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22664924 No.22664924 [Reply] [Original]

Guys, I fucked up bad.

Had a gf of 2 years and she moved into my place a few months ago. In the last few months she has gone completely insane. She throws shit, punches my arm, throws temper tantrums every day and swears all the time. I told her to move out and she wont.
She threatened to send my boss shit and get me fired if I ask her to leave. She is a literal leech, eating all my groceries and trying to steal my credit cards.

How the fuck do I get her out of my house without getting fired?

Plz help.

>> No.22664958

Tell your boss about your situation and then get rid of her.

>> No.22664969

you beat her to a pulp

>> No.22664970

id bury my face between those beautiful thicc thighs and have a field day on that p*ssy

also ya coffee is alright for you

>> No.22664979

Punch the bitch in the face.

>> No.22664987

fuck her in the ass

>> No.22665041

Im guessing you dont actually want this and youre just venting. But if you want to absolutely end it in the modern age men cant hit women, they can only leave and cheat. So do the needful. But just know she'll fuck your best friend

>> No.22665050

Beat the shit out of her, make sure to gather evidence too incase she cries about it to the police.

>> No.22665065

That is a man

>> No.22665071

I cant leave though, it's my house.

I'm thinking of starving her out by not buying groceries anymore. Would that work?

>> No.22665075


>> No.22665081

People saying punch her are faggots, grow up and hit the gym you little bitch incels. At most an open an slap.

>> No.22665089

change locks on the doors retard

>> No.22665103

I'm not LARPing

>> No.22665108

yea obviously anything she likes stop doing. Shit in the toilet and dont flush. Make piss jars. Lots of ways to make her life hell without punching or even slapping like the incels here say

>> No.22665127

Setup a camera, gain plenty of evidence

Threaten her (be sure you can protect yourself at this moment) with going to the police with the footage unless she moves out.

Don't let her manipulate you, you have to think for yourself

>> No.22665132
File: 45 KB, 589x355, images (14)~01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be a pussy. Don't let that bitch manipulate you, I bet when she does her tantrums you just keep quiet like a faggot

>> No.22665143

I was thinking about that, but her shit is here, and she would get me fired.

>> No.22665144

that girl looks like she smells awful

>> No.22665167

Oh c'mon, not larping. Yeah you're just as 100% accurate and not exaggerating as all those /g/ posts which talk about every person screeching and throws potatoes at the PC and cumming down their throats because anon wasn't fast enough with installing Windows XP.

How gullible do you think we are?

>> No.22665168

start setting up cameras around the house so you don't deal with legal repercussions if you don't trust her anymore
if it's too late for that then the only thing you can do is pack her things, grab her and put her outside, lock the doors and eat some popcorn

>> No.22665173

Hi annon, it is me, the girl in the picture
Pleas send me all ur cryptoes,

>> No.22665180

imho I’d say he should get a friend to put on an act busting his place asking for drug money while pulling a knife on him
that WILL spook the bitch and before you know she’s all packing and leaving lmaooo
but I don’t think a pussy bitch like OP can pull that off desu

>> No.22665182

this is actually good advice, minus going to the police. Get secret evidence because i promise you shes already recording your phone calls. Etc. Your evidence should just be used to blackmail her out of using her evidence against you. My gf says shell tell the cops i call her a cunt..women are dying to get us locked up

>> No.22665187

Pussy ass nigga just trow her shit out the window

>> No.22665190

yes yes trannyqueer we get it you need to push the narrative any and all females posted here are in fact a guy so you can cope with your 5 oclock shadow and micro dick you keep in panties. We all get it you're mentally ill and obsessed with being accepted by everyone because deep down you know you're the 41% and no amount of trying to force people to pretend you're a "real girl" will ever happen.
So you desperately and pathetically force these unfunny meme of DATS A MAN so you can cope thru tears that maybe someday a non queer will accept you for you and that's a queer male in panties playing pretend-a-girl

>> No.22665193

you have to unpick her up op. Don't judge this article before you read it.

>> No.22665196
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Yes just start eating out all the time and sending her selfies of you eating various delicious fast foods.

>> No.22665209

Your gf was probably always like this, she just hided this behaviour in front of you. This is nothing special for a women, just show here how she has to behave or kick here out.
The best way too show here is by raping here if she misbehaves, look grim, bend here over and fuck the shit out of here.

>> No.22665207

line up a new job to hedge against you getting fired

>> No.22665210

secretly record her with your iphone
file a police report
tell your boss you filed a police report

this shit's easy yo.

>> No.22665224

wait until she goes to sleep then tie her to the bed with broad straps that won't leave a bruise. gag her mouth. tell her you'll literally starve her to death strapped to the bed if she doesn't leave right now.

>> No.22665229


>> No.22665245

keeeeeek /pol/fags not getting the nuance in a shitpost is truly insufferable
slit your wrists my dude I’m serious

>> No.22665266
File: 77 KB, 1280x720, frenpepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was in your situation OP. there is hope.
> tell everyone around you the state of the situation
> if she calls cops etc, you will have plenty of testimonies
> talk with your boss. explain how badly you fucked up
> when you feel safe, kick her out, start secret recording here
> call police, explain calmly what is happening while she is screaming and thrashing about in the background
> they come and take her away

I didnt have to do this, but it was my backup. I tricked her into visiting her parents, and now i refuse to accept her requests of coming back. still technically together. getting more and more love notes, how good our time together was etc. but its all bullshit, so im leaving her. but slowly. Shes threatened with suicide, putting herself in psychward etc, so im doing the breakup slow. she is fucking insane, smashed wineglasses, slammed doors, literally bit me, screamed shit at me everyday etc. you have my feels, and now my recipe op. its just a suggestion, but thats what i had planned in the exact same situation. lemme guess, she doesnt work either?

>> No.22665267

In case you are not larping, use your phone to secretly record her temper tantrums and verbal abuses to gather evidence in case she tries to lie to your boss or friends etc. Try record as many separate audio files ideally on different dates so she can't make excuses saying it is a one time thing where she just got angry etc. Do not confront her with the recordings and don't let her know about it and simply kick her out, only when and if she does start shit with your boss and people around you you use your recordings for maximum effect.

>> No.22665268

I bet the person who posted this is
thats a man

>> No.22665297

how will she get you fired?

>tell ur boss before the story
>break up with gf

>> No.22665318

find out what's wrong, and try to calm her before ending the relationship. You fucked up tho, but try to minimize your losses

>> No.22665320

when parkland was on the news. i told her "the school security officer stood down and hid!"
she then ranted about how "omg i cant bleive you watch school shooting videos, why do you care anyway?"
this was before the world knew the security officer stood down.. the next day it was national news.

so i told her "you are a soulless cunt, for not caring."

she called police.
and i got kicked out for 10 days and had my 2A suspended.

>> No.22665335

How did you know? Yes she lost her job last year and hasn't work since and she's barely making an effort to get a job. Your story is eerily similar, that's crazy.

>> No.22665350

read >>22665210

>> No.22665352

dose her food and drink with high doses of LSD. when's tripping convince her to kill herself. if that doesn't work just call the police and get her involuntarily committed to a psychiatric ward.

>> No.22665373

Daaamn look at that fat pussy.

>> No.22665380

its a joke man cmon

>> No.22665385

Get rid of her in the mindcraft forest

>> No.22665400

Dose her food and drink with LSD or mushrooms, and then try to talk to her about her behavior. She'll either send herself to a psych ward or become a good gf

>> No.22665418

dude if she narced on you and you didnt end it immediately you deserve what you get. Your gf is way worse than mine then. Mines all bark. Dude you need to cheat now and send her your dick with the mole or tattoo pounding some fat black woman from behind. YOU NEED OUT NOW

>> No.22665438

>My gf says shell tell the cops i call her a cunt
that's not a crime anon, pretty sure cops can't do anything about that

>> No.22665444

Its simple, most women operate exactly the same. But its also your fault, she is most likly just bored or hase some kind of depression. The solution to this would be if you milf here up.
After that here instincs kick in and she will be busy for the next five years.

>> No.22665450

also destroy all traces of the drugs and contaminated food so you don't get caught. throw it on the side of a highway, don't use your own garbage.

>> No.22665463


LARP confirmed

>> No.22665472

depends. Yelling or name calling is disturbing the peace and if youre autistic or a veteran youll get institutionalized like my friend and forced onto a shot in the butt once a month

>> No.22665498

anon ur scaring me...

>> No.22665500

yeah, we are done.she is dead to me.
there was no "going back" from there.

>> No.22665509

Does she even play

>> No.22665518

What do you mean by milf up? Go date a 40 year old?

>> No.22665526

he never said pic was his gf..

>> No.22665542

We had a driver who's gf kept calling on him at least once per week and saying he ran her off the road or she saw him drinking a bottle of vodka while driving or was selling drugs on his route. She didn't even try to disguise her voice.

>> No.22665551
File: 14 KB, 236x329, 3220bf2f2a004d2121e95ebf346e8d1a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its most likely borderline personality disorder. you just have to gtfo of the relationship. i thought i could help her, and that it would get better with time, but it got worse and worse. and the fucking jealousy on the bitch, holy fuck. the moment i got her out of town i felt like the dude in shawshank redemption

>> No.22665563

put a baby INTO HER
Checked and based

>> No.22665572
File: 28 KB, 300x241, 90EDBF20-12CE-48A1-9EF4-A12C0FB0D9DB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope this serves as a lesson to all you Anons who think of shacking up with the first hoe you meet once you make it. Women who are attracted to your money are never going to be wifey material. They will make your life miserable

>> No.22665582

Sir how can she display goonch in this manner

>> No.22665588

Playing in adult mode

>> No.22665592

You’re gonna think I’m insane for recommending this, but you need to record this abuse and then submit a criminal complaint about domestic violence. She will legit get arrested on the spot, then you can file a restraining order on her

>> No.22665599

crawled through 1,000 yard of shit to freedom.

>> No.22665605


>> No.22665617


that's a man

>> No.22665627

Checking these comfy digits

>> No.22665670

actually just kill her. 55 gallon steel drum, apparatus to suspend the drum above a propane burner. about 100 kg of NaOH and another 100 kg water. slowly mix NaOH in with the water, keep over the burner to maintain temperature. strangle her to death and dump her body in the drum. agitate until everything is dissolved. transfer liquid to a 5 gallon gas can and dump in a moving body of water. strain out any solids (bone, teeth) and crush to a fine dust. scatter wherever. cut up the barrel and dissolve in muriatic acid. burn your clothes.

>> No.22665676

Holy shit mr sensitive. Glad im not dating you

>> No.22665734

This. My ex husband pulled that crap. I told my boss who helped with with HR. When he called to start shit they threatened to call the police and file harassment charges on my behalf.

>> No.22665750

fuck me
the past tense of hide is *hid* "she just hid this behaviour..." I swear we're going to need english language threads on here soon

>> No.22665761

borderline or narcissistic definetly

And no, most women are not THIS bad.

>> No.22665841

or if you have a humans resources department talk to them. just let them know you have an abusive gf and she's threatening you with all manner of ill deeds. I would get the police involved regardless as well before removing her and video tape the whole exchange if she seems that crazy, because otherwise she could really fuck you up with false allegations and such.

>> No.22665856

Fuck off, english is not my native tongue.
I am just a retarded german.

I can already tell that you have a weak charakter, start to dominate here or she will do as it pleases here.
And dont get to shocked if she becomes pregnant in the near future.

>> No.22665866
File: 1.65 MB, 1280x720, OurLord.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All these faggots in this thread telling you not to hit her are wrong. Go buy an Inner tube from walmart, and beat the ever loving shit out of her with it until she does what you want. BOOM, helped you out of jam, AND got you a trad waifu to cook your meals and clean your place.

>> No.22665891

what the f... ur a real murderer in real life arent you?

>> No.22665905
File: 6 KB, 265x190, wutpepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe, but my guess is bpd, cause of the fear of rejection
> muh im gonna end it all if you leave me anon and its gonna be your fault
these people come in males to, so gayanons watch the fuck out. BPD translates directly to do not fucking engage. thing is, they are super fucking charming the first 6 or so months, untill they think you are to heavily emotionally invested / moved in together. BPD people should be branded in the forehead so they can date each other instead of fucking up other people

>> No.22665915

If you see her as a leech , she is not your gf .

>> No.22665929

My ex gf was diagnosed slight bipolar at the end of our relationship. Made sense because she a lot of times would just fucking lose her shit on me over the dumbest things when we lived together. This was over 7 years ago, and I'm 31 now and haven't wanted to be in a serious relationship since.

Definitely not as bad as your situation OP. Good luck.

>> No.22665964

faggot or femanon detected. in any case, get out

>> No.22665980

Checked, but I'd worry about her poisoning my food. lol

>> No.22666088
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nothing to worry about here, OP; assuming your workplace is worth working at, this bitch is toast

if she is violently neurotic and manipulative, you may want to consider getting some of the stuff she's saying on record for presenting to authorities, if absolutely necessary


>> No.22666117

Inflated or no

>> No.22666162

Literally angry fuck her and put it in her ass w no warning and tell her if shes staying expect it

>> No.22666206

Tell your boss about your situation and the expected fallout. Also tell him you're concerned about her causing problems for you at work with craziness and lies. Tell them if they want to fire you because of a woman's lies that's on them. You have to make the right decision for you, and in this case your personal situation needs to be fixed.

>> No.22666781

Thanks for the tips everyone. She's acting all crazy again so gotta go deal with that.

>> No.22666782
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>> No.22666928

You could call the police right now and ask them to remove her.

Then get a police report to show to your manager tomorrow morning and explain you are having a domesntic issue.

>> No.22666935

What I want to know is: what changed? Were there no warning signs over the 2 years you've been together? She really just flipped after moving in?