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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22821568 No.22821568 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.22821598

There's a guy who put all of his savings into this.

>> No.22821609



>> No.22821610
File: 33 KB, 1473x357, hatch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its just a healthy retrace anon, dont worry it will bounce back. Hatch devs are solid dudes, one of them made me awesome curry once

>> No.22821631

rug pull?

>> No.22821639

You should have been $ROTTING

>> No.22821679


>> No.22821682

Why didn't you buy Cbdao/Bree instead anon?
You buy a copypaste fork n then are surprised you got effed?

Be better anon.

>> No.22821694

Why are people buying a dead coin rn?

>> No.22821711
File: 49 KB, 1476x392, hatch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a dip I think.

>> No.22821728

any point of buying this right now? Its 1 cent lol.

>> No.22821731

Lost .5 ETH on this thing
I basically just fucking blew half of my Unibux kek

>> No.22821796

All you faggots calling this a BREE killer, where are you now?

>> No.22821878
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>> No.22821909

Didnt trustswap audit this shitcoin?

>> No.22821913


>> No.22821927
File: 187 KB, 950x1280, timetorot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy some ROT to make up from your loss

>> No.22821938
File: 94 KB, 764x785, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Minted 2M tokens and sold them. Overall got over 400ETH out of the whole scam. The better question is what's this going to do to TrustSwap.

>> No.22821941

weak paper hands sold lol
i bought more on the dip
lets fucking go!

>> No.22821964

Ironically, it's done a 3x since the bottom after the 2M sale LOL

>> No.22822008

Thinking about moving some of my coins into this now. Seems to be recovering

>> No.22822034

Nothing, if people don’t understand how crypto works, and they don’t do their own research that’s on them

>> No.22822038

>uhh, it's not trustswap's fault, we kept the liquidity locked, we don't deal with "keys" or "minting", ok?

lmao I see it already

>> No.22822047

Yeah, it's over for trustswap.

>> No.22822046

Well, while you're probably joking, don't. The reason it's pumped is because arbitrage. Some of the exchanges haven't caught up with the 2M dump. Once that's done it's going to zero.

>> No.22822108

Lol yeah because retards invested in another dumb finance coin without doing their research, has nothing do fo with Dwap, and was never endorsed. The team used swaps software that’s literally it

>> No.22822183

If projects can still rugpull please explain to me what the point of using trustswap is?
The exact same thing happened with a project called unicrypt and that went into the shitter as well. This doesn't end well for trustswap.

>> No.22822184
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>BKEx was the good guy all along

>> No.22822188

t. trustswap shill
But isnt the software pretty fkn useless then?

>> No.22822201

trustswaps pretty much completely useless vaporware then if coins they've audited can rug ahaha

>> No.22822245

Smartlock tech prevents the dump of team tokens and has always only been about that. Also smartlock is one part of swap, not including subscription payments, dex that will be coming out soon, and timed p2p payment releases

>> No.22822260
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>BKEx was the good guy all along

>> No.22822318
File: 25 KB, 400x399, comment_160097266636Z1hN5y5ZlLVLo5VenOeJ,w400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why r ppl buying?

>> No.22822404

rugs always bounce hard for some reason before dumping again. same thing happened with bitconnect.

>> No.22822428

jeff you need to fucking kill yourself

>> No.22822457

Jeff the lil cuntie said:

A company that used the TrustSwap software, HatchDao pulled liquidity and exit-scammed.
Some people are confused as to how this is possible if they used TrustSwap's software.
This is a really good learning opportunity, let's break it down:

1) There are MULTIPLE ways that a company can exit scam
a) Dump team tokens
b) Pull liquidity
c) Mint more tokens
d) Change the code of their contract

TrustSwap ONLY prevents A.
We do not audit their code, we do not lock their liquidity, we do not do "due diligence" into their project.
Just like any ERC20 can use Ethereum, any project can use Smartlocks.
Just like Ethereum does not audit projects launching on ETH, neither do we.

Saying that TrustSwap should do due diligence on projects before they use our software is equally as absurd as saying ETH should do due diligence before allowing someone to mint an erc20. We are open software, available for anyone to use.

Just because a project uses our software and we publish that information, that does not mean we endorse the project.
Our job is to get the software used as much as possible. We are not investment advisors, and never will recommend or advise to invest in any project, ever.

Smartlocks is not a "certification of 100% security" for any project, ever.
It is simply one tool of many to make something more secure.
Our code has been audited and is secure, the code of other projects may likely not be.

Do your own due diligence.

>> No.22822468
File: 27 KB, 512x594, Screenshot 2020-09-25 at 4.04.33 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So rekt.
Accepting donations =(((((((

>> No.22822487

LMAO jeffs trying to save face for his shitcoin so hard rn

>> No.22822496

I thought trustswap is supposed do do the research for me, that's how they advertised trustshit

>> No.22822521

TG is in full damage control. It's all well and good telling people to DYOR and shit, but the fact of the matter this token used trustswap to appear legit before they rugged, simple as.

>> No.22822523

What? No they didn't

>> No.22822581

lmao are people really this stupid?

>> No.22822600

Never trust a project that locks your tokens. Vybe and Nyan both let you pull out of staking at any time.

>> No.22822606
File: 115 KB, 952x556, hatchhumpty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22822642

The only projects trustswap endorses are launchpad projects.

How many people here have blamed vitalik for hatches rug pull? Or any rug pull on uniswap for that matter

>> No.22822675

So trustswap is vaporware, ok got it

>> No.22822698

thank god I sold this shit early

>> No.22822704

people think ita just a regular dip, not know its a rug

>> No.22822721

same, got out with a 5% loss because the shit never pumped, guess we found out why

>> No.22822728

It’s pumping now retard lmao fudders rekt

>> No.22822780

A hatch joke if I wasn’t clear

>> No.22822806

i dont blame trustswap for it, but this makes them look terrible. i already lost like 25% since i put money in. should i exit?

>> No.22822882
File: 198 KB, 928x1000, Снимок экрана 2020-09-26 в 02.08.06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol fuck trustswap

>> No.22822919

Mother fucker. I had just staked some SNX on there today. Suck my dick you pajeet scammers. Fuck this space with a rake.

>> No.22822922
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>> No.22822953

Don't worry, everyone's an egg. You just don't know u til you catch just like the watchoskivi brothers.

They hatched.

The matrix is an egg.

Embrace your trans side.

>> No.22822974
File: 21 KB, 597x559, 0AC1BD2A-5D68-4D2D-A203-E060356FD471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck did people expect from a token run by a fucking YOGA INSTRUCTOR?!

>> No.22823180

Any chance the remaining dev(s) are willing to refund the tokens we staked for farming? I see they're still in that wallet.

>> No.22823196

Should've bought bree instead.

>> No.22823363
File: 871 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20200925-191533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DxSALE airdroping tokens to HATCH rugpull victims next week

>> No.22823388

Doesn't really help those of us who were farming. I just lost access to my SNX.

>> No.22823696

Lmao I mean come on, we all knew TrustSwap was a scam right? Jeff is a serial huckster who makes ghost projects and is a white Justin Sun.

>> No.22824111

maybe you can still recover the snx staked after the lock expires through interacting with contract where the snx is deposited via etherscan

>> No.22824212
File: 195 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20200925-221053_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you deserve to stay poor for buying an incredibly obvious scam. i mean it was literally ctrl c and v'd bree code, how did the bkex drama not set you off? they wrote up an article explaining how they were stupid and got scammed then deleted after an hour because it made them look stupid and that they got scammed.

>> No.22824361


The dev's minted 2 million tokens and then dumped them all at once. At Hatch's current price when minted, it was about 4 million's dollars worth, although by the time they had finished dumping they only ended up getting $60k worth of Eth out, because it tanked the price.

>> No.22824380

LOL and you were right. They banned me from telegram just because I said I was concerned at how they were handling the whole situation, mods were being hostile and unprofessional. I didn’t even own Hatch but it made me question what is Trustswap even good for. Safe to say I sold my coins already.

>> No.22824453

If you think Trustswap does audits, then you're just a shitcoin gambler who probably has never read a white paper.

>> No.22824629

Holy shit, I almost tried to catch the dip yesterday. Thank god I didn't. This has got to be one of the biggest scams of this year.

>> No.22824670

How did no one catch that there was a mint function in the code? That is one of the things I look for before buying any newish project

>> No.22824683


based and eggpilled

>> No.22824767

>LOL and you were right. They banned me from telegram just because I said I was concerned at how they were handling the whole situation, mods were being hostile and unprofessional. I didn’t even own Hatch but it made me question what is Trustswap even good for. Safe to say I sold my coins already.

I think everyone assumed it was for the staking farm + CLEAR TRUSTSWAP ENDORSEMENT


>> No.22824863

Based retard

>> No.22824902

Sounds like a bunch of people want to blame Trustswap for their own failure

>> No.22825258

I really doubt anyone in this thread holds either hatch or swap. It is just fun to get hyped up about shit on biz

>> No.22825850

I love how they keep saying "an announcement isn't an endorsement" when they clearly hyped it when it happened LOL.

>> No.22825979

i have 1400 SWAP. i bought betwen 0.85 and 0.95

lost a few hundred. i don't like jeff or his team or the discord mods. hard to accept a loss though

>> No.22826147

That girl in this tg is fucking hot

>> No.22826677

Buy the dip retards

>> No.22827821

It will be way over that price soon. Just hodl until you get at least some profit

>> No.22827866

I looked at the smart contract. Gas fee was like .6 ETH, which is almost as much as the SNX I staked. What lock are you talking about?