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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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23461763 No.23461763 [Reply] [Original]

Can anyone give a detailed update on BTC cregs vision? It seems to be dieing out? how is creg? how is the blockchain going? hash rate seems to be dropping and mining profitability has dropped below that of bitcoin. BCH is right now more profitable to mine than both and growing hashrate.

can any non pajeet give a detailed STATE report on sanjays visison? are they dieing?

>> No.23461811

>It seems to be dieing out?
yeah they didn't gained mainsteam support for their patethic attempt to subvert the bitcoin brand
>how is creg?
sinking deeper into alcoholism every day

>> No.23461824

I heard his body is already STIFF

>> No.23461828

btw bch is fucked it's gonna split 3 way and the forks combined will not have it's current valuation just like in the previous forks.

>> No.23461841

three way? what the fuck?

>> No.23461847

there will be bch unlimited, bch abc ,and bch pos and of course there will still be bch sv

>> No.23461869

preparing for the flippening of corecoin with a monster green dildo

>> No.23461879

>bch pos
piece of shit?

>> No.23461886

proof of stake i think the viabtc chink is behind it

>> No.23461929

abc is obviously amaurys fork and unlimited is peter rizuns, pos or "bitcoin cat" is yangs

>> No.23461955

the funny thing about yangs for is they want to "nationalize" the utxos that never moved since the cash fork.

>> No.23462020

It's going to be a two-way split. The entire BCH and SLP ecosystem vs. Bitcoin ABC (Amaury Secret). Haipo Yang isn't doing Bitcoin Cat.

It's going to be a nothing burger of a split.

>> No.23462044

right thats what I thought. then i'll keep my bch i bought yesterday.

>> 3 way split

trying to trick me huh

>> No.23462221

>Haipo Yang isn't doing Bitcoin Cat
really? he had a change of heart? i thought the fork will be on nov 15th

>> No.23462248

no tricks m8 that's been talked about a lot in a few months back but since that not much talk about bch and i don't actively follow them aside from calling them cashies morons.

>> No.23462270

>The entire BCH and SLP ecosystem vs. Bitcoin ABC
but didn't miners signal support for amaurys plans? which is of course retarded but still.

>> No.23462303

peter rizun btw is the only cashie i have respect for. so you should buy the dip AFTER the fork on whatever chain he is supporting.
buying before the fork is just plain stupid evident by two major and multiple minor forks on bitcoin protocol.