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22685936 No.22685936 [Reply] [Original]

even though whole market bleeding crazyyy, $TRIB (that launched yesterday) still holding 2,5$-3$. we're at a bearmarket again rn. its going to get really ugly frens. either put your money on stablecoins, or like me in $TRIB. Unbelievable project. Unbelievable potential. Genius tokenomics. Basically reversed ponzi money machine. I hope i can help some people with it.

>> No.22685975


>> No.22686666
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top 40 wallet holder here.

Having my money in TRIB is a fucking god send. I wish to sponser the devs to have their contract formally audited however everyone who works in Solidity has not uncovered any issues with the code and even praise it for being first mover.

>no premine
>no presale
>everyone bought at the same price

holy shit so comfy bros my mental health from looking at this clown market is enough for me to go almost ALL IN!

>> No.22686705


>> No.22686726

who is this rashad and why isnt this coin on gecko?

>> No.22686749

i did go 40%. fuck it. i've never seen something like this before

>> No.22686751

it just released yesterday anon, give it some time

>> No.22686787

just watch this anon. this guy is going to be an iconic figure in CT

>> No.22686904

a little confused about the project, the way the interest works you can only claim the dollar amount in Trib that you bought at the beginning right? So only a x2 really is possible when you cash out + whatever price appreciation?

It seems like a solid project but it does seem theres no avenue for passive long term income, seems like a mid term hold. Please correct me if I'm wrong

>> No.22687214

link to uniswap

>> No.22687374
File: 220 KB, 359x632, comfy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have read nothing but praise by people with over 110 IQ

People with low iq will not understand Contribute Token (TRIB) It took this board almost two whole years to wrap their minds with the understand of decentralised oracles what makes you think those few who do understand can be this comfy.

anons watch this, read the whitepaper, follow the breadcrumbs



>> No.22687398

I'm confused about the claiming, it's always at 0 or a couple bucks max. Cause pajeets keep claiming, why? aren't they spending more on gas that the actual usd they're claiming?

When will it be enough for people to claim the thousands they are entitled to for selling?

>> No.22687420


>> No.22687482

yes brainlet, bots and pajeets are claiming thinking they're doing something, but in reality they're only driving the floor price up and more money locked in generating more revenue for hodlers. this is a savings account

>> No.22687491

so, there is no reason I should claim now?

>> No.22687522

yes but,, why am I a brainlet? I know that's what they're doing.
I'm asking when will it be enough for people to claim thousands? seems like a loooooong wait ahead...

Also, fuck you :)

>> No.22687544 [DELETED] 

so look, people buy in, price goes up, people are selling, 10% going to be taxed, tax buys tribe, generates a floor, floor currently at 0,82, so if everyone sells, not only that it cannot go below 0,82 but the stable flow will rise above to 1$, remember, it cannot go below that. thats the most simple way i could explain.

>> No.22687736

what are you going to clam? 15 cents? duh

>> No.22687766

During 6 months from now trib will pull a YFI.

>> No.22687816

look, i'm going to try to explain as simple as i can
you buy in, 10% of what you bought goes into pool, you sell, 10% goes into pool, both are conTRIBute rise of the lowest floor, floor growing through every transaction that's made with TRIB, floor is right now at 0,83 i think. so even if everybody is selling, it will not go lower than 0,83. as a matter of fact even when everybody is selling the floor gets much bigger. meanwhile you earn interest for conTRIButing into the system.

>> No.22688262

Yeah I appreciate it but I think I understand now. "You" earn interest is not technically accurate, its more EVERYONE earns interest and one person gets to claim it at a time. Again, please correct me if I'm wrong.

I'm still hodling its an excellent project. The real long term value will come from TRIB price appreciation making the mounting interest claims more and more cheap for those who got in early. Unfortunately you still have to sell off a bit of your principal TRIB, but still an amazing idea.

Satisfying to watch the forever locked value go up as people sell

>> No.22688375

Got in before the GME the potential is insane. No idea why people were selling for less than x2

>> No.22688376

i have to mention that it's not really specifically YOU earning an interest but all the holders, and ONLY ONE can claim interest from the pool at the time. So far faggots claim like 70-100 USD and get small x1.5(gas included) with it, yet you should understand there is also 4-5 people at the time who try to claim and ONLY ONE is gonna claim. Everyone else who clicked claim button but collected 0 interest from emptied pool would just sell the tokens, burn their 10% and receive mUSD according to website ($2.79 by the time of my post). With genesis price being $2.9 and huge gas fees you're basically at loss.
>would there be huge interests to claim?
bots would deny any huge interest for easy 1.5x. It gonna continue until bots run out of supply though. With such limited supply it can happen in months.
>is the price gonna moon?
The way this shit is designed is that by burning tokens you raise your floor price, but you will also dump the regular price. Your only hope is that someone would want to MINT new tokens (there is a function for that) and i don't see anyone minting new ones still. Maybe once demand would surpass supply, we'll see it actually pumping with new tokens minted and then arbitraged on uniswap, who knows?

>> No.22688633

alright thanks for correcting me now i know

>> No.22689416

but why would a normal person that wants to yield apy from his stable coins buy in when bots are claiming all the interest?

this only works if people are buying in to push the price up, since you'll never beat a bot at claiming interest

>> No.22689632

the floor price lifts every time they claim.
imagine being this stupid to sell this at loss.

>> No.22689721

okay but im just comparing it to other protocols where you might be getting like 3-7% apy on your stable coins. no bot is claiming that interest. here you effectively get 0% interest and maybe if more people want to throw money in the 0% interest contract, the price will go up and you can then sell tokens for a profit

>> No.22689892

Because there is price appreciation on TRIB, you can't get that on your own stable coins. And the APY is constantly increasing because the aggregate principal is because of the 10% tax.

The only real concern with this project as far as I see it is that transactions on uniswap don't get the 10% tax(they can't claim interest though if they sell on uniswap).

>> No.22689917

yes, but getting in early is as good as buying YFI for $200. People will realizy this as floor price gets higher day by day, the fomo haven't even started yet.

>> No.22689938

That’s part of what makes this such a great project. It incentives hodling. You’re TRIB will be worth more a week from now as people keep transacting with the protocol, which means you’ll be able to claim more and more interest when you decide to sell your stack.

>> No.22689986

can you look at my question here?

>> No.22690106

It really is genius tokenomics. Its the best possible combination of a mint function and burn mechanism I've ever seen.

Could be a while. In my opinion the best recourse will be to sell off small portions of TRIB(these will get smaller as TRIB price appreciates) to claim reasonable sized bits of interest.

>> No.22690191

can be many factors why it's being claimed. people selling and thus claiming it, bots claiming it through the node. It's not a concern as TRIB benefits from every transaction.
There was $40 to claim 15 mins ago...it's only a beginning

>> No.22690708

In general I think this a fatal flaw of the project. I got in late yesterday and was tired so didn't really think it through.
My assumption is that bots claim the generated TRIB at the moment where gas + 10% tax covers them to profitability. In that case they might make miniscule amounts but it's free money.
If that's what's happening then you can't really claim any money and thus you expect the token to appreciate only if others buy in and are stuck with you (or you're stuck with a 10% loss at current prices, assuming you were in the GME).

>inb4 fud
I have 100 bucks worth of this shit and that's it. It's still in.

>> No.22691142

it's really hard to not call you an idiot

>> No.22691358

as i understand it devs are going to continue developing the project and somehow solve the issue with the interests for holders. the release was just to show people that this concept is working. i think they are without question competent enough to solve it. nevertheless TRIB acts like an automated savings account, where you are able to get much more interests on your savings than on a bank for instance. You can put easily cash in or pull cash out, while these transactions are helping the ecosystem to grow. in order for big success gas prices need to go down and the interest claims need to get fixed. But as you can see the floor is rising strongly and the price is stable af even though the majority of alts are bleeding tremendously.

>> No.22691602

desu you both sound like shills.

The points made by >>22691358 do not make any sense. The concept is not working - that's what I'm illustrating above. The protocol is using mUSD which yields about 40% from Compound and Aave and (notwithstanding the chance to use liquidity mining protocols to park your capital with ~80% higher APY) through that it CAN be a good way to park your money but only if you can claim your interest $TRIB which you'll have to use a bot to.

maybe you can actually illustrate why I'm wrong here jocko

>> No.22691710

Because those bots are causing TRIB price appreciation and raising the price floor in the mid to long term anyway(getting taxed 10% and locked forever)

>> No.22691876

that's bullshit.
They are NOT causing price appreciation, it's actually the opposite. Per smart contract, when you have lower supply of TRIB its price on the smart contract is lower. What it does raise, is the floor price. So the only way to make a profit is either wait for others to buy in or wait until the floor price exceeds your entry.
good luck with that based on the bonding curve.

my point has been made before btw >>22689416

>> No.22692121

lol forget what i said the interests are working. you're completely out of your mind. please sell.

>> No.22692197

why can't you calculate daily claimed interest into floor price? As every claim gives 10% to the contract, the floor price climbs only higher. There always will be locked contributions that earn thus lifting the floor price forever.

>> No.22692283

What you're not taking into account is the principal is permanenlty compounding interest with every sell. Its honestly not that complicated bro

>> No.22692303

Exactly this. Screen grabbing this thread for the inevitable "Why didn't anyone talk about this?" when it hits $100 and up. High IQ anons understand

>> No.22692317


Full. Stop.

>> No.22692412


why the fuck will anybody lock their capital in TRIB when they can receive mUSD interest directly? The only reasonable point here is that they have the floor price that was provided by a bigger fool and that's it. They can't even fucking claim their interest bc bots do ffs.
your arguments are a joke.

>> No.22692487

Sorry man seems like you're just too dull to understand. Go ahead and sell brotha

>> No.22692491

Because 20% of the APY IS given to you, no bot can claim that, in the form of raising floor price. Could you directly farm APY on stablecoins? ya. But for some amount of money the locked savings outweigh your own APY

>> No.22692653

Someone in the TG calculated that at the current floor price growth rate in a year's time the MINIMUM a coin would cost is like $80, so a 30x from here. There's your incentive, just hold and let the bots do the work scraping the barrel while the floor raises, easy

>> No.22692693

The timing for this shit was absolutely perfect. I sold all my shitcoins for this yesterday.

>> No.22693434

Can I just buy trib off uniswap, or do I need to buy it from the website, so my purchase somehow interacts with the whacky contracts?

>> No.22693494

directly, but not for a long time i hope

>> No.22693967

don't know who to believe...

>> No.22694052

Directly. You can then claim interest as you own trib which is the same as holding a share for the mutual savings fund

>> No.22694117

Meh, I bought it on metamask, and I still can claim on the website... so I guess you can buy it anywhere.

>> No.22694225

yes you can buy anywhere, it's the selling that's important. If you want to be able to claim interest later, you have to do it through the site...

if and when one will be able to claim that interest is my question from the beginning. Very uncertain

>> No.22694380

I think playing safer is the key always for the longterm. You should try Rio defi their main focus is scalability, decentralization, and security. Rio defi is a rookie but packs much potential for the future to come. Rio defi can be your ticket to the moon!!

>> No.22694816

Yeah, I haven't been able to figure out if the best strategy is to claim or to just let others claim and take advantage of the price increases only.

>> No.22695539

Let others claim and wait for the floor to move up, you dumb fucks!

>> No.22695585


This was conceptualised as a proof of strong hands with much more intelligent tokenomics.

The last ones here, win.

>> No.22695693

that's obviously what we're doing... But we're discussing something we see as a flaw.

The interest is a big part of the project and how it attracted people to their genesis event, so, we're definitely entitled to that. Both the floor going up AND the interest.

If you are happy with forgetting about your the interest you are owed, you're the dumb fuck

>> No.22696442


The best claim opportunity for a while imo was the 2x right after the TGE ended. I'm just gonna hold for a while and let others slowly raise the floor

>> No.22696753

just forget it for a year and hope it will not be hacked and you have made insane profits.