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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23203601 No.23203601 [Reply] [Original]

Oct roadmap:

>We migrated over $140M of liquidity from Balancer to Value Liquid, an upgraded product with enhanced UI elements and efficiencies to best serve our users. First 12 hour trading volume reached $4M, making Value Liquid one of the top 5 DEXes in TVL and Top 15 in trading volume
>Projects that are new to yield farming may use Liquid technology to bootstrap their launches.

>> No.23203806

Aesthetic image

>> No.23204013

Balancer and Uniswap teams must be sweating. People are starting to realize there’s no good reason to pay these bums fuckloads of pre-allocated tokens when their contracts can be forked and given a fair token distribution.

>> No.23204103

not to mention they're basically just throwing in desire.finance's entire fake business model but its actually real. As a fucking footnote for less than a month's development lol.

>Projects that are new to yield farming may use Liquid technology to bootstrap their launches. Instead of dealing with forking the famous SNX smart contracts themselves to distribute the new yield farming token, teams can use Value Liquid’s Farming Pool Creation UI to create the desired liquidity pools and pairs along with flexible ratios, customizable fees, and token contract minter approval for the Liquidity Pool.

>> No.23204171

Can’t wait to see some up and coming projects use this as a launchpad.
So unbelievable.
Devs deliver beyond all imagination.
YFV fudders eternally BTFO
Hayden on suicide watch
Whales harpooned hard

>> No.23204498

Its gonna be breddy gud

>> No.23205270

Marketing soon

>> No.23206207
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>> No.23207045

It doesn't matter how good the project is when community is extremely racist and homophobic there. It is constant use of f word anytime someone asks a question and poor indians who just want to quickly get out of poverty are constantly bashed and called greedy pajeets. I don't believe it is happening at this day and age, it is 2020 after all.

>> No.23207210

>community is extremely racist and homophobic there

Incredibly bullish. The only more bullish indicator was all the TQT tranny posting and memes. Its indicative of based, red pilled, engaged and high IQ community. I'm honestly tempted to actually purchase a decent amount. I farmed a lot and am not selling.

>> No.23207375

I am just not seeing how all these tecnical updates are supposed to pump price in this project. When other flagship projects, say "we will do x" the price goes wild. Here we get good news after good news and just cricket.

Am i missing something?

P.S i will say this. If we get another hyped defi altcoin bull, i do think this will do very well, but until then, im just not seeing it.

>> No.23207482


now i pray to the BonFi gods to save me.

>> No.23207493

That's because there is no major whale in this project. Which is a great thing, but the price won't get manipulated as easily.

>> No.23207531

They halved the link pool emissions. You do NOT fuck with my link pool emissions, and yet they did. This is an unforgivable act and they will pay.

>> No.23207532

It was never meant to be crazy pump, value of value depends on having best liquidity pools and best vaults in the market to push the price up and reward long term value stakers because they get small percentage of every transaction that happens or originates in Value ecosystem.

>> No.23207580

the thing is, if this is the reasoning, then plenty of people should be diving straight in to get in early for those long term benefits. That's not happening.

How is is that something as hyped as ,"a competitor to uniswap with lower fees, and those fees go back to token holders as rewards in the gov vault" still in the 20 millions in mkcap??

>> No.23207703

Because no one cares for long term investments in defi, nor some sort of passive stable income. Entire defi space is filled with chinks and pajeets gambling on moonshots and shitting everything they touch. Other thing is lack of trust based on previous dump from 80 to 5, stigma of YFI clone and generally complex system with 4 tokens that still requieres finishing touches to make it more appealing to public. It is good project with lots of bad luck along the way.

>> No.23207770


And developers are autistic hermit anons who don't give a shit about marketing or social media appearance or communication with community. Based on amount of imbeciles that hang there can't say that i don't agree with them tho

>> No.23207830

so what's your price vision for this good but unlucky project? can it touch 50 before EOY?

>> No.23207948

I can't really predict, i am in there till complete value emissions stop in gov vault v2. Pool emissions stop in 12 and 27 days so that could push price a bit up. But what i am really betting on is vUSD and vETH having solid use and mooning, that shit is 0.3$ now, been scooping it for weeks now.