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File: 28 KB, 200x202, thumb_r-anime-girls-smoking-durrys-3846242.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22652228 No.22652228 [Reply] [Original]

Every single woman that has ever existed, does exist, or ever will exist in Earth is a worthless braindead piece of shit cum-guzzling roastie whore. And no amount of "making it" will change this fundamental fact of the universe.

>> No.22652243

Congrats you figured it out

>> No.22652331

God, I wish I would have figured this out in my 20s

>> No.22652368

Don't care Goldberg, I'm not going back in the wage cage

>> No.22652370
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>> No.22652381

You do realize that women have a higher average IQ than men. Men give them whatever they want in exchange for their bodies. They would be stupid to not monitize the stupidity of simps. Maybe they're whores but they're not stupid.

>> No.22652425
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RoboWaifus when Biz

>> No.22652432


>> No.22652442
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I will get my k-on girls

>> No.22652536

All you will ever do in your life is simp. All men are born to simp and beg for women's attention. And all men are born to do manual labor only.

>> No.22652541

Have sex incel

>> No.22652593

>being this much of an incel

>> No.22652624

Yeah, Manual labor, and build our entire fucking existence. Intellectually, technologically, scientifically, and 50% biologically.

Women are lucky in that they literally don't have to do anything if they don't want too, and still have it made.

Not 100% of them have this luxury, but most do simply by default.

>> No.22652642

Harsh but 100% true

>> No.22652656
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>> No.22652672

What did she do to you, why did she cheat? Spill the beans anon.

>> No.22652716
File: 97 KB, 600x527, 1598930687217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think these lift meme pics are just ironic? Unironically work out and get fit, and find a hobby besides anime/video games or something. Gotta stop thinking you'll find a perfect woman and learn that they have their faults just like you have yours. They are there for comfort and sex and not really for a mental connection or philosophy or intellectual discussions. Yeah there are smart ones out there but it's rare to end up with one.

btw I hate women

>> No.22652734

Biological imperatives do not imply IQ

>> No.22652850
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incorrect.. just google 'men women iq bell curve' and you'll find all of them look similar to this one.. men on average are higher IQ, but women that ARE smart tend to be much smarter than the average man.. you have it backwards

>> No.22652866

women exist to serve men and modern society destroyed that

>> No.22652869

fuck whores we out here making money these bitches wanna get with us

>> No.22652879

Ok but can you make money faster than them while feeling good at the same time? No! Dumbass.

>> No.22652919

If I were to be born human again I'd rather chose to be a girl. I'm sick and tired of this shitty rat race.

>> No.22652934

i used to think this until i took the reality pill. women are terrible creatures but men are too, and the absolute worse things about women are all caused/supported by other men

>> No.22652942

Useless braindead? Nah, distribution should be normal. Top that off with an environment that nurtures them, I'd say they are pretty well off here.

But they do seem to have some kinda skwed eugenics mechanism built into them which influences their bahaviour.

Going about this while making up half the population... I wonder how long this will be tolerated.

>> No.22652963

>Watching my wife, daughter, my mom, and my sister lounging around the backyard pool
>can’t help but think how useless and bitch made women are.
Still had a good time and was content and happy throughout.

>> No.22653024

yeah i can... loser

>> No.22653078

Go back to the wagie cagie. Nobody cares about your pathetic life.

>> No.22653175
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>> No.22653375

Shut up incel go make love to your pillow

>> No.22653412

Imagine being this nigger trusting jewgle

>> No.22653440
File: 149 KB, 1000x1000, 1526411472834.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always wondered why I hate midwit males and now I know why, it's literally the female iq range. I love my idiot bro cousins, and I love my high iq uni friends, but that middle reddit tier 95-105 iq range is the worst for males.

>> No.22653521

yes but if you're not completely autistic they will fawn over you as though you are some sort of god. if women were smart they'd be able to see through my fake it till i make it personality. thankfully they're not

>> No.22653629
File: 153 KB, 1364x768, despair violation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like women exist solely to make my life worse
>Single mother fucked my shit up before it even began
>Female teachers treated me like shit because I wasn't one of the pretty kids
>Women in business settings are usually worthless and act like they're doing you a favor by performing the job they're paid to do
>Female coworkers are incompetent 95% of the time
>Women in general considering me a subhuman because I don't look like their 6'8" instagram Chad ladyboner crush so I have to constantly feel that "biological failure" ache

I just wish they could all vanish overnight and we could get a few decades of peace before the species dies out.