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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23498934 No.23498934 [Reply] [Original]

When is the housing market going to correct?

>> No.23498938

never, houses only go up

>> No.23498954


>> No.23498972

because the population grows while living space in desirable locations is limited.

>> No.23499025

Inflation and the actual value of a house staying the same, kind of like gold and someday btc

>> No.23499035

The Jewish do not want goyim to have nice things

>> No.23499067

Also ever increasing regulations make it increasingly expensive to build houses

>> No.23499081


>> No.23499085

Zoning laws. Once democrats negrofy neighborhoods with multifamily homes all the baby boomer houses will be worth half what they are now lol

>> No.23499140

very soon, the people saying never are guys who bought a house at the highest prices in history (idiots).

>> No.23499342

We are near the peak. Boomers will die or retire soon and all their McMansions will go on the market while zoomers and millenials are downsizing to tiny homes or van life. Plus if the FED ever normalizes interest rates home prices will collapse.

>> No.23499896

I’m interested in buying my first rental property. Any recommendations as to where? There are a few towns out there that are still extremely cheap to buy, and rental prices are worth the low cost of a mortgage

>> No.23500134

>houses only go up

>> No.23500209

Your forgot that boomers havr kids and grandkids that will inherit the fucking houses

>> No.23500225

all the houses are reverse mortgaged to the max, there's nothing to inherit

>> No.23500242

Kek implying they won't sell the house to go on vacation for the rest of their lives. Fuck you kids.

>> No.23500244
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This but mostly they want White gentiles exterminated. Unironically that is what they preach their monstrous (((yahweh))) demands from them.
Don't believe me?
Watch the entirety of this
Wake up White Man.

>> No.23500445

>Inflation and the actual value of a house staying the same
what does this mean? Brainlet here

>> No.23500603

>Once democrats negrofy neighborhoods with multifamily homes all the baby boomer houses will be worth half what they are now lol
no because the law of supply and demand

>> No.23500620

Correct. Overpopulation. Even if we had enough food for everyone, there will always be a limited amount of land.

>> No.23500623

>if the FED ever normalizes interest rates
will it? Imho no..

>> No.23500639

Basically the currency USD for example inflates and is worth less. This means the house seems to cost more while still holding the same value.
It's not that the house is worth a lot but that the money is worth little so you use lots of money to buy it.

>> No.23501253

Why don't we measure house prices in gold or some shit then so it doesn't look all mongofied like it does now

>> No.23501255

>all their McMansions
all their McMansions will go to the sons
who tells you they will sell at loss?

>> No.23501268

>implying they won't sell the house to go on vacation for the rest of their lives
lol.. ridiculous counterargument

>> No.23501426

No it will be reverse mortgaged so the boomers can pay for Caribbean cruises. If millennials do inherit it will be immediately put on the market and sold to fund their onions and avocado addiction.

>> No.23501533

>Inflation and the actual value of a house staying the same
so this should work also with stock market?

>> No.23501568

When 30% of population dies either in nuclear war or another pandemic.

>> No.23501653

Because we don't trade gold as a common currency.
Things are usually valued in their countries or markets common currency.

>> No.23501740

you worded it wrong, not enough land on which the government lets you build on

>> No.23501757

Despite what maxis claim, land is the first verifiably scarce asset with a minuscule emission rate. Hell with sea levels rising it has a 'token burn'

>> No.23501804
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Well... wht if the population goes down?

>> No.23501854

When people start dying from the side effects of covid (70% of asymptomatics have organ damages after 4 months) and people lose their jobs, depopulating cities, prices will implode

>> No.23501996

>This means the house seems to cost more while still holding the same value.
so we should measure it against gold?

>> No.23502021

>No it will be reverse mortgaged so the boomers can pay for Caribbean cruises
implying ll the boomers are usying revere mortage
this is not true

>> No.23502049

Yes, that's why time in the market beats timing the market for 99,9% of people. You're still going to have the occasional bad corporation fail, but if you pick right the value will probably just go up over time.

>> No.23502061

I'm running for local office on a pro boomer platform but then once elected I'll burn all zoning laws except for industrial plants. It'll kill any further career in politics but that isn't my intention, I just want to see parasitic lazy boomers scream and cry as their parasitic retirement plans disintegrates in front of them. Once I'm voted out in the next election my name will be damned as satan but in 20 years will be revived and honored. They'll build a statue of me

>> No.23502078

Compare how much gold it used to cost to buy a house in 1930 vs now. It's not just the dollar, brainlets.

>> No.23502081

lol, dude, turn off CNN. covid-19 is a meme flu, it only kills people who are 90 years old and have pre-existing conditions. i've worked through the entire thing without a hiccup, never had a coof, never seen someone with a coof. face reality, you fell for the meme that the mainstream media fed you, and now you're scrambling to justify it to yourself somehow. 'just wait 4 months for organ damage!', no my friend, this is over. big-pharma is going to sell a few tens of millions of doses for their vaccine, make a profit for the C-suite, and we'll move on to something else. been awhile since we bombed sand people, i'd imagine big-defense wants some of the $ action.

>> No.23502082

You can if you want. But it wont work when trying to buy one or working with real estate.
So realistically no.

>> No.23502101

average in the US of $6000 in 1930 for a house. gold was $20/ounce. it cost 300 ounces of gold to buy a house in 1930. average cost in the US of $320,000 in 2020 for a house. gold is 1900/ounce. 168 ounces of gold to buy a house in 2020. gold for the win.

>> No.23502372

Hahahaha how can someone be so retarded.
Europe is starting lockdowns again and USA will be forced to.
Natural selection will do it's job killing the weak and the denying retards

>> No.23502420

>Countries suiciding their economies twice for a meme
Governments are lying about the reality so people don't panic. Open your eyes. France did lockdowns and cases are skyrocketing. USA magically maintained its cases in a 40-60k range until it was obvious that data was manipulated because Europe is approaching those numbers.

>> No.23502450

explain your reasoning, people who buy a house can either :
>sell at a loss
how much of a cuck do you have to be to genuinely do that last one

>> No.23502461

Chinese need a stable place to park their embezzled money. Prices will continue to go up

>> No.23502480

Money printer goes brrrrrrrr

>> No.23502493

Is this true??? I thought that was just scare tactics by the media so the NWO can do the great reset.

>> No.23502530

There will be a great reset and China will be the most powerful country. All countries are forcing an economic collapse using covid as an excuse, but the virus is dangerous as fuck, do your research guys because I think Americans aren't getting the right information.
70% of asimptomatics are fucked for life and will probably die the second or third time they get infected. Vacunes will be shitty and people won't get vaccinated because they think it's a meme virus and because nobody wants to try a new vaccine whose long-term effects aren't known.
Check Russia and Poland charts. See deaths skyrocketing? That's right, they are cold countries. The virus doesn't kill at all during summer. As soon as the low temperatures come people start dying

>> No.23502536

This has to be bait, I cannot comprehend that anyone is this stupid

>> No.23502549

Eh, seems like doom posting guy.

>> No.23502571
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You're doing gods work friend. I wish you luck.

Zoning laws here are kiked beyond belief. 4 bedroom houses with 3 occupant max because Jews. Boulder and Fort Collins Colorado if interested. I don't mind the moratorium on building though. But it does drive prices through the roof.

>> No.23502576

Rich negros way better than poor broke poverty ridden whites.

>> No.23502585

That isn't doom. That is just a fight between the most powerful countries in the world, so one of both sides will end fucked hard.

>> No.23502635

Can you back your clains with source? I would really appreciate it. Thanks a lot anon.
>70% of asimptomatics are fucked for life and will probably die the second or third time they get infected.
>As soon as the low temperatures come people start dying

>> No.23502690

It's on Spanish but you can use a translator anon. I heard it on the news today. There are a lot of different news about that if you look for them.



The rest of Europe is following them, because the most affected countries over there aren't cold yet (France, Spain...)

>> No.23502781

actually that's not true, the richest black-majority neighborhoods have higher crime rates than the poorest white-majority neighborhoods. the reality is that niggers are violent animals who fuck up everything they touch, it's why the entirety of sub-saharan africa, most carribean islands, many american cities, etc, are shitholes. they all have one thing in common; niggers. they have nothing else in common; religion not in common, income/capita not in common, geography not in common, climate not in common, government-type not in common, etc. the only common denominator of all the shitholes on planet earth is that niggers are a large percentage of the population. more niggers=more problems.

>> No.23502814

he cant, if he does it will be links to CNN opinion articles and fearmongering pro-lockdown faggots who know this coof is a meme but don't care because it serves their agenda of increasing government power. no one is fucked for life from this, the only people dying in any quantity from covid-19 are people who were over 90 years old and had pre-existing conditions. not a single healthy person under 90 who was not; diabetic, morbidly obese, had cancer, or was already dying of something else, has died from covid-19. this is a meme pushed by the mainstream media to get more power for government, end of story. i have worked with the public throughout the entire 'pandemic' and have yet to see someone with a coof, meet someone who knows someone who had the coof, or had a coof myself. this is total bullshit.

>> No.23502831

I want to believe you anon. The scare tactics work so well on me. I’ve been in lockdown since March. I just want this to be over.

>> No.23502911

>He fell for the nothingburger meme
The worst is yet to come

>> No.23502923

Fucking retard, stop spreading bullshit. People over 30 years old without preexisting conditions have died from covid in Spain. A high percentage of asimptomatics are getting fucked months after they "recovered". A 6 year old died from another disease related to covid.
Yes anon, you're very smart. "Governments are trying to gain control and suiciding the economies for no reason".

>> No.23502950

>Compare how much gold it used to cost to buy a house in 1930 vs now
what's the difference could you enlight me?

Shoul I buy gold or cool undervalued house?

>> No.23502955

Can you prove your retarded claims by the way? There are tons of articles explaining the dangers of the virus, but you're too busy spamming the same thing since march, right?
If you're young you're safe the first time. Then you get fucked organs. Do you realise what that means? Right, now you're on the preexisting conditions group

>> No.23502988

who knows, Agenda 21/ 30 is in full effect and that plan is set out to price out the majority of people to never afford a home and to live in urban tiny home wagie boxes.

so if you believe that is true, then we're never going to get one. at least if it crashes you wont have the availability of funds to enter

>> No.23503037

rental properties are flooding the market where I live.

rent is going lower leaving terrible cashflows. Also people are worried about the government offering more relief for renters to not pay, and if they don't offer relief you're likely to see a squatter movement.

So enjoy being a savvy landlord!

>> No.23503044

why shouldn't they overrule you? lol

>> No.23503063

>2 single line posts by this id

Glownigger demoralisation thread you dumb faggots get fucked genocided for participating in this shit

Fuck you all

>> No.23504169

That news jornal seens legit. The resarcher also seens legit.

>As soon as the low temperatures come people start dying


I am not sure about this one, I copied this table ( https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/countr ) to a excel, the country with highest critical cases/ total cases per million of population are: India (1.57), Iran (0.77), USA(0.62), Philippines(0.46). And Russia(0.22) and poland(0.14) scored much lower. Do you have more data do back that up?

Thanks a lot for the infos, I am really worried now, I need to go to NY in march for a scholarship I was awarded, I feeling doomed right now...

>> No.23504221

It’s pretty clear from the global response that this is an accidental release of a bioweapon. How China gets away with it I’ll never understand, but then they’re the ones with the money to bid up prices like OP’s pic, so maybe there’s a connection

>> No.23504277

if only

>> No.23504383

Ok, I am going to be really honest with you. I am not your enemy or anything, I am Taoist and I don't believe in the dichotomies our cultures and societies impose to us, I believe in really thinking things for myself and analyzing data.

From what I see, there are two elites in the USA: one that see the biggest threat to their power as internal forces (Blacks, Immigrants, Revolutionary poor people) they align with the republicans more often, with the Chinese and Russia (Trumps allies). this elite grew out of exploring commodities like oil, Cattle, Cotton etc; and one that see the biggest threat to their power as external forces (China, Russia, Latin america, growing economies that can develop technology in the coming future), this elite mostly aligns with the democrats (they don't align much with other countries) this elite grew from the booming technologies of silicon valley, like google, microsoft, facebook etc.
Both elites use the spying, military, political etc power of USA to imperialistic impose conditions over weaker countries, and the USA population. Remember that the elites use your government to take from you and give to then, so they keep being elites forever.
If you guys liked I can go on with this text.

>> No.23504753

Well, I didn't finished, but my point is you are been controled by the propaganda from the Elites that grew from exploring commodities. Some other people are controled by the propaganda of the Elites that grew from technology. You can only be free if you are able to analyze data and be rational about it.

>> No.23504951

There isn't a single place on this planet where blacks are the majority and it isn't a shit hole. Not one.

>> No.23504999

no, it isnt, and i fell for no meme lol. unlikely the faggots cowering in their homes on 'lockdown' i've been out and about in the cities, working with among others, the homeless, throughout this bullshit. it's a complete nothing burger, you idiots all fell for the coof meme, when covid-19 stops being shilled by the media 24/7 after the election you are going to have to look at yourself in the mirror and go 'what the fuck was i thinking'.

>> No.23505057

i feel bad for the sheep in this thread, if you ever went outside you'd see that there is no pandemic and that most of the deaths are occuring in nursing homes and intensive care units where, guess what, people were already dying of other diseases/circumstances before they got covid-19. yet, their deaths are counted as being caused by covid-19. if you're bleeding to death from 20 gunshot wounds in an emergency room, and 2 weeks later your covid-test comes back positive, guess what you died from. brainlets galore in this thread, but thank you, your idiotic panicked fear mongering sheeple stampede has enabled me to buy massive bags of CCL, MGM, WYNN, AAL, and others, for 60-80% discounts. i'm years closer to retirement thanks to you idiots lmao.

>> No.23505085

>my cherrypicked example beats your population data
Why are people like you allowed to breed

>> No.23505138

IMO the important thing is that both cases and deaths skyrocketed as soon as summer ended, more than the cases per million etc. Poland was perfectly fine during the first wave but is getting fucked now.
Studies have found covid in Barcelona's residual waters dating from march 2019, so some countries like Spain probably were in a second wave during "the first wave", explaining how some countries had no problems at all while others got hit really hard.

Just be careful anon and good luck.
I think that we will have another round of lockdowns in march or earlier so maybe they delay that event.

By the way, Spain just announced the state of alarm for 6 months. On 2020, it was announced for 15 days and they kept adding 15 days over and over again to not scare people, but they know that we will need those 6 months.

>> No.23505154

When they start taking people's property like in Canada.

>> No.23505176

That's bullshit though, since the 20s houses have gone up in price over 1000% and the population is barely 3x as big as before.

>> No.23505259

>(70% of asymptomatics have organ damages after 4 months)

>> No.23505311

True, I’m not selling my dads McMansion. I’m going to rent it out to wage cucks.

>> No.23505328

if I knew I wouldn't tell you dipshit. no one will.

>> No.23505329

Those idiots will all sell.

>> No.23505360

Boomers hate their lazy kids who can't succeed by doing nothing like they did.

>> No.23505382

Nice thanks for the tips for stock. When you plan to have your returns? Do you have more suggestions? What do you think of one entering those now? Too late?

>> No.23505549

Spain is still a 2nd works country with an extremely corrupt commie government

>> No.23505606

>shouts down someone else's cherrypicked data
>originally posits that his anecdotal data about never personally meeting someone with covid is what counts
please neck yourself

>> No.23505740

>Shows scientific data
>The smoothbrains are only able to reply with "Retard".
It's okay. It's basic psychology, you're still in the denial phase.
You still think that stonks only go up and that you will never face adversities.

>> No.23505842

>Scientific data
>Loose correlation based on small, probably cherry picked, sample size

You people need to be hung

>> No.23505918

>I don't like the truth, so it must be cherrypicked or fake!

>> No.23505965

Interest rates and lending standards/practices are what control the housing market prices because housing has a fixed demand. As long as people can carry the cost of a mortgage, it doesn’t matter how big it is on paper, they will take it. Of course people can downsize and move into smaller, cheaper housing, but a family of 4 people will always need more space, and a single person can only fit inside such a small box. So at a certain point there is a fixed demand for any given space and as long as the mortgage isn’t literally 80% of their income, people will pay it.

>> No.23505974
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>> No.23505996

Probably will never correct again. We are going to see housing prices hit trillion dollars. It will never crash again.

>> No.23506027


>> No.23506058

>making shit up to larp like you're living through a serious apocalyptic pandemic
What are you doing with your life rn? Ngmi

>> No.23506086

Except many boomers got jewed by remortgaging and refi so the kids will still have to pay the mortgage or sell.

>> No.23506106
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Hi there, my name is Anon Bizfin. I see your listing for the house on Jebel Way and I'd like to make an offer.

I'd like to pay you, in full, 2453.3221201 shizzcoin for the property. (On coinmarketcap, that amounts to $400,000 exactly!) When would you like to arrange a meeting for the sale? I'll teach you how to install a shizzcoin wallet if you don't have one already, it's very easy!

>> No.23506110

no, the old homeowners will die, and foreign investors will swoop in and park their money in real estate, causing the price to continue rising indefinitely.

>> No.23506128

not a trillion or anywhere close, but the common working man will never be permitted to own real estate again, and that will be obtained by simply inflating away his purchasing power. if you own a house now, keep it by any means, because in 30 years people at your income level, whatever it is, will never be able to afford what you can afford now.

>> No.23506219

Do have data to back that up or Is it just your opinion?
Thanks a lot.

>> No.23506326

Lolz at being this dumb.
Bet you vote dem right?
You wear a mask like a good goy?

>> No.23506327

Lick that boot

>> No.23506454

I'm not from USA, so I'm not brainwashed to think that it's an useless virus. If you think countries would suicide their economies for a flu, not once but twice, there is no hope for you.
Do you believe that if the world was going to end tomorrow your government would tell you? They would never say that the situation is really fucked up until they can't hide it anymore, because saying things are catastrophic would do more damage than the catastrophe itself.

>> No.23506849

math has very little to do with long term predictions a lot of times.

We should have casually had nuclear powered flying cars by now if we follow 60's math.

>> No.23506850
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I was thinking about it for a while, but consider this: think about how stupid everyone in /biz/ is. Most people are even stupider than that. Your rental property will get trashed by a retard and it will be your fault.

>> No.23506870

all you idiots in this thread thinking land is scarce KEK
the entire population of the US could live in just texas and own their own home/plot of land
land is not scarce

>> No.23506909

the problem is 60s math did not account for letting low iq niggers and women into universities to meet quotas

>> No.23506987

so you are confirming my thesis. thanks.

>> No.23507127
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Move to where you can afford it or fuck off already. I swear these people who move to places like NY or California and then bitch about the prices are genuinely retarded.

>> No.23507266

categorically untrue for a huge amount of towns and small cities in the US. my hometown is still an undesirable shithole with a smaller population and fewer jobs than 30 years ago yet house prices and rent are climbing faster than wages.

or if you want another example, philadelphia's population is declining and the job opportunities are just as shitty today as 30 years ago, yet the price of homes is through the roof in all areas of the city, not just the desirable (non-nigger) sections.

>> No.23507431

The housing market will correct when deglobalization goes full swing. It will start with a drop in asset prices, and then they will crab for 30+ years, just like they did for decades in a rising interest rate environment. This is also known as a L-shaped recovery. The only winners are people who outright own their homes. The rich become poor, and the poor get poorer.

In this environment, asset price inflation stops, and consumer goods inflation begins. Financial assets fall, and then they never correct unless you want to baghold for 50 years. The price of consumer goods continue to increase.

>> No.23507601
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>> No.23507625
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>> No.23507705

I did have some heart membrane inflammation a few months later, but they just gave me some meds and it went away. Big fucking nothing burger.

>> No.23507721

Hopefully not until after I sell my house. Already bought a new one and getting a pretty good deal.

>> No.23507750

imagine being this dumb you don't know the economic meaning of "scarcity"

>> No.23507780

when we decommodify housing or implement Georgism

>> No.23507787

>the entire population of the US could live in just texas and own their own home/plot of land
it's patently obvious you're quoting a european or a literal autistic retard (redundant.)

>> No.23507827

>They'll build a statue of me
Not if you're white, and on the off chance they do, it will be torn down for some reason or another.

>> No.23507837

Maybe half of boomers will actually be in full ownership of their homes when they die, and of those, they will have an average of 2-3 kids to fight over the house so it gets sold and each one gets maybe ~$250k. Now you're waiting for gen X to die of old age and hoping that they haven't blown the $250k on crack and hookers like Hunter by the year 2050 when gen X finally starts dying. If you're a millennial, congrats, you have 1 in 20 odds of inheriting a couple years' wages at the age of 60. Enjoy.

>> No.23507841

"Bug appetit" kek

>> No.23508397

>>sell at a loss
All the people who are loosing their jobs since the virus either killed their job or the management saw how unimportant they are. Many such cases in my area.

>> No.23508709

youre larping out hollywood mkultra retard shows and movies youve seen.

>> No.23508762


sage sage sage

>> No.23508947

adjust house prices for inflation since the 20s

>> No.23508994

what's demoralizing about simply talking about house prices?

>> No.23509272

Based schizo retard

>> No.23509297
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>never, houses only go up

>> No.23509463

Looks like you all fell for one meme or another.

>> No.23509541

Ya i'm an idiot for buying a suburban home at a low 2.75% making my monthly payment with taxes a whopping $1100. Even a Mcdonalds wagie could afford it.

>> No.23509991

excuse me when i purchased all this lumber and carpeting with the intent to live in it was explained to me as an unfailable 8% roi, backed in cash by the fed??? are you trying to tell me that you don't think it's worth as much because me and my husband and 3 children and 5 poodles have lived in it for 36 years in a row it isn't worth MORE??? WHAT????

>> No.23510682
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>This but mostly they want White gentiles exterminated.

>> No.23510855


>> No.23510979

Get the fuck out of here. Houses are cheap as shit today. Find me a single new build that uses anything close the the quality of a house built pre-1950

>> No.23511034

true, but who wants to live in nowhere, TX? A house on the outskirts of a lively city is worth much more.

>> No.23511062

I understand your need to be contrarian, but you do realize he is correct? Location, location, location.

>> No.23511080


Boomers prove that God isn't actively involved.

>> No.23511130

US and Canada are massively cucked and allow sales to foreigners who are not citizens. Show me countries where foreigners are not allowed to own houses unless they are residents/citzens, now look at their housing prices.