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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23106179 No.23106179 [Reply] [Original]

Why the fuck do people wagecuck?

>> No.23106367

Fear, depression, low value of themselves, not knowing a way out, low creativity, not believing in themselves, lack of vision, not caring, money addiction, babylon system control and not willing to make financial sacrifices or take risks in their lives.

>> No.23106377

Money to support self and future family

>> No.23106397

For me, it's retardation

>> No.23106410

Parents are forcing me to wagecuck, not everyone has access to neetbux

>> No.23106428

Also a refusal to be self sufficient, live off of the land, learn to grow their own food, an addiction to weed, alcohol, unhealthy food, toxic people, toxic lifestyles, city life etc.

Waging is an enslavement system and it works. The second you decide not to wage slave is the second you break free of the shackles that control you.

>> No.23106473

To eat and pay rent nigger, most people are like children, they believe an expensive car will make them happy and have more sex, etc. And they believe the best way to get it is to wagecuck and go into debt...
But the high IQ neet wants people to wagecuck, someone needs to build your house, someone needs to serve you tendies, etc.

>> No.23106496

Radical thought - maybe some people actually enjoy it...

>> No.23106519

Because they need money you fucking neet.

>> No.23106522

>But the high IQ neet wants people to wagecuck, someone needs to build your house, someone needs to serve you tendies, etc.
no, that's dumb. society would be better if we all worked for ourselves

>> No.23106558

so I don't end up dying from having to live in the woods. no other reason I can think of.

>> No.23106559


>> No.23106647


what a high IQ wants is that the job is 'fairly' remunerated, and work like 20 a week max in two 10 hour shifts

But I think thats only possible if most of the people does that..

>> No.23106756


>> No.23106850

I unironically think some people do.
most people are dumbasses that feel satisfied with their life even if all they do is clean toilets.

>> No.23106899

So that I can invest my salary. You need money to make money. Eventually I will have a passive income big enough to live off of

>> No.23106959

in america, health insurance so they dont die, because our grandparents killed nazis so jews could enslave us by feeding us disease causing food and then charging us for treating the diseases

>> No.23106978

what kind of retarded question is that? for food and shelter

>> No.23106986

Irony here being that you're probably a miserable nobody that no girl has ever taken seriously. You've been single for years. Have nothing to your name etc etc. That toilet cleaner has it all.

>> No.23107006

dont forget all of the viruses and incurable std's they released on the masses for profit

>> No.23107011
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>I failed to change the future, change yours by voting this November for a better tomorrow.

Death, Disease, Despair

>> No.23107019

Hooking up with girls, hanging out with people, working on what you’re into without having to stress out everyday for maximum profit. As long as the job isn’t something you hate, it’s not too bad.

>> No.23107026

Considering most people have 0 hobbies, and just go home after work to watch netflix, and wouldn't know what to do with themselves with unlimited free time, I think this is true in a sense.

>> No.23107081


i got laid off a couple of months ago due to corona firings, and i literally just masturbate and sleep now

i hate games, i hate movies, i hate games, never had gf or friends

i need my job back, atleast that way i could appreciate the little free time i had

>> No.23107099

to accumulate btc, and then buy pre-sales and flip them for a 2/3/10x
hopefully by the end of 2021 I can reach my first milli
hopefully by the end of this year I can start my own business and resign (it's gonna be a lot more work than regular wagecuckin' but at least I'm on my own)

>> No.23107625

Kindergarden, schooling and university along with the capilatistic culture machine has all taught them to enjoy it, this shouldnt be so surprising. Most normies wouldn't know what to do with themselves if there wasnt clear guidelines laid out for them in exchange of money and a sense of community.

>> No.23107803

So fucking cringe when one of you faggot ass wagies come in here and try to throw your pathetic weight around.

Here's a hint, retard: Women don't respect wage slaves. They respect businessmen and men who make their own way in the world. Not a fucking adult-sized toddler who needs another man to finance his life in exchange for menial labor.

>> No.23107846

Because my Boomer parents threw me out at 18 and had no other choice but to

>> No.23107898

NEETfags in this thread don't understand this but a lot of normie fags genuinely do like waging. I asked my normie friend what he would do if he won the lottery and he said he would still work for his asshole boss at his shitty unsafe warehouse.

>> No.23107957

they don't respect NEETcels either

>> No.23108546


>> No.23109303

It’s called coping

>> No.23109329

For money so we can exchange the money for goods and services and to not be homeless

>> No.23109342

don't leave out family and friends who reinforce self destructive behaviors

>> No.23109426

so I can buy link

>> No.23109481

they don't know any better

>> No.23109502

why take a risk when you can be mediocre all your life and never have to worry about shit and chase a small but decent bag?

>> No.23109560

Nice blog post, homo. What are you doing to make your own “way in the world?”

>> No.23109562

What's the alternative?

>> No.23110902
File: 35 KB, 500x500, 9C0680A3-F922-4FD6-A3BA-22C41467C676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So fucking cringe when one of you faggot ass wagies come in here and try to throw your pathetic weight around.
>Here's a hint, retard: Women don't respect wage slaves. They respect businessmen and men who make their own way in the world. Not a fucking adult-sized toddler who needs another man to finance his life in exchange for menial labor.

>> No.23110903

What is this Babylon System?

>> No.23111166
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18 year of child support

>> No.23111903

I "work" 30 hours a week for 6 figures so can live a much better life than fucking farming my own food and living off the land I'll leave that for the peasants

>> No.23111962

True I don't want others to wake from their matrix pods. It is not good for me or society if that happened.

>> No.23112008


Golden hand cuffs, muhhh pension.

>> No.23112078

No job=no money for investment
No earned income= no retirement accounts

>> No.23112118
File: 18 KB, 400x267, 5C79AB05-2B6D-453E-9562-2FC0C2C380B4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn’t go out and meet bitches and get paid.
>he doesn’t have multiple streams of income

>> No.23112176

Your parents pay for your entire life

>> No.23112218

What choice did I have. None.

>> No.23112291

I lived in Europe and niggers and sandniggers get gibs to live in ghettos and riot, back home they would be too busy begging for money on the stop sign

>> No.23112372

To buy more LINK

>> No.23112690
File: 17 KB, 334x334, 1588190737560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i still wageslave even though i made over 100k already in my side hustle this year just because i want the extra cash to accumulate cryptos before the GBR
t. working 18-20 hours a day
plus its outdoors and a lot of walking so I get some fresh air/exercise not a bad deal really

>> No.23112718

>i still wageslave even though i made over 100k already in my side hustle
How many dogs you walking a day?

>> No.23112745

ill bite
what side hustle

>> No.23112989
File: 131 KB, 750x1000, flat,750x,075,f-pad,750x1000,f8f8f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How else should a goyum make shekels?

>> No.23113042

Because I need to do something with my day, and manual unskilled labor pays well (mostly) here in Denmark and overtime pay is amazing. I only have to work 42 hours per week to make more than most people in the offices here, and I can listen to podcasts all day. I kinda reverse the cucking in a sense.

>> No.23113068

They are dead souled and broken down. They are perhaps indentured servants at worst physically, but spiritually they are enslaved through and through.

>> No.23113144
File: 71 KB, 720x388, Screenshot_20201008_012144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just seen this lmao, it was a comment on trumps twitter for reference

>> No.23113273

women dont understand what a wage slave is, they dont give a fuck you retard. all that matters there is how confident you are in yourself, and most people need activities and money to feel more confident.

>> No.23113433

>Just seen this lmao, it was a comment on trumps twitter for reference
Reminds me of that lady who worked for pizza hut for like 50 years then they just fired her like she was garbage

>> No.23113436

God I’m so sick of you fucking snarky little NEET faggots.
There’s a lot of room between slaving for minimum wage at Walmart and being rich enough to never work again.
Even if you have a >$1m net worth why the fuck wouldn’t you just work for 10-20 years and make $60-120k a year at a cushy office gig for basically just showing up? If you save 30% of your income and invest conservatively you’re basically guaranteed another few million in your 50s.
You niggers are doing it wrong and many of you will be broke in 10 years. A lot of you already are.
t. “wage cuck” who statistically has a lot more money than most of you stay at home queers

>> No.23114229

Someone's hot to do it or this whole thing collapses.

>> No.23115515

this sounds like actual mental retardation

>> No.23115557
File: 688 KB, 764x547, Screen Shot 2020-10-08 at 3.42.24 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let me sum it up for you.
Wagies < PoorNeets < high skill Wagie < business owner

>> No.23115624

i wage for extra cryptobux and to learn skills/trades and different business'
also to see different towns/states/cities etc.
get familiar with everything 500 miles around me.
that's the upside to it.
downside is less money than selling lbs of dope. so have to invest it to see anything that could justify being a slave..

i would never wage for a flat rate.
i need to be able to throw money at something that will increase my yearly wage by at least 10000x
or it is a wasted year.

>> No.23115667

wagie cope. pathetic

>> No.23115675

Yeah OK, MOM

>> No.23116463

Because nobody will give you enough money to escape. Also somebody should.