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23014223 No.23014223 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any solid, reliable ways to ensure that you make money on a regular basis without having to wageslave?

I was looking into crypto gambling, specifically crash gambling. The game seems simple enough, you put in a starting amount when the game starts, and you watch the multiplier rise. The goal is to try to wait as long as possible before selling out, but if you wait too long, the 'crash' could happen and you lose your investment.

Now, theoretically, could just pull out your money extremely early on a 1.1x or a 1.2x multiplier and keep making tiny gains. So long as you have a good temperament and can control your greed, you can resist the temptations of trying to let your investment ride, even when you see the multipliers go to 2x or 5x or 10x.

In the United States, minimum wage goes anywhere from $7.25 to $15 depending on the state. Most of you are NEET I assume so I believe using minimum wage in this example is acceptable.

Let's go on the high end of the scale and say you were getting $15 per hour to wageslave as like, McDonalds. You would be getting $120 per day, and let's assume it is full time too, so 40 hours a week netting you $600 a week.

That's less than 2 Eth. 2 fucking Eth. And that is BEFORE taxes fuck you over.

You really don't think you could 2x Eth in a whole week using a gambling site? It doesn't even have to be Crash, which seems the easiest to me. If you're good at poker or blackjack or something, then go for that.

Also, pic related. How the fuck do you figure out how to do something like that?

>> No.23014241

look into dick sucking.

>> No.23014360


>> No.23014401

how the fuck he could swap 253 eth for 145k sUSD when 1 sUSD = 1.01 USDC on uniswap? That is stupid LARP I guess.

>> No.23014454

I am not sure either. It looks legit though. I saw it a long time ago and saved the image.

I remember him saying that the trades were extremely fast. I think he actually manipulated the price of Eth when he bought $100k worth, and the DEX he used couldn't keep up or something

>> No.23014485

without real eth transactions it's bullshit.

>> No.23014523

Well, what are your thoughts on crypto gambling then?

>> No.23014655

It isn't setup to allow long term gains, otherwise it wouldn't be profitable and therefore wouldn't exist

>> No.23014758

Checked. Sure it isn't intended for you to get longterm gains but you really don't think it could manipulated somehow? The entire system is made for you to indulge in your greed, overplay your hand and lose money by waiting too long. You really don't think you could play around that?

There has to be a pattern, or a strategy you could employ that would work the majority of the time.

Like going for 1.1x trades, or finding out when those large 10x or 20x trades will hit based on patterns.