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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22767395 No.22767395 [Reply] [Original]

is it over or is this just a bump in the road?

>> No.22767419

This isn't even a bump on the road. If you are 1% concerned with the current situation you should sell, because you are dumb.

>> No.22768432

>down 60%
>not even a bump in the road
stinkers are deluded af, you guys are fucked. It's over.

>> No.22768477

The bottom is in. I thought we’d hit around $7.10, personally.

>> No.22768528

Yeah it's over, turns out CEOs didn't want to save 50% of their operating costs by laying off all their dead weight staff by automating value exchange and taxation, we got it wrong.

>> No.22768675

you think almost -70% is a "bump in the road?" my nigga theres no tires on the fucking car. link nodes are loaing money every minute and sergey literally has to give them link so they sell it to keep the nodes profitable. i told you this at $18 i guess you didnt listen.

>> No.22768708

First time in crypto?

>> No.22768751

Who the fuck else would you be typing for?

>> No.22768862

you mean a bump in the road like DMG?

>> No.22768963
File: 111 KB, 1463x849, 1600835798087.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let the 1000 days of steady uptrend help you decide

>> No.22769257

Bitch I have over $18MM I made off ETH. I come here to shitpost but I wouldn't touch LINK or any of these shitcoins with a 10 foot pole. You think you guys are geniuses, but there have been a dozen things that out performed LINK this year. It had its run. Pack it up and go home, jump on the next shitcoin, or just admit the whole space is a big ponzi. I don't really care.

>> No.22769287
File: 11 KB, 200x202, 1580551571411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22769342

Anon, it’s called a relief bounce.

Like when we were at 12, dipped to 11, pumped to 12, crashed through 11 to 10.

Like when we were at 10, dipped to 9, pumped to 10, crashed through to 8.

Bottom isn’t in yet.

>> No.22769343

I understand 2012 bitcoin wales who held but methheads. Enjoy your wealth, don't become an old fag

>> No.22769349

Your mom is here with me

>> No.22769352
File: 321 KB, 1800x1200, 1588575914144.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sign a message then king eth faggot.
You can do it in MEW or the Ledger app.
It costs nothing and would make everyone here shit up and suck your dick.
I bet you won't and you are a larping faggot.

>> No.22769363

uhhhh guys.. why is links circulating supply 386m now? has it always been this way? says 350m on CMC


>> No.22769383

Why is this board full of larpers

>> No.22769388

wow... With memes like this i wonder why i ever sold at 4 bucks

>> No.22769396

sign message, pleb

>> No.22769422

It’s the same way everyone on /fit/ is 6’6 250lb 5% bodyfat chads with 8x6” dicks

>> No.22769614

niga zoom out
no, not the price
zoom out the scope of your mindspace
envision the future
do you really see one without an oracle woven through every fabric of life?
do you really believe the best oracle solution currently known is NOT chainlink?

just think for a minute