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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23839178 No.23839178 [Reply] [Original]

And none of you see this coming. You think Trump isn't one of (((them)))? It's all part of the game:

>Trump team probes election irregularities
>Finds irregularities
>Trump winning/losing is irrelevant
>Public realise postal voting is a pajeet scam
>Pressure to overhaul postal voting
>System changes to a blockchain-based one
>USPS already filed patent few months ago: https://pdfaiw.uspto.gov/.aiw?PageNum=0&docid=20200258338&IDKey=7A4F4EA40D1F&HomeUrl=http%3A%2F%2Fappft.uspto.gov%2Fnetacgi%2Fnph-Parser%3FSect1%3DPTO1%2526Sect2%3DHITOFF%2526d%3DPG01%2526p%3D1%2526u%3D%2Fnetahtml%2FPTO%2Fsrchnum.html%2526r%3D1%2526f%3DG%2526l%3D50%2526s1%3D20200258338.PGNR.%2526OS%3D%2526RS%3D
>Diagram on page 1 shows proposed structure: Blockchain Access layer to Oracles

We will make it, but at what cost?

>> No.23839260
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>> No.23839268

>We will make it, but at what cost?
Something something, civil war?

>> No.23839291

>muh mixicles

>> No.23839368
File: 44 KB, 508x524, C86514CC-C7A7-46C2-92AC-7725AE48DCEE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oracles means chianlink
You faggots are absolutely delusional. The elite will never allow a bunch of retarded pajeet neets get rich they’ll create their own system. Sounds worse than the XRPees. A lot worse considering all the fake partnerships and how it’s all an erc20 pump and dump circle jerk with literal who projects.

>> No.23839458

I was isolated from society, humiliated, ostracized, no friends, no family, so I dont care for the npcs. They can fuck themselves.
I want to be rich, have my own house and live confortably to old age, without needing to serve stupid npcs, whose IQ is around 2/3 of mine.
Let the culling comes. It should be optional, so that the stupid, the weak, the dumb, can go first to the abattoir.

>> No.23839750
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>he didn't buy BTC in 2010
>he didn't buy Eth in 2015
>he hasn't already made it from the 2017 bullrun

>> No.23840382

Holding since 2015.

>> No.23841151

is there really a direct correlation between chainlink being endorsed by the NWO, and the coin itself being pumped to heavens?

>> No.23841345

Schwab lol