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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2348829 No.2348829 [Reply] [Original]

Polo wallet fixed

>> No.2348840


>> No.2348856

check the fucking exchange you lazy shit

>> No.2348916

yesss. time for some gainz

>> No.2348945


>> No.2348948
File: 80 KB, 744x700, 1496498412923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why the fuck it is 560 at poloniex and only 517 at bittrex, fuckkkk

>> No.2348972
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Gàosùguò nǐle!

>> No.2349048

Buy now before its too late.
At least x2

>> No.2349073

Probably a dip first and then a moon on the weekend, I don't think people will trust the wallets until they stay up for a few days.

>> No.2349074

Here comes that easy 800+ sats.

>> No.2349509

I hope you're right. I got balls deep in sia when it went down to 480 sats yesterday.

>> No.2349666

I honestly don't think Sia is coin you'll want to try and dump, I can see it being worth 10 cents by the end of the year.

>> No.2349953

Bittrex is catching up to Polo atm, might go up after that

>> No.2349999

This is going to moon so hard.

>> No.2350041


Kek wills it senpai

>> No.2350058
File: 133 KB, 700x436, randpaul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got 5000 and HELD through the past few days bullshit... did i do good, anons?

>> No.2350083


You could be selling and buying the dips, but yeah pretty good famalam

>> No.2350092

siacoin $1

>> No.2350109

How long do confirmations take, ive moved my SIA to Polo, sitting at 1/6 confirmations for the past hour...

>> No.2350133


yes now take advantage of arbitrage!!!

>> No.2350149


Hodling 4400

>tfw poor

>> No.2350170


By the time my transaction gets confirmed ill be dealing with negative arbitrage...


>> No.2350193

fucking shit coins, they all promise lighning speed transactions and here i wait 1h+, the fastest transaction i made was using LDOGE took 3 min.


>> No.2350196

ahh, my sia lucky in polo.

sending some LTC over to bittrex super fast to get more cheap sia

>> No.2350237
File: 258 KB, 590x590, 471611_1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You really think this bitch will take us to the moon

>> No.2350451

>polo wallet is up
>doesn't even work

fuck polo and fuck white people

>> No.2350490


>> No.2350524

got 1600 in this
So I'm excited I thought it was going to take another month before something happened glad it's on track along with my dgb (small amounts in both but it's a start to my crypto lambo!)

>> No.2350539

ldoge is the future

>> No.2351270


They lost my fucking siacoins!!! WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.2351325
File: 1007 KB, 320x240, 1331365856327.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, that's weird.

I just GAINED a bunch of siacoins!

Thanks poloniex!!!!

>> No.2351330


are you sure? its just taking a really long time to xfer I think

sent some half an hour ago and its at 1 confirm

>> No.2351361

I fucking did this BEFORE they disabled wallets.

The hash said "complete", but they never made it to its destination...EVER-- since JUNE FUCKING 2nd!

>> No.2352078

Good luck. Polo will lose your coins, like they did my 67k coins.

I hope the owner of that company gets to watch his children die a horrible death by cancer.

>> No.2352208

Does anyone here hold their SC in the official SIA desktop wallet? I'm not sure if I trust it, it looks pretty shite desu.

>> No.2352382


Well, it's not as if the wallet isn't going to contain a record of values being sent to it, all of which can be regenerated by a private key. Blockchain technology ensures this record persists. Just write down that private key.

>> No.2352415


HAHAHA get cucked faggot

>> No.2353060

TFW no one sent me coins :(

>> No.2353287


fair point

>> No.2353450

who created sia-chan anyway? Why is she a goo-girl?

>> No.2353474

It's safer to store your coins with a desktop wallet because, as >>2352382 mentioned, you have access to the private key. If polo loses your coins you're fucked, but if you store them locally it's always possible to recover them via the private key, even if your computer shits itself.

>> No.2354551

really thinking about getting my money out while i'm ahead...this coin has been a huge headache and never goes anywhere. Please convince me otherwise.

>> No.2355442

It's mooning allready...

>> No.2355469

Buy walls dropping fast!!

>> No.2355470

Hope you guys are buckled in

>> No.2355478

are we gonna break this 600 sat buy wall?

>> No.2355541


I dunno man. I hold a LOT of sia but am kinda settling in for the long haul. Can't really convince myself it's going to shoot up drastically anytime soon

>> No.2355545

Yes. Absolutely. It's clear that the whales won, and shook everyone with weak hands out of the market.
The bad news on the wallet helped the panic.
People were posting here talking about how they took 30% losses, but were happy to.
I am long-term, but bought more at 480, and am extremely happy.
This coin has a bright future.

>> No.2355555

This, I think it will be $.10 by winter.

>> No.2355559
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>> No.2355562

the kek has spoken

>> No.2355632

I don't know about 10, but .08 isn't crazy.

Maybe with a surge of FOMO it might reach there, and if the team delivers on their promises, or delivers features early, like video streaming.

>> No.2355657


um.. um.. guys? I think KEK is communicating..

>> No.2355713

语法不对,gaosu doesn't need the guo to say that it happened. doesn't really need the le either, which should be after the verb not the subject.
告诉你 would be written by a chinaman, anything else was written by a guizi.

>> No.2355843 [DELETED] 

Okay, I'm buying a bunch of Verge and I'll stay away until Christmas.

>> No.2356125

Is now a good time to jump in?

>> No.2356140

Yes. The downtrend has stopped a few days ago. It's going up for the next few weeks.

>> No.2356197

And long? Like 4 months?

>> No.2356266

Just lay back and enjoy the ride guys, this truly is one of the more legit coins so I don't even stress when it dips. In this bullish market, I don't see it failing :)

>> No.2356313

My only regret is that I didn't have enough funds to buy in when it was 500

>> No.2356326

my only regret is not buying more at 320

>> No.2356351

I was waiting an entire day to drop below 500 to buy, and did.

Thank God for bad news on something that can be easily fixed.

>> No.2356385

My only regret is not selling POSW and buying SIA when I could've done it.

>> No.2356401

And the more I look into what Sia is doing with the actual project, the more I like it.

Before, it was just a shitcoin to trade, but there is some potential, and I am trying out the wallet bonus stuff once I can get the thing synced.

>> No.2356418

the interaction of devs with the community especially the subreddit is really good. probably the best i've seen

>> No.2356435

Yeah, after may position yesterday, I am long.

If people go FOMO nuts, I might sell, butt I'm holding for now.

>> No.2356476

What wallet bonus stuff?

>> No.2356490

yea, what?

>> No.2356502

If you put coins in their wallet, you can earn bonus Sia from sharing disk space.

>> No.2356541

And when you look at the price, the pressure on the price was smart.

Weak hands were weak.

>> No.2356546

Oh, you mean actually using Sia. That will still be a couple months I think. I think they are focusing on getting enterprise hosts, mineboxes, etc.

>> No.2356559

Yes, that's absolutely their market, but you can use it now. I'm just experimenting with it.

>> No.2356592

Price was 485 sats when wallet was fixed. What the fuck you waiting for on the road to 1000+?

>> No.2356597

I think so dawg?

>> No.2356608

Volume's getting big. Funny how DGB and SIA both start picking up around the same time

>> No.2356625

I think $1 is insane. Shoot for $.08. And hope that they release on a good schedule.

>> No.2356651

189 hard disks also fixed?

>> No.2356652

Yeah $1 happens when like Sia overtakes Dropbox or partners with like Google or Amazon...not anytime soon.

>> No.2356676

i have only 20k should i get more?

>> No.2356682


>> No.2356691

i have only lumen which i could sell to buy more sia, but luman also looks like it will go up..

>> No.2356747

So I was stagnant for some time and I decided to sell yesterday, and of course, the shit increased in price immediately. I don't want to buy high like a idiot, but why do you guys think? Still worth to buy it?

No memes please

>> No.2356758

>mfw we are following DGB
fells good mane

>> No.2356790

If you can stop yourself from selling it, definitely. Sia isn't a coin that you have to worry about bagholding IMO, it's not a matter of if it will rise, but when.

>> No.2356805

Thing is, do you think it will dip to 530 again? I hate when I buy when it's high and then, it drops soon after.

>> No.2356812

I'd say like 550-560

>> No.2356818

DGB just lost the Citibank competition

I'm surprised it hasn't crashed harder. I guess whales didn't care, or their response is delayed

>> No.2356849

The final announcement is in July, stop FUDding!
DGB didn't loose anything yet...

>> No.2356912
File: 59 KB, 720x1184, photo_2017-06-09_13-17-42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started at $300 few weeks ago. Bittrex only, no scamcoin meme exchanges.

Got into SIA at 250. Let's see what it do.

>> No.2356951

Will wait for the dip, If it moons I'm gonna kill myself.

>> No.2356953

I got in at that level, and then again yesterday at 500. Looking good.

>> No.2356971

there won't be a dip to 550 anytime soon. because the target is 900+ end of the next week.

>> No.2356985

i hope so, i bought at 600 .. my first ath buy. fuck me

>> No.2356995

I'm not gonna lie, I've got full blown aids for Siacoin. But to say it can't/won't dip to 550 is absurd. I would say under 500 is pretty unlikely, but 550 is certainly possible in a quick and large dump by some whale, immediately jumping back up right after. If you want to buy low, just buy a little now and put the rest of what you want @ a buy order ~550-560.

but could be str8 to saturn from here too.

>> No.2356996

ATH was around 740 SATS

>> No.2357006

lambo here i come

>> No.2357011

Do you think it can get to 900 at the end of this weekend?

>> No.2357013

> its habbening

see you faggots at the lambo dealership

>> No.2357014

Honestly fuck the desktop UI. Not sure if this was my fault, if I somehow got the wrong seed or something, but its very buggy and I have managed to lose all my Sia. In addition, it always crashes, or doesn't load, or requires some command line bullshit for it to work properly. Finally, I've read dozens of people on the forums saying the same thing, they lost all their coins etc.

>> No.2357019

thats good. less coins = more value for the rest

>> No.2357029

Yeah, it's not great, but they are steadily improving it.

Your not buying today's product, but the potential

I'm happy they had the wallet problems, as I was able to buy lower.

Pray for more bad news, Anons.

>> No.2357030

That's a great plan to miss the lambo delivery rocket.

>> No.2357047

Don't think so. But you never know in these markets. When the hype takes up everything is possible.

The important part is that the recent downtrend has been broken yesterday and we're in for a new market cycle.

>> No.2357053

When the FOMO hits, you'll feel it in your bones, and then you need to check resistance levels.

>> No.2357063

> hasnt pumped to $1 yet

wtf when can I quit my dayjob already?


>> No.2357065

btw, what happened to me yesterday is solid proof that not holding will only fuck you up in this market unless you really know what you are doing
>Have 15k Sia
>It's not moving
>I get impatient
>Sell them to buy some DGB
>Shit doesn't move, tanks and now dips. I manage to sell before the panic sell and whales today
>Now I want to buy SC again
>Can only buy 8k now
Patience is the key to victory here. Everything ends up going up if you give it enough time, especially promising projects.

>> No.2357084

I learnt day one on /biz/ that hodling is the path to lambos. Never made that mistake once

>> No.2357100

Whew almost did the same. I mean selling SIA. I didn't though. And I wouldn't buy DGB wtf lmao :DDDDD
Anyway got that sweet SIA juice at 315 sat and holding until it's about three fiddy $

>> No.2357135

Yesterday was nuts. But I bought a position, and refused to look at it, and blocked the site for 12 hours.

Glad I did.

>> No.2357178

Nice. I have about 5000 of sia and dgb. While my dgb went down, my sia went up big time. Ive been wanting to sell my sia and now its up. Now i want to sell my dgb but im 3 days time ill hate myself. It really is just patience.

>> No.2357200

It would be probably good for me to do something that, I'm way too obsessed with this stuff, so I end up getting anxious and making shit decisions in the process.
I would hold both, but my portofolio already has 5 different coins and I don't like to diversify more than that, I feel like it's hard to get big gains without at least moderate investments.

>> No.2357255
File: 95 KB, 1513x937, 593a8c50b7ba4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy buy buy!

>> No.2357324

So should I hodl my DGB :,(

>> No.2357500

No, DGB is the only exception to that otherwise global rule.