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23837538 No.23837538 [Reply] [Original]

What are things I can learn to make my money work for me
Like investing
Quick ways to boost credit
How not to live paycheck to paycheck
What not to waste money on etc.

>> No.23837577


>> No.23837579

Sorry bud, but if you have to ask what NOT to spend your money on you’re NGMI. You should look at it in terms of Need Vs Want and stocks and investments need to be on the “need” side

>> No.23837600


>> No.23837641


>> No.23837646


>> No.23837675


>> No.23837678


>> No.23837679


>> No.23837683

Choose difficult college/trade school
Choose difficult major
Earn difficult job
Live like hermit
Read Antifragile
Do this for decade

>> No.23837688

first of all you need money to make it "work for you" you buzz word repeating little bitch
unironically the best thing you can possibly do is take computer science coding courses in uni and graduate.70k a year minimum.

>> No.23837724

>be 65
>worth 450k

>> No.23837731

Don't buy stuff you want, but stuff you need. Don't buy branded products, always buy budget alternatives, be a Jew in every possible way and pump all your unspent money you would use on amenities into crypto and just hodl

>> No.23837809

If it takes 15 years for you to save $100k, you are a turbonormie and NGMI.

>> No.23837822

A Jew once told me the best way to save in a relationship is by having
One month the mr saves his paychecks
Next month the mrs saves her paychecks

Then until you make a couple makes that a habit each month saving paychecks while the other spends them
Bump it up to 2 or 3 months taking turns

>> No.23837838

The point was that instead on saving you better invest, negrone

>> No.23837875

Biggest mistake I made was moving out too early, stay with your parents as long as they will let you unless they're shitty. I think the independence and never getting handouts helped as far as giving me the "real life experience" I needed, but I ran up about 8k in credit card debt to finance my stupid decisions. You need to avoid debt unless you are building credit to buy a house, which you should do ***ASAP***, it takes something you will always need (shelter) and lets you keep the money you'd normally throw away in rent as equity in your own house. Buy assets, all the time. Starting now. Go. Code Red. This should be where the majority of your paycheck goes. Eat nothing but rice and beans, "Time is money" means something different than I thought it did when I was growing up. Just do this and make sure to avoid non-house debt at all costs. No consumer debt. Don't have a car payment. You will get fucked. Do all this and you will be set.

>> No.23837991

What relationship?

>> No.23838037

Is gold a bad idea to invest in or bonds and the stock market

>> No.23838062

If your in a relationship like your married the best way to save money is
>to take turns saving paychecks each month

>> No.23838070

I started at 28 and I have $100,000 in crypto at age 30. I guess my line is much steeper this is a good thing.

>> No.23838116


>> No.23838144


>> No.23838146

Dude if you're 19 don't do boomer shit like gold and bonds. If you're asking this and just wanna go easy mode, I would say keep about 5k cash in a checking/saving account, literally everything else you make into SCHD, which is an index fund with a high dividend yield, or any other general index fund like SPY. Just put everything in there. It's the simplest thing you can do and history shows your money will double every 10 years. Just don't get discouraged and take it out for any reason. There's obviously more to it like using tax advantaged accounts, but if you're just getting started dump all your cash into one of these ETFs. Also buy a house ASAP

>> No.23838159

Don't buy gold until the next stock market peak.

>> No.23838200

>save up money
>quit job
>save even more money by not paying health insurance
>get cancer
>lose all your saved money and then some

>> No.23838259
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>tfw link

>> No.23838296
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>tfw 25 and only have £75k

>> No.23838352


In everything I've read on investing this was the most illuminating on the nature of investing and compounding for me. People have a tendency to fear it but in truth there is no other option, you just lose your money if you let it sit in something like a savings account or bonds.

>> No.23838374
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Buy assets, not liabilities. Assets make you money, liabilities cost you money, but you already knew that because you've read The Richest Man in Babylon, right anon? You either work for money or make your money work for you. DCA into BTC, ETH, and LINK for crypto. DCA a 1:20 ratio of gold to silver. DCA into gold-tier stocks like NVDA, AMZN, TSLA, and PLTR.

>> No.23838418

Nice to see someone who isn't an insane gambler on /biz/. I saw the thread and thought people would be filling this kid's head with sugar plum fairies and dreams of getting rich by now lmao

>> No.23838492

if you're a student sign up for EBT, dont say 'b-b-but im white and my parents have too much money le jews wont allow that' shut teh fuck up shaquonda at the welfare office wont check they just hand that shit out if you ar a student. thats a free 200$/month for groceries right there.
DONT go to a far away school unlesss its a DREAM opportuntiy, go to your local CC or a state college. DONT go to university right away unless you are fucking genius who knows he will go to grad school and do a phd, even then its debatable. GO to CC and work part time, invest in stocks the money you earn, you will easily have 100-200k by the time you transfer to a 4 year institution. thats not a joke, i know multiple intelligent friends who did exactly that and had that kind of money by the time they were 22.

>> No.23838503

Ya'll nighers are fucking retarded

>> No.23838630

Imagine working your entire life and only fucking having 450k in savings, Jesus

>> No.23838691
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the Richest man in Babylon is not a bad book

and it's a good entry since it's not long and written for retards

>> No.23838701


Anon... most boomers have hardly anything at all. Some are just loaded up on debt.

>> No.23838797

I'm 26 and off the chart already.

>> No.23838839

Don't go to uni unless you are certain what job you want in the future and are getting a degree to get that job.

>> No.23838936
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you both got it wrong

>> No.23838941

I’m a technician at a car company
I make 58k a year raise two years I’m gonna make 61k

What do I get started on

>> No.23839070

buy some stocks that are not in any large index funds.
you can do this through your bank,.

>> No.23839100

>I make 58k a year
>What do I get started on
suicide lmao

>> No.23839112

Dave Ramsey is a great starting point, but other than that you have to look and feel. I personally went for 3 good mutual funds, spy etf and an energy etf with a high dividend. I then bought a small about of crypto and gold to hedge. Don’t get too wrapped up in hype. That graph only works if you keep compounding into the same thing. Also you will loose some money. You’re going to have to tell your self to keep going.

>> No.23839120


Invest all your savings into SSO, set and forget. You aren't going to have enough time, or be smart enough, to manage your own individual stock portfolio. Trust the American economy and enjoy 2x leverage as a young working man, you can handle the risk. Thank me later.

>> No.23839126

Not bad for a 19 year old fag tho

>> No.23839131

why is no one suggesting crypto?

>> No.23839135

This. Don't live like pic related OP. Your 20s are the best years of your life and you should balance saving for the future with travelling and fucking as many girls as possible

>> No.23839170

based braindead normalfag

back to instagram with you

>> No.23839255

Yes about the girls I have no clue how to create sexual tension
The only plus I have is my physic is good due to my gym training but no women experience

>> No.23839398

I’m scared of crypto

>> No.23839758

>just throw away your youth so you can retire at 55 instead of 60

>> No.23839774

you need to start with ETFs
ALWAYS spread globally, don't follow the plebbit shit advice of only holding VOO / SPY or VTI
The world is not america non US equity can perform better and is needed for diversification

>> No.23839829

>throw away youth
>implying that spending it doing dumb shit that deteriorates your body and does wastes time isn't throwing it away
It's almost like you're a turbo normie

>> No.23839957

lol get eaten by the system

>> No.23840080
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it will come my friend, when i was your age i never thought i would have sex but it just happens because women also want it
but untill then
>pic related

>> No.23840118

Live below your means and maximise your savings, start investing and pay into it monthly

>> No.23840137

im gonna be completely honest.

If i had listened to my father and grandfather who both did it, I would be retired at age 37 already.

Take 10% of your paycheck every week and put it into Dividend stocks on the DOW 30

They both did this and retired before 50.

But i didnt. I spent it on weed and beer.

I did the math already and had i followed their advice i would collecting $12000 every quarter...not mentioning any value the stocks provided.

I would have over 100,000 dividend shares starting in 2000 till now.

>> No.23840146
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corrected...10% i meant 25%. Sorry

>> No.23840157

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The future economy will be built on cryptocurrencies, but they are very volatile and could be risky investments. Hedget introduces decentralized options – you pay the smallest possible premium to secure your positions against unexpected price movements.
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For Future plan of defi
earn more

>> No.23840159


You don't "create sexual tension". You talk to as many girls as you can, with no expectations, and then eventually end up alone with one and stuff happens.

>> No.23840176

At what age did they start compared to you?

>> No.23840220
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>put it into Dividend stocks on the DOW 30

obesity is linked to lower IQ, thanks for confirming

>> No.23840228

honestly? have sex

>> No.23840236

>Quick ways to boost credit
Pay bills
>How not to live paycheck to paycheck
Spend less than you earn. Save first spend afterwards. Budget. Even at your lowest always save 20% of your income even if it seems like an insignificant amount
>What not to waste money on
Anything that degrades in value quickly, especially cars.

Also investing tips
>Learn about DCA
>high returns comes with high risk. Don't try to make quick money, always think longterm
>Stay the fuck away from CFDs and other leveraged bullshit
>Buy Bitcoin and hold

That's all

>> No.23840240

i went from poverty 3 years ago to $50k in the bank now

basically, just live cheaply, don't spend money on anything you don't use every day, prepare your own food, etc.

make a brokerage account (ideally at Vanguard as they have the lowest expense ratio) and invest in a S&P 500 index fund (VFIAX is what i use.) this will beat inflation, on average. put as much into it per month as you can

>> No.23840339

Avoid getting taken victim by gurus, pyramid schemes. Some very credible people such as robert Kawasaki even sell scam courses, mist get rich quick schemes have already been done.

If something is so easy anyone can do it, there will be high competition and you need an edge.

Dont worry about buying status symbols till u hit 28, make it a flex about how little you flex

>> No.23840351

Just remember that girls need sex even more than guys. Sometimes you think how every girl seems to be a slut? Don't judge them. You'd be the same if you were a girl. Sex isn't something you need to "get" from a girl, sex is something you "give" to a girl. Just make casual sex jokes and they'll eventually become horny just by thinking about it. Some girls get horny just by hearing the word "penis". Use it as a random tourette insult when you're angry. My secret tip

>> No.23840440

Put 6k in a Roth IRA every year. As other anons have said, you can choose to put it all in index funds or just buy individual equities like AAPL or AMZN.

6k in the Roth is guaranteed to leave you with 1.5-2.5mil by the time you hit retirement age if you start at 22.

6k into Roth IRA -> max out other tax advantaged accounts (401(k), HSA, etc.) -> then put money in a taxable account. Save as much as you can but like other anons have said, enjoy your 20's. If you don't want to use your brain for investing, stick everything into index funds. If you do want to use your brain look into LEAPS, covered calls, bull call spreads, straddles, etc. and do that. Crypto is retarded just don't

Completely fine to just put 6k a year in your Roth IRA from 20-25 and spend the rest. You can start to contribute more as you start making more. Focus on finding a based wife

>> No.23840466

Don't go into debt, get a technical IT related (like computer science or network admin) from a community College. Get a good job making more money than many 4 year degree holders.

>> No.23840762

>especially cars
THIS so much. all these poor fags with their $18k 2020 ford focuses are fucking retarded. just buy used cars, then you drive porches for $18k that appriecate in value.

>> No.23840891
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>especially cars
I got pic related for 22k sticker price. Same miles, year, make, etc. just regular premium instead of premium plus.

I honestly think there are pretty solid deals on certain used luxury vehicles. Average price of a car in the US is ~25k so if I can drive an Audi A6 for 22k why would I not do that?

>> No.23840938

Keep in mind 20 dollars spent when you're 20 can be much more fun than 2,000 dollars spent when you're 80.

>> No.23840971
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22k for a 25% efficient hunk of steel

>> No.23840972

Also that ticket to that event could be where you meet the person who makes life more meaningful than chasing wealth.

>> No.23841049

Honestly that's a good deal. Considering that you also have to deal with maintenance cost and you can drive this car for 7+ years and probably resell it for a good price it's not a bad deal. You shouldn't get too cheap cars cause you're gonna pay for car breaking down all the time

>> No.23841125

at 19, just explore the world by experiencing it. best way of learning hands down.

learn general crypto through ethereum

learn the defi world through specific projects like Value

>> No.23841162

yeah lots of good deals on luxury and sport. Been seeing some nice pickups sub 20k. Planes have just started dropping through the floor in price (vax may fuck that up though)

>> No.23841205

>You shouldn't get too cheap cars cause you're gonna pay for car breaking down all the time

I bought a used Dodge Ram in 2011. Have paid <$4000 in maintenance in 100k miles. less than my cell phone cost me. fucking crazy.

>> No.23841216

Because you're spending money on a tool that has no need to be that expensive. You can achieve the same in a 5-10k used car. The rest of the money could be invested in shitcoins instead.

>> No.23841234

This chart doesnt factor inflation. If youre 35 sitting on 100k you should invest it. Take some risks. Scared money dont make money

>> No.23841242


37 year old here, who didn't really start saving until i was 27 (due to underemployment), and built up about 300k net worth in the last 10 years, about 60% of which is liquid (without any huge investment/crypto gains). compensation during that period has risen from 49k to 80k.

don't worry about boosting credit, since you shouldn't be taking out any significant loans anyway. get a single credit card (two at the max...i have a amex and visa, because some places don't take amex), and that's fine.

the most important thing at this stage is that you're working on increasing your value to potential employers. whether that's college, vocational training, internship, job, putting together a portfolio of your work, etc. i can't say, you know you.

but on the spending side, you're probably going to want to buy shit. when you get your first apartment or whatever, you're going to look around and think "i need a couch, curtains, dining room table/chairs, flatware, vacuum cleaner, pillow cases, toilet brush, etc. you'd be surprised how much "everyday" stuff there is, even in a small place. so my recommendation on that front is to get a small place, since that will curtail much of it, and for the things you do need, buy quality things that won't need to be replaced. like a good set of cutlery can last you a lifetime, and you only need 3-5 main knives, not some block of 18. you're probably going to have to move several times to keep your career moving forward, so keep that in mind, try to stay as nimble as possible.

>> No.23841250

Don’t know how to achieve it I know the process by why would I bother

>> No.23841293

I hate rich dad poor dad he’s a snake oil salesman

>> No.23841404
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>> No.23841451

>The rest of the money could be invested in shit coins
See that's where I disagree. I spent the last four years grinding super hard at an autistic EE degree.

Average household in the US makes ~55-60k a year. I'm 22 and make 70k from my EE degree and drive a 22k car. My income is higher than the US average and the price of my car is below the US average.

I went to school in state on academic scholarship and saved most of my money from internships. Graduated college in May and have already maxed out my Roth IRA contributions for 2019 & 2020. For me getting this car was a reasonably priced reward. Others may disagree but what's the point of working super hard and living like a serf when you can afford reasonable luxuries. A 22k car won't break the bank for me and it drives very very well.

>> No.23841628
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Nah the A6 is nice because it's the best Audi that has a V6, when you go to A7,A8+ everything is a V8 I believe and dramatically less fuel efficient. Essentially maximum performance while maintaining fuel economy of the V6.

>you NEED to start with ETF's
>tfw my actively managed Roth IRA went up 22% yesterday
You can disagree with my philosophy on money but I enjoy nice things and am fiscally sharp at the same time. It doesn't have to be a one or the other type scenario

>> No.23841688


Is was thinking a truck or maybe a 428i

X drive idk maybe something good on gas mileage but fun

>> No.23841703

What makes you say that?

>> No.23841717

>fiscally sharp
>investments managed by other people
>dropped $22k on a car
you don't own any link either, do you

>> No.23841756

gas mileage doesnt matter. Do a calculation over a 200k mile lifetime of the car. even double the fuel consumption is not that much compared to price of vechile and tires and oil and shit.

>> No.23841864


Based mine is similar. Just turned 30 with about 70K less

>> No.23842185

> article
If /biz/ had a general advice sticky that article would belong in it.

>> No.23842188

So a mustang gt is financial in your terms ?

>> No.23842209

>learn the defi world through specific projects like Value

Jesus don't buy VALUE ffs

>> No.23842640

If you are a poorfag don't do what every other nigger does and buy an expensive car. I've purchased 3 cars all under 3k and they were all functional AND tidy. This is very possible if you are willing to wait and search. I know so many retards who are dirt poor but make room for an overpriced car because they think that driving a recent model makes them look like they've made it.

>> No.23842675

Where do I begin with crypto? What should I read or know before I start investing?

>> No.23842761

it's no different than any other form of investing, you buy and hold something that you believe in
spoiler: you're gonna buy shitcoins and lose money

>> No.23842779

If you're 19 I'd go all in on LINK. If it fails the next 2-3 years then you'll still be at the level of all your peers. But if it succeeds you'll have an amazing start.

>> No.23842800



>> No.23842841

>saving money

lmao that's not how it works with gentile women at all, step outside of the synagogue some time

>> No.23842852

back to wherever you came from, niggers

>> No.23842886


>> No.23842960


Im not sure why you criticize the strategy.

It definately works..no you wont be rich atleast not right away....but the passive income of $20, then $80, then $160, then $240 etc..etc is a huge game changer in life. Eventually you replace your annual salary with dividends and you are done and as a bonus the stocks have huge value as time goes on so you probably are sitting on over a million dollar before age 40.

>> No.23843019

Wud? I save from every paycheck what i can. This is retard advice.

>> No.23843075

Is this chart for real?
I was fucking depressed as fuck for only having 180k in assets at 26.
And I live in a third world shithole.

>> No.23843093

I have 800k at 25, you should be depressed

>> No.23843106

Fug u nigga

>> No.23843111


Is it in stocks? $100k NW by age 30 is nothing to sneer at, it's a good goal. From there if you keep contributing compounding will do the rest of the work. That first 100k is the hardest.

>> No.23843118

>How not to live paycheck to paycheck
dont be a retard

>> No.23843158

I guess I was hoping there is more to it.

>> No.23843224

Can confirm this works
Making sexual jokes once you know a girl a little bit and playing them off by playing dumb and being the "wacky crazy says whatever he wants one" is the surest way to bridge the gap between platonic to intimate relationship with girls

>The world is not America
That's where you're wrong
Not only is America like 30% of the entire world's economy plus being a global superpower and world police, it also has the most relatively stable currency, and the reserve currency at that
Like Warren Buffett himself said diversification is for fools who don't know what they're doing
You're opportunity costing your gains away on inferior investments, not limiting downside risk
If you want proof of the above just look at European Banks right now lmao

>> No.23843229
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not a single one, but he does earn more than the average loser and drives a cheaper car ($22,000) than them, too. Reminder: it drives very, very well.

>> No.23843256


So for women all y ok got to do is flirt with all of them act horny and that’s all

>> No.23843269

just listen to that chart at the least and start it now

>> No.23843292

Lol, i'm 33 and have above what the 65 year old saved together. Good salary is more important to save every penny. Better enlarge your cash flow. Drive a nice car and wear good clothes, you won't want to hear it, but displaying status is most important for your career. Being a greedy fag will not get you anywhere.

>> No.23843296

+1 for richest man in babylon
it's the book i'd recommend for anyone getting started investing, and a good refresher of the basics for those more experienced

>> No.23843354

I only have about $9k on TDAmeritrade on GDXJ and SILJ.
The rest is in BTC/ETH/LINK 90% and 10% on Ocean, YFI, RSR, EWT, and other shitcoins. I move profits back into the big three.
I feel like all the advice people are giving the guy is very safe bets. I took a risk early because why not? I am young and if I lose the money I have the entire life ahead of me.
To OP, at 19 Id highly suggest investing in yourself, look for opportunities, read some good books.
Focus on build and accumulating assets. That doesn’t just have to by crypto which is most popular here, something like a personal brand on Youtube is also an asset. Always keep and eye on opportunities and when it comes down to it do not procrastinate, take action.

>> No.23843637

in 4 years time or so they have a run of the mill average vehicle worth less than half that. Assuming fords are the average car over in burgerland.

>> No.23843685

hurrdurrr murrica numba 1
>like 30% of the entire world's economy
imagine shilling murrica and not even knowing it holds 60% of world market cap
>diversification is for fools
hence why every investor is diversified

>> No.23843716

This is true, no smart person in this thread is saying you should dedicate your entire life and all the money you possibly can into making more money. But if you don't do it at all you're gonna be fucked when you're older

>> No.23843789



>> No.23843803


>> No.23843833

just because you dont have to slave 40 hours a week doesnt mean you have to use that time injecting black tar heroin, dumb fuck

>> No.23843843


>> No.23843860

twenty two thousand united states dollarinos for a bog standard audi every fucker has. Pathetic, you could have 2 bitcoins for that a few week ago

>> No.23843896

>caring about fuel economy when you are spending 22000 usd on a car

>> No.23843897


wtf imagine not having 100k$ under 30 and looking at the graph you ought to have it at 44 when half of your body is dead

>> No.23843920

first of all, live with your parents for as long as you can. if you can't, sacrifice and live in a dump with roommates to live as frugally as possible
invest as much as you can get away with. this is where we come back to living with your parents for as long as it's feasible
>boosting credit
i wouldn't worry about this at your age unless you have a very specific goal you'd like to achieve at a certain time. get a basic first credit card, put your expenses on it and pay it off in full on time. you won't see tremendous boosts in your score until you have a few years to your credit and, unironically, take on more debt.
>not living paycheck to paycheck
and once again we come back to living with your parents or living extremely cheaply.
>what not to waste money on
don't finance shit if you can help it. buy cars used, outright and in cash. learn to make your own repairs. you'll be saving literal hundreds in labor and maintenance yearly. this mindset will go far in the long run when you become a homeowner one day.

>> No.23844064

sitting on a huge pile of cash and not flexing with objects is better. Look at bill gates, do you think he flexes? Having fuck you money is more useful if you allow it to influence your personality and interactions with others

>> No.23844103

I’m saved when it comes to cars that’s my job pretty much what price range of a used car should I pay for under 20k

>> No.23844224

Depends on your used market. 4k is about where I top out at, but that may be more than you need to spend or may not be viable