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23739171 No.23739171 [Reply] [Original]

Is is going to rally soon?

>> No.23739342
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come on anons.

>> No.23739362

fake blog post but would be cool if it was true

>> No.23739380

I think it is.


>> No.23740038
File: 42 KB, 628x661, Screenshot_7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most likely true. All the legitimate ballots have verifiable markers.... OOPS!!

>> No.23740069
File: 57 KB, 1606x323, EmA9UyPW0AI1nVl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dems are fucked

>> No.23740271
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>> No.23741507
File: 158 KB, 904x1054, EmA64XpWoAUH6DF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are about to see some epic shit go down

>> No.23741603

>He doesn't know states run their own elections and DHS has literally zero input

KYS schizo.

>> No.23741672
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>inb4 the Homeland Security purposefully gave these ballots out in the swing states

>> No.23741682

>We are about to see some epic shit go down
nothing ever happens, we live in the most confusing yet boring time.. talk talk, then nuffin.
not gonna participate in this live action roleplay of "shit about to happen".

>> No.23741713

*exception is obviously crypto, where things are about to get real crazy within the next couple of years.

>> No.23742014

I want to habeeb, but this is just q-boomer hopium. Even if DHS did some sort of secret watermark on legit ballots, there's absolutely no way a plan of such scale could be kept secret. There are so many deep state people and laquishas in the government bureaucracy that word would have gotten out.

>> No.23743160
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Q told us what would happen. But democrats are fucking stupid and desperate and went ahead ahead and committed fraud anyway for everyone to see.

>> No.23743271

Retards, they aren't producing fake ballots, they're fraudulently filling in actual ballots. A water mark won't do shit.