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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 67 KB, 1080x751, rot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22791185 No.22791185 [Reply] [Original]

deflationary tokenomics + lowered emission rates recently + new features to come soon + increased burn rate soon

people called it dead after the emission cut dip, but i told you all to buy the dip. well, did you?

you would be rich by now.

why aren't you all in on this? 50 cents coming soon.

uniswap: https://uniswap.info/token/0xd04785c4d8195e4a54d9dec3a9043872875ae9e2
website: rottenswap.org

>> No.22791226
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I am financially rotten

>> No.22791251
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Never selling

>> No.22791261
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we are all financially rotten

>> No.22791302


>> No.22791369

if you're still not convinced just join us in the telegram

>> No.22791410
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fuck it's still alive after a few days

how much ROT to make it?

>> No.22791418

I'm convinced. Half my bag is on Rottenswap now.

>> No.22791523

look at current price, then imagine it going up 10x. now decide how much you want to invest.

thank me in a couple of weeks.

>> No.22791702

Am i going to make it with
5k rot?

>> No.22791742

you're making anything between $2k-5k, at least, just don't have weak hands my fren.

>> No.22791843
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>> No.22791862


zooming out on a few days old project. please stop posting.

>> No.22791870

$2 by halloween

>> No.22791932

as long as we meme it enough for halloween

>> No.22792744

Get in xirs, halloween special $10

>> No.22792837
File: 146 KB, 1080x1164, pomp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mooning even more than before. stop jerking off and start rotting.

>> No.22792920

Time to rot

>> No.22793175
File: 110 KB, 981x1280, rot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not too late anon

>> No.22793339

I bought back into this shit let's see big money

>> No.22793380

welcome back. strong hands make it.

>> No.22793498

Holding since 12 cents. Never wavered and x5 muh stack

>> No.22793546
File: 35 KB, 432x432, photo6293975445451942602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

0.04 soon. i can feel it.

>> No.22793879

.04 incoming

>> No.22794016

0.04!!!!! next target 0.1

>> No.22794089


>> No.22794100

<750 addresses still. I am excited

>> No.22794239
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My balls are tingling

>> No.22794355

More proof it's a scam being pumped by a call center in Mumbai.

>> No.22794380

Are you saying that I'm the call center indian or is this new information

>> No.22794461

Everybody in the Telegram group works in the same call center and are doing this in their spare time as they answer telephone calls from the UK.

>> No.22794525


>> No.22794572

Why do you think Schizo talks like dat and only wakes up after 6 PM EST?

>> No.22794590

most schizo threads on 4chan

>> No.22794798

Oh okey, thnak you four youre consern

>> No.22795310

This and https://devil.finance/
Truly the two best farms rn

>> No.22795363

boys, we hit .05

>> No.22795477

unironically this, the deflationary math alone makes this one prime for an easy trade

>> No.22795519

This is going to be the next Sushi. Love the tokenomics

>> No.22795528

Rotten all day errrr day

>> No.22796245

i fell for the deflationary-meme, and I am not even angry. pretty good gains, desu.

>> No.22796423

>Not even 10¢
Deflation is a meme, a poison one. Any deflationary token burns itself out of existence.

>> No.22796580
File: 3.19 MB, 2179x1581, halloween.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

burn is slow, this shit is pumping hard. 50c in a few day

>> No.22796601

Oh sure, 50¢, I bet if I buy in with 2 ETH this will just fucking DUMP on me back to 2.5¢

>> No.22796650
File: 1.17 MB, 720x1414, rottenpunch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you farm it retard

>> No.22796711

>Buy when it dumps
>Farm when it dumps
>Unstake as it dumps down to the price of FREE and lose all your money because it is now worth less than 1₥
FREE at least was an unironically better investment than this. Buying in at 0.0000005 would've doubled your money in the last 30 days. Rot can't 100x.

>> No.22796949

its like not buying sushiswap at 6c

>> No.22797471

I ignored this coin for a while because I thought it was just another shitty food coin but with a terrible name but glad I got bags now.

>> No.22797515

Got my comfy bag

>> No.22798240

Got in at .22, not selling until $1

>> No.22798272


>> No.22798554

$1 soon friend

>> No.22799142

1 dollar waiting room

>> No.22799300

pumping now. $1 soon

>> No.22799343

Hi can anyone explain why anyone would think an unruggable coin is a scam? Full community control and voting governance.

I just want an explanation. So I know how to answer when someone asks

>> No.22799575


>> No.22799627

This is barely 1M market cap. If we get to even just 10% of Sushi, that's a 10x from here. We're all so early.

>> No.22799680

This is the most based token out there.

>> No.22799915

dam tis is organized full on fraud, gl with your plot scmmers

>> No.22800153

This memecoin is awesome. Still going up.

>> No.22800325

Finally got into something early feels good. Actually looking forward to seeing the threads with faggots seething over missing out.

>> No.22800401

based and rotpilled

we're gonna make it bro

>> No.22800433

this is the quintessential /biz/ coin almost all the early holders were biztards and so is Tim

>> No.22800441

Old shitclone. 0 innovation. Absolutely useless. KYS and get rekt faggots.

>> No.22800485

and yet we are up nearly 200% today stay poor faggot

>> No.22800525
File: 136 KB, 1280x1022, 35810D11-38BD-4069-AF5C-ADC1EE726423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No more shilling, let them buy a ROT clone in 2 months when everyone figures out we’ve solved DeFi

>> No.22800601
File: 106 KB, 1280x849, 1600865407383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buying a Rot bag has literally been my best performing move since 2017. I'm not sure what to think about that, but it's true. I think there is plenty more upside here. The dev has been 100% community minded, I think that's a key difference here. I expect that to continue.

>> No.22800635

I'm up almost 3x :PPPPPgwgwegwege

>> No.22800826

Oh fuck it can't 100x? Only 30x? Damn I should sell...

>> No.22800931


>> No.22801198

please sell

>> No.22801241

well, did you get a bag in time? if you bought when i first told you, you would have made insane profits.

see you at 50 cents.

>> No.22801312

because they think silly names can't make it when then opposite has been true throughout all of defi.

>> No.22801350

Yes seen this the past few days but I'm buying tokens only above $5 so your 50 cent means nothing.

>> No.22801363

It's not going to do a 10x or 100x.

>> No.22801371

have you tried diversifying your trades? will you buy this one if it hits $5?

>> No.22801423

If it would go above $5 yes, but it won't even hit 0.50 so don't even bother.

>> No.22801452

I like the memes

>> No.22801478

Just look at the charts and volumes, this thing is gonna fly now. Already starting to skyrocket.

>> No.22801490

Yeah, this has the best memes and fucked up team. 100x potential is real.

>> No.22801513

just put down $100 and let it be.
exactly. plus everyone trying to sell right now not realizing that they are reducing the supply for the ones who are holding.

this coin is a game of chicken and weak hands won't make it.

>> No.22801524
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@riodefiofficial has interoperability as a characteristic with Rio infrastructure which efficiently connects organizations (banks, merchants, dApps) with users across multiple blockchains.

>> No.22801670

I swung and gained 8% on top despite the burn feels good man

>> No.22801911
File: 27 KB, 460x337, photo_2020-09-24_17-14-49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chart of rot - buy now plebs or stay poor.

>> No.22801919

Pumping like crazy, this is a great investment

>> No.22802039

two weeks and we reach financial freedom

>> No.22802133

then we can all just rot in peace

>> No.22802196

should've rode the pnd while i had the chance damn

>> No.22802497

Round 2 starting now.

>> No.22802513
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>> No.22802525


>> No.22802738
File: 730 KB, 500x216, rot-vs-wojack.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rot pilled

>> No.22802851

lol why are people still hyped about this shitcoin

>> No.22802856
File: 2.46 MB, 1032x1024, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll take the lot

>> No.22802963

You'll see soon

>> No.22802972

cuz we are fucking mooning to new ATHs

>> No.22802974

it's weird people cant see this. growing interest in an extremely deflationary low supply memecoin. it's kinda obvious

>> No.22803009

cus it's pumping like crazy but enjoy being poor

>> No.22803011

go see the price action yourself, no need for hype

>> No.22803067

Financially rotten