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File: 55 KB, 784x506, Popular-DEX-Uniswap-Beats-Coinbase-for-the-Second-Time-in-a-Row-Overthrows-5-other-Top-CEXs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22564788 No.22564788 [Reply] [Original]

>Normies didn't get the free 400
>Gas prices are high as fuck right now
>It's only worth it to pay $40 gas if you're moving large amounts of UNI
>The only people moving large amounts of UNI are people who got the free 400 and are cashing out
>Coinbase listing = gas barrier gone
>FOMO normies will finally be able to buy their tiny amounts
>Buy orders will flood in
>Weak-handed gib receivers will mostly be gone already
>Price will moon

>> No.22564902

When will coinbase actually list?

>> No.22564916

God bless you if you’re right, I still got half of mine

>> No.22564920

Its already listed on coinbase pro.

>> No.22564949


>Inbound transfers for Uniswap are now available. Traders cannot place orders and no orders will be filled. Order books will be in transfer-only mode at minimum until the start of trading on Thursday, 9/17, provided our metrics for a healthy market are met.
No orders yet, only transferring into your portfolio.

>> No.22565010

token distributor address still has around 100mil of UNI that are unclaimed or in the claiming process. not all of it will be claimed, but lets say 50mil will be

to deal with this increase in supply and to keep the price of 3$/uni, mcap of uni needs to incrase by 150mil, basically double from now

seems realistic but with all the sell off im not sure

>> No.22565232
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>Estimated Confirmation Duration: 6 hrs
im never going to see these uniswap tokens am i

>> No.22565280

>FOMO normies will finally be able to buy their tiny amounts
>Buy orders will flood in

You are implying FOMO demands have larger volumes than gib receivers.

>> No.22565315

It cost me 9 $
And like 5$ to get my eth there in the first place

I've lost 4 link trying to claim this.

>> No.22565337

Gib receivers are currently selling at a rate which isn't going to accelerate much. FOMOers are totally locked out right now.

>> No.22565338

poor (You)

>> No.22565349

>6 Gwei

>> No.22565358

13,77 € - Claim
7,42 € - Approve
20,01 € - Swap which is still in progress, I shouldn't have swapped now that I read this post
what do bros??

>> No.22565361

is there a way to have uniswap send the tokens to a different wallet? i have a coinbase wallet set up for the 400 free uni tokens, but coinbase wallet doesn't let my set gas fees.

>> No.22565366

>0.20 fee
>people are paying $30
you arent going to see those ever

>> No.22565384

jeets are priced out of claiming so it won't enter the market all at once, at least a week for those 50m to be claimed and i would guess even more, so we have enough time for money to flow in

>> No.22565402
File: 8 KB, 666x125, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should i cancel?

>> No.22565405

Yeah, when you install Metamask, it'll give you the option to import a currently existing wallet with Seed Phrase. Go into your Coinbase wallet and get your Recovery Phrase, then enter that string of words into Metamask. The wallet will import.

>> No.22565427

>Unwilling to pay literally $30 to gain free $1300
What the fuck is wrong with these poor pajews?

>> No.22565444

you shouldve upped it to 600-700 gwei

>> No.22565484

am i going to pay less if i do that?

>> No.22565494

Gas = paying more for a faster confirmation

>> No.22565509
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This was mine 3 hours ago, I got it almost instantly.

>> No.22565511

it's coinbase wallet, i can't set the gas fee. it does it automatically. i'm done using it, it's a fucking piece of shit wallet.

>> No.22565526

weird, is there anything i can do now?

>> No.22565536

go with 1200 gwei you pajeet fucks, it will end up taking less anyway. Also MetaMask advanced settings an enable custom nonce and make a transaction with the same nonce if you were dumb enough to get stuck with low gwei

>> No.22565543

See >>22565405

>> No.22565581

Wait, you only needed to do one trade on uniswap any time before the snapshot to get 400 UNI?

>> No.22565590

thanks man. now to wait for this to time out or whatever.

>> No.22565595

Do this >>22565543
Then go back to Uniswap and claim the 400 again, except connect to the wallet from Metamask. Do a duplicate transaction and then click "Speed up" in Metamask, choosing a higher Gwei. It'll overwrite the previous transactions on etherscan and confirm in less than a minute.

>> No.22565612

yes i only traded on uniswap a handful of times for small amounts of cash (<$200 USD equivalent) and i just got the notification that i'm eligible for the 400 UNI tokens.

>> No.22565632
File: 8 KB, 258x126, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why not just this?

>> No.22565634

The ETH for your previous gas price is probably still sitting in your Coinbase wallet as pending. So you can just do the same transfer again on top of the pending one and it'll be dropped/replaced on the blockchain.

>> No.22565663

Sorry I confused you for the guy using Coinbase wallet. Yeah, if you're using metamask, you're already good clicking that.

>> No.22565709

man i pressed swap the instant it turned 3eth
now its 2.8 eth, is it even worth it anymore ..
wait what the fuck is htis this this wat?
its 2.6 now

>> No.22565715

nice, thank you again. just got the 400 UNI tokens for 500 gwei.

>> No.22565756

No problem anon.

>> No.22565791

wait until you spent more on gas fees to claim than you will get from selling them
then sell

>> No.22565800


Inb4 $0.10 uni.
Sold at $4.2 (thanks retards), will buy back at ~$0.15

>> No.22565822

cost me $17 and took about 6 minutes.

>> No.22565845 [DELETED] 

you can send a transaction with the same nonce as the swap transaction and a high fee (at least 20% higher to be sure), then your claim and approve transactions will go through, and the last one will get replaced.

You can view the nonce of the swap transaction on eth. And there is a setting a metamask that will allow you to enter a custom nonce when making a transaction.

For the replacement transaction you can send me a tip to 0x2A621d41BbC11d825CEfa6c724b31E3ee39b0888 for the info.

Just remember to use the same nonce as swap transaction and high gas fee so that the other one doesnt get picked up.

>> No.22565880

Look at this beggar...

>> No.22565955
File: 94 KB, 1445x698, unimoon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not seeing the clear 10x from here
Imagine being this retard lmao

>> No.22565967

Uniswap transactions get canceled after 20 mins by default anyways, anon prolly didnt change settings and he is just gonna loose gas.

Hurry up and tip me anon

>> No.22565973
File: 80 KB, 915x499, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is the deal anons
if the transaction goes though i will be left with ... not 3 eth
i wast 3 eth, so im basically fucked if, lets say it goes though and i get the eth - but then UNI pumps


should i cancel ?

>> No.22565991

begging is that one thing that get you instabanned nigger

>> No.22566008

Fuck off pajeet

>> No.22566028

Check your uniswap settings, if the time is 20 mins, your transaction will fail anyways.

Also there is a slippage protection against negative price movements.

>> No.22566038

yes i didnt change settings and i have no idea how
also see >>22565973
let him, there was a thread of a >girl that was up for 3h while >she was begging for monero

its been 40min

>> No.22566044

price fluctuates like crazy and if you don't have big slippage it would get reverted
i'd say cancel and don't be greedy for gas nigger
i would also leave 30% UNI for moon possibilites

>> No.22566076

Is there any claiming deadline for UNi? I am on travel for a while without my MetaMask computer.

>> No.22566079
File: 21 KB, 679x317, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

canceled it, thanks anon

>> No.22566091

Settings are in upper right corner of uniswap gear.

Just wait and let your transaction fail

>> No.22566127

Meanwhile the price keeps sinking. Keep HODLing you brainlet. I'll accumulate when the price is right.

>> No.22566174

>not realizing there are hordes of pajeets and other 3rd worlders waiting for gas fees to drop just a little bit so they can unload their bags
yes sir please keep buying unis at 3$ sir

>> No.22566204

set slippage for 1%, use https://etherscan.io/gastracker for gas prices, i just go with 30 seconds option, few dollars difference doesn't fucking matter for the token that loses and gains 50 USD in value every minute
The EDIT your gas price at metamask, go to Advanced, and set gas price to one you need, leave gas limit as it is

>> No.22566212

i didn't even know about this until this morning, claimed my 400 from using uniswap back in july to buy RSR, yoink

>> No.22566215

when do you think the price will be right? i mean there are 200m circulating until nov. i think some wallets might not even claim their rewards because lost/dead whatever. mcap is around 400mcap right now for 150m claimed

>> No.22566269


>> No.22566284

I remember getting actually mildly infuriated by metamask because it failed tnx but etherscan had the same tnx PENDING for a hour. Had to learn how to use custom nonce to cancel this shit
Also don't forget you can send 0 ETH to your own address with gas price set to bigger number, that would override gas price for your current pending transaction and make it go faster

>> No.22566292

its like 2.6 eth now though :(
also its been 40+ min and the trx didnt get automatically canceled

>> No.22566330

that because gas price is a lot higher you retard

>> No.22566363

4 hours and still nothing. Etherscan lost the transaction. Using Metamask.

>> No.22566375

so i should just do nothing and wait until price maybe goes up?
my trx won't go through right, so i don't have to worry?

>> No.22566413

I am using the Coinbase wallet and the transaction is set at 270 gwei...

Can anyone tell me what happens with these low gas transaction? Are they stuck until the gas price goes down or will they get realized even with current prices just after a long time?

>> No.22566459

So is the 20min transaction deadline just a meme? It's not getting canceled

>> No.22566475

450 gwei isn't shit anymore. 800 is enough to clear a transaction in under a minute most of the time.

>> No.22566934

any proof about ARPA or BELLA?
need pump

>> No.22567335

I have an old Ledger wallet that i cant find right now. but i know the address to. Is there anyway to see if there is anything to claim on the address without having the HW wallet? Wetamask does not have a Watch only thing

>> No.22567348

I pity you clueless idiots.

>> No.22567501

I am trying to sell all day long but stil haven't managed. I must have spend 150 euro in fees already trying to claim, approve and sell a free token. Fuck this now I'm holding. This better be mooning the fuck out of here

>> No.22567514

When you go to Claim UNI you can paste whatever address and it will say if it's eligible or not. I happened to used my ledger with uniswap 1 time a few months ago and it's eligible for 400 UNI kek

>> No.22567648

question is, are there more weak handed dumpers holding coin than what there are amount of coin that buyers are wanting to buy? it is likely we shall instead see a barage of selling that the buy demand cannot meet, hence the price may go down. but if those that got free coin were smart, they could hold that free coin instead, and see the price skyrocket and they can make more money. but uniswap customers are not that smart, they will all insta dump it for chump change instead of hold it for big bank lol

>> No.22567750

Links a scam

>> No.22568148

Fuck you, I literally put thousands through it and got a measly 400.

>> No.22568169

Poor retard anon..

>> No.22568194

just swapped my 400UNI for 3ETH

now watch it moon to $50

or go to $0.033!!!

>> No.22568270

Market cap rank:73
We definitely going to top50

>> No.22568484

Why would anyone want to buy this?
Enjoy holding your sinking bags

>> No.22568735
File: 119 KB, 1125x966, 8D51576D-00CD-4328-8889-7F1334DCD99A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Using CB wallet I’ve been trying to collect my Uni since last night. Anyway to fix this or do I just have to wait it out?

>> No.22568886

already been answered ITT

>> No.22568919

900 gwei still taking forever WTF

>> No.22569346

It will moon to 80 in a couple of days.

>> No.22569360

If i already have metamask downloaded and have wallets on there how do i import it?

>> No.22569374

How do you do the same transfer again? Is it not a new transfer when you do it?
Or you just click on Claim UNI, and then speed up in Metamask?

>> No.22569389

I think you have to sign out, but not sure

>> No.22569443

850 is taking a while for me brehs... How long should I wait?

>> No.22569460

do you guys actually realise we're in a bubble and Normies don't know about this shit? this shits going through the roof very, very fast. don't sell yet.

>> No.22569483

Sorry, we are unable to locate this TxnHash
700gwei, first time seeing this, just wait or cope?

>> No.22569518

Why are you people saying $50? Even factoring overvaluing you're probably getting a 2b market cap, which is around $10

>> No.22569575

You pajeets are so obvious. Every thread about UNI mooning or don't sell is literally some cuck who cant get his transaction approved to sell and hoping to god the price will stay what it is so he can get out. Governance coins are fucking worthless. There is no normies lining up to buy this shit hahahaha

>> No.22569599

I literally helped retards figure out how to increase their gas prices ITT

>> No.22569636

You're a faggot but you're right. People too dumb to get their sell order in will watch their free money vanish.

>> No.22569774

>10 shitcoin wallets
>800$ in gas (don't forget the shitty appriove tx)
>13,000 Profit (lucky I woke up when it was above 3.5 and I didnt cheap out
Is this real life?

>> No.22569821

Uniswap will not exist in 1 year time. 0% chance. The amount of fees trading can generate, someone will think of something better faster and cheaper for uses. 99% of the population would never put in the effort to use Uniswap, it's retarded.

>> No.22569829

You got lucky and cashed out early. Others will be desperate to sell above 50 cents soon.

>> No.22569837

>mcap less than 200mio
good decision anon you will make it

>> No.22569882
File: 451 KB, 640x1136, BENDUVAL2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes brother!!! UpBots will be next, just listed on FTX, MC of 3 million. Your welcome.

>> No.22569888

>been said when uniswap liquidity was at 30m in may you absolute faggot.
stay poor

>> No.22570163

The whole thing nearly died to one muppet and a sushi memed takeover. Thats how basic it is. And 90% of its volume is just defi ponzi schemes anyway, it holds 0 substance or value to anything legitimate.

>> No.22570379


>> No.22570426

thank you so much. thought there was no way to make it go thru w/ coinbase wallet. got my extra 400 now

>> No.22570470

They're air dropping more today, buy it under $1

>> No.22570646
File: 19 KB, 400x400, bUUAgDF6_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A few months ago I wanted to use my ledger on uniswap through metamask but it didn't work for some reason
> mfw I decided to use a single wallet for all my uniswap trades to be more organised
> mfw I could have claimed much more

>> No.22570769

I made a low gas attempt at 500 GWEI to claim my UNI and it's taking forever so I made a new transaction with 800 GWEI but it first has to cancel the first one. I tried cancelling it with a fee of like $4.72 or something is this enough to cancel it right quick or should I add more?