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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 8 KB, 225x224, i can't believe we are performing worse than LAYER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23155126 No.23155126 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.23155197

>Have we peaked?
nope but your unilayer shitcoin certainly has

>> No.23155514

No, it's a functional platform with an existing userbase, unique features for a dex, and devs who are responsive to client feedback.

>> No.23156109

unilayer is far better option.

>> No.23156474

is this why they got dumped on?

>> No.23157093

>layer up 10% over the last 30 days
>trade down 50% over the last 30 days
I'm not trying to be defeatist here, but it looks like the cryptocrowd has decided and it is not looking good for us unitrade bros...

>> No.23157544

uniswap v3 is coming out, why arent you following, airdrop AGAIN, niggers DYOR

>> No.23157882

Get into DEXT ASAP. The project is about to release it’s full V1 and offers a ton of dex functionality without using Uniswap API

>> No.23158132

Did you get that info from their premium TG group thingy? Any date on the release?

>> No.23158884

unitrade is toast. some retards on here will still shill it though to try and dump closer to breakeven and leave some noob holding their bags.

>> No.23159013

just ask yourself, what kind of people would ever trade shitcoins on a decentralized exchange? probably 1% of crypto community. the masses want to login to their coinbase and buy their coins. things like uniswap will always be a niche market

>> No.23159129
File: 226 KB, 701x424, 1583595590032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uniswap V3 will make irreverent sir

>> No.23159307

Probably, but until then there are a few DEXs that stand to profit.

>> No.23159629

Nope accumulation phase $8 by next Friday

>> No.23159750

It's already risen since I bought at 0.60 so I'm good.