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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22538927 No.22538927 [Reply] [Original]

Tired of those shitty crypto threads

What do you do ?
How much money are you making?

You guys are the true value creators, congrats.

>> No.22539250

doing shopify stores, making 7 figures in profits on Facebook traffic alone. this shit is too easy, crypto is for lazy peasants

>> No.22539313

solar energy
10k month

>> No.22539347

Post proof

>> No.22539382

How can I do this?

>> No.22539413

>Any entrepreneur here?
youtube channel with guitar vids. [entertainment] (low upload + low view count)

>> No.22539479

I own a film production company but am not making very much money atm due to covid so I'm just investing in crypto. Made 5x my money. It's time to buy a house somewhere, I guess.

>> No.22539485

I only do about 2k/mo with this little business I started because I am excellent when it comes to building logistics and getting a product created but absolute dogshit at marketing...

Like I don't even know where to start, how to drive traffic. I feel retarded sometimes because apparently its easy as pie but my brain is just not getting it.

>> No.22539493

I can believe 7 figure revenue, but not 7 figure profit.

>> No.22539836

The thing about these e-comm people, they love showing their total sales but never their profit. My mate does this, always ask him what’s the profit and he never gives me a straight answer

>> No.22539883
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>Any entrepreneur here?

>> No.22539968

People who post this bought a worthless 2k USD course and LARP to feel better about missing the E-commerce boat.
As for my business
>own a nice private ATM company
>have 10 ATMs that net me about 8-9k in fees each month
>Corona hits
>no one goes to barber shops, nail salons or strip clubs anymore
>Business pretty much dies a slow painful death

>> No.22540112

Fellow entrepreneurs, check out what you can build on top of Quant Network. Oracle and others are already building with it.

Real web, mobile and desktop apps maximising the benefits of multi-chain smart contracts.

I’m thinking next generation Twitter, AirBnB or Uber. Shit that makes money, not crypto scams for crypto fags.

>> No.22540137

Entrepreneurs are usually scammy, shitty people. Don’t kid yourself

>> No.22540232

Fuck off commie

>> No.22540295

There is such thing as being an ethical capitalist please sir. Usually they’re broke

>> No.22540328
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Not yet, but planning to open eshop with dropshiping soon with my brother(now researching product to sell), also we planning to start a blog too, yes i know im not planning to make any serious money from it but looking at it like a learning expierence, our budget for these two projects are 1000eur. Also guys what kind of website hosting would you recommend?for wordpress sites, should i go with cloud hosting? Ive read some bad things about shared hosting

>> No.22540332

I am and entrepreneur, I created TrumpBux Coin, AMA

>> No.22540360

Top left is entrepreneurs

90% at bumblefucks that got incredibly lucky, risked basically nothing, and are business owners because of emotional disorders that disqualify them from normal employment

Top right are executives, elite lawyers, Specialist doctors, and political slime balls

>> No.22540428
File: 18 KB, 312x236, 5429E2F4-3EC9-46A1-AC42-E885F2B09705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUCK forgot pic. I guess I’m bottom left

>> No.22540533

How is there such a high concentration on the bottom left quadrant? That wouldn't make much sense considering the mean is 100, beyond of course the correlation between stupidity and a lower income, but there should still be a bigger concentration around the middle

>> No.22541005

income is not correlated with IQ, but IQ is correlated with income.

IE if you have a low IQ, it’s very likely that you’re poor. But if you’re rich, it’s not more likely that you have a high IQ

>> No.22541046

It's all about thresholds. You only have to be smart enough, not smart in general.

>> No.22541081

Explain too me the following:
Why open a dropship shop when every college dropout can do it? You simply shift the risk of the venture from product creation to marketing. What will you do differently that will differentiate you from my adderal-addicted, dumpster-diving anarchist friend that runs his own dropship shop as a full time means of sustainance?

>> No.22541127

Also, society is just built for the middle 60% or so. In fact: the High school dropout rates for standard deviations either above or below average IQ are nearly identical. Someone with a 70IQ and a 130IQ are equally likely to drop out. How fucked is that?

>> No.22541173

I believe it. I was one of those gifted GATE program kids and I almost dropped out entirely.

>> No.22541199

if you are trying to find out the bold and promising solution you need to evaluate different factors, including the value, team experience, roadmap etc. and there are not many bold ones I follow - only Morpheus Network that is bringing entirely new standards onto supply chain field. and guys are also coming with real partnerships, results and development. have a look at website

>> No.22541238

Check out dropship ceo to find products

>> No.22541270

I wish it was less crypto oriented but it's still interesting. I like to think of myself as business oriented but not sure if it's the right description. I have a YouTube channel with 500k subs which makes $10k a month. I use the viewership as free marketing towards my eCommerce shops which bring in an additional $2-4k/mo. I trade as a hobby which makes about $1k/mo

>> No.22541498

How long did it take you to grow your channel, anon? I've been thinking about starting a channel, but it seems oversaturated.

>> No.22541605

I joined a money gang about 3 months ago. Got my state Life and health insurance exam this Friday, after that it's just learning the business and recruiting like my life depends on it

>> No.22541956

Northwestern Mutual?

>> No.22542558

Any tips for someone thinking about buying/installing an ATM?

>> No.22543124

Personal trainer here
the longer I do this and the more I get into it the more I hate the fitness industry and everyone involved.

I know it is a business and business is always seeling shit no one wants or needs.
But lying and telling bullshit to people who want to improve? Na fuck every single asshole PT.

>> No.22543370

But are the high IQ kids dropping out because they have another avenue to gain income besides higher education or is it because they can't keep up?

>> No.22543410

I don't but anything that doesn't improve my quality of life by some amount and if buy something I don't actually need then I can just return it.

>> No.22543459

It's not about "keeping up", it's about not fitting into the standard education model, or fitting in with their peers at all, or being completely disinterested because you were never challenged at all.

>> No.22543523

I did not know this. Fascinating

>> No.22543632

That chart is fake news. Most dots should be in the center. 70% of people are between 85IQ and 115IQ yet most of the dots are below 100IQ. Looks like they serveyed mostly low IQ people and there is a seemingly equal number of dots in the high and low IQ section of those with a higher net worth which suggests that high IQ people are 50/50 for being high income meanwhile those with a low IQ have a over 70% chance of being low income.

>> No.22543702

wtf do u mean "doing"

>> No.22543727

You are missing my point. Public education is not meant to be "fun". It trains you to be a worker bee which the vast majority of people with an income end up being.

>> No.22543758

family business, ecommerce on ebay and amazon
made 150k so far this year

>> No.22543876

Think of it this way. Imagine if 90% of people were naturally autistic so every system in the world was designed around that. If you weren't autistic you're probably going to do worse, because you aren't autistic like everyone else, even though you are smarter emotionally. The system is designed for average people, if you are an outlier you will suffer negative effects from that.

>> No.22544121
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>> No.22544267

Dude i know that i probably wont suceed, but in the meantime i will learn some skills like building a website, connecting payment systems. Maybe my other shops in the future will be better and i will suceed then. So you are saying that i shouldn't do it because other are doing it? Also i saw some of the shops people make on shopify, and fucking kek, i know amthing or two about graphic design and i know that appeal, 3d rendered product photos are very important.
Anyway, if you are saying getting into dropshiping sucks, what are some good online business to get in to 2021? Biz are always early adopters on this stuff

>> No.22544850

The more people do something the fewer profits there are to be made. The newer the market the feq the people in said market and the more profit potential exists in said market.

>> No.22545823

The key to Youtube is making as bad and bluepilled shitty content as fast as possible, ideally targeted at children and teenagers for maximum exploitation.

>> No.22546014

Thanks einstein, which markets are new this month? So i can hop in

>> No.22546921

Get your hs diploma faggot

>> No.22547952

if you got money it's easy
find a niche product and make a better private label version on it for amazon fba
go on ebay and look for foreign products that immigrants buy. find a supplier, get small amounts and see if it sells. if you succeed, negotiate better prices and undercut other sellers
start making stupid shit (like scented candles etc.) and sell it on etsy. or have it done abroad even cheaper

>> No.22548041

>There is such thing as being an ethical capitalist
Every single communist is a sociopath.
Seethe more bootlicker.

>> No.22549069

What do you sell?

>> No.22549109

Bottom right is posting on 4chan

>> No.22549148

Yes it is, look at the chart, high IQ doesn't guarantee having money but clearly the number of rich people with high iq is disproportionatly higher

>> No.22549193

>just go for lowest common denomiator bro
You'll get in competition with everyone, when you enter a market you need to find a niche and right now there is a niche for smart rightist content what isn't quite saturated.

>> No.22549872

btw. search in the archives for /entg/ entrpreneurship general
good threads

>> No.22549873

put another way, someone with 101 iq is just as likely to drop out as 99 iq. seems pretty "fair"

>> No.22550452

bump for non crypto thread