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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2391714 No.2391714 [Reply] [Original]

I won 22 million dollars and my crazy chsrtian step dad made me donate 10 million to these churches and made me give him 5 million for raising me. I now have 7 million but he demands more for his business ventures he wants to visit Africa to build churches I'm running out of money. Lost all this in 2 years

>> No.2391729

>made me
are you an adult? grow a pair of nuts.

>> No.2391733

meh proof

>> No.2391735

why did you give him any?

>> No.2391754

He said he would kick me out of the trailer and dis own me if I didn't

>> No.2391756

>made me

If you're an adult why exactly are you doing anything he says?

If you're not, why are you on this website you underageb& larping sack of shit?

>> No.2391758

it doesn't take a million dollars to build a church in africa wtf is he doing with the money?

>> No.2391764

fake but im bored.
You know he can't make you do anything right? if you're 18 you can do whatever you want

>> No.2391766

You clearly can't handle your money, so give it all to me and I'll send you a 20k monthly allowance.

>> No.2391774

If I ever get that rich my parents get a nice house and thats fucking it.

>> No.2391777


>> No.2391782

Come on. Tell your step dad to fuck off. You are the one with the money plus he ain't your real father

>> No.2391789

Move it all to a new bank, leave, start a new life

No letter, notes, regrets. 7mm is more than enough to make stellar passive income.

>> No.2391798

You can also say "no, fuck you step dad". I mean he can't legally do anything.

>> No.2391801

He won't take care of my mom if I didn't
I m not very smart I didn't go to high school I'm 23

>> No.2391804

>Tell your dad you are in and want to help
>Find out where the money is
>Convince him to get a huge insurance since Africa is dangerous
>Go with him to niggerland
>Infect him with malaria somehow and poison him further
>Return and collect millions in insurance
>God wills it!

>> No.2391840

So take care of your mom yourself?

How'd you "win" this money?

>> No.2391841

He makes YouTube videos preaching the gospel here is him

https://youtu.be/ (erase) dQw4w9WgXcQ

>> No.2391858

>Has millions.
>Lives in trailer.
>says not real dad won't take care of mom.

Fuck this, I'm going back to crying over dgb. At least that shitcoin had more credibility.

>> No.2391873

memorized this address try harder fag

>> No.2392618
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>> No.2392656

>step dad

>22 million dollars
>would kick me out

0/10 sage

>> No.2393961

Dude I actually feel sorry for you,
email me at my throwaway so I can see that you're a real person

>> No.2393993

>I actually feel sorry for you
>my throwaway
rebbit pls

>> No.2394034

I don't post here often

>> No.2394144
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Selfish PRICK. You're parents brought you into this world and if he was your real parent he would've too. Give him all the money you ungrateful FUCK!

>> No.2394233

If real just say you donated the rest. Use the whole "Left hand does not know what the right hand gives" if he asks for where the money went. Oh and then invest the 7 million in LiteDoge and basically win the lottery again.

>> No.2394302

>I won 22 million dollars and my crazy chsrtian step dad made me donate 10 million to these churches and made me give him 5 million for raising me. I now have 7 million but he demands more for his business ventures he wants to visit Africa to build churches I'm running out of money. Lost all this in 2 years

Christian charity is literally fucking bullshit

If Jesus had 20 million dollars he'd go door to door asking people if they had any major medical bills

He'd hand out crisp $100 bills to the most down and out hobos and junkies that are on every fucking corner. I've done this- its amazing to see someone so fucking grateful they can't even speak.

Glamour trips to other countries and painting a fucking church? Repave he church parking lot?
Buy a weedwhacker for the shrubbery? New stain glass windows? Get the fuck outta here you hypocrites and liars.

>> No.2394328

Your Dad is a hero and one of the last good men standing. Give me the rest of your money you lucky faggot

>> No.2394351


Just say you're gay and spent it all hiring male whores to suck off. That might solve 2 problems at once.

>> No.2394359

>/biz/ accepting anything other than proof to begin with

so easily suckered in these days, yikes