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File: 1.13 MB, 1413x692, mattercannotbecreatedordestroyed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23778505 No.23778505 [Reply] [Original]


I don't understand how people don't understand that money comes from somewhere. It doesn't just appear it isn't magic.

The top 1% earners in the country can't be the only ones billed, it trickles down. Its impossible not to tax the middle class when you say you'll increase taxes, its unilateral. You're FOOLS, you're all FOOLS and we're DOOMED

>> No.23778516

yur math is bed

>> No.23778536

This guy isnt getting anything done with a Republican senate

>> No.23778555

I cant say they elected a commie, as their election was frauded.

>> No.23778571

>centrist corporate democrat is a communist
what type of delusional worldview is this and how do i experience it?

>> No.23778584

>republican senate
all in the pockets of the goblohomo. Your two party system is as much of a mirage as the blue wave that just sold your country to china

>> No.23778589

>how do i experience it
take an accounting class then go to bidens website

>> No.23778601

>he thinks biden has the mental capacity to do anything
Say helo to commiedent kamala

>> No.23778814

nigga we're 27T in debt and the only benefactors have been megacorp's stocks. are you retarded? money has been coming from "magic" QE printing forever now

>> No.23778862

this country is so fucking pathetic i hope the yuan replaces the dollar as WRC and we just get fucking annihilated. when i saw all those fucking nigger poll worker sheboons i knew it was over

>> No.23778874

You're forgetting the CCP is behind Biden. Couple of deals here and there to help China means the US economy will BOOM like a motherfucker. Watch the stock market. It's going up 200% in the next 4 years.

>> No.23778980

>money comes from somewhere
Yeah, it's created by your central bank.

>> No.23779314

not real money

>> No.23779592

hate to say this but you're not smart enough for political opinions my braindead lil buddy

>> No.23779727

Very curious to see how this pans out. I voted for trump but if Biden’s policy turns out to be protectionist and if he continues to lower our foreign entanglements then I’ll vote for him in four years. Biden can’t really accomplish any of his major goals without the backing of senate so this is going to a foreign policy heavy president.

>> No.23779923

i wonder if commisar Kamala is going to go full stalin and give the trump family the kennedy treatment
trump is too powerfull and way to wealthy to be allowed to return to civilian life, most politicians would be neutered by removing what little position they had, but not wealthy businessmen
i'd be looking at flights to lesotho if i was trump jr at this point

>> No.23779951

Visit any country

>> No.23779956
File: 34 KB, 624x588, 192B18C8-6F44-4EBC-8C88-09308A2E2A1E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It doesn't just appear it isn't magic.

>> No.23779972
File: 173 KB, 376x512, biden.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biden's gonna be dead in 4 years dude. The man is ancient.

>> No.23779975

Digital yuan powered by XRP releases next year. Make of this information what you will.

>> No.23779978

Then you think it is possible to isolate 1% of people and increase their taxes

>> No.23779979

China fuck off, your posts are so stupid it doesn't help you, this is not an insult, this is mirror.

>> No.23780056

>claiming someone else isn't smart enough

go back

>> No.23780057


>> No.23780078

>he doesnt understand that a multipolar world literally spells the end for the US economy
The dollar only stays afloat because quite frankly it has to. Remove dollar hegemony and it goes to being a rupee-tier shit currency because of how over overprinted it is

>> No.23780080

Yes and no. Anyone that thinks they are physically printing a bunch of money is retarded. Its more like some guy sitting at a computer typing some large number into it and pressing enter. That and banks creating new money with loans that technically doesn't even exist except on a computer. Its a centralized digital asset. We are moving to completely digital money. Usd is now a shit coin. I'm unironically all in crypto.

>> No.23780094

>if Biden’s policy turns out to be protectionist
>the man who sent manufacturing to China
useless country
useless people

>> No.23780119

So uh this guy was a senator for decades and they record how senators voted in government archives that are publically available. Not gonna spoon feed you beyond that.

>> No.23780136


>> No.23780153

To experience it you have to kill yourself and then when you respawn select 80 IQ at the character select screen.

>> No.23780162

This guy gets it. The USD is issued in massive digital payments that aren't even fully disclosed making it worse than even the shittest of shitcoins. Its true value is less than 1% of what it currently is.

>> No.23780212

>I don't understand how people don't understand that money comes from somewhere.
it literally doesn't

>> No.23780224

>money comes from somewhere
>it isnt magic
Yes it is

>> No.23780255

>I don't understand how people don't understand that money comes from somewhere. It doesn't just appear it isn't magic

This is how I know you don’t understand our monetary system. A banker literally pulls it out of his ass like a fucking magic trick dude

>> No.23780259

Cuck piece of shit. Your regressive agenda has been soundly rejected. We will drag you kicking and screaming into the 21st century.

>> No.23780283

none of you are even reading the post, I'm arguing about the linked tax policy

>> No.23780303

it would help a lot if you woke up from the masturbatory delusion that communism exists to help working people, it is and has always been a weapon wielded by the ultrarich against the middle class, and that is all it well ever be. all of the bloated ideology and accumulated philosophy of the communist movement can be atomized down to the simple fact that communist policies have never accomplished anything aside from empowering an elite minority that rules over a vast slave caste wholly dependent on their masters, in this case corporations

so yes, Biden is a corporatist puppet, which is exactly why his administration will force communism onto the American people

>> No.23780311
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>it trickles down

>> No.23780317


>> No.23780324

Which of Biden’s policies are communist?

>> No.23780349

relax retard it's all part of the show.

>> No.23780362

>red vs blue retardation

>> No.23780365

this whole debate about rich people paying taxes is a smokescreen over the fact that the middle class already has half their income locked up in state, federal, sales, and property taxes. No one ever wants to talk about how common people are already getting absolutely buttfucked by taxes, they just bend over and ask for more

>> No.23780371
File: 1.62 MB, 320x180, ry3Xk8[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23780442

I'm never paying a cent in taxes
Suck it chinks or nwo whoever the fuck is running the show (I don't think it's Jews anymore trump was unironically their guy)

>> No.23780446

I was just replying to comments in general. I've already been getting raped for taxes since 2017 and that was under trump. I don't see it being any different with biden so yeah your right. I make under 400k a year with crypto so I'm probably fucked. Thats why I'm willing to take losses with shitcoins to offset what I pay every year.

>> No.23780464
File: 1.04 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20201107-134058.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don’t want the 1%’s money, i want the quadrillions that have been stolen and hoarded by the super rich. is there a candidate that’s for that? or are they all just misdirection?

>> No.23780488

imagine believing 10b is wealthy

>> No.23780496

Why on earth would you want their monopoly money
If anything you would advocate for seizure of hard assets like gold and land. What the fuck is that paper going to do for you

>> No.23780499
File: 40 KB, 600x600, 842CC81C-2D33-4888-B172-B00CB30B65B8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

K nice shifting goalposts retard

kys trumpennigger, Biden is YOUR president.

>> No.23780501

the majority of that debt is an iou to banks for bailing them out under Obama. We owe the banks for saving them after they knowingly scammed and frauded citizens.

>> No.23780500

>he doesnt know that their are two factions of jews
Globalist jews, Zionist jews. One believes in using Israel as its base of operations and the other is decentralized.

>> No.23780513

i'd be more concerned about his stance toward china and international trade that will decimate the middle class.

>> No.23780532

Biden is not a protectionist, he literally said in an international recorded meeting that he wants to replace American citizens lmao bait asf

>> No.23780539

also get ready for democrats to pretend we're the only person imposing tariffs while ignoring the fact that most other countries impose tariffs on us. they are truly versed in (((double speak.)))

>> No.23780542

he wont be able to increase taxes on the upper class, but the senate republicans might agree to raise taxes on the middle class kek.

>> No.23780574

This. We literally owe money to banks because democratically elected politicians said we do. The banks didn't even ask for it, we wrote a check and said "take my money".

>> No.23780631

>this is the iq of the average “leftist”
oy vey

>> No.23780692

all of his economic policies would be geared toward obliterating the middle class, if you’re not a billionaire it’s ogre. his supporters are braindead though and will wonder in six years why they’re all broke, I’m sure they’ll just blame white people kek. While the corporations continue not giving a fuck and pounding the cattle in the ass

>> No.23780721

youre right, land is the thing i really want from them. 1/3 of most people’s income goes toward paying landlords, or paying down a loan to "buy" the land, which is charged interest and then taxed. imagine if we didnt have to pay property taxes or death taxes. we could easily pass down land to our kids and everyone could work 1/3 less hours. seizure would work faster of course.

it’s funny how many americans worship modern day kings like bill gates, while thinking they are against monarchy.

>> No.23780803

hes already listing of our allies in Asia since China will be emboldened to make military moves once hes confirmed.

>> No.23780831

*pissing off

>> No.23780892
File: 130 KB, 883x1024, D1F98644-052B-499B-9F2C-8FCECF06FF73.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23780909

I'm putting all my money in cryptos and not selling till he's/Kamala is out of office

>> No.23780935

>Biden is a communist
I can't believe I share a board with people this genuinely retarded.

>> No.23781055

get ready for more sand nigger wars too. trump was a stupid fat orange nigger retard but at least he kept us out of wars for 4 years.

>> No.23781083

Who's pissing off of our allies in asia? Trump shat all over them for years and before that Obama shat all over them too.

>> No.23781091


>nigga we're 27T in debt and the only benefactors have been megacorp's stocks

and that's a good thing

>> No.23781097

I wish. Bernie lost.

>> No.23781228

You don't. They're just refugees lfleeing the absolute asschapping they're getting in their home board, /pol/.

>> No.23781261

The amount of newfags or reddit niggers is outstanding.

>> No.23781295
File: 154 KB, 640x893, 1604771950430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The country really went downhill when we let in all the non-anglos.

>> No.23781312

>what is a hyperbola

>> No.23781342

Brrrr hahaha

>> No.23781361
File: 108 KB, 624x747, 757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Biden is a communist
This is why everyone laughs at trumpanzees

>> No.23781425


the reason your economy is so great is because it's good to be rich in the US.
you elect people like Harris you will become Europe. No growth, big debt, everyone has the same wage.

>> No.23781575

Two steps from communism is basically communism. Biden is a socialist. But you wouldn't understand since you never studied anything but low tier american political studies.

>> No.23781596

he wasn't elected. He needed thousands of fraud ballots in the middle of the night to steal the states trump was going to win.

>> No.23781661

Not to mention that odd glitch that happened with the voting software. Personally based on that software glitch, the election should be reheld and voters should be forced to vote in person, except those oversees in the military obviously.

>> No.23781662
File: 32 KB, 500x396, 1571858805125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it trickles down

How cucked do you have to be to actually believe this? The last 40 years have been nothing but wealth concentrating upward while the middle class shrinks

>> No.23781664

name one thing he did that was capitalist over than illegal business deals with his son

>> No.23781684

That’s what they want obviously

>> No.23781702

yeah they never stopped counting before and the other votes were already counted. They needed to know how many fraud votes they needed to steal the election. Then magically in the night they got just the right number of votes. the biden graph goes straight up. Anyone with a brain could see this was rigged more than a saddam hussein election.

>> No.23781773

Is this why he received tons of donations by corporations within their own country? You probably also think the neoliberal shitcole called Europe is left because they hand out a bunch of free gibs and have high taxes while forcing liberal corporate shit on your in extremely dystopian manner. Fucking kek. How about you get your ass out of the forced left vs right dichotomy?

Pretty sure he means that the tax-induced loss in the wallet of muh elites will have to be repaid in form of higher consumer prices, rents, etc.

>> No.23781815

Hitler was a socialist, too, btw. Even though he referred to his as "the party of the middle / center." Many neoliberal European parties leading their country do the same today (e.g. Germany). Yet nobody sane will call them leftist.

>> No.23781857


real leftism doesn't exist in the developed world so whatever the original meaning was is not interesting anymore.
Germany is about as leftist as you get these days.

>> No.23781881

>don't understand how people don't understand that money comes from somewhere. It doesn't just appear it isn't magic.

It literally does "just appear" anon.

>> No.23781908

I feel you Anon, the level of retardation is quite high atm.

>> No.23781913

I fucking wish

>> No.23781966

This whole election is one hell of a shit show mess, I hope Trump actually gets enough proof to have a good chunk of Biden's votes disqualified.
Those corps did that to appease the dumb masses that voted for Biden. And yes Europe is socialist which falls center LEFT. And trying to shy away from left and right wings is pointless and only gives way to change political narratives, further creating political division on both sides. Me identifying as center RIGHT still means that I'm right wing and not left. But whatever you believe what you want to.

>> No.23781985


>> No.23782027

If he manages to wiggle himself in the office he will be out in 6 months due to dementia, kamala will take his place

>> No.23782245

>will have to be repaid in form of higher consumer prices, rents
somebody gets it