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File: 53 KB, 520x420, Fatass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23658057 No.23658057 [Reply] [Original]

im a freelancer who signs international clients. usually i work through a domestic llc with liability insurance. its great. how does someone evade taxes with a company in singapore or uae? do you have to keep all your assets over there in order to avoid wealth from entering the us? it probably wouldn't go so well if you wanted to out you money into us real estate or the us stock market, right? how do assholes do this

>> No.23658129

US passport = you are fucked

>> No.23658146
File: 104 KB, 1065x1064, 1604231528420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

explain yourself

>> No.23658162

Do you amerifats not know how to use google?

Sigh, let me help you - FATCA

>> No.23658190

what if the hypothetical fatass had another passport because he married a gold digging whore in a developing country

>> No.23658608

i don't know what that means can you explain like im fat

>> No.23658641

If youre an American living in America youre kinda fucked

>> No.23658746

what if im an american living somewhere more fun

>> No.23658907

fucked either way. Americans are killed by FACTA

>> No.23659041

>Forcing 'foreign' financial institutions and governments to collect data on US persons at their own expense and transmit it to the IRS has been called divisive and imperialist.[91] Canada's former Finance Minister Jim Flaherty raised an issue with the "far reaching and extraterritorial implications" which would require Canadian banks to become extensions of the IRS and jeopardise Canadians' privacy rights.[92] There are also reports of many foreign banks refusing to open accounts for Americans, making it harder for Americans to live and work abroad.
jesus tittyfucking christ what an ego tripping asshole of a country

>> No.23659061

i do this, but it's risky anyway, keep moving after a couple of years (new country and new offshore company)
i also move all retained earnings to btc just in case

>> No.23659905

are you full of shit rn or what y/n

>> No.23660054

>capital gains on crypto
>can't buy crypto without KYC
>Can't buy 90% of projects because US laws
>Static ip

How did "land of the free" become such a meme? I just don't get it.

>> No.23660075

what is a KYC

>> No.23660266
File: 3.78 MB, 377x289, jlc.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>land of the free
america was never supposed to be anarchistic. that libertarian fantasy football crypto vending machine shit post-capitalist faxless gop bullshit was never even a thing until after the cold war and a bunch of crazy dicks completely reformed the concept of banking in order to make a shitload of quick money. the founder's didn't like the idea of a pure democracy because they said it would be a tyranny of the majority. so thus your constitution and shit. federalism. for fuck's sake

>> No.23660638

>made $180k in 2019
>Owed about $2900 in federal income tax

It's so easy to game the system legally (assuming.youre not a wagie I guess) why even bother with this shit?