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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23451844 No.23451844 [Reply] [Original]

Take this kid, you’re gonna need it where we’re going

>> No.23451867

Two ROT threads today. Gentlemen, we are back!

>> No.23451893
File: 175 KB, 1280x960, 8306DFFC-10D3-491F-A471-BB5EF31F7D60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

financially rotten

>> No.23452004
File: 9 KB, 182x276, 561992AB-3994-4C0D-8288-27B8FE261463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was gonna say....40K buy today from a new wallet and /biz/ still sleeps on ROT kek. Hope you lads grab some bags because being financially rotten is more freeing than you could believe.

>> No.23452051

why rot

>> No.23452064
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>> No.23452266

please explain why rot

>> No.23453274

Ok so the tokenomics behind this are quite complex but I’ll try to summarise. Big money nigga Halloween cometh big pump big gains suck ya nan

>> No.23453312

Lmao this shit still around? Discord is dead,tg dea, price stuck under 10 cents forever, and anon dev already abandoned project for his next scams Im seriously laughing bc theres pajeets here who thought this was going to be worth more than a few cents on Halloween

>> No.23453357

Are you retarded? Telegram has thousands of messages a day. Dev isn’t anon and someone just bought 3btc worth. Are you genuinely mentally impaired?

>> No.23453416

What's happening with the air drop? I'm still holding 7500 in my wallet. I've heard staking does count/doesn't count I'm so confused

>> No.23453432

Staking does not count, the airdrop is any time between now and Halloween

>> No.23453437

>3btc worth
L O L is that supposed to be impressive?
Props to anyone making money from farming tho.

>> No.23453466

>dev isnt anon
Why do you jeed to lie? Is it because youre a pajeet that relies on lies to feed his village? Go look at the discord its a fucking joke only reason there were 2 threads today is bc a pajeet tg pump group wants to try to hit 15cents before exiting.

>> No.23453496

My nigga you are smoking crack jump in tg and check it for yourself we’ve already been well over 15 cents. Must be hard living smoothbrain. I hope your xrp bags moon soon Goldstein

>> No.23453562

Another lying pajeet shilling his dead shitcoin what a surprise. What was the meme - 6.66 by halloween? Lmao

>> No.23453578

fucking kek!

>> No.23453599

You are very correct sirs many apologies I will remain good goyim sorry sirs my village was just hungry sir many sorry mr Goldstein sir

>> No.23453708

You can tell it’s shit by how shit the memes are

>> No.23454376


>> No.23454468

>Staking does not count.
Fucking gay. I'm not unstaking.

>> No.23454533

Yeah it’s pretty gay but I’d unstable a few days before Halloween just to be safe

>> No.23454552

staking counts rtards lol. check the TG. Dev said so

>> No.23454776

Dev is anonymous and full of lies

>> No.23454948

I don't have enough money for 7500 ROT so I'll unstake before Halloween.

>> No.23455054

swing AXIA in the meantime