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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 72 KB, 717x577, Elx9oBKUYAUw0nL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23681972 No.23681972 [Reply] [Original]

is this the big chainlink news that faggots was talking about earlier?


>> No.23681984

i is brainlet but is that the baseline protocol?

>> No.23682002

>ethereum-based dlt platform
it could literally be anything you stupid schizo faggot. and I own link

>> No.23682015
File: 310 KB, 443x512, 8E929188-6C23-472F-9926-5F0E9B7D86A1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>’atomic’ delivery

>> No.23682034

im not talking about the highlighted text, not my screenshot actually

>> No.23682103

This is nothing to do with Link.
The connection is Quant; CBDCs and ConsenSys.

>> No.23682174

We don’t even know if consensys is working with link
Are you just one person or did quant hire the entire city of Mumbai?

>> No.23682197

>Are you just one person or did quant hire the entire city of Mumbai?

>> No.23682214

you mean all you newfrens?

>> No.23682238

>We don’t even know if consensys is working with link
Openlaw and Kaleido are both Consensys.
Not to mention Baseline Protocol, where Chainlink and Consensys are both involved.

>> No.23682259

I’m concerned that when the subcontinent discovers Quant, there will be no fucking QNT left for us!
Billions of Indians and their cousins fighting over 14 million QNT :(

>> No.23682264

how does QNT help a central bank create their currency in practice ? I dont understand their technology

>> No.23682265
File: 32 KB, 349x389, B9357A85-C921-44FE-BA15-8D05C1139E67.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are you just one person or did quant hire the entire city of Mumbai?

>> No.23682333

MIT, Intel and Swisscom and working with Quant to document ODAP - Open Digital Asset Protocol. It defines the infrastructure, functions and use cases for CBDCs and other digital assets.
Quant’s Overledger Network is the first (and only) implementation of ODAP. It allows any central banks CBDC to interoperate across blockchains and national borders. Without this, a CBDC is useless.

>> No.23682414

Sorry, I dont speak sanskrit

>> No.23682430

Die poor, linkfag.

>> No.23682436
File: 565 KB, 600x610, 1600806245048.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23682487

This sounds like you're trying to push as much buzzwords as possible. What does QNT actually do for a central bank coin?

>> No.23682494

I guess the joke is really on fags like you.
Every day that passes more Link chads discover Quant and ditch Sergey’s albatross.

>> No.23682495

Drown in the Ganges.

>> No.23682522

It makes them interoperable. If means they can move across networks and DLTs. It makes them useful for enterprise and consumers.

>> No.23682524

Quant is literally a different product though lmfao. Quant is a competitor to ETH, AVAX, DOT, Hedera Hashgraph etc. Quant is not an oracle.

>> No.23682534

>this has nothing to do with this shitcoin.. there talking about this other shitcoin.

>> No.23682574

Quant has applications called mDapps - multi-DLT dapps. Basically you can code up an oracle in an afternoon.
Link is simply a widget when compared to Quant, which is better thought of as a DLT operating system, desu.

>> No.23682633

Most bizlets can see your two digit iq between your lines

>> No.23682699

Feeling threatened? The state of Link, you should be, kek.

>> No.23682715

lmao how desperate is this fag's attempts at taking over a link thread with quant spam

>> No.23682850

not trying to fud but this could be one out of a hundred coins

>> No.23682998

This isn’t a Link thread. It’s a Quant thread, brainlet.
The state of /biz/.

>> No.23683023

No but check this out


>> No.23683713

only newfags call newfags "newfriends". it was invented by tourists from reddit and other SJW websites who get offended by the word "fag"