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File: 1 KB, 1280x800, 1280px-Flag_of_Sweden.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23837089 No.23837089 [Reply] [Original]

>be Swedish
>want to fill up car
>go to work for one day
>employers pay an average of $209 per day in Sweden
>payroll tax is $51, leaving $158
>municipal tax is $38, leaving $120
>church tax is $2, leaving $118
>'public service' is $1, leaving $117

>price of gasoline is $1.38 per gallon
>value added tax is $.35 per gallon
>energy tax is $1.67 per gallon
>carbon dioxide tax is $1.1 per gallon
>VALUE ADDED TAX ON THE TAXES is $.68 per gallon (Yes, we tax taxes)

>mfw I created $209 worth of value in the free market but only got to keep $31 worth of gasoline
>mfw I pay 85% tax every time I buy gas so I can go to work and pay more taxes

Send help bros

>> No.23837097

but how will ahmed eat if you don't pay all those taxes bro? Tänk lite för fan

>> No.23837104

Oops, forgot the state income tax of 20% on incomes above 4k USD a month.

Please conquer us based American libertarians, we can't take it any more.

>> No.23837115

holy shit that's bad. i thought netherlands was bad ,but this...

>> No.23837147

You voted for this shit for the last 50 years. You get what you deserve.

>> No.23837150

I think it is so incredibly fucking crazy that there is a sizable majority of Swedes who unironically support bringing in millions of non-European immigrants and want to pay vastly higher taxes to support them.

Meanwhile, our so-called """free""" healthcare system is crumbing and our educational system which is allegedly also """free""" is nosediving in international rankings.

AND ALSO, let's not forget the inflation tax which is vastly higher than the rigged CPI number, it's probably been at around 5-10% since 2008 (definitely higher in Stockholm).

>> No.23837162

just wait till you see how they tax investments

>> No.23837185

To make matters worse, the average salary in Sweden is roughly $50k USD a year, and after tax that's probably around $20k.

Meanwhile, the cheapest price you can see for a one-room studio shoebox apartment in Stockholm is roughly $200-300k and that's in a shit-tier area (car bombings, shootings, gang violence etc.).

Fucking ridiculous, please just end it all for us.

>> No.23837188

At least you know what you pay for you have an all around good country with clean water and high living standards unlike here in ex-commie shitland :) also good genes and nice women so enjouy it can be a hell lot worse than that.

>> No.23837191

If every other country was this selfless then your burden would be shared and the world would be a much better place.
I respect all Scandinavian countries

>> No.23837207

Yup, 30% capital gains tax. Although for stocks is roughly 1% of your portfolio value per year which is nice but that's ONLY for equities and you're shit out of luck if you're trying to start a business where you're taxed out the wazoo even for dividends.

>> No.23837224

>is so incredibly fucking crazy that there is a sizable majority of Swedes who unironically support

From what I understand, the discourse in sweden has been dominated by a the liberal elite for decades. A local newspaper of mine has recently had an article about the so-called "Meinungskorridor" in Sweden, apparently the "Corridor of Opinion" in which everyone is expected to express their political statements, otherwise facing social repercussions. Which has led to a sort of 1984isn newspeak culture.

On the other side, you swedes can once again be proud to be at the progressive forefront of western culture, since now with political correctness we're doing the exact same thing in the rest of the western world. Don't worry, we'll soon join your high taxes and ahmed rates.

>> No.23837238
File: 135 KB, 2518x1222, chad finland.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23837240

Mate I'm looking to relocate to an ex-commie country, namely Estonia. I think they are doing a lot of things right and it seems like that country is how Sweden was before mass immigration and ridiculous taxation.

People forget that while we may have a safety net, we've always been a very safe country and the ridiculous taxation is a relatively new thing and only really started in the mid-1970s. We are a "nice" country DESPITE the crazy taxation and state expansion not because of it.

And also, none of this comes free, we pay taxes to fund it. The biggest lie ever sold by socialists is free education and free healthcare, someone somewhere is footing the bill.

>> No.23837270

Don t get too cocky pekka. Finland is heading towards the same fate with their nigger lover government

>> No.23837290
File: 95 KB, 1024x576, 1556307446839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that the jews are probably responsible for this

>> No.23837293

This is true, but it's not really a function of a liberal elite, it's more due to our culture which is extremely conformist and consensus-based. It's a double-edged sword because while everyone generally trusts each other (at least natives), it also means that any dissent is quickly quashed due to social pressures.

On the other hand, if mass deportations of immigrants became socially acceptable to support in this country (this is already happening and is now a common discussion topic at bars and dinner parties), I guarantee that the entire population save for some leftist maniacs would flip overnight.

Screencap this post, the first country to stand up to the globohomo will be Sweden and we will definitely be the first to deport immigrants. The only problem is that I'm not sure how long it will take.

>> No.23837325

do you hate multiculture anon? Don't you eat pizza or sushi ?

>> No.23837332


>> No.23837351

I don't hate multiculture, I hate the welfare state that is subsidising parasites from third-world countries with zero requirements for self-sufficiency. The root problem is of course not mass immigration, the root problem is an out of control welfare state that encourages the worst of the third world to come here and leech off gibs.

>> No.23837373

>I suffer in the first world
Grow up faggot

>> No.23837399

I've never heard it described as free in the sense you suggest.
Its free at the point of delivery.

>> No.23837405

>i'm brown and live in nuclear waste because my people are genetically low IQ retards
>you should be comparatively happy

reminder that third worldies want everyone to live like them.

>> No.23837410

>I pay 85% tax every time I buy gas so I can go to work and pay more taxes
that is all good, but are you eating bugs/living in pods? if not, then there is no reason for you to brag about your contribution to society and global wealth inequality.

>> No.23837419

it's because 7 swedes out of 10 works for the gov.

>> No.23837428

not really. AfS ballots were thrown out along with other non-extreme leftist party ballots. The only thing they have done wrong is not staging an insurrection.

>> No.23837452

>The root problem is of course not mass immigration
Good goy, I see you are fully aware of what's okay to say and what not. Of course your welfare state, which has been setup for swedes, is the problem - and not the hordes of low-iq sandniggers exploiting it. Everyone who even vaguely suggests otherwise is, most certainly, a racist nazi!

>> No.23837460

And le based polacks still flood the country to work and live here