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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2351056 No.2351056 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.2351067


Calm down you fucking idiot. Hold.

>> No.2351084

Once the chinks realize they cant sink this coin very far, what do you think is going to happen?

HODL nigger.

>> No.2351127

hold you retard, infact you should be buying more right NOW

>> No.2351126

If you put your life savings into this and drop the bags this early you fucking deserve it

>> No.2351144

The dip is good. Look at the char. Fill your god damn bags.

>> No.2351151

you digitards are all going to lose

>> No.2351168

LOL... I'm all in on DGB and this dip is making me cum in my pants.

>> No.2351181

i find it hilarious that, even though this coin has only performed well for 1 fleeting moment and all they have to base it's possible success on is the hope it wins some obscure contest, they still insist people double down on their upcoming losses

>> No.2351229

exactly bro

>> No.2351247

Shill bait

>> No.2351268

there's like 1/75 chance of them winning that crazy contest and u bought at the near ath lmao boy howdy OP u done goofed

>> No.2351274

I don't get it OP, you were going for the 'buy high, sell low' strategy plan like Pajeet Napoopi told you, right?

>> No.2351283

Ethereum was all memes just few months ago but look at it now, of course you wouldn't know that newfag. Keep holding that ark chump.

>> No.2351299


Bought today at 1900 sat and sold at 2350.

Meme coin is going nowhere but thanks for the shekels

>> No.2351313
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>> No.2351348

You were the same kind of people that told me not to invest in eth back when it was $7. Good thing I didn't listen.

>> No.2351364

Get the fuck out.

>> No.2351374

>the ol' "everything is always eth" defense

>> No.2351594


>> No.2351658

What makes you say that?

>> No.2351725

Fucking HODL you stupid cunts who sell. Jesus it ain't that hard. These bitches expecting 1000's of dollars profit within 5 minutes. You make me sick.

>> No.2351841

HOLD you imbecile

>> No.2351889

I don't get the concept of HODLing. Wouldn't it be better to sell when it's peaking and buy at the troughs?

>> No.2351911

Yes if you can see one or to hours into the future

>> No.2351913
File: 65 KB, 748x445, fudlol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for teein' that one up chief

>> No.2351920

here we go again

>> No.2351926
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>> No.2351930

FUCK I just sold.

>> No.2351935
File: 339 KB, 262x768, AyyyLmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TBQH thats better chances than hitting the lottery.

>Simple maths, the wager is worth it you degenerate non-stem major.

>> No.2351942


>> No.2351958

That is much better. HODL is just a brainlet coping meme. When an idiot is too stupid to buy low and sell high, they try to shift the blame off their low IQ and claim that the only way to win is to HODL.

It's also a coping mechanism for people who bought high. Of course anyone would be alarmed by a coin dropping and them losing money they put in, but with the HODL coping mechanism, they can just pretend nothing is wrong.

>> No.2351959

>four competitors


>> No.2351998

>four competitors
Sometimes I wonder where people even get this info from, like as far as I know there aren't any news sources saying wrong info so you mean to tell me people are just making shit up out of nowhere?
So strange, almost everything I've seen on /biz/ about this competition has been wrong, from the country to the dates it' held.
I think the only thing I havent seen fucked up is that citibank is sponsoring it.

>> No.2352065

>trying to time crypto

have fun never, ever sleeping

>> No.2352079

ok ill give the benefit of the doubt im wrong if you give me a source

>> No.2352081

>getting a little less sleep for a year
>be a millionare next year

sounds good to me

>> No.2352119
File: 102 KB, 750x1334, IMG_0641.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holding seemed to do me alright..
Literally making money for free

>> No.2352140


gib m8

>> No.2352147

Literally type citibank tech for integrity on google, click on the link that goes to the website, and click on the hyperlink word "finalists" and it will download a pdf with all the info about the event.
It isn't hard people, it's ALL right there on the offical site, you just have to spend 30 seconds of your life actually searching. Still curious about where you got that 75 from though.

Not really free, you had top invest first you know...

>> No.2352153

Fuck off, make your own investments

>> No.2352160

its the best. most of the articles are so fucking poorly written too.

always english as second language authors
the crazy bullshit can only go on so long, the truth will come out in a few days


i for one am eager to not see that gay shitty robot mascot spammed here anymore. and that shitty logo.

>> No.2352163

i would like you to invest in me

>> No.2352166

Well it is free now, seeming I already cashed out my initial..

>> No.2352179


All finalists for the worldwide competition held in all locations.

>> No.2352249

It's so fucking annoying when summerfags like you enter the game so fucking late when /biz/ has literally been shilling this coin for months. You had months to make insane gains.

>> No.2352264
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>> No.2352274
File: 1.87 MB, 1484x1024, di 'if dubu 'iw (pbuh).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DGB $10 by year's end
Mark my words

>> No.2352280

there seems to be a lot for the singapore region unless i'm reading this wrong, not 75 but still quite a lot.

>> No.2352282

nice find my man

>> No.2352287


its about to crash ;)

>> No.2352303

lmao, so you think they can't dump but you're relying on their pump

flawless logic

>> No.2352321

Thanks buddy, may Kek bless you with 1,000x gains