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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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23046528 No.23046528 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.23046677
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>> No.23046762

The bottom is 0 (Zero) so no

>> No.23046785

yup, just get a good entry and short this bitch to the bottom.

>> No.23046843

Sorry, I'm not selling mine so we will keep bleeding to 0.

>> No.23046921
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>> No.23046953

Yfv will be on the front page of every crypto news site tomorrow/wednesday. One day you'll wake up and it will go from being unlisted to the top of defipulse seemingly out of nowhere like a phoenix rising from the ashes.

>> No.23046973

My 1 eth is now 40usd
Top kek

>> No.23047047

Fuck these FUD threads. Real question niggers: when will YFV finally swap completely to Value and will central exchanges swap it for me?

>> No.23047055

desu plebs only ask questions like that. stop running out of money and keep DCAing in. stake them coins for liqs on BonFi then

>> No.23047261

This. My DCA is down to $8-something now, and I'm comfy even if this becomes a $5 stablecoin (which I doubt will happen). Theres a reason YFI is trying to (poorly) copy everything yfv is currently doing.

Also, just think, who stands to lose the most from yfv succeeding? Then ask yourself, are they above spreading baseless fud and trying to suppress the price to benefit their best interests?

>> No.23047301

I just sold and already up 50% on a uniswap coin lol fuck YFV

>> No.23047521
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Guys I need some newfag help, so I just read that YFV wont automatically swap to Value on CEX-es.
Now I dont really understand, what if I have YFV on OKEX, they wont switch it to Value, so I have to do that manually. But OKEX doesnt list Value, so where will my Value coins end up?
I have never used DEX-es or anything similar.

>> No.23047586

It will eventually convert in a few weeks. Team will contact and request for it. Don't worry about it. Poloniex auto swapped already iirc

>> No.23047633

Bought at 8 thinking it was the bottom, guess I'm gonna hodl

>> No.23047636
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Really? That would be nice. But the Medium says this, so Im confused.

>> No.23047845

I think that was quite a while back and only for the beginning of the token swap as there was a price difference and they don't want people to be screwed with autoswap. Consider hopping on the discord and ask them there to be sure.

>> No.23047924

Hey guys, so im still currently farming YFV from my Link stack and currently have 100, is it worth me sending it to the gov vault now?

>> No.23048078

This is right. The devs don't want to create a situation where people's funds are locked permanently/obsolete, so you will be able to wrap yfv to VALUE on value liquid (yfv.finance) indefinitely for a 0.05% fee. But eventually yfv will be phased out of main exchanges.

There is no rush, and really prob not worth wrapping now until VALUE can be staked in the gov vault.

>> No.23048107

how much is that worth now? 500 dollar?
3% in a week is like 15 dollars a week
if you think that is worth it
takes like 1 month to even get the gas cost back

>> No.23048189

If he plans on hodl'ing and reinvesting it's worth it for the future (like 6 months+ future) since value liquid's whole point is to reduce gas fees for investors. But if you just want to sell after a 2x or something then no, probably not worth it. yfVALUE should be thought of as a dividend boomer investment, not a quick flip (which everyone thinks it is because they did literally no research on their plan)

>> No.23048217
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my body is ready for ze pamp

>> No.23048321
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christ you people are retarded
rug was pulled AGES AGO FAGGOTS
this a pnd backed by a large as fuck telegram group

meanwhile YFIEC went from $3 to $60, and we're going to crash through $100 today
Volume pumped into the millions and transactions are up 1700%
Farming isn't even live yet, you're still early

>> No.23048349

Simple. When the platform is young, the value of the underlying token is consistently valued as a shitcoin. Look at Celsius as an example. For years, it was indistinguishable from a shitcoin. Now it has performed a 40x from the bottom in the past year. What changed? They started buybacks and kept improving the platform. What is VALUE doing? Implementing the same changes. Based on what we know from CEL as a case study, it could take a year or longer before the supply begins to recede and price enters a sustainable uptrend, before going absolutely parabolic in a wave of FOMO like CEL is currently doing. In short, if the VALUE platform continues improving and does what it is supposed to do in a secure manner, current token prices are considerably undervalued.

>> No.23048405

If this is a rug, why are they continuing to develop their platform at an incredibly rapid pace? Why are they going through with the balancer liquidity migration ($245mil guaranteed, contract audits were passed, it's happening tomorrow)? Why would they bother if they were just going to rugpull and abandon the project?

I swear, the people who haven't read the medium articles and haven't figured out what the yfv team is trying to do are clueless. Just because you fomo'd in at $80 and lost money, doesn't mean everyone made the same mistakes you did and doesn't mean there isn't any value in this project. The entire defi landscape is either worried or trying to copy what yfv is doing.

>> No.23048517

Whats a conservative estimate of how high this could go say once phase 4 is complete?

>> No.23048519

>continuing to develop their platform at an incredibly rapid pace
>medium articles
got a link faggot?
and I bought @ $6 and sold @ $13 with tg group, thanks for the easy money kid

>> No.23048602


They've literally been putting out updates pretty much weekly, and building an entire platform to cut out the balancer middle man, reduce gas fees and eth network congestion. This is going to be what sushiswap should have been

>> No.23048627

This guy again with his TG PND Larping. Nobody cares what you have to say. Its impossible to FUD YFV holders, we have titanium hands at this point. So just shut it already.

>> No.23048672

No. New vault coming in days. You will have to pay double fees to move it. Just wait for the new vault to finish audits.

>> No.23048697

It is futile to try and stop the FUD, just as it is futile to try and FUD logic and reason. Let those who have ears to hear, hear. Plebs only chase pumps, so is the nature of man.

>> No.23048722

Mikal, fuck off you transvestite whore

>> No.23048729


>> No.23048754

If they manage to be 'the next Balancer' but better, 100-150m mcap wouldnt be out of the question. 5x from here is very doable.
Now if they manage to be a better Balancer AND a better YFI, well then the sky is the limit.
I have high hopes. They seem to be one of the only ones in the yield farming scene trying to create something longterm and sustainable. Instead of a ponzi that just keeps going higher and higher and higher until the bubble bursts.

>> No.23048757

Imagine buying a farmed token. You are literally the yield in yield farming.

I've been farming this for months tho so thanks for buying.

>> No.23048780

>muh titanium hands
>s-shut up a-anon...
>realizing scam intensifies

>> No.23048803

Imagine not knowing what's happening after farming ends in like 10 days

>> No.23048982

you mean when all the farmers dump and it shits the bed all the way to 70c?

>> No.23049036

...And gov vault holders get all those tokens when those basement bottom sell orders are bought out?

>> No.23049058

Why are you non-holders so obsessed with this coin constantly. Just makes me want to buy more t b h

>> No.23049119

70 cents EOM niggerfags
you've been told

>> No.23049145

Oh nvm its you, the fucking Larping pajeet who shows up in every YFV thread. Never mind

>> No.23049208

Not sure why people are being so bearish on this

I tried to check how their vault go and it work flawless
It is really farming and doing the conversions of farm asset to profits

Its a working farming protocol yet people are saying it's a scam and etc
Is this the current quality of people in the crypto scene now?

>> No.23049290

Because 90% of the people who bought this shit were room-temp IQ moonbois who aren't smart enough to understand anything other than "green line goes up". It's hard to explain these things to morons

>> No.23049325

dude why would people fud a coin with such activity gee i wonder

>> No.23049447

They never wanted a good, sustainable farming platform. They wanted the devs to implement token burn so the coin could do 20x in a week. So they could sell and move on to the next flavour of the week shitcoin.
They dont invest in fundamentals or quality they invest in moons. So they hate this coin.

>> No.23049501

What is left of the last wave of moonbois, all but completely annihilated, are still chasing scam pumps to recover their losses fast. Playing the gambler's fallacy. We know how to play this, lower prices only benefit a long term strategic position. Add consistently over time, and dump on the next wave of useful idiots a year or two down the line after prices become overvalued once more. Patience pays.

>> No.23049650

This is why I'm so impressed with the devs. They're willing to listen to good suggestions (ie, gov vault, liquidity migration, market buybacks, etc), yet also willing to ignore retards who just want to know "when moon?"

Feels comfy

>> No.23050441

kek, how poetic. moonboys getting rekt once again, it's eternal