being foiled? If you can't answer that, then I have to dismiss this thread as yet another attempt at demoralization

>> No.23932477

literally everyone will be able to own things. the "you will own nothing" quote is taken from this article:
just read the fucking article. this is the most retarded bullshit ever.

>> No.23932671

Theres not a million ways

Look into different countries legistlations, golden visas, how much to buy into it etc

It's not that it mostly requires a lot of money and if you dont already have that your time should be spennt amassing it (assets land everything)

>> No.23933009

sounds about right. agree on get rich if possible is the best plan. not sure how hyperinflation will affect that though, may be a fools errand for most. worst comes to worst i'll go outcast. not planning on taking any vaccine.

>> No.23933060

i'd suggest adding subtitles or adjusting audio. you're english is great but i still found it a bit hard to listen and concentrate. would like to see the next part. partially saw this coming too, not details but something very wrong in 2020. here we are.

>> No.23933086

Me neither friend.

It might be nigh impossible but still possible, and worth doing our best until the moment comes where the fruits of our labours will have to come into play
thank you
part of it I recorded in 2014 and og files have been lost, but a friend who saw the video yesterday who happensto be good at audio things will help me for the future

appreciate the advice friend really. Subscribe if you don't mind I'd appreciate that too :)

>> No.23933087

the fucking irony. fuck. going to kill myself now.

>> No.23933106


working on editing part 2 now, need to remove the illustrations that got me in trouble in the first place

>> No.23933394

In on part 2

>> No.23933428

what illustrations got you in trouble?
what was the trouble?

>> No.23933633

Won't post them here since it's obvious Im the video maker but might in other threads.

I can't go into details but what I can say is that I got excomunicato from the internet basically. A rising internet presence scrubbed to zero from one day to the other.

Everyone else sold their soul and got big (sargon etc) I didn't and got fudged with

>> No.23933711

Checked. I think i know who you are.

>> No.23934332
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Doubtful but this is 4chan after all.

Help me keep this thread alive if you like the subject please, will work on the other parts. Also AMA I guess, will help bump it

>> No.23934413

the Great Reset is just feudalism on a global scale run by faggots like Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos. fuck that shit.

>> No.23935251

>it's all so tiresome

>> No.23935392

thanks for the bump friend

>> No.23935455
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welcome. found a better idea to bump (pic related).

>> No.23935465

What the fuck are you on about? I understand nothing here

>> No.23935507
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>> No.23935508

Saved will use in next videos thank you friend. Happy to see some still care

>> No.23935577

just a bit, fren. seen screenshots of the diagrams. found the site today. have a play https://intelligence.weforum.org/topics/a1Gb0000000pTDZEA2?tab=publications

>> No.23935586

bro draghi is not the president anymore, now it's lagarde
lagarde at the head of ecb and von der layen for the eu commission
french and german trannies

>> No.23935605

Checked and thank you.

Yes you are right, video is from 2014, part 3 and onwards will be up to date

>> No.23935768
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>> No.23935796
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>> No.23935802

a list of fancy words. awesome

>> No.23936090
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Bumperino fren

>> No.23936195

Land, tools and skills are my bid for self sovereignty. I expect there will be enough liquidity in most consumer goods for the next 6 to 12 months to accumulate a redundant stash of essentials required to survive off grid

>> No.23936279

Thank you fren I pray that you make it

Where do you think geographically is the best option?

>> No.23936299

This is so stupid. It will never work. All that will happen is steadily increased civil unrest as they push further and further in to this plan until eventually war breaks out, whole thing blows up, these people do not survive. Ends the same as communism always has.

>> No.23936434

Where can I learn more about this?

>> No.23936470

Nice video. Here's a link to an article from the atlantic titled, 'Ever Try to Sell a Diamond'. It's interesting for several reasons, one of them is that they describe in detail how the diamond industry used Bernays' tactics (although of course he is never named) to create demand for diamonds. https://archive.md/ZA4ql

>> No.23936495

subscribe and wait for the next part seriously

Thank you I'm aware of the premise, will look into it more.

>> No.23936615

The problem is that’s all we do is want to be left alone. We gave up making the narrative. We are reactionary. If we want to be left alone, we have to take control and start making the narrative. We have to start doing things that affect real life, but esp their real life. No one bothers bill gates, so he gets to sit there in his little demented world and think up retarded things. Everyone wants his money, so they form an echo chamber and tell him he’s such a good boy and such a genius. If we really want to be left alone, we have to affect his world. These people like gates and klaus and whomever live in their echo chamber and get constant positive reinforcement. What we really need to do is tell them no. No just say no but make an impact. That’s all these people recognize is brute force. Now we flip it back on them. Just like punching a bully when he crosses the lines. We take smart contracts and start stacking value into it until it compels reality. We make it so valuable to pie them in the face in Minecraft that it actually happens in Minecraft.

>> No.23936626

anywhere with unsophisticated bureaucratic/tax harvesting infrastructure and high white populations. i'm a burger so for me that means rural southwest and rural northern flyover/canada adjacent states. i have personal experience with South Dakota and it fits the bill for minimal government meddling among other good qualities.
some south and central american countries could also work, but then you are surrounded by mediocrity.
it all comes down to the contractually ambiguous (protected) living room that you can establish before uppity hivemind types come to grind you into dust.

>> No.23936678

Getting togethr somewhere would be a start. Online and then offline. I tried such a thing last year but the interest was low and the place died, might revive it. Great post friend you have good energy it will serve you well

You think even those lax states are enough to escape the grid long term? What about for your bloodline, and how would you get out of there if things get even tigther?

>> No.23936807
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No, never meet. It has to be an aggregate sum total of value. Preferably anonymous. Just like the lotto. No one knows who played the lotto. No one cares. All that’s needed is a value and a pool of players whose individuality is meaningless. Value keeps being added. More added. Until a final ineluctable conclusion occurs and a pay out automatically happens. Until we wrestle the narrative away from these pedo satanic worshipers, we will always be one step behind, always reactive, always dancing to their tune. Imagine after a few decades, so much value has been added to a smart contract pay out to pie the gates foundation that it’s current value is the equivalent of 12, 14, 20 million dollars. This contract can’t be changed or altered. It sits there beyond time quietly amassing wealth until its master (the activator) triggers the event.

>> No.23936826
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And the sweetest perfection is they hate crypto. It’s rat poison.

>> No.23936838

Alex Jones is 100% right apparently:

>> No.23936861

they are the best option available. there is no getting out. you have to think of it as a redoubt from which you can demonstrate and defend a superior society BEFORE the trouble comes for you. the other poster is correct, we have to become glowies of sorts in order to implant our ideas in enough "neutral territory" minds that we have a buffer

>> No.23936873

Without setting up "tribes" towns etc of likeminded people we will never be able to save ourselves. That's why they are winning now. Your idea seems good though I need to wrap my head around it

Are you joking they love crypto. Crypto and chainlink make their plan possible

>> No.23936874
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>expecting anything he says to be anything but retarded

>> No.23936926

Let's get to it then!

>> No.23936931

literally happening, can see results
>will never work

>> No.23937155
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Mirin schizomaxxin Tbh

>> No.23937188

Ultimate goal of techno commie utopia will never happen.

>> No.23937218

that won't stop them from attempting it though

>> No.23937241

of course not

>> No.23937306

We win in the end it just might get a little rough on the way there

>> No.23937372

just showing their plans, anon. cope won't help you.

>> No.23937386


you are the guy running that goodvibes panel right. I remember you.

>> No.23937450

Different guy maybe? Much love either way friend hope its a good memory