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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 4 KB, 168x94, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2378818 No.2378818 [Reply] [Original]

Why didn't you tell me this guy is the CEO of Stratis? I almost went heavy into this coin before I saw this shit.

Reminder: If you're buying a coin to hold, always do your due diligence.

>> No.2378834


>> No.2378846

You're more of a nigger than he is..

>> No.2378856



>> No.2378869

lol never invest in anything that is run by a nigger. They're incredibly incompetent.

>> No.2378881

What's your excuse?

>> No.2378885

You guys keep not buying strat and we will get another 100000% ROI without you.

>> No.2378895
File: 51 KB, 640x421, iq5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well if he's smart enough to make it this far perhaps he's at the extreme end of the bell curve.

Can we not recognize exceptions for being exceptional?

>> No.2378898


>> No.2378907

You need to know who is writing the code for Stratis.
Guy named Nicolas Dorrier a Bitcoin Core developer.

>> No.2378916

A fucking AIDS Ethiopian nigger lol good luck with your business Mr.CEO

>> No.2378923

You're a year late for that train little homie.

>> No.2378963

I don't care who built the car. I'm not getting in it if a nigger is driving it.

>> No.2378974

What is the problem, son?

You no want nigcoin?

>> No.2379140


>> No.2379174

Mainstream media is gonna love a black brit CEO

>> No.2379372

hahah this so much
no fucking joke

>> No.2379400


OP why the fuck didn't you invest months ago? Look at the ROI since the ICO, this shit will be better than ETH in the long run for gains.

>> No.2379448

The nigger is selling the car to cucks who care about being "progressive", the bitcoin core developer is driving it.

>> No.2379478

>comparing modern civilization to fucking an african shithole
>Not realizing the USA spends like 20k per citizen to train their brain and brainwash them

>> No.2379528

Bots and whales are controlling this coin. Don't expect nice gains for a while

>> No.2379545
File: 9 KB, 194x259, 2017-06-10-17-05-05-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Google this Nicolas fellow
>This picture comes up

not exactly inspiring confidence

>> No.2379655

Says the faggot who probably instadumped their ICO coins and is now assmad that it went to the moon. You probably bought BAT and instadumped it, too.

>> No.2379694

Bet you won't buy HMQ either.

Remember, everybody, this is why /pol/ is poor.

>> No.2379712
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SELL SELL SELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.2379803

/pol/ has ruined /biz/

>> No.2379814

those are blacks born and raised in america

>> No.2379830

Graph is based off of Americans for both groups.

>> No.2379833

at least he works instead of you OP

>> No.2379919

They ruin every board, they're worse than reddit

>> No.2380081

Found the jew.

>> No.2380204

Notice how they come as a group all at the same time? They're not even subtle.

>> No.2380232


You talk like a niggerfag.

>> No.2380249
File: 65 KB, 1280x720, 1489155784550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what lol

are you seriously implying im part of some coordinated anti-/pol/ posting squad

you. tinfoil. retard.

im lmaoing at ur life rn kid

>> No.2380283
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>> No.2380319

the only nigger i trust is

>> No.2380320

god damn it. well strat is still good though I may overlook his race to make money in the long run.

>> No.2380435

it will be $15 by end of june

>> No.2380592

I don't know who you are but when you and your buddies swoop into threads all at the same time and camp out, you make it obvious that someone sent out the bat signal to come play Nigger Internet Defense Force.

>> No.2380921
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>> No.2381016

more like GROIDCOIN RESEARCH, amirite?

>> No.2381048

>dindu his own research
>n shieeet

You deserve it tbqh

>> No.2381098
File: 78 KB, 1306x354, 1488175882954.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's almost like there isn't a conspiracy at all, and people just naturally dislike irritating /pol/shit ruining their board.

>> No.2381164


its almost like you didnt even see the hilarious nigger coin threads recently and realize that being the fun police on the internet actually makes you a colossal loser

>> No.2381222
File: 26 KB, 600x401, 8a9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thread is still up, check thread
>90% of the post are just people posting addresses and begging (like niggers, ironically)
A real laugh riot

>> No.2381249
File: 45 KB, 333x229, sss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This ride will not end until we reach a dolar

>> No.2381382

lol stratis is like 10$ moron

>> No.2381451



Hello rebbit!

>Jews and nigposting only started with /pol/

Fucking newfags

>> No.2381469
File: 2 KB, 124x85, sss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This ride will not end until we reach $25

>> No.2381521

And? BTC went from 30->1 once. You think this coin is immune to that?

>> No.2381681

that pic is 4 years old

>> No.2382037

>Scaled to ethnic composition of U.S.
Nice reading comprehension

>> No.2382102

Try listening to him talk, he speaks more eloquently than the majority of the people on this board.

>> No.2382184

They seriously did. Why the fuck are they even here. It's like they don't want to make money. Race doesn't matter when your making money. Oh well they will stay poor

>> No.2382217

Nice trips

>> No.2382237
File: 110 KB, 588x602, 1484535018675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

crypto has ruined /biz/

>> No.2382868

SJWs and yuppies think crytpo is cis/white/STEM/ male fascism. this is how you get those morons' money.

long term hodl.

>> No.2382890


How is that relevant? The poster is/was a fucking newfag.

>> No.2382923

/biz/ ruined /biz/

>> No.2382964


You should still buy even though the CEO is a nigger

I heard he is a Nigerian prince and will send you $20 million if you buy enough of his "coins"

>> No.2382987
File: 38 KB, 390x170, STRATIS_Biz-Card_001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao op isnt kidding, the CEO of stratis is a legit nignagoon

>> No.2383035
File: 39 KB, 481x349, Fred.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are literally the Muslim rapefugees of 4chan

"Hey looks like you built a decent culture here, can we join you?"
>Yeah sure!
"HEY GUYS, they're letting us in over there, TELL EVERYONE, BRING FRIENDS"
>Oh my, well that's a bit more of you than we expected but that's ok, just please follow our rules and adhere to our culture
>Hey what are you doing? We told you to respect our rules and culture!
"FUCK YOU, sharia /pol/ for /biz/, we run things here now, behead those who insult /pol/"
>Please leave
"No, WE WERE HERE ALL ALONG, we founded this board, we wuz the real biz, don't attack us can't you see that the people who disagree with our behavior are just as bad for disagreeing? Fucking fascists REEE"

>> No.2383062

Is this supposed to be funny?

>> No.2383114

/biz/ has always joked about (((Them))) and kek'd on niggers

>> No.2383127


If you don't like it go back to tumblr.

>> No.2383205
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>tfw I was going to buy 10000 Stratis coins while it was under a dollar, but missed out on massive gains because I fell for the niggercoin/WE WUZ KANGS memes and didn't buy
It's dipping hard and I'm going to buy nigger coin and get rich. At least I'll be a rich racist rather than a poor one. Fuck you guys.

>> No.2383267

fucking gross

>> No.2383504

You racists are pathetic, I bet you wouldn't say any of this shit to his face.

>> No.2383523
File: 13 KB, 253x446, Accidentally+googled+jews+shark_ce5669_5538775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is somewhat true, the jews will pump his coin full of fiat just to prove a point and meet affirmative action standards.

>See goyim a black man can also be successful in crypto were ALL EQUAL

>> No.2383528
File: 72 KB, 1320x372, DB_HDf_WsAApH0o.jpg-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2383531


You fucking disgusting nigger lover.

Enjoy your no gains and getting fucking BLACKED.

>> No.2383533

you must be new here

>> No.2383585
File: 98 KB, 600x500, deeply concerned.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i unironically refused to invest in stratis for this reason.

i try my best not to be racist but it's hard sometimes.

>> No.2383624

He's North/East African... Huge difference between them and South/West Africans (real niggas)

>> No.2384089

idk about the ceo but I think golem coin is far superior to stratis

>> No.2384156

I have a feeling Golem will replace Ethereum!

>> No.2384197

Will you kill yourself when you discover your ancestors were niggers?

>> No.2384272

This thread makes me sad. Maybe I am getting too old to come here (even occasionally) but when I see a bunch of kidiots joke about a company failing because its CEO is black it really does highlight what a bunch of retards you are.

There are a lot of companies in this space with successful founders who are black (or of other races.) There are also many reasons not to invest in a company .... but not investing because the CEO is black is the most ridiculous investment logic I've ever heard. Anyone who isn't just saying this to be an edgy teenager deserves to be poor, IMO.

It's just like ... of all the things a company could fuck up from terrible execution, team skills, vision, and so many others factors, you guys focus on this. If I were the CEO reading this thread I'd be pissed off. But not because I was black or because you called me a nigger. It's because of how absolutely pathetic and empty the insult was, like it wasn't even worth the OPs time to think of something better to attack. Incredible.

>> No.2384394

The response to this is pretty much going to be:
>YEAH? Well.........Reddit!

>> No.2384440

Have you ever met anyone in life, and decided to stay away from them based on their appearance?

For example, avoiding walking down a dark alleyway when you noticed 2 suspicious men are following you?

Or perhaps avoding talking to that girl because she's fat and not so hot?

>> No.2384486

It fucking runs on Ethereum

>> No.2384553
File: 47 KB, 600x450, NOT ALL X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are high iq ones, but they're outliers. But they still exist.

BUT, they also lack the prefrontal cortex development. Intelligence isn't a one dimensional slider. See next pic.

>> No.2384568
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>> No.2384592
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>> No.2384594


>> No.2384605

When did ShareBlue make a /biz/ division, you faggots are getting annoying. Also, good job on not being obvious.

>> No.2384620

itt white trash is angry that a nigger is a ceo of something. Dumb goy that fight each other deserve to be poor.

>> No.2384739

I don't think anyone is angry about. I think people are just weary of putting money into to a project ran by a nog.

>> No.2384757

Personally I don't give a fuck as long as goy by the nogs product.

>> No.2384867

They ruined basically every board on the site from what I can tell. 4chan is basically just /pol/ now.

What gets me most is how massive of an intellectually vapid collective they are. Truly if you've spoken to one of them you've spoken to all of them in that moment.

>> No.2384875

>SJWs and yuppies think crytpo is cis/white/STEM/ male fascism.
No. No, nobody thinks this. There's more nuance to the world than what you think liberals and leftists are doing and thinking. What the fuck is wrong with you.

>> No.2384933

Don't like it? Then you can git out you tripplenigger.

>> No.2384969

Welcome to /biz/ OP, where the IQ is even lower than everyone's investments of $50.

>> No.2385007

STRATIS is better than 90% of shitcoins shilled here

Expect it to hit 35000-40000 soon

>> No.2385033

Especially with the release of the Breeze wallet later this month possibly (not sure if confirmed yet for end of June?).

>> No.2385048

It has been mentioned several times in the slack that the wallet might be completed sooner than the deadline which was the end of June. So stock up and stop fucking bashing this coin just because the ceo is black you stupid fucks. Maybe read the whitepaper first fucking rednecks

>> No.2385068

>who cares anon, more $$$ for us

>> No.2385097

>bought in around 1 dollar and sold at 11
Stay mad racists

>> No.2385693
File: 122 KB, 512x512, 1496377630942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw didn't invest in Stratis as soon as I found out about nigger and jews behind project
>tfw missed out on 1100% gains

I won't fuck up this time, NGR to the MOOOOOOOON!!!

>> No.2385721

actually can't believe people care this much