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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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23489269 No.23489269 [Reply] [Original]

Let that sink in

>> No.23489279

It’s true I’m the retard

>> No.23489312

There are people on this board that didn’t buy link sub $1. Let that sink in too

>> No.23489313

I bought in at 10 dollars.

I wasn’t paying attention to crypto because I made money in 2017. I’m an idiot. Oh well, anyone who doesn’t buy Statera sub 10C is a fucking idiot.

>> No.23489348

>there are people at this board right now who aren't buying link under $1000
Let that sink in

>> No.23489349

I bought 10000 when it was .16

I got lucky pure and simple that I decided to shit post on biz that night and fell for a link shill's post to 'turn $1000 onto $250000 in two months' and a step by step guide on how to buy it through binance.

>> No.23489353

I DCA’ed to under $10 after legit buying the top back in August.

>> No.23489358
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I cannot fathom such a thing. The thought is too depressing.

>> No.23489373

I bought when we broke $7, and I’ve kept doing it every week since then. A year from now, the post will be
>there are people here right now who didn’t buy LINK below $1,000

>> No.23489384
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I have bought for every pay check almost since 3 years, but not much above 14-15$

Let that sink in

>> No.23489405

>come here in 2017-2018
>didnt care
>someone brought up link talked about spending all their money on it and making money
>buy it at $20
>literally crashes down 10 mins later
>buy aapl stock right as they split
>crashes right after
>hear about statera
>buy it it crashes right after
>sell all my chain link and other shit coins for ftm
>fomo into ftm
>it crashes right after


>> No.23489427
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I used my credit card to buy in 2017 before they trigger coinbase as cash advance let that sink in

>> No.23489434

Dude just fucking buy Statera and hold it. Stop being so emotional about your money. You will dip. People will flip bags on you. It’s okay. Shit usually goes down if you’re investing in something toward the bottom. It’s not a sign of a bad investment to lose some money initially.

>> No.23489436

i bought at 9. fuck you op - it doesnt matter when you bought as long as you believe in LINK and sergey.

>> No.23489451

Also if you’re hearing about something and it’s peaking — don’t throw money into it ever. Let shit bottom out. Crypto is easy, things come in cycles.

$10 dollar LINK buyer

>> No.23489485

Should I buy link now or wait?

>> No.23489545

Buy now. This is the prequel to the next leg up. This is the last call.

>> No.23489579

not too late to buy LINK FUTURES ON FTX AND HOLD IT.

>> No.23489594

sunk in. this board was so early that it beat this board.

>> No.23489596

Why haven’t these stratera fags all killed themselves yet? Literal scam shitcoin with no use case. Literally a couple lines of code written by a nigger that only the bottom 1% of retards on biz fell for. Stop talking about this trash in chainlink threads you fucking faggot.

>> No.23489887

Maybe because you're an emotional fomo buyer. Scratch that, definitely because you're an emotional fomo buyer.

>> No.23489906

its going to $50 soon

>> No.23490042

Similar story came to biz in mid 2017 . See people shilling ANT (Now neo) saw it was at 3dollar and went to 160 dollar at start of 2018.Was very close to investing but couldn't figure out how and had drawn up portfolio. Calculated what I wanted to invest in see the lost potential profit ,something like 10k. fomo like fuck into crypto. Lose money on shit like ENG,VEN,NAS etc. My fault for being more Reddit tier in my choices . Thought I was above the stinky linkies.

Thought I learned my lesson till fucking audius came along...

>> No.23490083
File: 83 KB, 905x960, F498A6AA-D938-4BD0-B5BC-9E77316995D9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bought in 2017
>poorfag in uni, only bought 700, then lost my paper wallet, got disheartened and never bought more, then found it last august

to be fair probably would have sold before $20 if i didn’t lose access to it