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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23015612 No.23015612 [Reply] [Original]

Reminder that Bancor is the institutional dex.
V2.1 is launching Oct 2020, with single token exposure and mitigation of impermanent loss. 2 advancements that are neccesary for DeFi moving forward.
Bancor is THE dex, the ones who created AMM, and they are back to claim their throne.
The liquidity black hole is coming.
You've been warned.

>> No.23015646
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>> No.23015675

She's so hot

>> No.23015711

I'm not buying any more until:
1) 2.1 is out
2) it is fully featured (imp loss, liquidity amplification, single token exposure, capless pools, all ERC20)
I don't care if I miss a couple of multipliers between now and then, for me I'm waiting for a working product and then I am going to go in hard ($150k).

>> No.23015724
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V2 pools have already been succesful in IL mitigation and 2.1 is confirmed to launch THIS month.
Keep in mind, Bancor is not listed on Coinbase yet and I'd be willing to bet it gets listed upon launch of v2.1, which is complete with an overhauled UI as well.
This will destroy all other dexes on the market, and it comes at a crucial time where DeFi is ready to blow.
Don't fuck your whole life up by not getting in now.