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22494949 No.22494949 [Reply] [Original]

>be me (25 y/o) with $70k/yr wagie STEM job, low chance of advancement
>realize SWE fags are making minimum 2x that while jerking off all day and “working” a couple hours a week
>also hold 10k link

It is worth the time to try to switch careers? I dont want to put in the effort learning to code and then making in with link anyway. I can coast for a few more years at my bullshit job but if I have to work 10+ years before making it I would unironically kms. My life is draining away every day.

>> No.22495044

If I could code I would just fork different Yfi and sushi clones all day and have about 5 different ones on the go. make really good explainer videos, get customer artwork, professionally written medium etc, and then just have them all pay a percentage to dev funds

>> No.22495807

I’m a SWE. Easiest shit ever. The salary is decent, 130k entry level in a high cost of living city, but the real money is in equity grants. Hit on a startup (easier said than done, some companies have a higher chance than others) as a senior engineer and you can retire early. Most series A/B startups are probably gonna fail, a fair amount of series E and beyond result in a nice multiple. Some on the cusp of IPOing also do well, look at Datadog or Fastly for recent success stories

Definitely try to switch, it’ll be hard to get interviews without a computer science degree or prior experience but I’ve seen a few people manage it. One path you could take is join a company and switch over internally, it’s not standard but if you’re persistent they may allow you. I work at a high profile tech company and I know of 2 operations employees that managed to land into entry level SWE jobs. The hardest part is that 1st opportunity. Then all you need is Leetcode and some system design prep to land your next job.

>> No.22496077
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>make $130k/year in Bay Area or some retarded, congested shithole filled with homeless and criminals
>single filer, take home pay $89k not counting any municipal income taxes (1.5% in San Francisco for example)
>$36k rent
>$53k left over

>make $70k/year in the rest of America
>single filer, take home pay $53k
>$10k rent
>$43k left over

I dunno retard, is $10k really worth upending your entire life and learning an entirely new skillset to stare at code all day

>> No.22496310

The salary is not why you become a SWE. Salary tops out at like 200k for high senior, equity goes in the millions/4 years with upside. Alternatively, work at Jane Street or HRT and receive monster bonuses based on your individual performance.

Thinking in terms of salary is wageslave mentality

>> No.22496340

>software dev in canada
>make a little more than this guys >>22496077
leftover money
>cant even move out

i dont know if i should switch jobs or switch countries

>> No.22496922

>based on your individual performance
putting in more than a fucking second over 40 hours in a week for you corporate shitheel overlord
>"""liking what you do"""

>> No.22497229

>Software Engineer in UK Bank, 2 years of experience after uni.
>Make £36k

I fucking hate this shit, none of my code seas the light of day, my coworkers are mostly pajeets with no intra-personal skills and my company has a worst SJW culture than my uni ever had (diversity and inclusion, BLM etc.) I'm probably going to leave next year after covid to find a more fulfilling company, maybe SWE in Energy or Defence - anywhere but finance again.

>> No.22497643

If the goal is to work for yourself - SWE, comp science or just throw yourself into code and freelance / your own projects

>> No.22497807

Isn't coding tough. I am Jack of all trades. Currently react.js developer. Thinking of switching to python. How do you guys solve problems.

>> No.22497921

You study a lot of cases in a CS degree and have the prior knowledge of "oh I can use this to do that" or you just keep practicing new things and gaining knowledge that way.

>> No.22498976

So don’t go to a hedge fund and roll the dice on a pre ipo unicorn. You can ride the success of others