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22875669 No.22875669 [Reply] [Original]

Inflation isn't coming until the FED goes from "lending powers" to "spending power".
QE is NOT money printing. We are about to have a massive deflationary event.

The FED, through QE, creates reserves on behalf of the banks in exchange for debt. Member banks use their own liquidity to buy debt. That debt is then "sold" to the FED but instead of giving the "money" to the banks, they place it in reserves on behalf of the bank. Those reserves are NOT legal tender. They cannot be spent!

Even when corporate bonds wind up on the FED's balance sheet, they still have to be serviced! It's not like the FED forgives the debt. So this idea that corporations or the government is getting money created out of thin air is ridiculous. Reserves are created out of thin air. Money is lent into existence. Even those credit facilities are loans using special purpose vehicles designed to bypass primary dealers.

The FED does not have the power to spend directly into the economy. Powell mentioned this the other day. The FED can only create reserves to be lent against. If there is no lending, in excess of repayment, there is no money being created. Money is destroyed when loans are repaid. In a debt based economy, debt must expand beyond repayment for "growth" to occur.

When we borrow, money is created in the economy, when the government borrows, they do so from existing dollars, thereby shrinking the amount of liquidity in the system. That is deflationary. QE is deflationary (see the link below from the St. Louis Fed).

Bank lending standards are at ’08 levels despite what may hear in the news.
//fred.stlouisfed.org/series/DRTSCILM <- middle and large firms
//fred.stlouisfed.org/series/DRTSCIS <- small firms

>> No.22875680
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The reason QE "worked" before is because everyone believes it's inflationary. That causes people to spend and borrow. Powell even said the other day, "Forward Guidance is our most powerful tool." i.e. "Getting you to believe something is our most powerful tool".

QE is not going to work this time. What will? Making those bank reserves legal tender!

In order for the FED to actually create money and spend, the laws will have to change. For congress to change those laws, they will need a historic monetary crisis.

>> No.22875687
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The FED needs an massive deflationary event so congress can sell this (reserves becoming legal tender) to the public.
The real crash is coming. My guess; congress/Trump/Senate will be blamed before the election. Biden will go after a long and volatile contest designed to stoke rage and division in the population. And then they hand everything over to the FED. The public narrative of the democratic party is one of social and/or welfare spending. Many of the bills introduced in March ( see below) are designed to replace lost GDP and cause massive inflation.

The FED, through negative rates, will phase out paper accounts and absorb the private sector banking system (see IMF paper link). All banks will become an extension of the FED through “FED Now” and “FEDaccounts”. In that bill, banks and credit unions are reimbursed for their expense of setting up these accounts and being an extension of the FED. In rural areas, lacking banks, the post office will be used.

>> No.22875692

I couldn't hear your post over the sound this money printer is making haha brrrrr

>> No.22875695
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These new digital dollars that the FED creates will look and act just like the paper money in your bank account but later, after your paper money has dwindled away due to negative rates, the digital dollars can be programmed to expire or only work at "participating retailers". That way they can direct and control spending. If they want inflation to go up, they can cause your money to expire sooner.

In the bills below, once the FED is authorized to create money and spend, there will be free smart phones, WiFi, $2,000/mo UBI, no rent, no mortgage payments, no commercial loan payments and no credit reporting among other things.

>> No.22875700

You're fucking retarded bro enjoy getting fucked in the ass

>> No.22875706
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deflationary is good word good word in cryptocurrency you said it 4 times that means 4x my portfolio thank you fren

>> No.22875723

Hopefully your shitcoins still have value when they can't be traded for Nu-USD

>> No.22875757
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Nothing you copied and pasted affects me

>> No.22875793
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doesnt this fed shit need chainlink to work? or they have their own private blockchain based systems? how do i get rich from this instead of getting more poor everyday. fuck man just when i had a nice headstart because of chainlink its all washing away cause of all this crazy shit.

>> No.22875805

When do you think they will introduce the digital dollar? In any case I think the US is waiting to see how the digital yuan is going to be implemented.

I think you're right bro, been listening to Steven Van metre on YouTube explaining why qe is deflationary, which makes sense.

>> No.22875872

Why the fuck are you chainlink retards so self entered you think everything needs you in order to function?

>durr yeah the world economy is gonna rely on a fat Russian coin with 70% of the supply in the hands of the creator

>> No.22875911

nice bait lol

>> No.22875932

Also you aren't going to get any good responses on here. But if I see this thread once I've read it all I'm happy to speak about how fucked we all are. I hadn't considered that they would use a forced covid economic dump in order to usher in the CBDC's. (I knew they released COVID so they can switch to it, I figured it would be more about how cash can spread the virus and such.)

Honestly this is much more diabolical than that desu

Good dump OP

>> No.22875951

If there is no inflation happening then how the fuck did I just spend 34$ on a large one-topping pizza and 15 chicken wings tonight?

>> No.22875971

why would this have anything to do with link other than crypto potentially being severed from fiat?

>> No.22876000

because you're an idiot. you couldve made that meal for <$10.

>> No.22876018
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What does this mean for Chainlink?

>> No.22876028

So in the short term, we're looking at deflation...
My understanding is that gives you your dollar more buying power, how would that create a crisis? I'm aware of inflated wheel barrow money, deflation sounds like a good thing...
I was under the impression we needed a massive inflation event to knock out the national debt, obviously that would create a "crisis".

>> No.22876027

Where does anyone find 15 chicken wings for less than 10$?

>> No.22876050

Jesus fucking christ we're fucked. There has to be some way around this terrible fucking bullshit.

>> No.22876097

>no rent
>no mortgage payments
So the entire country is section 8? Who gets the houses then?

>> No.22876117
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lol how new are you guy? have you thought about how this fednow shit works? forget about chainlink and research how that tech they are trying to introduce works. youll end up right back at chainlink.

>> No.22876131

I have lived my entire life in a country that has a permanent case of unfix-able inflation because of many factors. From my experience and without engaging into a discussion related to the measures taken by the Fed, I can tell you guys are going towards a really bad case of hyper inflation regardless.
First your country is broke in debt, and they need to pay it by decreasing the value of the USD to the point it will cost the equivalent of a gallon of milk.
Secondly as your country goes to shit, whether it's inflationary or deflationary, the rest of the world will stop demanding your precious dollars. The amount there is in circulation, both inside and outside the country, is already big enough to cause an inflationary shock, one that you can't stop once it begins.
Yes there will be deflation but just for a time, the end game is inflation and this is inevitable as all fiat currencies eventually go back to their intrinsic value: $0

>> No.22876135

i think what hes saying is the crisis is coming before the deflation, maybe im wrong tho

>> No.22876169

He's fucking wrong, we're about to experience massive inflation.

>> No.22876170

Macroeconomics threads get plenty of good responses. Typically these kinds of threads have the best discussion on /biz/

>> No.22876183

Lmao link has been obsolete and will get rekt once flare goes live.

>> No.22876220

please explain how?

>> No.22876420

So what you're saying is that I should buy silver and silver mining stocks? OK cheers mate.

>> No.22876717
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>doesnt this fed shit need chainlink to work?

>> No.22876727
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>> No.22876747


"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, FIRST BY INFLATION, THEN BY DEFLATION, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered.... I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies.... The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs." - Thomas Jefferson

>> No.22876763

>In general, to improve performance and reduce execution (i.e., gas) costs, smart contract
developers have found ways to make use of complex arrangements involving cryptographic evidence and minimally-trusted third parties. These includes “roll-ups”, or
verifiable computing, which can accelerate the task of validating a blockchain.

>> No.22876764

The grocery store you fucking incompetent NEET. Does mommy still buy groceries and cook for you. If not move out of your overpriced liberal run retard city.

>> No.22876770

That quote is very cool and I agree but it's false, he didn't say it.

>> No.22876777

We’ve had inflation for 10 decades retard. Why you think “income inequality” is a top 3 presidential issue and 1/3rd of millennials (before Covid) lived with their parents. Why do you think we don’t see 5$ foot long commercials anymore at Subway. 20$ was a good weekly salary was 100 years ago, today 20$ won’t even buy you two jimmy john sandwiches.

We’ve already had the inflation numbnuts. If we hadn’t had inflation already then nobody on 4chan would be bitching about Jews.

>> No.22876779


Wake the fuck up faggots. The government wants you on the wrong side of the compounding equation. They want you to be dependent on UBI and CONSOOM not save. The sooner you realize this the better off you will be.

>> No.22876795

The words “inflation” and “deflation” were invented after his lifetime. Shut the fuck up

>> No.22876800

God fucking damn it, can you guys shut the fuck up about link. Just one thread without shitcoins, please? There’s 100 other threads, all day, everyday, about link.

>> No.22876801

It's a good thing if we're talking about good money. When everyone is running around with years worth of debt, deflation will also multiply the debts, and ruin people and corporations. That's not necessarily a bad thing, as that would allow people who were more responsible with the money to take over after a period of crisis, but this usually gets resolved via the money printer going brrrrrrrrr

>> No.22876804


Check those digits jogger

>> No.22876810

Calm down you sperging boomer.
You clearly weren't paying attention to the context.
If the original guy was talking about pizza and wings that he ordered at a restaraunt he clearly isn't talking about making his own pizza and wings for less than 10$.
You're comparing apples to oranges and saying "see how inexpensive this apple is? Why would you ever think that oranges are expensive when you can get apples for such decent price?"

>> No.22876826

>We are about to have a massive deflationary event.
This. First deflation crisis than hyperinflation will come after it.

>> No.22876832

So i should keep all my shekels in the bank then and not invest them right

>> No.22876844

Yes we will have a blow off top off hyperinflation but that’s just the end game of 100 years of massive inflation. Boomers love to say we don’t have inflation, inflation was in the late 70’s. Well things are still more expensive today than they were in the 70’s

>> No.22876851

Can you explain to me can't banks withdraw their excess reserves as cash from the FED account? I would assume that if they have more reserves than what is required they are allowed to withdraw the excess money. Else, what is the point of these reserves, and why would banks be selling bonds etc. to FED if all they get are useless reserves which they already have an excess amount and cant use for other than loans, which they don't want to give. This makes no sense.

>> No.22876876

Trump is giving niggers 500 billion and all this covid relief to crash the system and then return America to a gold standard. Gold is money, dollars are just paper. Under a gold standard you could drive retarded kids to school in a bus and “make it” with the wife at home raising your 3-4 kids.

Why you think we have so many NEETS trying to hit the jackpot in shitcoins? Because they know even if they get an above average job making even 100k/year they can’t make it because we have massive inflation right now

>> No.22876893

We’ve already had hyperinflation for all intents and purposes. Why do you think 1/3rd Of millennials live at home? Like I said.... nobody on 4chan would be bitching about Jews if we didn’t already have massive inflation.

First we get a hyperinflation blow off top followed by a collapse of all asset prices. And that’s why if you own merc dimes you will be able to get blowjobs from formerly well to do housewives

>> No.22876895

Your argumentation is flawed:
1. google monetary velocity, it needs several months until inflation is really created with qe
2. look at asset price inflation
3. don't take official inflation statistics for granted, inform yourself on shadow inflation rates, by normal uncrooked measurement standards, we are more around 4-5% than 1,x%

>> No.22876971

Also to let you guys know:
Inflation is when month after month prices rise like one digit percent at a time.
Mega inflation is when you have two or three digits of inflation monthly. Here you take your payment (you don't get paid monthly or weekly anymore) and run to the store to buy before you lose your wealth.
Hyper inflation is when the person that sells you groceries, no matter what tactic he comes with, can't buy back the products anymore, so he ends with his store empty and bankrupt.

Inflation is an undercover tax while hyper inflation is a wealth destroyer, the government isn't trying to steal from you anymore, it tries to kill you.

>> No.22876972


>> No.22877039

Good weekly salary was 20$ 100 years ago. We’ve already had massive inflation

>> No.22877089

>We’ve already had hyperinflation
No we didn't because the dollar is the world reserve currency and all the printing is absorved by the rest of the world, that's why there's only inflation now and not hyperinflation. First the world currencies will plummet and the dollar will increase it's value till deflation, then a hyperinflation meltdown will occur in the USA when all the world rejects the dollar and the money returns at once back to the country

>> No.22877121

Trump will not save you. He doesn’t know you exist

>> No.22877165

You are missing a key factor. First the dollar is the world currency (By acceptance and imposition) which gives it a HUGE demand by the people of all the world. Everyone wants to have dollars under the mattress because their own currency has gone to shit too many times. And countries need it in order to trade between each other sadly, or else you will wake up to US marines in your shores saying you are in serious need of some democracy. But what happens when it doesn't anymore? You'll be swarmed by a tornado inflation that will be in history books forever. People in 1000 years are going to talk about it.

US is the only country on earth that can print money that buys things outside its borders. That's why no matter how much your print the inflation remains low, but you are about to lose that privilege status, so get your inflation seat belts ready for the biggest economic crash in history of man kind.

>> No.22877180

We need to restart capitalism every 100 years, every billionaire gets an achievement ("this guy finished capitalism") and we start on equal terms again.

>> No.22877199

The dollar being the reserve currency is a side effect of US cold war defense policy. Cold War's over, and the US is slowly detaching itself from those old policies. Ironically, the USD will become even more powerful after it's moved on from "reserve currency" status because there will still be huge demand for a currency with the utility of the dollar, but dollars will be in increasingly short supply as Washington increasingly refuses to backstop the global system.

>> No.22877210

Funny how the real explanation is spreading like wildfire. The “printer goes brrr” meme is just a meme. I guess now that people are getting the real idea of what is going on, it means that the Fed will not be able to head fake anymore on inflation. So now, they literally have nothing they can do. They really are fucked.

>> No.22877213

Deflation is the dumbest subhuman buzzword the be uttered these days. I challenge you to find a single instance since WWII when the price of goods and services went down.

>> No.22877235

So you want everyone to keep getting poorer with prices of good and services rising?

>> No.22877295

nah I'm saying economists meme the dangers of this supposed deflation that never comes when the consumers are getting fucked hard by real measurable inflation that gets scrubbed out of their exact cooked up 2% CPI calculation.

>> No.22877299

Perhaps after a currency reset. You first need to deal with the current crisis. Even if you can make the dollar bills magically disappear you still have to pay debts. Sure you could raise interests to the moon but that will crash the economy either way. If there is something you learn from living in countries that went through this process is that politicians and economists are very skilled to delay the crash for years, decades, but it's ultimately inevitable.
US wont be different case, especially because it moved to a service oriented economy that produces almost nothing. Factories are in Asia and the energy comes from fracking. Sure these things are fixable and you will get your country in order one day, but the clock of the crash moves faster than the recovery one. Your only option is to invade a country that is currently swimming in gold reserves imho.

>> No.22877337

the dollar bills already magically don't exist. You think we're shipping those Euroniggers and Chinks pallets of bennies? They're numbers on a screen and thanks to Obama sharpening up US sanction powers for the Iran deal, all of the numbers on all of the screens are now subject to US discretion as to whether it's spendable funds. American skeptics have wholly and fundamentally misunderstood the landscape.

>> No.22877374









>> No.22877414
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>Because they know even if they get an above average job making even 100k/year they can’t make it because we have massive inflation right now

Fucking hell anon you hit the nail on the head. This is why I am in crypto and to a lesser extent, stonks. I've been to university, got the job, the whole nine yards. Still haven't made it despite being told all my life that education+good job is all you need.

>> No.22877449

How to profit off a deflationary scenario?

>> No.22877473

Hold mostly cash, a little in low-leverage shorts on risk assets like crypto

>> No.22877605

The problem with this deflation we are facing is that we are going to hit a solvency crisis. Most companies and households are significantly leveraged. This is why our system can’t handle a deflationary shock and why Powell is panicking.

>> No.22877699

>Most companies and households are significantly leveraged.
Companies are. Households are pretty low, though.

>> No.22877723

You are RETARDED to be holding mostly cash and not putting half in silver and gold.

>> No.22877729

Gold and silver dude. Profits in USD don’t matter when the USD is fucked. Gold and silver are savings and wealth. Doesn’t matter if it’s inflation or deflation

>> No.22877757
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>it's a "financial collapse soon guys i swear this time" thread

>> No.22877784


The market is starting to price in eventual inflation in expectation of exactly the future intervention you describe. Everybody was surprised to see the GOP supporting quasi-UBI with little protest. They shouldn't have been, and hopefully everybody understands now what it means. Washington is of one mind on preventing deflation, even if they squabble over precisely where the gibs go.

Might we get a dip if the dollar strengthens? Probably at least a little, sure. But a lot of people (too many) are expecting a deflationary dip and a buying opportunity, and everybody now understands clearly that the markets won't be allowed to go down. If everybody just stacks cash and waits for the dip with their fingers on the buy button: prepare to be disappointed by its magnitude.

Personally I'm 50/50 commodities/cash. I'll take the cheapies if I can get them, but that's a big if. I don't want to be fully out either.

>> No.22877848

so what the freck am i supposed to do?
hold DMG?

>> No.22877864

Nigga you can go fuck yourself my import fish went up 300x. I am literally considering re-selling it but goddamn ventrusca is delicious. My raw honey supplier 2x. My herbs .5x. Im just glad my special salts haven't risen as much.

>> No.22877899

When u say u in commodities, u mean mining or resource stocks or actually buy uranium/copper etc. How does one invest in commodities?

>> No.22878040

>half in silver and gold
if he thinks deflationay collapse it's pointless to be in gold

>> No.22878052

Weren't gold and silver good only in an inflationary scenario?

>> No.22878192

you lived in ex-USSR country im guessing?

>> No.22878305

You guys are idiots. Gold is SAVINGS. It’s a real asset. It’s good to hold at anytime

>> No.22878366

nope, even JPM created their own blockchain system themselves, none of the cryptos have a moat, all that tech can be built for a fraction what their mcaps are.

>> No.22878402

Yes it is the dollar fucking everything up right now by being so strong.

>> No.22878413

>youll end up right back at chainlink.
do you understand that their tech isn't something that they have a monopoly over? anyone can/is already build everything they have to offer.

>> No.22878473

>Your argumentation is flawed:
yeah yeah yeah, do you understand that the cap rq for big banks is at 0% now? but in reality they're at least 15-20% full, which means that the money is still in the bank, they are not printing anything. Also, asset price inflation is not the same as vanilla inflation.

>> No.22879393

Why would you ever think US banking system would use chainlink xD or even alone. Lolol

>> No.22879520


>> No.22879542

The dollar is backed by supernukes, sataliettes, soldiers and billions of people. The economic machinations they invented to make their scam look sensical on paper is irrelevant to me. All I see is more people working harder and getting less.

>> No.22879548
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<-- see pic related

>> No.22879559

The financial alchemy from Wall Street and the fed only serves to prop up their donors and their regime . Anything to benefit the average worker is out of the question . And you wonder why we have communists rioting right now .

>> No.22879573

yeah, cdbc is coming but you retards think that inflation is bad why?? cooooomsumers deserve to be poor and the people who create value deserve to be rich. inflation is how we enable this meritocracy.

>> No.22879597

fedcoin is literally how fed will bypass the wall street and give money directly to the people. fed realizes this and is trying to fix it.

>> No.22879631
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unironically true
On a gold standard, if you wanted to start a business and increase productivity, you would have to borrow from the savings of people. People are shit and they usually don't have enough savings for all the entrepreneurs to borrow. Fiat currency allows potentially infinite borrowing without the consent of the people and the people will see their currency devalued.

In a normal world, the borrowing and inflation would be offset by the increase in productivity generated by these entrepreneurs, so they wouldn't technically feel that you stole from them. The only problem is when the system gets kiked and the borrowing is not done to increase the productivity.

TL/DR: the system is not wrong, but it has some loopholes that allows some people to abuse it and take it to the extrem.

If two countries were competing, one with a gold standard and one with a fiat system, the one with the fiat system would dwarf the gold standard country.

>> No.22879763

The other side would argue that in a gold backed world the entrepreneur would be able to start a business more easily because asset prices wouldn't have been bid up with fiat money in the first place.

>> No.22879854
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So, M2 or M3 money supply will be legal tender? Do you realise how much money that is? It would be like a 200m tsunami heading for every coastline in the world. I doubt this would happen. Also, there are many forms of money that isn't legal tenders like interbank bonds.

We know QE is deflationary because it already happened in Japan. The Princes of Yen documentary has quotes from Japanese central bankers directly saying they prolonged the 90s crash and recovery to bring in structural change and that QE (which was coined in Japan) is deflationary. The central bankers were forcing the hand of the politicians.

1 bed flat in Tokyo is 500 USD/mon and you can get a meal at rush hour for 2 USD. This is intentional to restructure the financial system. The question is why now and where are we going.

>> No.22879954

it's not a problem of asset prices, but a problem of capital
Let's say you wanted to start a service oriented business (minimal assets). Besides renting an office, 90% of your costs would be with your employees. In a gold standard you wouldn't have access to the capital to hire even 3 people, let alone 100 people.

No capital => No business => No employees => No increase in the productivity.

The economy would just stagnate and the productivity would concentrate in the hands of the people who were the quickest to borrow the available capital. Since there would be no competition from smaller entrprenerus, the incentive to offer quality products and services would be minimal. You would probably even see cartels form.

Uninuitively, a gold standard is a communist/jew's wet dream.

>> No.22879984


Deflationary is a bad thing, when doing nothing is more productive than doing something the economy will eventually choke.

>> No.22880113

I cringed so hard that I broke my collar bone.

>> No.22880244

it's not over! I's never over! since we got BELLA launching now

>> No.22880424

Am I understanding this right? If this Fedcoin thing happens, with UBI being issued directly to us with negative interest rates, and with cash slowly disappearing, wouldn’t that make it virtually impossible to save money? And the cash you already have in the bank would become worthless? Then wouldn’t this be a good thing for precious metals and those who invest in them?

>> No.22880447

no, you'll be able to save the UBI money but you can't save extra money you get from stimulus. trumpbucks for corona would have expiration date, and your monthly payment have no expiration date.

>> No.22880658

why should metals be relevant if deflation occours?

>> No.22881038

Real estate in Paris has been in a bubble for 17 years, last semester it lost -4,2%

Deflation is coming, good I sold my bags at the top.

>> No.22881519

paraphrase of the closing sentence in Jefferson’s 28 May 1816 letter to John Taylor: And I sincerely believe, with you, that banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies; and that the principle of spending money to be paid by posterity, under the name of funding, is but swindling futurity on a large scale. The latter statement is both undocumented and not in accordance what Jefferson wrote in a 24 June 1813 letter to John Wayles Eppes: But while this is going on, another measure should be pressed, to recover ultimately our fight to the circulation. The States should be applied to, to transfer the right of issuing circulating paper to Congress exclusively, in perpetuum, if possible, but during the war at least, with a saving of charter rights. I believe that every State west and South of Connecticut river, except Delaware, would immediately do it.

tldr gas yourself

>> No.22881668

I see, you learned your mmt phrases well.

>> No.22882103

>needs several months until
why this didn't happen?

>> No.22882127

>we are more around 4-5% than 1,x%

>> No.22882942

Banks would still loan capital but it would be backed by actual value.

>> No.22882958

>you would have to borrow
>its literally impossible to just save up and buy it with your own money

>> No.22883864

The deflation meme is the biggest psyop scam. Fuck off OP

>> No.22884310
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no, they would loan based on how much people save or at most they would have to do a fractional reserve thingy with gold which would be the same shit as today, cause everytime people couldn't borrow more money, they would just reduce the reserve requirement

your understanding of economics is extremely narrow and simple-minded. You could this shit in your local village with your local shit-tier business. In the real world, most of the prosperity and progress that you witnessed was made possible by borrowing money and building companies worth billions and hundred of billions of dollars. You'd literally starve to death if you and the economy would rely only on what you can save and on what people can produce with the savings of others.

>> No.22884380


Right or wrong the only way around it is to buy and hold LINK.

I’m not shitting you.

>> No.22884503
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why are these niggers saying your quote is fake?
its not lol

>> No.22884648

>muh tech
if you think the value relies on the tech, why not buy NKN?
you can't fork network effects

>> No.22884659

dear god the delusion is amazing

>> No.22884684

>QE is NOT money printing


Inflation is going to skyrocket and the market is going to bottom out as soon as the fed stops the money printer. They know it's inevitable right now

>> No.22884738

So what I'm hearing is XRP $2000

>> No.22884749


Brent Johnson and Jeff Snider doing what they do best and talking about the real mechanics of dollar macro.
>printer go brrr
This is a low IQ meme that the Fed wants you to think. if you believe this, then you are falling for Fed jedi mind tricks. GG.

>> No.22884812

This. I am not sure why people thought adoption would be the blockchains in existence. Why would governments and corporations make neets rich when they could premine their own coin? Some crypto may survive as something independent, but the big adoption will be on blockchains not yet in existence and not at all egalitarian in accumulation. The rich will stay rich and they are not in the business of making poor people rich. Pipe dreams meant to fleece people of their money by pajeets.

>> No.22884867

BoringDAO fixes this, literally.

>> No.22884874

Eventually, but the Fed can't do that right now. QE is not inflationary except if banks are growing lending based on it. If banks don't lend, all those bank reserves QE creates just goes into a black hole and the net effect is deflationary. Congress has to be the one to act on this with spending or loan guarantees. The Fed literally is against the wall and can do absolutely nothing to stop deflation as of right now. Congress needs to authorize them to spend to get that.
Watch the video here >>22884749

>> No.22884890

Brent Johnson was wrong about the interest rate cuts. His DXY prediction will soon be proven wrong too.
if DXY doesn't go above 97.62 on 20 January 2021, he loses 2 bets in a row to Peter Schiff.

The deflation meme is the scam.

>> No.22884983
File: 89 KB, 1024x586, Evolam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This these faggots have no idea whats coming...inflation or deflation or simultaneously both be prepared for both situations. I dont even divide my portfolio on just asset classes anymore. I also divide it as the "traditional financial system" and wealth outside of it. Digital assets and physical assets. Understand the difference and diversify. Now is the time to play defense. Wait for the elite to make their move and then strike.

>Ride the tiger frens

>> No.22885023

High IQ and accurate

>> No.22885090

we only have major deflation because theres no monetary velocity. just wait until it picks up again post-covid, or china decides to start spending its USD or maybe french will say fuck the treasuries( and be the first country out. (like they did previously)

>> No.22885106

And yet, all of the people like Schiff who push the inflation meme get the Fed completely wrong. Listening to people talk about the Fed's QE being money printing is like listening to teenage communists talk about economics. It's flat out retarded how wrong they are. Will we eventually see massive nflation? Probably. Can the Fed do that? No. Will it take Congress passing UBI or some comically large stimulus? Yes.

DXY will be above 100 in the near future. I'm a gold bull too, but people in the precious metal space don't understand macro too well...or at least don't understand the mechanisms in play. Long term, the dollar is toast. Short term, the dollar will surge. You can't destroy a major chunk of the economy and demand and not have deflation. Anything Congress does with stimulus below absurd levels will just fill in what was lost to counter deflation with diminishing returns.

>> No.22885172

We would need a "super v" recovery for that...which I guarantee you, we will not have. The last stimulus only covered over some of the pain...like going into shock after a major injury. It's wearing off and we are going to feel the effects of the massive damage done to the economy with a significant amount of it permanent. Recovery is a meme and anyone believing it is being fooled. The layoffs are starting to pick up as the stimulus effect wears off.
you'll be waiting a while

>> No.22885240
File: 37 KB, 984x554, wilee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the stimulus only masked the pain of major economic collapse and now it's wearing off and people are starting to realize the true extent of the damage
laughs at muh super v recovery

>> No.22885368

The Fed has been buying T-Notes, corporate bonds, and mortage-backed-securities on the open market.
I sold T-Notes into the Fed's bid on the open market. I used that cash from the Fed to buy stocks, gold, crypto. That's how QE inflates asset prices.
Fuck off with the deflation meme. It's a psyop to get retards to hold their rapidly devaluing cash. If you listened to the deflation meme and held cash in March instead of buying assets, you got rekt.

>> No.22885402

>bubble for 17 years
Thanks for that info, anon. I have a theory that all assets bubble lasts between a 13 to 17 years cycle, and your info kind of corroborated the 17 year cycle:

>> No.22885454
File: 69 KB, 626x469, emperorsnewclothes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you are saying that the QE is creating massive inflation and that the Fed right now is going to cause hyperinflation, you are in the process of telling the emperor what nice new clothes he has. You are falling for the lie that they want you to believe. They can't create inflation, but they can fake the banks and you into believing they are so that you actually act in that way and create the inflation yourself. Banks are no longer fooled and so they have tightened lending. I thought this board had smart people. Why are you guys continuing to fall for the money printing meme?

>> No.22885562

>Fed buys stuff
and not a dime of the proceeds from those asset purchases have gone out onto the open market into circulation. All proceeds from the asset purchases are sitting in restricted accounts at the Fed and can only be used as bank reserves...that don't even mean much anymore. That's it. All of these programs are just different ways for the Fed to create more bank reserves. If bank lending isn't growing, then there is no inflation. Instead, we have the massive deflationary pressures unchecked. Again, Schiff and these other people who talk about printer go brr are like angsty teenage communists who think they sound smart and they sound smart to smoothbrains, but anyone with a bit more experience and intelligence recognizes it as complete baloney. I used to believe it too, but I actually learned a few things by listening to people smarter than myself and now it's clear that the way Schiff et al talk about the Fed is just complete bunk.

>> No.22885615

>We are about to have a massive deflationary event
impossible. the banks will not let prices go down in nominal terms

>> No.22885980

>muh super v recovery
Or maybe everyone realised covid is a nothingburger exagerated by the media and the world will move on with the 4th revolution. I honestly don't know where we are going. I'n hoping it crashes so i can fill my bags.

>> No.22886157

Whether covid is real or not is irrelevant at this point. The economic damage has been done. You can't just shut down large swaths of the economy, offer very little support to small businesses who then close their doors permanently, and then expect to flip a switch and everything goes back to normal. That's not how any of this works. And I'm not even talking about all the eviction moratoriums and the massive wall of commercial and residential mortgage defaults on the horizon. The layoffs are just now starting. They started with temporary job cuts becoming permanent and now the big numbers are starting to roll out. Look at the airlines new job cut figures and Boeing. The entire hospitality industry is going to implode. Part of the long term damage is that this has permanently changed consumer habits. This is really bad. Don't listen to the CNBC talking heads. They are shilling a narrative...one that will be seen clearly as false as soon as the election is over, because they are not going to be able to keep up the charade much longer than that. We are in big trouble.

>> No.22886172

Nigerians, Mexicans, the Chinese, and African Americans. Whites will have special camps.

>> No.22886191

That we will have to pay for with arbeit

>> No.22886392

>large swaths of the economy
Corporations will absorb small businesses. Consolidation has been their plan since the beginning.


>> No.22886410

Your first posts were interesting, but this one is where you went full retard.

>> No.22886623

The cash from the Repo operations is held in restricted accounts.
The QE that they're doing now is injecting cash into the open market.

>> No.22886814

This has been the misunderstanding from the start and why people continue to get it wrong. The Fed would need Congress' authorization to do that and they don't. Their balance sheet activities are tied up and non-inflationary. It's only if Congress authorizes them to use their liabilities as money that these actions would then turn inflationary. That could still happen, but it would take an act of Congress. Nothing the Fed is authorized to do right now on its own can cause inflation by itself. It would all be predicated on the banks actually growing lending. Since they can't force the banks to lend, the Fed is simply pushing a string. It's not at all countering deflation. People just get this wrong.

>> No.22886872

Lol I don't knows. I buys magic internet coins and line goes up. Me makes money

>> No.22887331

I have no clue what you are talking about. Can you simplify it?

>> No.22887448

Ok but tell me HOW THE FUCK CAN I profit off deflation
Many say ''metals''.... WHY? WHY METALS? Aren't those intentended for INFLATION?

>> No.22887553


>> No.22887600
File: 7 KB, 196x257, 1601067433886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My portfolio only appears to be going up.

Sell and bet against America then, come back in 3 years to tell me your 95% down.


>> No.22887656

>The FED does not have the power to spend directly into the economy
Did you miss the part where they are buying corporate bond instruments at increasingly less junk levels? The Fed is creating reserves and using them to buy the economy from the bottom up, thus why the deflationary crash which had begun to rear its head earlier this year ceased and instead severe price inflation began. The Fed has already shown that they will simply invent whatever new power (buying corporate bonds) is necessary to stoke the fires of inflation, assuming that deflation will be allowed to occur is madness in the face of decades of kitchen sinks being purchased to throw at inflation because the original kitchen sink was thrown long ago. Deflation simply isn't in the cards.

>> No.22887691

Massive Debt > Deflation
Debt grows bigger.
Massive Debt > Inflation
Debt grows smaler.

The FED will never default ofc, but consumers will. Deflation is bad for like 100's paragraphs of reasons. It will not help your spending power, even if your dollar deflated because it will fuck up so many other things ultimately u will be worse off.

Wait until after the election and the coof goes away.

>> No.22887742

>inevitable as all fiat currencies eventually go back to their intrinsic value: $0
Asset prices will go up. Only wage cucks, poor people & those heavy in cash long term suffer from this. If you hold stock and property you will benefit.

Ain't hard, nobody needs these internet coins lol.

>> No.22887924
File: 45 KB, 720x720, 1601247240247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyday bro, I read though them because its quite fascinating to see people so certain about a collaspe.

I wounder if these people missed out on the most profitable bull run in history this past decade. They probs miss out on the next. > But muh crash

Literally, if inflation did reach 2-4%, you'd WANT to be inside the economical assets not outside of it.

You cash crypto out to your domestic currency anyway, so its all a massive meme.

>> No.22888071

The guy asked how to profit from deflation. The answer is hold cash. Quit sperging out, we all know gold is real money but you arent answering the original question.

>> No.22888096

>(buying corporate bonds) is necessary to stoke the fires of inflation
Why buying corporates bond = no inflation?

>> No.22888165

I rarely say this but you are someone who deserves to stay poor

>> No.22888166

Posting some deep dive findings from last night
>Fed starts a round of OMO for QE
>Primary Dealers get the shopping list at the NY desk: BONDS
>Primary Dealers begin buying bonds at bond auction
this is where I'm stuck, it either goes
>A. PDs credit a insta-deposit to the US Gov account (literally printed money) and take the bond (source, Jeff Snider, Luke Gromen, and friends)
>B. PDs transfer their own cash from operations to the US Gov deposit account and take the bond (Bond King, Brent Johnson, and friends)

afterwards Fed gets the bonds and PDs get bank reserves. The minutia of the PD transaction matters bigly though.

>> No.22888205

Holy shit the level of delusional copium
> t. link holder

>> No.22888252

Exactly this. The deflation meme is a psyop to encourage retards to continue holding cash while it loses 20% p.a. relative to assets.

>> No.22888297

Did you miss the part where all the proceeds from those asset purchases sit in restricted accounts as bank reserves and don't actually go out into circulation?

>> No.22888392

>by decreasing the value of the USD to the point it will cost the equivalent of a gallon of milk.
Bro we are far past that point

>> No.22888401

Hold cash. It's just going to be very difficult for anyone, let alone a layman, to time deflation/inflation profitably.

>> No.22888500

They just can't, that's the rules

>> No.22888614
File: 86 KB, 1351x853, Qe_IS_LITERALLY_MONEY_PRINTING.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>QE is NOT money printing. We are about to have a massive deflationary event.
so what is it, then?
>pic very related
the fact of the matter is inflation from m2 takes 12-18 months _to even begin_ resulting in inflation.
you can't just print money like crazy until 2023 and expect no uptick in inflation.
>Those reserves are NOT legal tender. They cannot be spent!
but it can be leveraged against and used as collateral for INTEREST FUCKING FREE LOANS you brainlet. what does a company do with free money? they expand. what do expanding companies do? they hire people. if company A is poaching company B's talent using advantages as a direct result of QE, then it HAS TO TRANSLATE INTO INFLATION because those people all get paid.

>> No.22888659

Actually they can

>Banks with reserve accounts at the Fed can exchange their settlement balances for cash to increase their vault cash for meeting window demand.

So there you go. If a bank wants to make a run on itself tomorrow ITS ALL PRINTED MONEY

>no anon banks can only use their bank reserves to lend against them. They have to meet reserve requirements

As of March 2020 the reserve requirement in the US is 0%. In other countries it has been 0% for years


Banks can literally create new loans with no reserves. Bank reserves are for enabling inter-bank settlements which includes converting to bank liabilities (CASH!). Now the conspiracy is that Banks can loan to fake companies which then withdraw the deposits, then invest them into derivatives.

t. Watched Bond King but did my own deep dives into the actual rules.

>> No.22888849

Because deflation also comes with increased capital controls, which PMs are a bulwark against

>> No.22888977

>look at all those bank reserves that are doing absolutely nothing in the real economy

>> No.22889177

>Part of the long term damage is that this has permanently changed consumer habits. This is really bad.
bingo. shit is opening back up near me and i don't even have the habit to go back there.

>> No.22889250

ask yourself what the reserves enable them to do coupled with 0% reserve requirement and interest-free loans and it becomes clear.
the cognitive dissonance is astounding, this is what the naysayers sound like:
how the fuck can a policy only help the "real economy" and not hurt it? it's not a one-way door...

>> No.22889324

QE is hurting. It's deflationary. It's pushing a string. It's completely distorting capital markets. I'm not a fan of QE, but it's not money printing nor does it cause inflation. Lending will cause inflation, but if the banks are not growing lending enough, then it's still net deflationary.

>> No.22889447

>Member banks use their own liquidity
>their liquidity come from the Fed typing a billion dollars into their account

>> No.22889555

All you economics 101 first day in the job kiddies always come out with big ideas but why does it always have to revolve around muh evil government?
Instead of whining about how bad they are and how bad the big evil rich capitalists are why not get off your lazy ass and try to become one of those rich capitalists so you have some say in the world?
The doomsdayers are the say as the protestors holding black lives matter signs on the streets. They ultimately value their time as worthless so they waste their time. Therefore they will have nothing. The same happens to you when you fail to play the game of capitalism. Either accept it or reject it but if you reject it you can not expect to have a say. Money is power.

>> No.22889619

>just start your own bank
you need like 1 billion to start a bank. also, you would still be ruled by jews no matter how much money you make. wanna fund something? enjoy being attacked and deplatformed and sued by 6,000,000 jew lawyers.

>> No.22889838

Well then get your own army of jew lawyers to fight back?
Many people have a defeatist mindset with a victim complex just like you. This prevents any sort of personal growth because you fail to reflect on yourself objectively.
>I'm poor and a failure this means capitalism is evil and the system is broken!!!
No it just means you got outplayed by those who were better than you
Money has no feelings. The usa holds more millionaires per capita (liquid defined as they can have 1 mill usd cash in hand within a couple days. So basically no property equity in a mortgage) than any other country in the world by far. The system is not broken one bit. The average person just gets beat so badly on the daily basis and they cope by saying the system is broken.
Instead just accept the system for what it is. It's not perfect but the past 200 years has led to massive increases in prosperity and standards of living. More than any time in history. So just accept that the game is here and you must take a seat at the table and play. Once someone can accept that then they can start their journey towards success.
And hey, you want to change the world in some way because you feel like you have something to offer? Is whining and "protesting" with signs on the street corner going to get it done? Nope, money is.

>> No.22890012

>jews will side against their own

>> No.22890047

>Wilson sell the country to Zionist bankers in 1913
>durr you got outplayed!!!

this system never gave me a fair chance to play. stop pretending like Capitalists are moral. lmfao

>> No.22890077

>durr Chinese standard of living is higher!!!
I don't need fucking Chinese people to get higher wages. I need AMERICAN CITIZENS to get higher wages.

>> No.22890086

Thats a decent point but you are ignoring the entirety of this threads point with boomer motivational speaking. You cant deny the next 50 years of the USD looks potentially disastrous, doomsayers are looking at it more rationally than your blind optimism.

>> No.22890100

>make it illegal for Whites to work as a group
>durr you got outplayed by ethnocentric jews!
we never had a chance. not my generation, at least.

>> No.22890206

the United States did not have open borders and free trade deals with Mexico and China during the last 200 years, only since Communism fell did Capitalism show its true face - NAFTA.
and when Capitalists did exploit cheap foreign labor, White labor retaliated like with the Chinese Exclusion Act.
you can pretend that "markets" drove this innovation but it was actually genius White men. The aeroplane was not invented by "free trade." it was invented by the genius of White men.

>> No.22890211

>ignore the discussion and pull yourself up by your boot straps
>I reject a discussion about A and B because I hate reading. I CHOOSE C. MAYBE I EVEN CHOOSE E FOR EDGY.

>> No.22890733

Ok so you all think you are failures because you were born into a system with the odds stacked against you.
So what are you going to do just give up hope?
Of course anyone with two brain cells to rub together realizes boomers played the on beginner mode and a lot fewer millennials and zoomers will be able to make it comparitively. There's nothing you can do but accept that and do what you can to secure what is available.

>> No.22890809

>There's nothing you can do but accept that

>> No.22890815

>muh evil jews
Seriously buddy Jews are not some evil all encompassing power. I know plenty of jewish boomers getting fleeced by the system same as the white man.
The usd looking disastrous just means that cash will flow into assets. This isn't a bad thing unless you are a Boomer who cares about the strength of the dollar in some sort of weird prideful way

>> No.22890908

>Israel is guaranteed to Jews
>endless wars for Israel
>federal gov defers to ADL
>take over universities, teach marxist-style class warfare against white male "bougious"
>rule media
yeah bro. they don't have power or act as a group, for their group.
I didn't say they are evil. they just never assimilate and act in their own self interest.
remember, their Torah and Talmud give them the "mandate of heaven" as "chosen people" to rule.
all peoples have egos. all people's wanna rule.

>> No.22890957

>Literally, if inflation did reach 2-4%, you'd WANT to be inside the economical assets not outside of it.
The currency these assets are valued in will become worthless.

>> No.22891133

What happens to current mortageges?

>> No.22891486
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delusional midwit thread, moving on

>> No.22891508

If OP scenario plays out then the Gov probably forgives all mortagegeges but also confiscates your property and splits it into separate units and forces you to house homeless and refugees.

>> No.22891824
File: 251 KB, 1500x966, 44fa9de43fae7d3a502f2779870cf60ca367ba97a1092d286cecacce9a0f444d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In one pic anon, not some rambling essay.

>> No.22892249

what happens when we are at $0? and how can a dollar have 5 cents in purchasing power?

>> No.22892736

That just means that the dollar as it is now can only purchase 5% of what it used to. So if you could buy twenty eggs for $1 in 1913, you can only buy one egg for $1 today.

>> No.22893287

What is the signal thats shits about to go crazy from now? And also is this shit all happening in october 2020 before the elections how is that possible?

>> No.22894416
File: 804 KB, 1280x740, nevin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reserves becoming legal tender

thanks just bought 100k

>> No.22894899


triggered jew detected