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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2308235 No.2308235 [Reply] [Original]

Okay, so I'm homeless, and I was wondering if anybody knows what I should do.

I can't get a job, I've tried, I've updated my resume, I've walked into places... I've tried EVERYTHING to get a job and can't.

The state won't give me anything, other than 194 dollars a month in food stamps, which I appreciate.

What would you do in my position? Can anyone figure out what kind of business I could start with no money? And I don't drink, smoke, or do drugs, so I wouldn't waste any profits.

I have access to the computer at the library.

>> No.2308335

Can you borrow a friends address and have companies send mail there so they think you're not homeless?
Also make sure you shower, buy second hand clothes that look semi serious, shirts and so forth. Buy cheap deodorant, shave..

>> No.2308354

Get a ticket to Europe and ask for asylum.

>> No.2308366

actually, if you can afford the ticket to Berlin, you can crash at someone's couch, you just need to claim you're a leftist and hate Trump. Also lots of jobs here also for english speaking people, minimum wage is about $10 and it's summer. What more to ask.

>> No.2308368

Glue some pubes on your face first. Make sure you can say "a haqqa haqqa haqqa". Say it a lot.

>> No.2309210

Go into some urban city and try to find local mom & pop shops/businesses that will pay under the table. If you're a minority try to find business owners with the same ethnicity, they will be more likely to help.

>> No.2309286

I've literally always thought about this, I come from a 1st world country. Destroy documents, say I come from elsewhere. What could they really do? Meanwhile you have money to support yourself from bank accounts in the mean time.

Guess 1st world people would never need to do it so don't.

No family at all OP anywhere to help just as a bed?

>> No.2309297


I don't know how it works in US, but here, you can do some creative job like creating logos for company or writing some text and be pais for it.
It will not give you a decent income, but if you need to wait few days to have some answer, it can only help.

Stay strong.

>> No.2309313

What kind of experience do have and where did go to school? I have never heard about anyone being forced to stay homeless.
How old are you anon and for how long do you sleep rough?

>> No.2309496

Beg and invest in crypto. If you know what to do you can make more than minimum wage through begging.

>> No.2309535

>I have access to the computer at the library.
Teach yourself coding or a language or even just math. If you can learn high school math then you can easily become a private tutor.

Or just join the military

>> No.2309560

I would use the library computer to work on UHRS. its the best 'online work' thing i've found, and easy to get into through clickworker and some other websites. you can usually make $10 an hour, sometimes a lot more. With that and your food stamps you should be able to keep yourself fed and clothed etc and slowly gather a little bit of money you can invest into crypto or something.

>> No.2309622

sorry to hear OP, wish you the best of luck.
Just dont give up!

>> No.2309722


link resume. blackout name.

>> No.2309760

Sorry to hear OP, kek will serve you well since you seem to actually be doing something to get yourself out of your situation

My 2cents worth..

Find rich suburban areas, if you can buy some cheap shampoo and go around washing cars for like $10 a time, even in cities you can do this as people leave their cars to go to work. If your not scruffy then people will trust you.

>> No.2309776
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Buy bitbean. It will go to the moon.

>> No.2309818



dear OP, come to malta

>> No.2310091


Congrats, you gain 350€ after beeing screened if you are actually a refugee. And if you are discovered that you try to just get money, you have to pay it back in addition to the punishment (most likely a fee and/or jail on probation).

Congratulations, a good example how many simpletons arrived on /biz/ the past months.

>> No.2310121

Join the military you retard.

>> No.2310143

Advertise yourself to rich and impatient (not even necessarily spoilt) people who want the latest shit when it releases in stores with huge lines, but don't have the patience or indeed the time to wait around themselves. Offer to wait, buy and return discreetly for an hourly pay rounded up. Have a social media page with your spoof entrepeneur name to accept orders. Have fun.

>> No.2310185

agree on posting resume; validate your position and I will be happy to help. You have computer access? Via coffee shops or pre-paid? PayPal address? I like to give people in need money but I need to know you arent some pierced up youngin, thrown out of Moms crib for playing too much WOW and having furry parties.