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22716547 No.22716547 [Reply] [Original]

Might as well ask you fags about this.

Long story short, been out of the game for 8 years or so (auto-immune issues etc). Got my health back and my health certificate to get my drivers license.

...how do I make it when I'm behind my peers by so much? I have the energy but I need to get the ball rolling. Is College a good option or should I just go into a business?

I paid my expenses during the time out with options trading, but I'm not strong enough to go pro yet.

>> No.22716739

Fuck i want to eat that ass up.

As for your post how about putting your savings into btc for a easy 2-3x

>> No.22716777

Learn a valuable skill, like software engineering or CS.

>> No.22716821

>how do I make it when I'm behind my peers by so much?
just learn a skill. nobody really gives a shit. you have a great excuse should it come up

>> No.22716912

Learn a trade or >>22716777, then start your own business selling said trade/skill. Also, obviously, crypto, stocks, mutual/index funds, real estate and PMs. I was in a similar position and lost a good ~6 years of my life after being committed for mental illness. In some ways I left the hospital even more bitter than I was when I went in. You need to let that shit go. I eventually qualified as an audiologist, made some bank and am in the beginnings of starting my own practice.

Also, don't measure yourself by other people's successes. You're going to doom yourself to a life of torment. Envy is a sin.

>> No.22716931

Based fellow green IDs. We're gonna make it bros.

>> No.22716979

just get a job and invest all of it into crypto. Crypto is the only way to double your money in a matter of a week, but of course there is a big risk and chances aren't so big. But in terms of your situation that's exactly what i'd be doing. Best of luck anon

>> No.22717293

Go to tradeschool and try to start your own business. I do have a small airconditionbusiness in Germany which runs super well. Everything is better than wagecucking for someone else.
And I am not particular intelligent or diligent. If I can do it everyone can.

>> No.22717305

Thanks for the positive replies, I started looking for programmer Internships immediately.
I don't envy anyone, I tried contacting some old friends and they are happy to see me. I just need to be productive.

>> No.22717370

What city/Bundes region are you from?
I actually found some trader jobs in Germany, might be a good carrot on a stick for the future.

>> No.22717377

>I don't envy anyone
That's good, I must have misinterpreted what you meant by being behind your peers.

Stay based and good luck my dude.

>> No.22717541
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Generally speaking I don't recommend college if you don't know exactly why you want to go, and if that why is sure to make you money in the longrun. Don't fall for the college meme, there are very specific paths that college can be good financially, but the other ones will not be worth it.
If you think the experience of college is helpful (it usually is generally a good life experience and learning anything makes you better at everything) indulge in community college - its where the smart people go anyways. Does a smart person pay a four year debt premium for something they can get for free?
Anyways I hope you are blessed OP, and god bless the projects in crypto actually making decentralized and useful projects.

>> No.22717732
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>Is College a good option
absolutely fucking not. spend 6 months learning some basic webshit dev frameworks like django / react / rails / vue / whatever and do a bunch of tutorials to build up a portfolio of example projects. practice interview prep and then start aggressively applying or doing freelance gigs.

within a year you'll be making 80k minimum and within two to three years you'll be making a comfy six figure salary. college will teach you shit that is 5 years out of date AT BEST and charge you tens of thousands of dollars for the privilege. and hiring managers don't give a shit at all about what college they went to, they care if you can build things and if you can do their stupid fucking whiteboarding exercises.

>> No.22718721

Take lots of atterall and do computer stuff.

>> No.22719603

Where should someone learn these things? Is there an online resource? YouTube? Walk into the video interview and give a strong handshake?

>> No.22719687

Realistically the only way to get a good interview technique is to surround yourself with normies and develop your CHR stat. But most probably won't care anyway even if you're a turboaspie if your portfolio is solid.

>> No.22719734

literally just youtube, framework documentation, w3 schools, stackoverflow. there are others but you could quite literally become a fully qualified dev through these channels by picking something to learn and asking enough questions to the point where you understand it well enough to build

>> No.22719769

Imagine the smell

>> No.22719777

fuck college
fuck work
day trade

>> No.22719909

Based but not riskpilled