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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23685217 No.23685217 [Reply] [Original]

instead of 2 months of watching your portfolio go down to 0, you instantly get the end result. Fantastic.

>> No.23685269
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>> No.23685381

And people on this board shit on BTC. Jesus christ why can't you people stop getting rugged?

>> No.23685421

It's not a rug. Why only steal 1300 eth?

>> No.23685437

Didn't it have 2 audits as well?

>> No.23685495

Yes. Nobody spotted the integral overflow exploit that was used.

>> No.23685555

its OVER
hex will die too

>> No.23685622

I can't see how a 1/2mil theft means that a crypto with a 23mil liquidity pool is dead.

>> No.23685680

wasted quads

>> No.23685692

>n-no its not dead!!
cope, my quads just prove im right

>> No.23685694


Thanks just market bought 1B HEX

>> No.23685698

Trust is basically 0. If the team really does take a snapshot of Hex2t/Axion a minute before the exploit and reimburses everyone, what's stopping everyone from bullrushing uniswap to get some money back?
Nobody is going to hold this for 5 seconds, let alone the 5 year plan the team wanted.

>> No.23685909

Wait, so is it dead because of the 1300 eth theft or your FUD because you have trust issues? Whatever. Get it back and sell it. How big was your stack anyway? Did you even have one?

>> No.23685915

and you still believe it wasn't a rug?

>> No.23685959

There was literally nothing to gain. 1300 ETH, what a prize. There was more money to be made keeping it going.

>> No.23686031

I had a 35 million stack that I got lucky and didn't convert. I was trying to get more by watching the prices of Axion and HEX2T looking for a dip in the latter by someone who didn't understand what was going on and color me surprised when Axion token was suddenly 1ETH for 6billion.
I'm lucky I got out of Hex2t before the bloodbath started.

So yeah, I guess it is FUD, because I fear no sensible investor would get back into this project, I'm uncertain the team can recover the loss of trust between them and the community, and I doubt anyone is going to trust them with funds for over 5 years if they can't keep them safe for 15 minutes.

>> No.23686063

Never forget that the people coding these projects taught themselves in 3 months with some YouTube videos and the people doing the audits only had 2 months.

>> No.23686087

bro 2 months to spot an integer overflow exploit?

>> No.23686124

They were drunk/high and sleep deprived the entire time. Also listening to kpop over the tutorial videos. Many such cases, sad.

>> No.23686173

Lol didn't you see BREE rug for something like 10k usd?

>> No.23686237

I actually believe the devs when they say it wasn't them. If it was they would have had at least waited till day 2 when everyone had locked in their stakes and they could have even ran off with the ETH from the first auction too.
This def felt more like an attack. Happened way too early, barely anyone had moved their tokens.

>> No.23686262

Yeah, they could have easily just sold the dev fund for the entire liquidity pool at any moment.

>> No.23686285

$500k. If you dont consider it a prize you're probably a billionaire and should go back to eating lobsters for snack instead of browsing 4chan all day lol

>> No.23686316

Exactly what they would want you to think, just like with any "hack" lols

>> No.23686363

>I'm going to do something so retarded that people won't believe it was me

There was literally millions to be made running it as a legit project.

>> No.23686395

meanwhile the hacker took it in 2hours after launch.
hacker actually had hex2t that he tranfered for axion. only after that did he see he can exploit and did that.
but he was an investor himself

>> No.23686407

Money rugged from AXION will be used to pump HEX on UNI and make bunch of shill posts talking about price pump. HEX is running out of money to keep their Ponzi alive and thats why stuff like this happens

>> No.23686421

where is this int overflow you're talking about?

>> No.23686465

Better projects had a huge downfall not long after launching - this could be the main reason

>> No.23686489

thing is, its in a much better place now.
if they come through on the snapshot rollback.

then there will be no liquidity to bootstrap the uni pool

it means all buying will be done through the AA.

they will start it back at same price. plus all the AA buying will pump it farther.

this was actually a genius plan weather they did it on purpose or it happened to come out this way.

its almost better now then before. now all buying will be done on AA lobby and eth will be used to pump the price auto buying on uni with no liquidity.

fucking based devs and hackers

im kinda coping 200mil staked.

>> No.23686570

it's over Gilles

>> No.23686575



>> No.23686665

yes actually

>> No.23687625

Yes, go get your free 20 cents

>> No.23687915

You got rugged by Axia and now Axion, I should make a token called Axisomething myself and rug you for the third time

>> No.23688077

3rd Reichpull