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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23601388 No.23601388 [Reply] [Original]

You guys told me Craig Wright only ever loses court cases. Except he's going to win the Satoshi Nakamoto defamation lawsuit now. BSV moon soon. I wonder, now that discovery has recently ended, when those precious documents are going to be made publically available. Any lawyer types among us know how long this typically takes?

>> No.23601503

Your coin is a dead fucking ghost chain, shut the fuck up faggot no one with half a brain gives two shits about this absolutely retarded fucking project. There’s a reason why literally not a single person respectable in the crypto space ever mentions this piece of shit

>> No.23601620
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Fuck off, loser. This is a winner's thread.
Consistent 2mb blocks are literal all time highs and usage well above other top 10 coins, fuckface.

>> No.23602214

Lmfao. You know this can be faked right? You actually think this BSV is getting more usage than coins like BTC, ETH and LINK? Please tell me you’re not actually this retarded, I refuse to believe this low of IQ people browse biz

>> No.23602814
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It doesn't matter if transactions are made by humans, or if it's weather data. Pushing lots of transactions shows, that we can scale. Doing the same on BTC would be impossible, as they have 1MB block size limit, while BSV's average blocks have 2MB in size.
The whole traffic on ETH is made because of the whole DeFi craze. Nobody is using it for anything useful, except for speculating with uniswap shitcoins.

>> No.23602833

bsv is gay lol someone call me based

>> No.23602889

>bsv average block fees 1.62$
>average block fees today is like 3.15BTC per block so around 40k

>> No.23602890

Your I'd and digits just confirmed that Kek himself calls you based.

I won't thought because you asked and that's gay.bsv gay.

Jeeemin on these niggers

>> No.23602900

The problem is that only Calvin company is mining this coin, so its easy for them the manipulate the price.

>> No.23602929

scam coin targeted at credulous idiots

guise im satoshi trust me but i refuse to sign with genesis key lol xd

>> No.23603126
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You are on the cusp of seeing BSV's glorious owner be crowned the inventor of BTC and BSV and all you can do is spout conspiracy theory. And yeah I never said BTC actual volume wasn't over BSV. Though I'd venture a guess that a huge chunk of that is just shitcoin gambling, little business usage.
You people are on the cusp of Craig Wright attaining legal status of ownership of Bitcoin whitepaper and code. So I guess you are larping hard here or really, really retarded.
Oh and volume on BSV is apparantly all spoofed (conspiracy), but not on Link or other coins? Plain retardation.

I still need that discovery question answered. Come on /biz autismos, when are those CSW = Satoj docs getting leaked? Someone must be able to give me an estimate.

>> No.23603153

>those typos
based methhead

>> No.23603243

>BSV's glorious owner be crowned the inventor of BTC and BSV
Doesnt mean anything if some boomer judge says he's Satoshi.

No signature with genesis block key means you arent satoshi which means you don't have access to the 1m Bitcoins. Simple as. No amount of spamming will change this

>> No.23603303

BSV is also opensource, if core really wanted they would just backport the patches and unlock the block size.
You just can't beat the network effect.
Have fun beta testing large block sizes for the king.

>> No.23603491

比特幣Craig Wright 圖靈完成 MI6 毘濕奴生活在區塊鏈上 BSV 是比特幣 Most Blockchain Patents 克雷格(Craig)簽約 Gavin Andresen
格雷格是新婚 Ghislaine Maxwell 幫助資助Isis Greg Maxwell 許多襪子木偶賬號 Blockstream 由...資助 Bilderberg Group, AXA and Henri de Castries 他們想窒息區塊鏈 1mb Blocksize limits 比特幣鏈分叉造成大問題 high fees and doesn't scale 閃電網絡18個月 Tweety Birdbrain connection to Donald Trump 他媽的黑鬼和kikes Bonded courier 已經到來並帶來克雷格鑰匙 will sign after Ira Kleinman court case MI6代理人幫助Craig提供了比特幣 Gareth Williams 比特幣SV將迎來新的黃金時代。沒有更多關於歷史的謊言。permanently embedded in Blockchain

>> No.23603507
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You grossly underestimate how much normies and boomers trust boomer judges. This isn't some 3rd world country, it's a British court. Every newspaper on earth that's bigger than 20 pages will have at least one article on "Bitcoin inventor Satoshi Nakamoto finally found after 10 years of mystery" after the trial and if you don't, you don't understand how the media work. And the keys, they aren't a proof. Many people in crypto don't even know for sure that Satoshi actually has early coins. Let alone a large chunk of investors. It's a relatively weak, small-scale talking point when compared to a trial verdict. But fine, stay poorly informed. I'm done arguing this.

>> No.23603598

>You grossly underestimate how much normies and boomers trust boomer judges.
I don't care. No genesis signature -> not Satoshi

>> No.23603856
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>> No.23604027

>the flippening is caused by dropped charges, not even a judgment, in a fucking libel case
maxis would unironically suicide en masse

>> No.23604170
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And what if Craig would hack Satoshi, and would use that hacked key to sign? Only cypherpunks care for that kind of confirmation. Normies want courts to say what's true, and what's false. There are different methods to prove that he was Satoshi.
BTC's network effect is crippled because of blocksize limit. They will not lift it because of various reasons like Chinese firewall, 2nd layer solutions, SegWit, and most importantly because blockstream doesn't want bitcoin. For them it's broken because it's not anonymous, and it can be taken down by governments if it's got big blocks. And BSV is actually not fully open source. It can't be forked anymore.
BTC can not be fixed. That's what Craig meant when he was fudding SegWit. SegWit can not be reversed. That is why big blockers forked off before SegWit update, to preserve original chain (Bitcoin is a hash of signatures. Since SegWit BTC is no longer Bitcoin). Also it took BSV more than a year to fix the protocol after Core and ABC's changes. In the end BTC is doomed. They know nothing about economics, and law.

>> No.23604425

COPE you fucking loser

>> No.23604797

checked and based bsv 1000 frotting cocks eoy

>> No.23604819

>And what if Craig would hack Satoshi, and would use that hacked key to sign?

He tried that in 2018. He tried to break the hard disks, but they were encrypted with TrueCrypt.

>> No.23604947

Tbh I got free bsv from the fork so, if it moons I get rich if it doesn’t I lose nothing.

>> No.23605002

Kek. I'm not much of a BSVer but fuck Mccormack

>> No.23605118
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That's the way to go. At least have an equal amount of BSV compared to BTC you could have if you'd sell all your coins. 21 BSV is probably a make it stack if it's as good as it's predicted to be.
Holding BTC is stupid from whatever perspective you look. It doesn't have much of a potential to go up, How could BTC go to $100 000 if fees are already at $12, and we haven't even reclaimed $20 000 support. Fees would probably have to cost hundreds of dollars at that point. Being in good alts is better than hodling this useless coin.

>> No.23605190

He won't win and if he did nobody important would care. All he does is hype belief in future events to pump his price and sell before the actual news about the event breaks. That's their business model.

>> No.23605201
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>> No.23605381

>Craig's handler is making hearsay shit up about scamtoshi fagamoto "winning" again
>still no signing
Oh boy bsv is bitcoin for sure this time
S And H

>> No.23605462
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>> No.23605524


>> No.23605571

this is the documentary link marines dreamed of but never bothered with
who else link ponzi-master/ bsv autist-king combo?

>> No.23605575
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>> No.23605606

this is going to be the greatest comedy of all time

>> No.23605662
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Yeah right. For Blockstream for sure.

>> No.23605696


>> No.23605727

When CSW signs it's already going to be too late. That's not how investing works.

I was all in LINK, and went to 50/50 BSV/LINK, and now I'm 100% into BSV. I never liked Sergey desu. I don't see LINK having any more major upside potential. Although there aren't many projects worthy of hedging BSV with.

>> No.23605764

>When CSW signs
this is so sad to read

>> No.23605795

>You guys told me Craig Wright only ever loses court cases.
well calvin have said craig gonna win every time and so far he lost every time... so just wait and see?

>> No.23605846


>> No.23605865
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>calvin takes pic of first version of white paper found in basement

>> No.23605915

Repeat after me peter:
I was wrong to allege Craig Wright fraudulently claimed to be Satoshi. I accept he is Satoshi. I am sorry Dr Wright. I will not repeat this libel.

>> No.23606449
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made by some nobody twitter faggot

>> No.23606540

Lies and deceit are main tools used by Greggies. That's how they managed to keep the masses from finding out the truth about the original protocol

>> No.23607112
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>> No.23607682

>Their natural conclusion
He's going to be arrested, isn't he?