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File: 2 KB, 259x194, ocean.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22593186 No.22593186 [Reply] [Original]

Sold all my OCEAN and moved it all into UNI. Cant be bothered holding a bleeding asset.

The way I see it, UNI has only approximately 2.5x higher marketcap than OCEAN, but has a lot more growth. Plus, UNI offers greater benefits to holders than OCEAN.

I luckily managed to use 4 Metamask wallets the last few months, so I have a few UNI already. But I also bought some more.

UNI wil hit $1 billion marketcap very soon. Screenshot this.

>> No.22593195

smart move brother

>> No.22593292


UNI had over $700 million of volume last 24 hours.
Coinbase had only $400 million.

I think UNI will pull a YFI very soon. I pity those who sold their tokens early.

>> No.22593460

Whata retard

>> No.22593476

This. UNI is the next big yield farm style run

>> No.22593525

OCEAN shills they only talk about muh big brands, thinking that it's all that matters. Which big brands are using Uniswap? None. So why is it pumping and Ocean is dumping, but who are supposedly working with everyone .

Fuck the big companies. Who gives a shit about those fuckers. They don't give a shit about you and me. This is crypto and it's all about power to the people and basement dwellers.

>> No.22593683

OCEAN went on a what, 8x ride in a couple of months and retraced 50 percent or so and that makes it doomed? Where as this shit coin has gone up around 100 percent in a day and has no use case but your dick is hard. You'll soon be crying like a little bitch!

>> No.22593790

The more i think about Uniswap, the more erect I get. this is literally like getting a slice of a DEX version of Coinbase/Binance and being able to profit from exchange fees. The fact that every fuckers was distributed tokens, no matter if you're a small fish or a big whale is fucking amazing. No ICO, no premine, working product (and a fucking useful one, that is actually useful/ usable for common plebs like me - its not some far out shit tech concept that no one apart from nerd devs can understand. Fuck fuck. Im buying some more.

>> No.22593935

We shall see anon. Check back in a week. UNI is currently $5.10. Ocean is $0.33. Screenshot dis.

>> No.22594796

The more I think about Ocean Protocol, the more I dislike it. Data? Why the fuck would I want companies scooping up my personal data and selling it? WTF was I thinking. Sure I made some money from this. I fell for the hype of the big names. But this is crypto. Theres a movement going on here. It's not about big brands. It's about everyone. Power to the fucking people. Not your NSA spying shit. Fuck Ocean.

>> No.22595132

They already sell your data retard!

>> No.22595309

And what Ocean is doing makes it even worse. Just because its already happening, does not mean you should accept it? Bitcoin and crypto was/is a fight against the status quo. If I fuck you up the ass everyday, will you just accept it?

Imagine supporting a project that is monetizing your personal data. Fuck this project seriously.

>> No.22595368

Man this is a good shill. You hold PNK?

>> No.22595413

You have no idea just how huge being able to legally buy private day really is, huh?

>> No.22595424

Maybe yours was a smart decision, but I refuse to sell my Ocean at a loss. It will moon once again!

>> No.22595427

yeah you stupid shithead they anonymize data of you watching child porn stupid idiot

>> No.22595767


Sure it might be a huge industry. Does that make it right tho? Tobacco, war, pharma, human slavery, etc, is big business too.

And whilst the datasets might be available to purchase, I doubt common people like you and me will be buying it. Nope, just the Big Boys / "Tehy" making money from your/our personal lives. Who gives a fuck if the data is anonymized.

Funny thing is, Ocean holders don't even receive any money from the data sales lol. At least with Brave/BAT users get rewarded (not the same thing I know, but you know what I mean).

>> No.22596043

Oh, I didn't know we were virtue signalling. I'm just here to make money.

>> No.22596218

I saw the light and have moved on. Strong opinions, loosely held. Sure I've had my time riding shitcoin scams with only profit in mind. But luckily I've made a decent amount and can afford to be a bit more selective about which projects I support. Good for you anon. I'm sure Ocean will do well at some point. But I'm out. Watch UNI fly to the moon. It will match YFI marketcap at least.

>> No.22596386

>5 bill fully diluted valuation
>has more room for growth

the state of this board

>> No.22596870

People sure do make a lot of threads about this given they’re supposedly dumping for [insert shitcoin of the week here]

>> No.22597392

Marketcap is a meme in this industry. Think Tesla. Now remember you’re in crypto.

It’s true anon, I was part of the group that was calling for 10 cents. I was considering buying at that price depending on market conditions, but now honestly, I couldn’t give a fuck about Ocean. I wouldn’t buy this at 1 cent.

>> No.22597973
File: 27 KB, 550x535, 18d84i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just did the same brother

>> No.22598890

>I refuse to sell my Ocean at a loss

Oh my goodness you actually bought it above these prices? Most of us started selling by about 35c and I was fully exited by 55c.


>> No.22599415
File: 31 KB, 500x167, (5) LinkedIn 2020-09-17 13-33-04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these imbeciles and their fud threads are getting more ridiculous by the day...

they think that they can influence the market lol

Vondafone bless...

You will get your asses rekt in the next weeks, don't worry