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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 94 KB, 1700x445, algorand-micali.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23441058 No.23441058 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.23441097

Nice. Just got a 1k stack. Maybe I'll get more with my next paycheck.

>> No.23441106

They're not using the coin. So demand remains the same.

>> No.23441195
File: 8 KB, 211x239, 15630985038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is real adoption, fren. Not some faggot.finance bullshit

>> No.23442336


>> No.23442513

Wow I needed some hopium for this shitcoin.

>> No.23442766

But they’re not using the Token?

>> No.23442843

it's only a matter of time before this chain gets used more. comfiest hold ever.

>> No.23442884

PoS tokens are used for security, projects like this will increase the value of the entire network.

>> No.23442896
File: 11 KB, 229x220, 392167F6-F834-418C-8783-FBA3B243E589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

false, it's a pilot

>> No.23442919

except it is not, it is just an exploratory concept design

>> No.23442927

How the fuck does someone not realize that though
What kind of fucking retards browse this board? Development on the blockchain leads to more devlopment, etc etc etc
How the fuck man
These people are fucking actual retards

>> No.23442941

Cope harder faggot, Algorand is already chosen. Why would you bet against MIT??? You're not "smart money".

>> No.23442972

Zoomer trash don't understand any metrics. They just fomo into whatever goes up

>> No.23443061

>Why would you bet against MIT
because algorand does not scale with invreasing use, because the MIT god-worship is a symptom of the kind of hivemindnfaggotry that lead to Muh MIT-god thinking he knew enough to design decent tokenomics for algorandnandnhe and his team fuckwd up royally. this is a massive red flag. narrow competence in one domain does not guarantee success in other domains and now the ecosystem's economic model is permantly fucked due to the team thinking they could handle shit that was out pf their area. massive red flag - nigger tier fuckup

>> No.23443090

cringe may work on reddit but it is not an argument

>> No.23443115

Speak English next time you sub-literate piece of garbage. Get out of my thread

>> No.23443130

woah, this is unironically a big deal. I know a lot of guys that work maintenance for airline, and the traditional ways of getting parts are inefficient as fuck. this company eliminates literal years of wait time for the airline industry and it's going to start running it's services via the ALGO blockchain. when the rest of the American economy makes the switch, this will very easily be the comfiest hold.

>> No.23443174

can you explain how they fucked up?

>> No.23443208

Have a smol bag, will grab more soon.

>> No.23443232

He wants the token to pump 1000x so it can dump 95% a month later.

>> No.23443324


>> No.23443348
File: 202 KB, 711x389, asfasdfasdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's a copy paste from leddit. it's a total shitshow and to think that "the rest of the american economy" will make (((the switch))) is silly. go all if if you think that.
>Only early adopters can earn rewards for running a relay node. This smells of centralization like Dash premining or Dash mastermodes except at least with a master node you can put up a large amount of money and earn rewards. With Algorand, this is not currently available. Reference
>Apparently, a person involved in economics and not active in the crypto trading game determined the price of Algorand. The Dutch auction is a fair process. However, the pricing model was ridiculous and as a result, many suffered catastrophic losses. Price model auction reference
>As a result of the failed auction...I say failed because the price tanked as the early adopters referenced in #1 started to dump their rewards.
>VCs and early adopters bought at an insanely low price or from rewards, then likely dumped, causing the price to fall. Others followed suit to minimize losses and others stayed because there was a refund policy. You have to wonder why early adopters (which is now locked and no one I know had the opportunity or were informed about running a relay node) are the only ones that will have access to 3.1 billion Algos. early node rewards reference

>> No.23443410
File: 7 KB, 225x225, aaaaas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Since the first auction didn’t go so well, the second auction was delayed and a Super Staking rewards program was provided. Many people including yours truly sent in the fraction of an Algorand to the specified address and were qualified. Somewhere along the line KYC was implemented and a list of countries which included the US, China, and a number of other countries were excluded because of unspecified laws. The thing is, many universities are relay node runners and are awarded Algorand as well as participants who have algo wallets despite being in the US. This begs the question of why are staking rewards valid in these scenarios in the US and not for the Super Staking program. Remember the keyword is STAKING.
>There were several deadline for people to make KYC and extensions were given over and over as if they didn’t realize or know that a large number of people who initially qualified were in the US and China.

>6. From the foundation page
>There will be a maximum of 10 billion Algos in circulation. The Foundation anticipates that it will take at least five years of operation of the Algorand Public Blockchain to reach 10 billion Algos in circulation. The Algos will be introduced into the network over time as follows:

>Overall Algo Distribution (updated as of June 2020) Supply

>Algo Sales to the Community (distributed over time) 2.5 billion

>Incentives and Ecosystem Support (distributed over time) 1.9 billion

>*Early Relay Node Runners Program (distributed over time) 3.1 billion

>> No.23443450

>muh reddit fud
They changed things earlier this year. But yes, the Dutch auction in a bear market was a terrible idea.

The price right now is the bottom

>> No.23443472
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>Algorand Inc 2.0 billion
>Algorand Foundation (distributed over time) 0.5 billion
>By the looks of it, 7.5 billion of the 10 billion coins are awarded to early adopters ( I.e., friends of Algo), Ecosystem support which is currently early adopters, Algorand inc, and the Algorand foundation. That means 75% of the value of All Algos is held by the initial group. The smells of centralization anyway you look at it.

>7. Because of numerous issues, a vote was held to amend the reward schedule.
>The list goes on and on. There is a clear lack of leadership in this area and that’s why some of us advocate to burn half or more of the coins because the foundation, inc, early adopters, and foundation have too much power. In fact, they could have 2/3 of all value of this protocol that assumes a 1/3 honest majority. This set up is already compromised in this respect as all of the groups mentioned are associated.

just google search - it's prime to make the early insiders rich and fuck over the delusional MIT-bootlicking wanna-be-rich crowd who don't understand how the tokenomics are going to permanently fuck them. in addition, it does not scale with increasing use which will become a problem down the line. but that's a separate issue.

>> No.23443492


>> No.23443507

They changed all of this. 80% of supply must be locked up too.

>> No.23443542

>it does not scale with increasing use which will become a problem
Already been fixed as well. lmao at getting your info from reddit too! Just fucking leave /biz/ already

>> No.23443550
File: 29 KB, 720x715, 65465464646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh reddit fud
you know you're in deep shit when you pretend that basic facts are FUD
>But yes, the Dutch auction in a bear market was a terrible idea.
but muh MIT genuises... fucking kek. this is what happens when waaaay overconfident smart guys think they know everything.

>> No.23443617

>says the guy saving modified leonardo dicaprio pics on his computer and replying to a thread of something he has no interest in
you do realize Google also had a dutch auction that failed tremendously, and know that Facebook's IPO was shit?

>> No.23443626

yes they reworked the tokenomic model on the fly to fix the fuckup, adding more asshatery to the ecosystem. buy ALGO guys, here's how much you make, let's hope they don't just redo the economic model again. fucking KEK
>Already been fixed
that's just horseshit
>getting your info from reddit too
i wasn't going to write all that shit out for some larper, and the info is all over google because it was such a monumental fuckup.

>> No.23443637

send an email to admin@algore.com and they will contact you with details.

>> No.23443662

Stay poor, retard.

>> No.23443703

>says the guy saving modified leonardo dicaprio pics on his computer
this is biz nigger, where the fuck do you think you are?
>replying to a thread of something he has no interest in
faggots like you who shill faggotry like this that will fuck people over deserve to get their asses handed to them.

>> No.23443730

not an argument pajeet

>> No.23443861
File: 510 KB, 716x712, 9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>9 posts by this id

>> No.23443945

ok done, now waiting

>> No.23444023


>“We chose Algorand as the blockchain infrastructure to power our platform, after looking at several technology providers and rigorous due diligence,” said Col James Allen Regenor, USAF (ret), VeriTX CEO. “Algorand was the ideal solution to onboard our ecosystem partners to the network, because of its flexible architecture, low transaction fees and transactional throughput scalability.”

Just finished reading the article. This is huge. If Algorand's pertnership with VeriTX goes well, this will open many doors for Algorand.

>> No.23444372
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>> No.23445478

Easy HODL, we're all going to make it frens

>> No.23445535

watch one of the view legit projects disappear in all the pajeet and nigerian .finance threads that pop up here on a hourly basis

>> No.23445936

I hood it goes up on "legit MIT" hype, because I dont see adoption, use cases, or financial motivators.

>> No.23446089
File: 98 KB, 1088x731, 1593025355710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so... whats the real eth killer?

>> No.23446375



>> No.23446398

Asuka is STINK!

>> No.23446841
