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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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23093255 No.23093255 [Reply] [Original]

12 hours ago YFV carried out it's vampire attack on Balancer to drain off $140mil of liquidity from Balancer.

This makes them the 3rd largest Dex by TVL - but still under the radar, not on defipulse.

If you give Balancer a P/E ratio of 40x (as some have) then using the same calculations you can give YFV (now I should say VALUE (2 tokens, both same with a 1-1 swap *expect YFV to be archived and all moved to VALUE soon) a P/E ratio of only 1.8x lol - this is because of a depressed token price now of $4.5 (an all time low).

Imo low due to being under the radar. Ill break down future value accrual and how it can/should be 10x+ higher in the future but in short: 0.05% trading fees from its DEX and 6.67% from farming/vault activities buying up VALUE to distribute to governance vault holders.

Balancer is stifled by ineffective governance, has no value accrual to BAL holders, whereas VALUE token is almost fully issued, have cut their farming emmissions down, and dropped the full circulating token amount from 15mil to 7.8mil.

Also a strong anon team (will get into speculation on this in the future too - but are they KNC devs (thats the rumor), or are they tied to Huboi (listed on Huboi in 1st week of launch lol) or Poloniex (Polo extremely responsive in listing VALUE on launch date and auto swapping all YFV tokens to VALUE)

TLDR: under the radar gem, 3rd largest dex, but not only a dex, a mix of dex + farms + vaults (YFI), and even within the vaults an ability to faster switch between farms to target highest yields. You're going to be hearing a LOT more about VALUE over the next few months...

valuedefi .io
t .me/ValueDeFi

>> No.23093493

though I am a invester in this, wait for the dump to complete, it should stabilize around $3-$4 then jump in

>> No.23093553

People who think Value/yfv is dead are mistaken. This thing will start flying like other defi coins.

>> No.23093709

Thank you OP I feel better about my liquidity position now. It's pretty comfy.

>> No.23093789

Thats what everyone is saying tho... so it won't actually reach that.

BAL has a $110mil market cap with circulating coins and $258mil cap fully diluted.

YFV + VALUE combined = approx $27mil cap circulating , and around $35mil fully diluted.

So, yeh, lol, they have the same range of TVL, but Value has 0.05% fees buying VALUE and 6.67% of all vault farming too.
I don't think it's going to hit $3 ;)

>> No.23094148
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[pic related] team would be known if not anon ;)

>> No.23094182
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>So, yeh, lol, they have the same range of TVL, but Value has 0.05% fees buying VALUE and 6.67% of all vault farming too.
Don’t forget about Flexible Farming. When Flexible Farming launches Value holders will even profit off liquidity that’s outside of Value Liquid. That’s going to be the real game changer here.

>> No.23094496

Core looks safer

>> No.23094528
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Yes, theres a LOT of value coming to VALUE lol.
Not farming yet but they already have the flexible VAULTS, so right now they are farming KFC and GOLFF at decent profit, under the radar, benefiting vault stakers and governance vault holders with 6.67% of profit buying VALUE and giving it to them :)

>> No.23094536

lol, imagine buying core near its top

>> No.23095231

I hate this fucking coin, it's waiting for me to capitulate and then it will take off.

>> No.23095243


I feel the same way and if we don't capitulate then it will just dump to nothing. It will literally only pump if I personally sell lmao.

>> No.23095612

doesnt mean anything. you are all running straight into a honey pot. good riddance, based andre deanonymizing criminals and delivering their capital straight to the marshals

>> No.23095739

^ he got rekt. buy his bloooooddddd ;)

>> No.23095749

And yet the token price isn't going up. What's the explanation? The market doesn't know, or the market doesn't care?

>> No.23095854
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I cant even access the site, am at work. Do i have to do anything as a farmer?
> t. all in link all in farming value

>> No.23095904
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>> No.23096230
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>> No.23096475

Can someone explain how the maximum supply got decided?
I remember there was a vote to limit to max supply to 2 million value?
It was being voted overwhelmingly in favour for.
Now the max supply is 7 million?
Why did token holders vote for a higher supply?

>> No.23096491

hi fren, we're going to make it.

>> No.23097183

7m is included with the yfv that will dissapear into value, so is 3m i think

>> No.23097257

>Can someone explain how the maximum supply got decided?
>I remember there was a vote to limit to max supply to 2 million value?
>It was being voted overwhelmingly in favour for.
>Now the max supply is 7 million?
>Why did token holders vote for a higher supply?

It was *wanted to be 2m . but at that point there was already 2.7m in existence / scheduled to be released. they kinda capped YFV to be the minimum they could - around 4mil, and then released VALUE with a 3mil supply.

think i have that the right way around but either way, combined there are 7.6 or so mil total (and expect YFV to just get axed and they have everyone move over to VALUE - it can do more, more flexible contracts, changing farming and pools quicker with it etc

So now, final supply mechanics are known , 7.6mil total supply (down from 15mil it was previously going to be, which is down from 21m where it started, there was a big 5mil burn)

>And yet the token price isn't going up. What's the explanation? The market doesn't know, or the market doesn't care?

Under the radar - ^ like that with the supply with two tokens, it is confusing, only people really following the project know this. Same with things like not being on defi pulse yet etc, its just not on people's radars, yet there is $140mil on their dex and $30mil in their vaults/farms farming UNI and CREAM and others. This is where u buy ;)

>> No.23097343

Does anybody know if okex will do automatic swap to value?

>> No.23097565

Nvm just asked customer support myself apparently no plans yet for coin swap..

>> No.23097587

Is it reasonable to expect at lest $25 for token again?

>> No.23097725

Yes, yes it is. If it would be 25$ we would be around the same mcap as Balancer. And seeing as how they are trying to be a better Balancer, 25$ is very doable.

>> No.23097754

I don't fully understand how this all works though
If you can swap YFV 1:1 for Value and people have also been farming the entire supply of Value for the past weeks
Then doesn't that mean the fully supply is all the current Value supply + the swapped YFV tokens?
If so isn't that 7 million Value tokens?
Seems like total bullshit that they ever suggested it could / would be 2 million total supply.

>> No.23097858

>Is it reasonable to expect at lest $25 for token again?

yeh this is reasonable target to be level with Balancer. But then they are YFI too, can do everything they do, and they are, can move faster even. Their beta vaults are live and capped at $10m each and they are all full. Wait till they pull in a few $100mil too and 6.67% of all farming profits go to buy VALUE and distribute it to VALUE stakers in the governance vault... then sky is the limit.

>> No.23097893

>I don't fully understand how this all works though
>If you can swap YFV 1:1 for Value and people have also been farming the entire supply of Value for the past weeks
>Then doesn't that mean the fully supply is all the current Value supply + the swapped YFV tokens?
>If so isn't that 7 million Value tokens?
>Seems like total bullshit that they ever suggested it could / would be 2 million total supply

Yes, full diluted supply when all live will be 7.6mil total - so 3+4 . and basically, it hasnt been said yet but I'd just bet that YFV will be archived off - all payments are in VALUE, this IS value now, they even rebranded now so it isn't even YFV Finance anymore , it is "Value DeFi" , so expect 1-1 swap to be heavily pushed and basically to the point where there is no usage for YFV so its all value - this is just an interim period where they both exist but VALUE can have a total 7.6mil supply then thats it.

Also emissions from pools/farming are slowing down now so less future emmission coming.

>> No.23097910

Stupid gov pool has stopped emitting VALUE, we're going to $1.

>> No.23098064

HAHAHAHHAHA i love how the new logo is representing how rekt all the holders became. Very apt

>> No.23098551

Its a bug being fixed, those who exited during the bug will get VALUE as airdrop

>> No.23098906

based, I unitonically bought 5k VALUE

>> No.23098966

Based, I just bought more too at the 4$ bottom. We're gonna make it, our patience will be rewarded.

>> No.23099038

Pretty og yfv holder here. Still have some value and a lot of veth/vusd, but I shamefully sold my yfv at around $8. Going back in big within the next few days though when vaults are updated to accept VALUE. Although it is a meme, few understand what the yfv team is actually trying to do here.

>> No.23099122

is this anything like the payment options on fuse.io?

>> No.23099131

You might not want to wait much longer, 4$ seems to be the bottom, I dont see it going much lower. But then again, I probably thought that 20x already on this coin.

>> No.23099168

$0 is the bottom

>> No.23099169

I don't and it probably is. My plans were kind of set back a couple days, but if I was in a position to right now, I'd definitely be buying

>> No.23099431


>> No.23100190

Hope it keeps dropping and stays low so I have time to line up another buy.
t. Buying since $75, avg basis at $16

>> No.23100259

same anon. starting buying at 16. accumulated a bit more at 8 and 6 but tempted to go in for more.

>> No.23100306

You got any more information on this? Never even heard of YFV.

>> No.23100527

Yes :P $163mil TVL in dex.
$3m trading today.


>> No.23100577

Yeah, I'm buying.

>> No.23100643

Really undervalued token at the moment, yield farming aggregation and DEX AMM with plenty of liquidity

>> No.23100687

What a chad. I can't bring myself to go all in farming. 4K Link is enough, though I might put in another 2K Link to farm. I only planned on putting in as much as I'm willing to buy back the Link from the 2% swap, but now I'm convinced this project will blow up faster than Link so I can buy back and grow my stacks. It just took a while to come to terms with Impermanent Loss, seeing my Linkies get drained while farming hurts so bad >_>

>> No.23101010

Whats the diff between YFV and VALUE? Which do I buy?

>> No.23101142

I don't get it at all. Why has the tokens price collapsed so much?

>> No.23101218

Because no new money is coming into crypto.

>> No.23101228

So VALUE is just rebranded YFV right, and YFV will be swapped for VALUE 1:1 at some point? Which should I buy, or doesn't it really matter because they are both cheap?

>> No.23101467 [DELETED] 

personally i am all in
100$ eom

>> No.23101548

I'd be very happy with 25$ eom and 50$+ eoy

>> No.23101574
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expect them just to merge and yfv disappear, you can 1-1 swap. [pic related] - heres the full info article on the 2 tokens: https://medium.com/@valuedefi/faq-yfv-and-value-migration-af3a5a5c2190

>> No.23101692

so where do i swap 'm... uniswap?

>> No.23102100

there is liquidity on uniswap but there is an actual swap widget on the website to get full swap ("wrap") at any amount: https://valuedefi.io/wrap

>> No.23102769

what happens when the value rewards stop for the pools? what's the reason to stay in the pools?

>> No.23102813

It will transition to a liquidity provider system much like uniswap

>> No.23103034


>> No.23103075

Lmao, you have plenty of time left.

>> No.23103431

I think what happened was community voted to limit yfv’s supply at 2m but the team burned their keys so they could not implement the wanted change. Then they had to introduce value.

I think at some point they will get rid of yfv completely and have value with 2m supply max. That is the only way we can see a big pump. Otherwise it will be ridiculously difficult to see $80 levels again

>> No.23103722

how many bottoms does this piece of shit have?

>> No.23103794

I think that 25$ to 50$ range is realistic

Higher if it is a bull market again overall

>> No.23104405


Its not under the radar. Everyone knows about VALUE. No one cares at this price. I will buy some at $1.

>> No.23104436


Theres no such thing as bottom just holes

>> No.23104465
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why is apy tanking bros?

>> No.23105074
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>> No.23105189

$50 would be nice honestly.

>> No.23105293

I hold my yfv in huobi. Will they migrate them for me automatically into value or I have to do it myself?

>> No.23105350

when is YFV liquidity to be switched to value?

>> No.23105557

I love this project but I must call the Devs out on something.

This is the new sight.

Going to anything that was connected to YFV.finance is a dead link.
It is actually quite difficult to find the new site https://valuedefi.io/

WTF havent the Devs set up an Auto redirect to the new site?
That is fucked up.
Id bring it up in the forum but thats a dead link as well.

>> No.23105760

How much is the roi for Link staking?

>> No.23105985

yfv.finance redirects to valuedefi.io nigger

>> No.23106000

I am financially justed

>> No.23106059

Checked, rekt and kekked

>> No.23106066
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I'm farming on this and holding the VALUE tokens even through impermanent loss, I hope I don't get JUSTed.....

>> No.23106264

Swings. Right now 50%. A week ago 110%

>> No.23106463
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Pic related.
In the middle box [YFV Price]
Today it is
$4.23(9.47 LEND)

yesterday it was

Is this to do with seeking max yeilds?

>> No.23106494

it's because 12h ago the migration from balancer onto native VALUE liquidity pools has been done. the YFV token is being phased out for VALUE, check the roadmap

>> No.23106529

More asking about the DAI yesterday and LEND

I am well aware of whats going on with the tockenomics.

>> No.23106557

What do I do with my YFV on a CEX? Will they automatically transfer over?

>> No.23106708

ah i see, i don't know about that anon, what even is the LEND token?

no they won't. stop using centralized exchanges like it's 2016, there are better options now

>> No.23107220

refresh the page a few times, it changes. i think it just picks one of the currencies in the pools randomly. don't know why.

>> No.23107721

They already stopped issuing rewards for gov vault for yfv. Gov vault v2 will be available this week as per their October roadmap. https://link.medium.com/AfGdC3gDoab

>> No.23107769


The High Yield Farming protocol
What you see is what you get: there is no premine, no admin minting powers, and no backdoors.

>> No.23107986

>If you give Balancer a P/E ratio of 40x

>> No.23108352

It’s unironically over.

>> No.23108407

Is buying the farming token a mistake? Should I farm it with wEth instead? I am only putting about 2 eth in. Buying the pure token it could do an easy 2x-3x if the project improves couldn't it?

>> No.23108454

There’s no reason to hold this token now after the roadmap updates. Nobody can give me one reason VALUE has any value right now. V2 gov rewards are getting cut, you’re better off farming and dumping.

>> No.23109777

I dumped this shit boys, sorry.
Feels good to not wake up every day and see my money being syphoned away by vampire bots.

>> No.23109921

Same here anon. I gave them up till they dropped the October roadmap, it’s clear they have no direction though.

>> No.23109949


what do you mean no direction. Its clear after the Oct road map they have more direction and are looking far into the future to retain their TVL

>> No.23110057

Yes all this TVL that’s great, but what’s the value for holders of the actual token? Gov v2 pool is getting slashed for no reason. There’s no plans for vUSD and vETH so they’re just delaying the inevitable of further farming till this token approaches zero. I’m still going to farm and dump because they made it the most viable strategy instead of supporting the holders.

>> No.23110252


Wait, is it just me or it is hard to see that VALUE is even valuable now?

Check this out on just WETH Vault farm
Once they remove the cap, as long as more people are trying to farm VALUE with weth
The 6.7% profit goes to buying back of VALUE and redistributed to the Value gov staker

Doesn't this add in Value?

Followed by a USDT based balancer they created
Balancer listed USDT as bad erc-20
Its fine because Value Liquid will do it
People might say, they are new, how would they get volume?
Dex aggregators
They are talk in progress with 1inch and some sneak peak, they are building their own dex aggregator and the fees will be profit for Value gov staker too

Doesn't this add in Value?

If that's not enough, check this out
>Profit from farming strategies will be auto-compounded

>Locking VALUE in the vault for an extra period of time will boost VALUE yield

>Governance Vault v2 will support multiple strategy farming as well, our state-of-the-art farming innovation

Not sure if i am being biased, but their October roadmap is a detailed plan and journey
Me and my friend literally bought $5,000 worth of VALUE on the roadmap update

>> No.23110290

Based and IYKYK-pilled

>> No.23110364

I have no doubt from a platform perspective they’ll find success. But why hold this token today, right now? It’s clear it’s going lower and will continue to do so until inflation is done.

>> No.23110381

I personally bought at 4$ today because I felt it was the bottom, its 4.30$ now so my instinct was right, for now. If you think it will go lower you can wait until Value is completely farmed, sure.

>> No.23110413

based af

>> No.23110483

I think they will continue extending Value farming "due to popular demand" to prop up their tvl.
Token holders will be relentlessly JUSTed, I can see it already.
>heh just another 4 days
>1 more week, seriously
>2 more weeks, I promise
>just 1 million more, think of the tvl goyim
Yeah, these cunts can get fucked.

>> No.23110641

Don't think I'm some paid fudder either, I bought this shitcoin all the way down from $12 to $5.50
They will justify the "popular demand" by demonstrating where most of the money is locked farming Value. Holders will be JUSTed beyond belief, this will go below $1

>> No.23110644


But Isn't the total emissions of VALUE still same, just the period of farming became longer

The changes definitely benefits VALUE staker and it reduce selling pressure from farmer (bad for farmer unless price went up)

>> No.23110696

They will keep extending it

>> No.23110735

They will change that, I bet you my left nut anon. They couldn't give a shit about holders of the token.

>> No.23110800

They really don’t. Trust me I’ve been holding a while, the main play was to integrate vUSD and vETH and I thought there was a plan there. But it’s clear it’s going to get delayed until 2021 when VALUE is completely diluted.

>> No.23110873

This so called vampire attack left us with less TVL than the day before LMAO.

>> No.23110874

Kek I even tried using their shitty value liquid swap to cash out my worthless vUSD & vETH
It took my vUSD, I never received the Value I swapped it for, and I couldn't do anything at all with the vETH.
So anything you get from the Gov Vault is totally fucking worthless, and Value itself is going to $0.20

>> No.23110946

I lost around 40 eth buying this shitcoin all the way down, if any anons have been duped by that cocksucker fonzie, you will kiss your eth goodbye aswell unless you get out while you still can.

>> No.23111063

GTFO pajeets! This anon RULES this thread! Buy now or piss off!

>> No.23111139

The value I earned in the gov pool is gone...

>> No.23111254

This post makes me jelly AF, wish I could buy in right now

>> No.23111256
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Anyway, I am not gonna FUD. Good luck anons, I hope you don't make the same error that I did.
I thought it would turn around soon aswell.

>> No.23111511


They do, sincerely
Look at what is being done


- Native DEX and Liquidity pools. Compared to UNI and BAL which pay you nothing; VALUE gives you a piece of the action. Phase 4 brings monopoly on all trades across all supported dexes. You hold VALUE, you get % provision of all trades.

- Vault strategies automatically select most secure, highest APY% farming pools to give you better fees/rates and saving on gas than UNI or BALANCER or chasing high apy by moving from project to project

- Governance Vaults gain a share of the other vault rewards, incentivizing staking over HODLing on centralized exchanges, which can drastically reduce the circulating supply, use of our own DEX over CEXs and drive up VALUE token price.

- Buyback and distribution of Value from Vault rewards further incentivizes staking the governance vault and reducing the available circulating supply

- All contract changes have 24hr Timelock for safety and trust

- Devs have proven their accountability in the early days of YFV by restoring lost funds that had been exploited, completing numerous additional audits and furthering the goals and value to the community by expanding the project into VALUE and separating from ‘yf’ clone

>> No.23111522


Bro you gotta read the updates the Gov 2 is coming.

>> No.23111763

Should all be ready by 2022 when the price hits 15 cents.

>> No.23111893

Thank you anons.
No idea what Lend is. Will look into it.

>> No.23112106

This project suffers from being so tecnical, and bad at explaining what they are doing with each update, that almost no one knows what exactly its happening other than a few very techy people. You can read all the medium articles and updates and check the discord and telegram and still not know WTF is happening exactly, or how this will affect that.

>> No.23112150

Are these bots affecting the project?

>> No.23112220


>> No.23112251

And I believe the latest victim of these bots is Core. Watch them grind that down to shit too

>> No.23112350

Cant unstake without penalty. Staked more yesterday.
Shouldn't they allow penalty free unstake when they make changes without notice?
Also the value rewards that I already accumulated are gone. Like the protocol took them away.
Will they be returned?

DaFuk is goin on with this project?
Yes Ive read all the medium articles.

>> No.23112535

all those bots are affecting is the tokens traded on uniswap. so it's affecting the project in a way that it's draining money from VALUE tokens traded on uniswap, if there are any
VALUE's own DEX doesn't suffer from the same bug as uniswap's and such bots can't drain from the VALUE DEX

>> No.23112610

Be careful with Value liquid.
I tried to swap some vUSD for Value and got cucked. Took my vUSD, still haven't received the Value, I cbf going into the telegram and getting a headache over it.

>> No.23112627

sure kid the blockchain stole your lunch money. go cry about it on plebbit

>> No.23112672

Is it possible to delist from Uni once on a few exchanges?
Make all the purchasing / swapping / wrapping of Value internal to Value Liquid protocol

>> No.23112697

you can't "delist" from a DEX, on a decentralized exchange as long as anyone(i.e an ether address) provides liquidity the pair can be traded, it's done via smart contract
what can(and probably will) be done is that it will be ensured that it's more profitable for liquidity providers to move on from providing liquidity on UNI to VALUE

>> No.23112702

Dis you add the Value contract to your wallet?
as it is different from YFV

>> No.23112746

>s vampire attack on Balancer
what's the meaning of this?

>> No.23112771

This makes sense.
This project is so frustrating.

The vision and what they are doing / have done is pretty epic.
The growing pains are fooking rough though.

It is shitty to be stuck in a reward-less Stake / cant remove tokens without the 1.92% penalty.

Ill get over it but......................... you know what Im sayin.

>> No.23112786

VALUE liquidity was migrated from balancer to VALUE's native liquidity service.
it wasn't really a vampire attack since that liquidity on balancer was the pairs used for YFV/VALUE liquidity, so it was VALUE liquidity all along. they were just using balancer as a service for their liquidity but now it's been moved to their own native solution

>> No.23112795

Yeah, I checked.
It didn't steal my (worthless) vUSD, just registered that it had 0 balance on the ui, I was charged for a failed transaction though, and the ui is riddled with bugs. But who cares.. Value liquid is the next big thing.. ri-right

>> No.23112805

what do you mean? the new governance v2 vault is coming out later this week and it's gonna have rewards

>> No.23112898

Imagine getting so rekt you come up with theories on how this coin is gonna moon somehow

>> No.23112935

Just frustrated.
The team is clearly working hard on this project.
and have delivered. Community is involved. Is a lesson in following your investment.
Not just buying a token and holding it in a wallet.

Still see tonnes of potential here and will HoDL

>> No.23112951

I must give the shills credit, they had me fooled for a while.

>> No.23113025

It doesnt say anything about the value I earned from the gov pool disappearing though.The vUSD and vETH i earned is still there, as well as my YFV tokens, but the VALUE is accrued is gone.

>> No.23113061

My VALUE rewards are gone as well. I still have my vUSD and vETH. WHat about you, anon?

>> No.23113062

WTF? you have 13 posts samefagger! IRONY?

>> No.23113069

Sometimes a good idea isn't the best investment. If they're trying to be the next Balancer, you don't make good money holding a ton of BAL, you make it from liquidity pooling. I don't have any reason to keep holding this.

>> No.23113093

I am aware of id's cunt, I just hate this shitcoin, not gonna lie.

>> No.23113177

it will be more than BAL

>> No.23113198

>Cant unstake without penalty
so when can you withdraawn?

>> No.23113292


>> No.23113338


this. wtf happened to my accrued value tokens? they just vanished?

>> No.23113374

There is a time lock when you stake in Gov. Cant recall how long it is; 24hr give or take. 1.92% penalty if you withdraw early.

Appreciate the heads up on The Uni Bots. am pulling out all liquidity from Uni right now.

>> No.23113556

the governance pool is getting migrated to V2, you will get your accrued tokens in a few days when it launches

>> No.23113615

Will it automatically migrate to GovV2 or does staker have to do manually?

>> No.23113723

says in their telegram group it's gonna be automatic

>> No.23114319
File: 283 KB, 355x368, niggers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dumb retards buying the farmers' bags once again for the 5000th time
Just go to sub $1 and fucking die off already

>> No.23114737

October roadmap: sexy , read it, your life changes today. https://medium.com/@valuedefi/value-october-roadmap-d3e8db5c86d3

>> No.23115333

Farm, then sell. Not hard.

>> No.23115372

Not going to be possible for long. inflation rate and emmissions dropping, this isn't just a farm, its a combo of FYI and Balancer with the profits going to VALUE holders. Realise this difference and know how massively undervalued it is.

>> No.23115454

Thank you Anon for answering those questions; I go on the forum but haven't jumped into the Telegram. Is it worth it?
Decent honest discussion in there?

>> No.23115693

Discord more civilized than telegram lol. Take a knife if youre going into tg.

>> No.23115741

Farming is the only reason to hold this shit coin let’s be real, and the devs need to keep delaying the inevitable end with zero plan of what’s next.

>> No.23115874

feel sorry for u bro. all this alpha, literally spelled out for you and u still missed it lol.

>> No.23116068

I'll probably do a write up of the new changes. On paper the team is carefully solving new issues before they become a problem. The entire ecosystem they are creating is incredible and this will probably be the only yield aggregator project that survives long term as its profits don't come solely from minting new Gov tokens. Right now VALUE suffers from the same thing EVERY farming token suffers from which is the yield is generated primarily from minting/farming the Gov token. They have considerably more revenue streams of actual profit whereas every other project has 1 if not 0. Once everything is online the others will die off over time but VALUE will probably live.

>> No.23116479

Unironically this. If this project thrives , it will be because it will outlast almost all its competitors. May take a while unfortunately

>> No.23117609

bumping for no reason

>> No.23117712


>> No.23117822

thanks for the bump anon.

agreed. the team is really impressive and one of the smartest I came across in the crypto space. I believe the community driven rebranding was a great idea, and this will differentiate it from many other YFI clones out there.

>> No.23118006

First things first, what is the make it stack?!?

>> No.23118707

Guys, why do you cope so much since ath. Move on bros... Its not healthy holding a token you can farm...

>> No.23119070
File: 42 KB, 1084x232, banned.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People banned for posting pic related. They don't want us to know value. Wtf they banned for this jannies?

>> No.23119136


- Value vaults uncap increasing TVL (completion of pending audits by well known auditors)
- Defi pulse listing almost finalized; 1inch and paraswap is in discussion
- Increase partnerships in the defi ecosystem
- Pools begin to accept VALUE tokens
- Farming rewards exhaust from pools and reduced emission from governance vault so less inflation of VALUE supply and farmers dumping
- Team finishes product updates (phases 4)
- Provide clarification to the vUSD and vETH tokens and rebase mechanism initiated
- Complete the major updates to the site(s)
- Accelerate the marketing aspect and promotion once major project developments are complete


- Native DEX and Liquidity pools. Compared to UNI and BAL which pay you nothing; VALUE gives you a piece of the action. Phase 4 brings monopoly on all trades across all supported dexes. You hold VALUE, you get % provision of all trades.

- Vault strategies automatically select most secure, highest APY% farming pools to give you better fees/rates and saving on gas than UNI or BALANCER or chasing high apy by moving from project to project

- Using vUSD/vETH as rewards once VALUE rewards exhaust creates a non-inflationary reward ecosystem in which token price can not be as easily manipulated by large account holders

- Governance Vaults gain a share of the other vault rewards, incentivizing staking over HODLing on centralized exchanges, which can drastically reduce the circulating supply, use of our own DEX over CEXs and drive up VALUE token price.

- Buyback and distribution of Value from Vault rewards further incentivizes staking the governance vault and reducing the available circulating supply

- All contract changes have 24hr Timelock for safety and trust

>> No.23119304

Nice. Gonna keep holding then.

>> No.23119352

How are they able to take away accrued Value rewards?
Ive being DCAing into this since 20$.
Value rewards are legit gone.

Cool if they will come back in Gov2. Disappearing without warning / notice or addressing it is rather weird.
This isnt FUD. Honestly want to know Why / When / How dis happen.

Reasonable ask imo.

>> No.23119390



In less than 2 month this team constantly delivered more than any other DeFi bubble bullshit YFI and FOOD clones.


ALL the FUNDAMENTALS are here, they are building a solid massive project, they have LONG TERM plans.


There will always be, in every project, the retarded buyers/sellers that only look at the price action:
- Holders who bough ATH (or near) that look only at the fuckingNumber, they don't even read the updates and try to understand what's going on (when $100? $1000 possible!)
- Ex-Holders who sold at loss, angry (because the not angry ones don't give a fuck about fudding a project, they just go on with their life and other investments), they talk shit about the 'bad project' that made them lose money when it's in reality their own fault, and are totally biased


My VALUE from governance vault is gone, what happend to it?

- The VALUE is not gone. It's a UI bug, it will be handled soon.
- Please don't claim/exit your staked YFV from gov vault now.
- People who already claimed their rewards (or exit) and got 0 VALUE, you will get the VALUE rewards airdropped to your address at the next epoch. Don't worry nothing is lost.
- Sorry for the inconvenience.

How will transfer to Governance Vault V2 go?
- There will be a transfer button or you could manually unstake and restake.

The next time please use the fucking search function in telegram/discord, and if you're not in telegram/discord, join and stay updated ffs.

>> No.23119463

Can someone explain this like I'm an idiot

Where does the APY come from? If it's from creation of new VALUE, farmers will continue to dump so what's the point of hodling the token?

>> No.23119466

Thank you for the thorough answer. Respect.

This team is doing incredible things I agree.
Thank you Devs and Mods. Respect.

Still in it because of what the team has done and are doing.

>> No.23119479

>In less than 2 month this team constantly delivered more than any other DeFi bubble bullshit YFI and FOOD clones.
>ALL the FUNDAMENTALS are here, they are building a solid massive project, they have LONG TERM plans.
Fully Agree.

>> No.23119495

Fucking BASED. Good time to get into crypto if you don't have your head up your ass. Speaking of, I myself am about as green as the spring pastures on a rolling prairie hillside when it comes to all of this and even I can plainly see this is smart money. Wish I had more than 3-500 to toss in desu but really no worries, what a comfy hodl for a rookie like me.

>> No.23119509

You need a bigger stack every day to hedge against the dump..

>> No.23119560

except now they're going to be sued and criminally investigated, and YFV wont exist in a year, lol.

>> No.23119577

Audits by The Arcadia Group?

The Devs aint fucking around if this is true. Anyone in the know?

>> No.23119582

Can I join in? For all of the pain and suffering.

>> No.23119597

How did they steal uniswap liquidity? Redpill me on this please, I keep trying to conceptualize

>> No.23119601


>> No.23119606

Arcadia just finished CORE's audits, pdf report out tomorrow am

>> No.23119672

and Value according to this post.
Most people cant afford core. YFV is great for the average person.

There have been tonnes of rugs in the last few months. We just learned about the Uni bot issue. Which is eating away at Core and many other projects.
Doesnt appear that the bot issue is affecting the pools within Value Liquidity.

Should I buy 1 Core at 2k+ when known Bot issue is a factor
or 450+ Value for roughly the same 2k where Devs are able to and willing to adjust the contract to mitigate said issue?

>>23097501 doent sound lie team Uni is able to fix the bot situation.

>> No.23119740

>Which is eating away at Core and many other projects
No, it's not eating away at CORE. That's now how the exploit works. CORE is paired with eth and only eth. No re-routing necessary.

>> No.23119821

This guy gets it - follow for alpha: https://twitter.com/SeikatsuIO/status/1314118792679763968

>> No.23119824


UNI is cool; the whole decentralized exchange idea.
Anyone can list a coin; many have and the rugs have been insane.
Decentralized is cool but there has to be some sort of governance around listings?

Could xDai or Buidl set up governance around this.
This industry is going to get crushed by regulators if there isnt accountability around listings.
Bad look for heavy investors / Hedge money. Ya know?

>> No.23119847


>> No.23120021

>Most people cant afford core. YFV is great for the average person.
What the fuck are you talking about? What does it matter if you own "1" or something? If Core goes up 10x and YFV doesn't, you'll make 10x your money even if you could only afford 0.1 CORE.

>> No.23120661

minus the Buidl idea

>> No.23121364


>> No.23122238

Pls no hurt jannies

>> No.23122832

satoshivalue: we already pulled the adapter request for DeFipulse. They are integrating us into their website soon

Source: Discord

>> No.23123059

Lawl, now who is satoshivalue?

>> No.23123345

Dis shiet gonna flyyyyyyyy to the mooooon

>> No.23123382

Comfy farming this and holding VALUE, it's gonna moon so hard in 2021

>> No.23123420

>Where does the APY come from?
>If it's from creation of new VALUE, farmers will continue to dump so what's the point of hodling the token?
Can someone explain for this retarded anon?

>> No.23123507

do research by yourself instead of begging people to spoonfeed you. https://medium.com/@valuedefi/

>> No.23123622


Anons. Look here at this response. See? They tell you to DYOR but reality is holding VALUE has NO USE CASE.

Here's what to do if you wanna make some money from this. Read closely, you get your stable coin or something relatively secure like LINK, you buy a SMALL SMALL amount of VALUE and you farm the fucking shitcoin VALUE. Then you market dump once APY drops too low. Tjat's how this game is played. It's not even that worth it but since you guys are desperate to fkin shill this coin hopefully I can save some of you from losing too much.

TLDR - VALUE is a shitcoin. High chance of burn.

>> No.23124120

>What the fuck are you talking about? What does it matter if you own "1" or something? If Core goes up 10x and YFV doesn't, you'll make 10x your money even if you could only afford 0.1 CORE.

Youre sort of correct, but missing one element - here you can buy an under the radar project rather than one that everyone has discovered. A bottomed project rather than a top (even if not a final top), and importantly you can acquire a LARGER % OF TOTAL SUPPLY. i.e. you can buy 0.1% of Value or only 0.01% of core kind of economics. 3 weeks ago on CORE people were buying in early like this and now 5x up (imaginary numbers) when it 2xes from here you buying now get the 2x, but this previous buyer is on 10x - so there is less room for it to grow until early supporters get SUPER profits and create sell pressure against you. With VALUE , YOU are the early whale here.

>> No.23124305

lol at this guy taking time to write this up, when i know project has no value i move the fuck on. this guy is FUD, buying your fear and dumps lol. So easy to see through lol >>23123420

>Can someone explain for this retarded anon?

There IS utility, VALUE, literally as it's name suggests accrues value from the network activities. Namely 2 main ones:
VAULTS: let anyone deposit weth/wbtc/stablecoins and Value Defi puts them to work for you farming cream, uni, curve, etc etc and takes 6.67% of the profit and gives it to governance VALUE token stakers. It IS yfi / farm.
2. Through 0.05% fees across the DEX (the vampire fork of Balancer, today it is near $2m volume, within the next week it will be integrated through the aggregators (talking to 1inch now) for even more volume and fees earnt.. I could keep going on this - they will allow any coin to launch a farm/project and they save time on not having to fork snx, and comp, and curve to get all the distribution contracts, the contract is inside Value Defi and all tested and safe and proven, and their buyers also know they are legit and cant RUG - so all trading and farming value accrues to VALUE holders from there too... i could go on... then they vampire liquidity from Uniswap (which is possible and VERY likely within the next weeks...)...

Take a look at this tweet and spreadsheet on value accural to holders... it is INCREDIBLE even at modest volumes/utility: https://twitter.com/SeikatsuIO/status/1314142083461062656

>> No.23124562

Why would you continue to use uniswap if VALUE is cheaper and also rewards you for holding it?

UNI pumped with an exponentially higher supply on just the possibility that it would do what VALUE is doing.

Twitter shills have too many apes brainwashed... they all will FOMO soon.

>> No.23124600

They will cry when it’s $100 and follow their favorite crypto twitterer into being the liquidity for their dump

Also core dumped to hell, fuck core. It has nothing except for permanent liq lock which Means one hack or exploit and it’s done for. Meme of the week.

>> No.23124879

>It has nothing except for permanent liq lock which Means one hack or exploit and it’s done for.

This is the case for any project based on smart contracts.

>> No.23125562

Is the v2 gov vault really gonna autocompound? i thought it was only the pools

>> No.23125722

Thanks for writing this up anon, this sounds really promising
>VAULTS: let anyone deposit weth/wbtc/stablecoins and Value Defi puts them to work for you farming cream, uni, curve, etc etc
How does VALUE farm other coins? Eg how could it generate other coins besides itself?

>> No.23126488
