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File: 83 KB, 760x443, Gold-bullion-bullion-Gold-bar-shut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22784043 No.22784043 [Reply] [Original]

It seems you all only want to physically by the gold yourself and store it in your cuck sheds.

Why are you all so against buying bullion and keeping it Gold vaults in London etc and paying a minuscule fee for it?
Just wondering what the die behind this logic is. Storing physical gold is a pain in the fucking ass and annoying to sell.

>> No.22784230

U have no frame of reference on history, this is a 18+ board

>> No.22784232

if you don't hold it, you don't own it.

>> No.22784295


literally this

not to sound like a consirary theorist but lets say the economy or society collapses how would you get your gold whenever its worth the most?

>> No.22784305


Its fucking useless to me to try bring Kilograms of gold to other countries.

I'm moving countries soon. will be relocating again at some point. how the fuck is owning gold practical for me?

I need to have that liquid when require without going through 10 hoops. I dont see the risks of storing it in a vault. Please educate me.

You really think the government will confiscate it? If I live in Japan but i'm british yet store my gold in Singapore/Zurich/London/Canada all at once how the fuck am i at risk

>> No.22784316

>why don't you hand control of your gold over to globalist jews, you can totally trust them with it in a major crisis
can't tell if you are kike shill or if you're really just that dumb. I don't even trade gold and I know this much.

>> No.22784318

Why would a sane person pay someone else to possess, fractionally loan, and profit from his hard earned wealth?

>> No.22784334

Governments have historically just stolen gold from their citizens in times of struggle. If you have the gold in your possession and don't tell anyone, there's a less likely chance of this happening

>> No.22784336

I used to hold stuff in Switzerland, mostly silver as I didn't want 100oz bars getting delivered and cluttering up the house. I left a few gold coins there but mostly took delivery of the gold, left those there for easy trading if I needed cash but ended up taking delivery. Sold back the hundred oz bars for mortgage deposit eventually. Was never really happy not having it in my hands though. It's only worth doing for large amounts of silver.

>> No.22784339


Also, gold doesn't undermine our meoyn anymore. We are not goldbacked. They used to confiscate it for that reason. I cant see why the government would do that unless they are going full communist, which is very low risk in the UK for me, and if my gold is stored round the world even less of one.

>> No.22784383

He thinks UK going communist is low risk

>> No.22784388


Ok. and who will you sell this gold to if that happens? How will you turn it to legal tender without being caught?

Good luck. Its effectively useless if you cant spend it in that scenario anyway. you may have the gold, but the situation wil make it all but impossible to spend it. you are not really insuring yourself against it if you reside in one location.

Storing it in vaults in many countries is a much better hedge imo. There is low chance all these countries will steal from their citizens all at once.

>> No.22784397
File: 1.97 MB, 500x281, Heh1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Counter party risk mostly. If you have so much that you need a vault im sure you and your pedo friends will be fine.... maybe.

Otherwise if you are just retarded. Just store it in multiple locations (real estate you own)

>> No.22784510


Ok so what is the smart option for a young person who owns no property, moves locations and countries every couple of years, and wants to invest $80,000 in gold.

Because i have a very hard time seeing how owing physical gold is smart for this person.

>> No.22784888

You melt it down so it doesn't have the minted seal on it and then use it to trade with people. Retards like you make it sound like gold is hard to sell lol. Gold dealers also don't report to the government unless it's over $10k

>> No.22784967

That is a tiny amount of gold to carry around. If you are moving countries just fedex it to yourself. It's only 1.5kg.

>> No.22784996


>I'm moving countries soon
Don't then.

>> No.22785005


You make it sound glaringly simple.
In a social and political envrionment where the government confiscate gold, you think that dealers wont have to declare anything under 10K? Lol.
Additionally, i suppose if you prepare ahead of time by already owning a home furnace and molds and materials to melt it down to spendable fractions you may stand a chance spending it on the blackmarket. Even this is getting into extreme schizo store guns and beans territory already.

You wont be able to spend it on any online service or (in the future) the cashless operating of most stores and grocers etc.
So how useful is it?

My point is, to physically own the gold as a hedge against society confiscating it is not as much of a hedge as you think. that same environment will make it exceedingly hard to spend your secret gold reserves unles you emigrate to a stable country. Good luck smuggling it out.

Owning gold bullion in vaults all around the world sounds like a much more intelligent play to hedge it. There is lower chance every country confiscates gold at once.

>> No.22785033


And i buy a new safe every time i do this? Seems absolutely schizophrenic. I'd rather just own Bitcoin if i were to do that.

>> No.22785071


Exactly. cop out argument.

If you own properties all over the world and can safely store it in them than owning lots of physical has an argument.

99% of even rich people cant do that.

>> No.22785266

What do you need a safe for? I used to hide that amount in the insulation in my attic. If nobody knows you have it they won't be going raking around in there looking for it. How many burglars go through your attic insulation? Get creative,

>> No.22785277

Gold is literally the easiest thing on the planet to sell. Also, smelting kits aren't really that big. You can melt gold with a pot and a propane torch if you want to, it has a pretty low melting point

>> No.22785340

It will soon just be an old relic of wealth until (((scientists))) feel like uncovering the other hidden secrets that the metal has to offer humanity.

>> No.22785402

Bro you're going to need millions in Gold before it becomes a problem to store unless you live in a 150sqft City apartment.

>> No.22785497

This.. I have little ledges I made which are part of the roofing support and I place 1oz coins on each one, they're a pain in th arse to get to even if I want them. The only thing that worries me is a fire.

>> No.22785503

I know a guy who threw his in an old metal bucket and put concrete over it and let it set, he then left it in plain view in his shed. Nobody is going to steal an old bucket half full of solid concrete.
Tell nobody and get creative.

>> No.22785526

Now I'm going to steal every bucket of concrete I ever see.

>> No.22785579


It's not a simple matter. But you make it sound like you'd need a PhD to hold some gold, fuck it have bizlets completely lost their sense for nuances?

Anyway, it all boils down to your personal strategy. I think nobody should be a gold (or BTC) maximalist, instead you should diversify. If you really want to hedge your bets, don't do it with one asset.

That being said, if you want the economically densest physical store of value, gold is a very good option. I'd store gold both at home and in a vault (if I'd ever have that much money), that way I'm more dynamic. Up to certain amounts, I could always access the gold at home...

>> No.22785582

I keep some in a nearby safe deposit box at the bank

>> No.22785590

Metal detector over the ruins will get you it back. Would need assayed but it would all be there.

>> No.22785625

whole point of gold is being your own bank, store of wealth, same with btc.

>> No.22785641

It doesn't really matter where you store it. The most important thing is not letting anybody know that you own gold in the first place.

Once the wrong people know that you are hiding gold somewhere, they'll also get creative...

>> No.22785731

Buying gold is such a stupid way to invest. I feel like only schizos see it as a good investment strategy.

>> No.22785765

>You wont be able to spend it on any online service or (in the future) the cashless operating of most stores and grocers etc.
>So how useful is it?

So you want to put $80k into a useless relic and store it the other side of a border crossing. You seem bullish about connectivity and a positive future, which makes you an unlikely gold-holder. Why, in this case, gold rather than property fund or trackers?

>> No.22785807

You just described the killer use case for bitcoin. Took you 10 years I guess.

>> No.22785825

Why do they have to be mutually exclusive?

>> No.22785833

Throughout history 1 troy oz of gold would buy you a tailored suit, a steak dinner, a room for the night and a woman to go in it. It still does. It is a hedge against inflation, nothing more. It preserves your spending power in times of turmoil and can save your life in times of war. A very sensible investment for the coming datys of madness.

>> No.22785903


I am bullish on technology. I think goldbugs always fucking miss this in their calculations of what the future where Gold helps them looks like. Its not going to repeat exactly like early 1900s because we have advanced so much. even in the event of gold confiscating.

I am bullish on Gold because despite that the current paradigm and economic policy we have means money is not a safe asset. I dont wish to invest. I wish to save my money. Keep it stable. If i want to invest, I can buy tech stocks or crypot. I already have.

Gold is my version of a savings account. Something fairly liquid that i can have handy without it being risky. Its a just money. The inevitable cost of covid means gold is going up anyway. In the future, even with technological advances, gold will still have to keep its value. my GBP wont. BTC is attractive for this reason and i have plenty, but its nice to diversify.

>> No.22785922

This post is just screaming buy bitcoin to me

>> No.22785956

BTC is not much use if you're standing in a field with just what you can carry with a soldier pointing his rifle in your face.

>> No.22785978


So this is the only argument for gold now. Interesting.

You are net short on all of human civilization. Kek.

BTC it is.

>> No.22786093


and you'd stand better chances of survival with BTC in this situation.
They'd need you alive to access the wallet.

They'd just kill you for all your gold instead of bargaining for a portion to spare your life in this situation.

>> No.22786113

I made my case as an inflation hedge earlier.

>> No.22786144

Bingo, you have your head screwed on, go for it.

>> No.22786331

If gov would go back to seize gold, what would stop them to also seize your bitcoin and account. At the end nobody is really 100% safe

>> No.22786354

>what would stop them to also seize your bitcoin and account
they dont have your key they dont have your coins.

>> No.22786382


this is the basis of my argument for owning physical gold vs having it in a vault somewhere.

If the government want it, you wont keep it. Even if you can hide it in your barn, good luck spending it on anything useful without being caught or watching your back or feeling like you could get double crossed and shot in the exchange of goods in that kind of social environment.

May as well just have the convenience of having it in a vault.

>> No.22786482

or just have BTC instead which is digital Gold.

>> No.22786580

As they dont know who has physical asset too, its a matter of if they want our saved money, they will take action. I pretty sure they are already looking (if not already found) for a way to track bitcoin or any crypto users. I dont see why they would go only for gold when crypto is seen as similar. My 2 cents

>> No.22786705

oh and by the way, Quantum computer, which is coming sooner or later, have high probability to be able to decrypt numeric coin, put that in the hand of sheady gov and bye bye crypto heaven.

>> No.22786764

Your 2 cents are worthless trash and you are a dumb nigger, possibly even dumber than a nigger.

>quantum computer meme

>> No.22786791

The first place a government will go to seize gold is where it's concentrated: vaults. And yes, governments seize gold. Many such cases.

>> No.22786957

Tell me why I'm dumb then, easy to spit on someone's opinion, harder to debate, wonder who is the nigger.

>> No.22787056

I know that many people fear quantum computing, because it "cracks" all keys.
That is only partially true: All asymmetric encryption systems will be easily crackable (currently, that's nearly all crypto coins).

It would only cut the time in half to crack symmetric keys. The easiest solution to that being the doubling of symmetric key length.
So, as always, no. Once quantum computing has reached that point, all cryptocurrencies would have to be moved to symmetric encryption or would need a second layer solution to add that functionality retrospectively, which is not going to be too difficult and won't take too long (plus all holders would agree to such an upgrade as it is advantageous to all)

>> No.22787607

Looks like your guy failed step 2

>> No.22788078

I don't know where he lives, I know him online and he posted photos back in the old days on the kitco forums

>> No.22788117

won't the same gov that is seizing gold, also just monitor your internet communications and force you to use their currency instead of whatever crypto.