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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23335977 No.23335977 [Reply] [Original]


TG that called: @uniswap_gem_collectors

already has litepaper, and on coingecko.


-liquidity locked


-no minting



already has amazing website with an actual usercase! White paper already out!

Uniswap link: https://uniswap.info/token/0x20211ab9388781532fece6c57347a0004a420f16

Swap link:

token address:

>> No.23336036

lets go. its gonna go crazy now. such a low mc and called

>> No.23336047

get the fuck in faggots

>> No.23336052

legit gonna 100× lmaoo. especially with the youtuber shilling in a couple hours

>> No.23336061

this is gonna do well short to mid term, advise you guys who are buying and planning to dump this by morning to hold onto this for a couple weeks.

>> No.23336076

Saw a thread here, got in at 2k, ignored all the shitcoin fudders and didn't pay attention to forms. Was and still is probably the most likely coin that's going to potentially hit 40k and above

>> No.23336105

definitely prone to price fluctuations due to small MC but it's been able to hold strong above where I bought in a few days ago.

>> No.23336135

Site look decent they need to update a few things.. where is this shits telegram ?

>> No.23336152

Dev is legit I, firstly I invest small amount because of got rug several times, now im regret to not invest more, but almost triple my investment now, still holding

>> No.23336158

Dev is still rest, but when wake up gonna try to do talks to marketing, so for now this gem is still under the radar for most peoples

>> No.23336192

New announcements and developments almost daily with this token . Expect great things from this team!!

>> No.23336228

Honestly, it's all pretty new so we'll have to see how it goes. He's being very careful about how he promotes it so he doesn't risk any trouble with the SEC. But that fact combined with his public persona at least tells us he won't rug.

If influencers pick this up, or it gets a major listing, we could see a lot of growth

>> No.23336237

Yes, it doesn't do anything. It is only a store of value, meaning it's value is only coming from what investors think the token is worth. It can't be backed by a product, because it's not going to be a store of value anymore as this would mean that the token's price would fluctuate with how the dev and the product is being made.

>> No.23336247

Why do I always get to projects late? Alternatively why do I (almost) never take profits? I hate my life, my trading instincts are shit.

>> No.23336266



>> No.23336272

Ask yourself what does real Biz invest in? In another anonymous projects or in people who know real business, who have an idea how to connect blockchain with regulators?

>> No.23336288

This is too good to be true, or maybe it's just a white scammer just like the guy behind Jamaicoin. He may be running low on funds and this is his last chance at scraping whatever he can?
How come someone in his position wouldn't be able to raise more than $1000 for initial liquidity? Besides, there is no real purpose for the token. At best, you may call this a nice side project he's not even serious about. There is nothing inherently giving value to the token besides the guy behind it.
At worst, it's a scam and an actual case of hack/identity theft. Or a coincidence.

>> No.23336303


Doubtful its a scam since its his legit Linkedin profile and that Delphi is following him on twitter.
Impossible for it to be a case of identity theft with all the things we know about it at this point.

>> No.23336321

So it's just a vaporware token. At least it's "legit", but in no way I'll buy something that is currently useless. What makes this a more reliable store of value than BTC or any other clone out there? No assets, nothing. Just holders theorizing the token will be SEC friendly because of the name behind the project.

Might be worth a nice gamble, but the parabolic rise already happened and it's likely to crash when the buy pressure inevitably dies as there's no reason to own this.

>> No.23336330

My comfiest investment thus far next to link and sta

>> No.23336339

What can honestly push this to .01 usd?

>> No.23336347

You know that ENCX is endorsed by literal moonbois when they always try to compare their token to BTC or ETH, without realizing the difference in effort, work and thought put into them.

If you're not intellectually dishonest and actually an human being, then pray tell me why I should buy DRC instead of BTC or ETH. Because of the limited supply? Then what stops me from creating an ERC20 token called Stable Digital Currency, doing the exact same thing?

The fact that he's not anonymous is a good thing, but it isn't proof of his legitimacy or his success in the crypto space. His token being "approved" by the SEC means nothing. The only reason you want to convince other people to buy is because the marketcap is low, meaning your bags will rapidly gain in value compared to other projects

>> No.23336369

I have genuinely tried to find ENCX to be a scam for the past 2 days and even sold early when we thought it was a rug. So much confirmation from the ENCX mods and devs has instilled enough confidence to know that we know who is behind the project if it rugs. This is a risk I am willing to take as well as others are. BTC likely faced a lot of the same exact arguments seen in these threads, this does not mean I am 100% certain this will reach success like BTC has, I think that space has already been claimed. I do suspect this will easily reach $0.01 per and from there will depend solely on how well this gets adopted. A lot of big whales have sold already allowing the supply to better evenly distribute so even rug aside it seems pretty difficult for 1 early holder to dump hard enough to kill this token. If you buy or not I wish you good luck with your investments and the same for anyone else here.

>> No.23336396

Yeah. At this point ENCX pulling a 10× is written. The youtuber in hours, NEW tg. Called by a decent group, with more calls hours away. And only 30k Mc

>> No.23336409
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>> No.23336424

Everyone has a risk capacity and I would say at the least if you are unsure but curious, throw even a .05eth at this and do not look back. Check it in a few weeks-months, worst case you lose $15-$20 or sell at a loss. Best case you gain greatly off a very small investment

>> No.23336449

I'm a complete poorfag. I turned $20 into $750 thanks to ENCX when I bought in last month, and I feel the same vibes coming today despite the lack of volume and interest from this board. The prices are almost similar, only a decimal more to the right. I want to throw $100 and forget, but I'm scared of making a bad move. I know that the Golden rule is not to invest money you can't afford to lose, but in my mind my current $750 is money I can't afford to throw away blindly ; but at the same time I'm thinking it'd be a waste not attempting to make it grow with low mcap projects like this.

From what I understand, the "developer" (as in, the guy who put up the contract) behind this project is legitimate, has a name/reputation, and can be held accountable. However, don't you find it at least a little suspicious how he remained inactive for almost two years before coming back on Twitter in full force this month for this project? Also, considering his background, wouldn't you expect a little more professionalism and funds to launch this project forward in a proper manner? Even if the whole "under the radar" feel may give off the impression of a fair launch at first, you can't help but being dubious.

>> No.23336494


>> No.23336517

The general gist of ENCX is to be a store of value without inflationary metrics applied to it.

Is it just another ERC20 token with yet another remittances usecase? Yeah, we've seen this shit before. If the fund manager behind this token can actually bring value to the asset then we'll be in the money. If not, then its just yet another loser shitcoin in a sea of shit.

>> No.23336540

1 cent waiting room. Unironically by his last name -ov this is a giant russian money laundering scheme that will make early adopters rich

>> No.23337086

Biz gonna miss out again by the looks of it

>> No.23337988

You literally copypasted the post made by the first guy shilling DRC a week ago and slightly modified it.

You are even worse than disgusting. End your life

>> No.23338078

Here's another proof of how they just copypasted a post from another thread. My ISP is banned so I can't post the screencap but go and have a look. It's literally the same post with a few changes


>> No.23338128

Add that to the fact that this thread is filled to the brim with 1 ID per post, how it's unusually fast for /biz/ and there you have it : a blatant shill campaign made by a retard who couldn't even at least make the effort to create a seemingly organic thread. DO NOT BUY ENCX UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE.