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23024386 No.23024386 [Reply] [Original]

The recent COVID chaos made me realize that people are unprepared for worst case scenarios and lack access to the most basic things like food and grocery.

If the virus had been a lot more deadlier than its 3% death rate right now.....everyone would have shit their pants

Would you give up your city life to move to the suburbs and build a cheap 1-2 acre Farmhouse/homestead where you can grow your own veggies and meat and live off the grid?

Has anyone done this already if so share your feedback?

>> No.23024528

Imagine eating veggies. Raw eggs, meat, milk, honey and fruits is all you need anon. Death rate is much lower than 3% btw

>> No.23024543

oh you're still in that edgy "hurrr i just discovered the carnivore diet"-phase?
how cute. let us know when you've grown up, yes?

>> No.23024569

>honey and fruits, sometimes maple syrup and rice

>> No.23024650

like i care what specific flavor of retard you are.
most carnivores include honey (as it technically comes from an animal), and all people obsessed with diet (all people in either the vegan or carni cult) are hypocrites.
if you unironically do not eat mostly harmless veggies but promote fructose then you are completely fucking retarded

>> No.23024847

In case anyone is wondering this image is from the book The New Complete Book of Self-Sufficiency by John Seymour; his writings about starting a homestead/autobiography (The Fat of the Land) is also a great book.

>> No.23024858

I plan on becoming self sufficient when I am able to afford land. John Seymour's book on self sufficiency is pretty good. My biggest source of food would be eggs and milk with some plants. I think a cow is a bit too hard as a beginner so I was thinking about sheeps for milk instead of cows. Has anyone here have experience with keeping sheeps for milk? And has anyone tried raw sheeps milk?

>> No.23024925

aren't goats the better choice for this?
even though goat milk has a harsh smell to it

>> No.23024952

I've no experience with keeping animals but chickens/ducks seem pretty easy. Once you get used to smaller animals then cows and bigger livestock would probably be manageable. You do just have to just take the leap I think.

Goats are hardier I think, but they don't produce as much manure (or milk) which is essential for improving soils and maintaining fertility levels for your plants (which you will then feed back to the animals).

>> No.23024972

Goats are too aggressive, it's a hassle to keep them on their plot and if they escape they will totally destroy your garden.

>> No.23024974

b-bros, should I tether my $COWS or do you think we're still gonna go up?

>> No.23024977

Cows are practically harmless, you're worrying too much. Goats are more dangerous. Not only can they climb practically anything (for instance destroy your roof and escape) they are capable of nasty horn strikes.

>> No.23025005


>> No.23025012

I grow up on a farm
we had cows and the neighbour goats

as long as you don't have male goats roaming around (and oh boy these bastards smell horrible) it shouldn't be that hard probably.

cows would only be worth it if you have more than just 2-3 people to feed
so sheeps would be really the best bet in the beginning?

and yes, chickens are easy peasy and probably a must have

>> No.23025043

If your plot is big enough, I'd say there's absolutely no reason not to have a cow. The extra milk can be made into cheese/dulce de leche or just fed to other animals.

>> No.23025137

>promote fructose then you are completely fucking retarded
Hahahahahahahaha. Imagine calling others diet cultists and then coming out with that. Just wow.

>> No.23025198

are you well? i personally eat virtually everything. but IF (!) you're going to be picky about plant-based-foods, fructose is clearly unhealthy in large amounts and way worse than goitrogens, oxalates etc. that veggies will give you.
nice reading comprehension, randomly assuming that i must be on some kind of meme diet when i merely point out the stupidity of the guy i was responding to.

>> No.23025278

Nah think about it. Fruits want to be eaten to spread their seeds. They give you what's good for you to incentivize you and keep you healthy as a partner in seed spreading. Plants don't want to be eaten, hence the anti metabolic compounds to discourage and weaken you.

Seeds themselves don't want to be eaten so they're bad for you.

Honey and milk are both designed to be eaten but we steal them. The defence for these isn't poisons but bees stinging and non domesticated animals fighting you.

>> No.23025288

I want to farm camels for their milk, its like some miracle cure for autism and we all know thats a booming market

>> No.23025300

Likewise with meat the animals run away or fight you. Plants can't do that so they try poison you. Still, we can cook some of the crap out of them and some of them aren't that bad but yeah.

>> No.23025311

>fructose bad
>sugar good

>> No.23025315

wow you were actually serious. you're completely ignorant, though. all i'm going to say to you is look up how unhealthy fructose is, how it gets metabolized (hint: same pathways as alcohol).
"want to be eaten" is not a goddamn argument. does grass "want to be eaten" because cows can digest it (humans can't)? do rocks "want to be eaten" because some birds swallow them to aid digestion? overly simplistic way of looking at evolution and in no way connected to reality.

>> No.23025326

nice reading comprehension, bro

>> No.23025344

I have. I make about 80% of my own food.

>> No.23025358

Also, forgot to mention about how nice it was to have 30 acres of land to roam while everyone was stuck in their shitty apartment during the lockdown.

>> No.23025361

What's the point?

If a virus more deadly destroyed society you'd just have niggers raiding your farm

>> No.23025378

Yeah bro, fruit just exists for like no reason. Like plants just expend loads of energy on making enticing fruit for no reason. It only tastes good because we evolved to eat things that poison us. Thank goodness the science jews did some peer reviewed studies and found out that fructose is actually bad and actually canola oil is the healthy alternative.

>> No.23025388


the correct plan would still be have the land but build a bunker plus stock it for a year or two and live in that past the first winter and most people would of starved.

>> No.23025399

you are aware of the fact that there are fruits that are insanely toxic and even potentially deadly to humans, yes? just stop posting and do some research, jesus christ

>> No.23025408

99% of anons with this 'dream' couldn't hack this lifestyle and would be calling papa johns within a few weeks, even if they were handed a fully set up homestead.
Let alone go out and build one.

>> No.23025409

Literally the only good plan.

The few feral nigs left would be easily disposed of, then you can exit the bunker and actually create a safe farmstead with your fellow whites who were also smart enough to do the same and rebuild society (a society free of nigs too)

>> No.23025415

Niggers are urban creatures and will stay in their urban death cities until their death.
It's Bubba coming over in his 4x4 that you'll need to be worried about.

>> No.23025441

the virus does not have anything near a 3% death rate. turn off the TV and go outside, take a picture of the piles of bodies that would be there if 3% of 350,000,000 people, were dead.

>> No.23025449

>do some (((research)))

>> No.23025459

Becoming self sufficient in communities is the ONLY thing modern day activists should be doing. Reducing our reliance on the system is the only way to change it, protests will be ignored and crushed by the money that courses through the whole society.

Self sustained communities are the only way to outlive the inevitable collapse which will be ever accelerating and becoming increasingly more dangerous as time goes on. I think the fever pitch will be 2050 onwards. Most of us may not see the full collapse, but our children will

>> No.23025482

tonight when you go to bed i want you to stay awake for a few minutes, stare at the ceiling and honestly ask yourself how your low-effort shitposting affects yourself and the people around you.

>> No.23025500

I think a lot of the "natural" arguments go out of the window with modern fruits and veggies. Generally they're the way they are through selective breeding rather than any ancient symbiosis. I'd still eat them because I like them, and they seem like a pretty easy way to get a lot of different nutrients. Plus there's all sorts of other uses like as herbs and flavourings, preservatives like vinegars and oils, etc.

Doesn't seem like a big problem. The problem now is you can't safely defend yourself without having your life ruined. Without a media and crooked justice system you would have more of a chance to at least have your life intact after fending off a raid.

I'm more interested in setting up a productive ecosystem and then being more like a forager off it. For example rather than having a big orchard full of one variety of chestnut trees (then manage their health and wellbeing), just have a big wood with a mix of all kinds of nuts and fruits. If a pest takes hold on one kind, let it be and just eat the other kinds. Way lower yields but way lower effort. Is this realistic or just an environmentalist meme though?

>> No.23025520

Is 100 acres manageable for one person if i automate some combines?

>> No.23025540

true for the most part we have become ultra lazy thanks to technology and cubicle slavery.

but i assume hiring a gardener or a cook for minimum wages in a 2nd/3rd world country to do that shit for you would be super cool

>> No.23025566

huh 100 acres is so fucking big unless you want to large scale farm and make a business out of it. You would have to hire workers.

1-2 acres is enough for a family

>> No.23025594

So im really into baking bread and had the idea of having an automated wheat and rye field so i can minimize on overhead and time spent. Leave a few acres near the house for the homesteading stuff. I also was thinking about potentially commercial currant farming since they fetch a pretty penny and are low maintenance

>> No.23025608

You don't need that much to become self sufficient and I don't think it's doable

>> No.23025611

Dude, I'm dead serious. If I was actually stupid reading science articles would actually confuse and mislead me. You either study biochemistry beyond a PhD level while avoiding the dogma or you use basic reasoning and self experimentation. Midwits are a blight.

>> No.23025630

OP your picture could not feed one person sustainably. you'd need 3x that/person.

>> No.23025656

You could survive on milk, eggs and a little bit of plants alone if you wanted to. A cow gives more than enough milk. Only problem is meat.

>> No.23025659

>Midwits are a blight.
i agree to that part

>> No.23025723

>Only problem is meat.
Aquaponics in the barn for year round greens and tilapia

>> No.23025749

>couldn't hack this lifestyle and would be calling papa johns within a few weeks
>not baking your own pizza from scratch

>> No.23025768

>3% death rate right now.
you mean 0.03%?

>> No.23025808

1 vow needs more than an acre of pasture for sufficient food, your pic-related is retarded

>> No.23025833

There is always one

>> No.23025843
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God I wish that were me

>> No.23025846

Enjoy poverty

>> No.23025848

3% death rate as 3% of people who get covid die from it

>> No.23025863

but thats wrong. The number of deaths:confirmed cases is about 1.4%, but we also know that about 90% of cases are undiagnosed and unconfirmed (as is the same with every flu virus).

>> No.23025875

cows are easy as fuck anon, you just need nice sized pasture land and you call in someone to slaughter it and they haul it off to the loval butcher. then you tell the butcher what cuts you want and you take it all home and put it in your large freezer. you will need alfalfa hay for the winter and feed it grain fie a while before being butchered so the meat doesn't taste gamey. you aren't going to do it on such a small plot of land though

>> No.23025903

I moved to a 2 acre property with a house. It's still on the grid. And there's a lot of trees so I don't have much room yet. Also I only moved here a few months ago.
So far I have chickens and a horse that I plan to collect manure from.
Everything is expensive. So far the progress is slow. I need to build more storage sheds soon. Those cost a lot. It's a great life though. I definitely don't miss living in the city.

>> No.23025918

Are you speaking from experience? If yes, tell us more.

>> No.23025946

Based and Tedpilled. Should not be waiting around until the fever pitch to build communities out of sticks and mud while there is ample access to the modern conveniences of machinery and credit.

>> No.23025981

aha yourself

>> No.23025994

Bear in mind the grand solar minimum's mini ice age peaks in 2031 and will kill a lot of livestock if not sheltered and suited for their environment (scottish highland cows and icelandic chickens in cold climates)

>> No.23026024

Well one horn strike and I'll dismember the thing right in front of it's buddies so they know what's up
50+ stab wounds is all I'm saying>>23025388
Exactly, plus plant traps around your farm and poison some of the stuff there. Welxome to schizo lala land niggers

>> No.23026027
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mine is woodland for hunting/trapping no crops. Pets/livestock means you can't leave for more than 1-2 days. No vacations for farmers.

>> No.23026119

it's why the elite want to cut co2 emissions so badly; they need to compound the natural cycle, with an intentional greenhouse gas reduction, to kill crops worldwide and reduce the population. it's really the only way to bring the human population back to reasonable levels.

>> No.23026135

>Would you give up your city life
You don't necessarily have to. I'm interested in homesteading but I wouldn't jump right into it. I'd first buy some woodland acres and put an off grid solar cabin on it, a "weekender" so to speak. Good for a dopamine detox, bring women there to bang them. If things went to shit in the city I'd just drive to it and wait for things to blow over. Still will have an apartment in the city until I get over it.
Carnivore diet is legit best "diet" I've ever done, my testosterone went to the top of the scale.
Goats are good, especially for controlling plants and weeds. But if you like cow dairy then get some Dexter cows. They are half the size of normal cows, they are considered the perfect cow for homesteaders. Even a single normal cow will give you way more milk than you can drink.
Yeah, chickens are what I'd start with. I have an entire plan of making an automated coop with a raspberry pi and trapping bugs and growing meal worms to feed them, which is their proper natural diet. Turns their egg yolks dark
orange and they become god-tier food.
>mine is woodland for hunting/trapping no crops. Pets/livestock means you can't leave for more than 1-2 days. No vacations for farmers.
Exactly my thinking as well, rather than full blown homesteading I'd like to just have a off grid cabin first and hunt and fish. I'm rich off crypto anyway so I can just buy an entire cow from a farmer and store it in my freezer at the cabin. Or maybe I can raise chickens and then let some kid have the eggs if he takes care of them whilst I'm doing sex tourism overseas.

>> No.23026218

>it's really the only way to bring the human population back to reasonable levels.
That would be a good thing, read Linkola

>> No.23026303

insects are animals now? you people can truly be on another level of retard sometimes.

>> No.23026352


>> No.23026358
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>> No.23026438
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First catch of the day.

It's the life of a troll for me
Oh, the life of a troll for me

>> No.23026469

only your first? ;)
oh man I really trolled him good haha
*stops thinking*
*NPC face activates*
i am a cuck
oh wowo another thread ruined
oh wow

>> No.23026480

Damn, I'm not even sure how to respond to that... sad dude... you need to get off 4chan for a while bro

>> No.23026513

Look at how small that house is though. Sorry, hard pass. I'd rather have a shitty cardboard McMansion than live in a 1000sqft cottage with bumfuck to do for a hundred miles.

>> No.23026542

I just woke up an hour ago faggot! Do you know how timezones work? Just admit it, your whole life is all about pleasing others. Hey dad, look what I learned today. Are you proud of me yet? Aren't thy intelligent? Why else would you correct somebody saying something that everyone, that is at least 3 years old, knows.

>> No.23026557


>> No.23026581

You just blew my mind, anon

>> No.23026598

Most food is easier to just buy, the effort and time involved in growing and making preparing it is more due to no economies of scale, you litterally need to buy all the equipment just for a couple of cows vs a farm that does it on volume and sells it at a tiny margin

>> No.23026612

>bring women there to bang them
do not do this. ill advised

>> No.23026708

It won't be like that forever fren

>> No.23026945

Who’s an angry little vegan???? So cute trying act tough. Just want pinch your cheeks!!! Go eat a carrot or shove it up your ass faggot

>> No.23027616

> suburbs
good luck keeping compost heaps with neighbors in view shot, they'll call the city on you and armed goons will show up to find you 1k a day until you get rid of it.

>> No.23027733

don't get animals, they are like pets but worse because you can't drop them off at a kennel for a week, you can't ever leave the house to go out for a few days to do anything because you have to stay home to take care of the animals. No vacations, no road trips, max you can be gone will be like 48 hours.

>> No.23027750

Owning real estate, land, and livestock, have your own food and water, getting off grid, being completely self sufficient and not gving a fuck, probably having a healthy family with a trad wife and kids that grow up in a healthy environment without kikes, niggers, shitskins, fags and trannies, being raised with organic and healthy food. Working hard but being comfy as fuck every day.
Holding heaps of intrinsically worthless FIAT shit, worthless and useless shitcoins, stocks or shiny stones so that you can consooooom useless shit made by kikes to part you with your "money", fuck traps and thots who have been dead inside since the onset of puberty, wasting your life in front of a computer screen or by doing degenerate bullshit invented by kikes.

>> No.23027836

You clearly have no idea about the difference in quality between home grown and commercially grown produce

>> No.23027879

After the initial investment, most live stock cost as much as a cat or dog to own.
Stay a city cuck bitch

>> No.23028283

totally true, if anyone is a vegetarian or vegan it would totally reduce the required land by half and also the maintenance and having to deal with animal shit and diseases

>> No.23028395
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Doing this in Siberia now. It's basically the way a lot of people live here. Barter economy. It's a lot of chores and does get tiresome. Winters I leave and wageslave for some cash. Cost of living is about $50 per month, mostly vehicle and fuel expense. Pic berries are from the yard. Wife and keedz picked 4 more buckets.

>> No.23028427
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>If the virus had been a lot more deadlier than its 3% death rate right now
False and stopped reading there.

>> No.23028442

Why does he have pigs but no slaughterhouse?

>> No.23028452

What about some chickens? They are quite low maintenance from what I heard and you could just use some automatic food dispenser built from an arduino if you're away for a few days

>> No.23028570

I have a friend who tried raising chickens, they all kept being killed off by wild animals, he had a fox break into the henhouse at night and kill a batch, another batch had a weasel dig under a fence and kill them all, I think his last batch had a fucking racoon of all things climb in through a window and kill a bunch.

Really if you want meat, I would live near water and fish for it, also if the collapse happens you won't have to worry about game wardens and there are tons of wild animals to hunt or trap, I see tons of wild geese.

>> No.23028662

I guess if you can get far enough away from cities n stuff you can keep finding game, but how sustainable is game hunting if 1% of the populatimon starts killing everything in site to stay alive? Especially since none of them will be able to preserve what they kill.

>> No.23028689

looks awesome tradbro. congrats

>> No.23028979

I agree but the problem with what you’re saying is the assumption that all 350m people have already had it.

>> No.23029116

Keeping an apartment in the city is my plan as well. I'm aiming to buy a triplex so that the rented units cover any of the liabilities of my apartment. On my homestead I'm going to focus on low input high yield foods like milk, eggs, and fruit. I want to have enough free time so that I can earn side income if I need it.

>> No.23029253
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There is no such thing as self sufficiency. You can lessen your dependence, but you still will depend on a great deal of things. For example how are you going to run your farm without a diesel tractor? Reality is given the work involved in running a farm it is not worth it. You can buy organic fresh food for cheap. If you think we are going to have more food disruptions then prep a nice little pantry of food. That said if you think full on civil war is coming then maybe a farm would be good, but better to join a militia.

>> No.23029272


>> No.23029363

yeah I personally think having a farm is way overkill, if you really think there's going to be a big disruption it's far cheaper just to buy some land out in the middle of nowhere and then stock up on 10 years worth of rice and beans. Properly stored the rice and beans will last you over 20 years and it's not like you have to eat them unless your starving and unable to hunt or forage or trade for food.

>> No.23029402

Cost is also a major issue. To buy a farm and replace all the equipment is a lot of money. John Deere prices be cra cra.

>> No.23029465
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If you can get electricity connected do it, it is beyond doubt the best force multiplier going. Mains water depends on your rainfall and catchment situation, humanure is GOAT method. It was extremely comfy watching the Chyna street death videos then not going out for 27 days because there was nothing I needed and my stores were good.

Its also a bit of a wank fantasy for urbans. He met a rich bird and did quite nicely for himself out of his writing.

True. It took me 2 years volunteering on farms before I felt confident to not go back to the wagecage.

Plants also DGAF if you die after you've crapped out their seeds either. You're both right, eat wild or organic fruit, and eat seasonal.

>> No.23029547

>[fruit trees] also DGAF if you die after you've crapped out their seeds either
Iterate the game even just one time. Seriously. And plants do give a fuck if you die after eating them (not their fruit). They want you to die.

>> No.23029819

>For example how are you going to run your farm without a diesel tractor?
For 1 acre you probably dont need a tractor. Besides looking at op image a tractor wouldnt really help much with those crops. Maybe just the hay but you can share a tractor with a neighbor farm anyway. A lot of farmers will share equipment or make rotations around the different farms as a group doing everyones harvest. A 5 acre holding is a bit much for 1 man to manage with a job/other hobbies. 2 acres is best and have .5-1 acre for solar panels and a well.

>> No.23029867
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you are still going to want a tractor for tilling, plus it has a lot of other uses, but no need for a full tractor, lawn tractors like pic related have all the attachments needed for a small hobby farm.

>> No.23030667

1 cow requires 5 acres to grass feed. You have to milk it at least 3x a day. Hope you like doing that. That picture is cute, though. Problem is, its a fantasy illustration. Good luck finding affordable acreage with water rights. Not gonna happen. That land is being subsidized and developed to sell to relocating computer programmers who want to escape the cities. And forget making a living selling surplus- you can't compete with fossil fuel / cheap labor, and soon to be robots. You can however go into debt peonage and struggle mightily in an increasingly uncertain environment to serve people who clearly aren't going to support your enterprise. Then the bugs come. Under the ground and through the air. The fungal and bacterial diseases. You're knee deep in cow shit, plasmodiums are burrowing into your brain stem. Having fun yet? Oh no bank loans due. Your broke then end

>> No.23030684

>with a trad wife
Uh, yeah. You going to pick one of them up at auction along with your heifer? More like, you desperately post to online dating sites and they accurately profile you as a serf and swipe right

>> No.23030728

What meat is available?
>fox, weasel, racoon...
Nah, nigga. Give me dat CHIKUN

>> No.23031044
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Yes, from experience. I grew up on 2.5 acres of prime farmland. We divided it in half with the cow(s) getting half for pasture. In that pasture was a chicken coop with 10-15 chickens (eggs every morning). Chickens just ran around the pasture scratching up bugs and whattnot. You have to feed chickens with chicken feed and you can throw table scraps to them and they'll eat that too. Mice will come and eat the chicken food so you need to watch for that. In the winter some chickens inevitably get pneumonia so you need to give them a shot or two of penicillin which is easy, just inject them in the leg or in the breast just below the skin. How do you know if they catch pneumonia? Just listen to their rattling breath, pretty simple.

Cows are easy. You just water the pasture. We ploughed the pasture area when we started and planted... a pasture grass mix designed for the purpose. We watered the pasture by flood irrigation (you need a decent sized well to do this with a big enough pump to pull up the water fast enough). The cow ate the pasture grass. In the winter the grass would grow less to none and then we would feed with dry alfalfa hay. Just get that delivered from a local farmer or pick it up at a feed store. Keep the hay dry under a tarp or a little covered hay storage building. Cows are easy. You will not forget to feed them their hay because they will moo at you until you feed them. We have had steer (deballed cows) and females of different types... hereford steer mostly. If they run for you you just run right back at them with your hands in the air and yelling like an idiot and they scare away. If that doesn't work it helps to have a fence that you can just fly over but that's almost ever. Cows are just as easy as chickens.

>> No.23031130

You can just ask your neighbours to give them food or the like in your absence, you are planning on cultivating good relations with your neighbourhood right?

>> No.23031169

We bought cows as younglings and would keep them for 2-3 years and then slaughter. In year 2 we would get a new young cow to keep the rotation going. One cow was enough meat to feed the family with steaks / hamburger for 1 - 1.5 years for a family with 2 adults and 2 children.

the 1.25 acre pasture was never enough for the one cow, in the spring the grass would grow nice and tall but with a full sized cow in there it was a challenge. Better to have 2 acres for the cow if you could, maybe more... dunno because we only had what we had. Cows are pretty easy though. When it was slaughter time a guy would come with a truck and shoot the cow in the head and pull it up with a crane and drain the blood & stomach contents right there in the pasture. I never watched that part but I did see the aftermath. 1-2 weeks later you had your first steaks from the butcher. You have to rent storage at the butcher so what you should do is just get enough freezer storage at home.

When you have your own cow butchered you also can choose how the meat is cut. We would always have the hamburger as lean as possible. The butcher wants to put fat into the hamburger meat because they charge you for how much poundage they return to you. We would also have sirloin ground down into hamburger. We ate meat every day of the year with the exception of some chicken or fish now and then or pizza nights etc. We never ate the chickens.

We would grain feed the cows the last couple of months in a pen - my dad said that it made the meat taste better. that's all i know about that. not really that hard though.

>> No.23031249

Take your meds
>he can't get a gf who'd follow him to this lifestyle so no-one can

>> No.23031689

rabbits are a good and relative quick source for meat. they get between 4-8 young each half year, just look that they have enough food, fresh grass or dried with water bottles, parts of the veggies you do not eat etc, pretty uncomplicated and their shit makes your garden grow like crazy

>> No.23031764
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If you can train them to detect landmines the value per rabbit goes up 1000x

You have to think outside the farm-box anons. If it were that easy to live off the land everyone would do it

>> No.23031931

Sounds comfy

>> No.23031954

and the rabbit goes up too,.
Full self sufficient is difficult, but with some initial work of a few days to set everything up and a few hours per week I'm already half way self sufficient, all sorts of veggis, apples, grapes, cherrys and more berrys for juice. The soil around your house can either be some useless good looking piece or a garden where you live from and save quite a lot of money, also the products are way better in quality, in taste.

>> No.23032098

>one acre
>cows, pigs, veggies, chickens and hay
As an agronomist I need to say that is COMPLETELY impossible. Like, it's not even 30% possible.

>> No.23032120

Honestly, I'd lose the hay, the pigs and the cow. That gives a lot more room to growing more, and more varied, food.

Use the extra to buy meat from a neighbor who is doing the same kind of thing, but focused more on animals than on growing.

The pig/cow/hay area could grow peppers, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, cucumber, berry plants, tomatoes, carrots, radishes, etc. Any number of other crops.
And let's face it, living like this, where you basically eat what you grow, or what you get from neighbors, variety not only keeps things more interesting, but also adds nutrients.

>> No.23032256

Not off the grid but I live 30 minutes outside the city. 1-2 acres isnt enough if you want a whole farm (I own 1.2 acres). Its the best decision I've made, near the ocean, no cars, nobody yelling outside, no crime its beyond comfy. Couldnt give up decent internet which is why I didnt move out further.

>> No.23032292

I think chickens and milk producing animals give much more calories per acre. Especially milk has alot of calories.

>> No.23032410

I'd keep the chickens. Eggs and easy meat.

Cows need space, companionship (from what I know, if you have just one cow, it will be miserable), can have expensive medical issues, and between care, milking, and dealing with the milk (pasteurizing if one chooses to, storing it, making butter, cream, cheese, etc) is a huge time commitment.

If this was a situation of "eight people live here and share the work," it would be very doable. Thinking of it as a solo, or a couples, living situation, I think the time devoted outshines the benefit.

Plus, like I said, I'd like to be able to trade with neighbors... and I'm not a "100% of the grid" kind of guy. I'd be... 70% off the grid, given the chance, but not a clean break. So, while I expect what I grew would keep me sufficient if needed, I wouldn't mind just buying some meat, if wanted.

>> No.23032444

Ray Peat cultist detected

>> No.23032977

How much cheaper would raising cows for slaughter be vs buying meat?
Did you ever use the cows for milk?

>> No.23033252

fructose is worse than lactose and glucose.
fructose is metabolized similar to alcohol which cause cardiovascular disease and obesity when broken down in the liver.

>> No.23034184

milk is the prime use of cows.

>> No.23034357
File: 29 KB, 683x565, 1600162207231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm moving to a homestead next year. Only got 50K to work with, so I had to be creative.
>buying 10 acres in Alberta for 7,000 dollars
>buying a trailer, doublewide to act as temporary home, planning to upgrade to a better trailer
>doing freelance web dev about 5 hours a week to pay property taxes and for tools
>buying walk-behind tractor at first for self-sufficient farming
I've started gardening at 7 on my parents' property, could grow all of our vegetables by 9. Wife comes from a rural background, so she knows animal-keeping.
>apartment is already completely self-sufficient, only things that go in are water (property has a well), very basic cooking ingredients (everything else I cook myself, just need milk, flour, meat, vegetables and cream) and electricity (I've bought solar panels to generate 3200 watts, don't need much more than that at the beginning.)
Also going to place biogas generator, getting a propane refrigerator and a propane gas range.

Am 19, dropped out of engineering (university is a fucking scam) to pursue the dream - have been spending this year preparing, flipping shitcoins (started 2 weeks ago, already 5000 up), accumulating silver (already 60 ounces) and getting my webdev certs.

I also acknowledge that it's not all my achievement. My parents have been very supportive and they help me with 600 bucks a month, the rest I get from CERB/NEETbux (have severe OCD.)

It's not that hard as long as you plan autistically. If you've got all of your bases covered, then you should be good.
>1000 a month revenue stream for odd expenses (property taxes, guns, odd supplies and tools/parts.)
>water (dig a well) and electricity (generate your own, lazy bastards)
>good temps year-round and a greenhouse (will cover your vegetable bases)
>REALLY good freezer (if you're gonna slaughter an entire pig, that'll last a year)
>vegetables, cattle & chickens
>gas source

We're all gonna make it. I believe in all of you, anons.

>> No.23034396

Also, to clarify, I'm getting the trailer for mobility's sake. If Bubba and his friends decide to pay a visit, I doubt I'd have enough ammunition to hold them off after they call for reinforcements.

This way, if I know a civil war's coming, I'll be able to pack up the entire homestead and move everything to Alaska in under 48 hours.

I know /pol/ will tell you to stand your ground, but when there's a full-out fucking war and you've got loved ones, least you can afford to do is to just avoid the confrontation. Be ready to defend yourself, but don't be stupid about it.
When there're 2,500 hungry and starving retards from the cities marching into the country, no amount of ammo will stop 'em.

>> No.23034406

looks like more than an acre to me. i always thought a cow needs an acre per. looks like their little pen would fill with shit fast no?

>> No.23034675

>When there're 2,500 hungry and starving retards from the cities marching into the country, no amount of ammo will stop 'em.
Sounds like all it would take is 2,500 rounds. You DO have that much ammo stockpiled, right anon??