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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22510600 No.22510600 [Reply] [Original]

How can anyone accept the fact that 99% of modern humans have to spend 50% of their able bodied, adult life working for someone else just to be able to live? This basic fact of our society fills me with so much dread that suicide springs to mind like a siren's song.

>> No.22510629

Checked. We will be free soon, my friend.

>> No.22510638

Look at his small cuck hands

I could crush this guy. His hands are so feminine and weak looking

>> No.22510658

You should kill yourself then bub.

>> No.22510666

You don't need to work that much, you are more than able to live comfortably working 10 hours a week, you just need to give up a lot of the comforts modern life offers you.

>> No.22510696

Some people cant function otherwise

I like to believe that smart people who were born into poverty actively strive to get out of that

>> No.22510730
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I live in northern europe and I've never worked a day in my life, the government provides housing and sends me a monthly check, 20% of which I invest.

>> No.22510736

This guy is TV HOST and has the balls to give advice like this?! Also, you could fight tooth and nail to own your own business one day, it's the only true road to happiness.

However, business owners are evil if you are an employee, if you are an employee you should actively work to fuck up your boss' company. This is true free-market capitalism.

>> No.22510767

It is as it was as it always will be. Work or starve is essentially our lot

>> No.22510783

Then you're a shitskin immigrant, atvleast if you're in denmark

>> No.22510832

Just brainwashing to get people to feel comfortable being an indentured servant wage cucking for the rest of their life.

>> No.22511059

I wish I had the courage.
I'm also Scandi, how did you do it?