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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22958021 No.22958021 [Reply] [Original]

Will you join us?

>> No.22958032

join us like join on DMG farming if you guys are doing that?

I'll consider

>> No.22958040

I have 26k @ 2.5 cents

>> No.22958286
File: 111 KB, 187x314, Oooooooooooo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I unironically bought 100k at 1.8c bless you pajeet shillers we're all gonna fucking make it

>> No.22958323

I bought 4 million in the ICO
So comfy ;*

>> No.22958325

What is Bidao's trajectory like? Will it be like BNB or more like MakerDao (MKR)?

>> No.22958423

will surpass MKR

>> No.22958440

I literally bought because of how autistic this guy looks.

>> No.22958571

waiting for it to drop back to around 3c

>> No.22958643

To be honest, I thought it would drop back to 2.4-3cents last night but it kept pumping.

>> No.22958912

what is a make it stack??

>> No.22959034

Bitboy will talk about it in a short time. Strap in for massive pumps. This will be 0.20 in no time only a 4x from here.

I told /biz/ about Bidao when it was 0.017 dollars no one took it serious.

Buy now or Fomo in later faggets.

>> No.22959120
File: 974 KB, 966x487, basti.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22959451

Had I seen this picture I would have put even more in

>> No.22959516
File: 188 KB, 923x710, 0856745645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had I seen this picture I would've remortgaged my house to get more

>> No.22959572


>> No.22959610

$Unc Unicrypt Telegram : Unc Token.
Short term roadmap update:

We are currently awaiting an audit on our multi-token yield farming contracts. This will allow yield farming multiple tokens off a single uniswap pair. We think this is going to be a gamechanger for the yield farming industry and many existing and upcoming tokens will definitely want this feature.

We are also going to be doing a swap to a new token.

Current stats for UNC
~130 mil circulating
1 billion total supply

Swap stats
200 mil swapped to 50k new token
Effectively burning 800 million reserve tokens
Your percentage of holdings relative to the new tokens total supply is going up 5x

This will be happening as soon as our audits are complete. Expect this to be done within 2 weeks, please be patient. This is a big release and we have no doubt it will be a highly in demand feature. This is the start of a new branch for UNC, one with a much keener token utility and tapping into the most in demand feature set on ethereum and uniswap.

The road ahead looks incredibly bright. Happy to be on this journey with all of you!

1. 800 Million tokens to be burnt
2. Holdings multiplied by 5x relative to total supply
3. New supply decreased to 50k (1 UNCX = 4000 UNC Keeping in mind the remaining 200 Million tokens only)
4. Farm multiple tokens with a single-staked Uniswap Liquidity Pair (LP)
5. Low supply deflationary governance token with periodic buybacks from our core products (Most important point!!!)
6. A Plug-N-Play Yield Farming for other ERC-20 tokens (Gamechanger)

>> No.22959680

Fuck off nigger