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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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224490 No.224490[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is there any hope for the poor? I mean any?
I just can't see anyone from the street all of a sudden playing the market or some shit and earning thousands. They don't even have the money to make a decent investment.
It's like the only thing you can do when you're born without enough money is either work for your entire life or just kill yourself. There is simply no point in living.

>> No.224498

I started as a college drop out with $3k two years ago. Now I'm at $40k. It can be done.

>> No.224505

How did you do it? Stock market I guess?

>> No.224511

Yeah. I assumed that's what you were talking about in the OP.

>> No.224516

Nah, meant in any way shape or form.

>> No.224525

Shyiiiiiit. Any tips for a poorbro?

>> No.224526

if they truly wanted to be elevated from poverty they would be. hard work is the way, without shortcuts

>> No.224542

A friend of mine is really doing badly and got a rough start, bad student loan debt, shit job, the whole nine.

I'm trying to get her into computer work, so I certainly have faith that someone poor can make something of themselves. But, she always comments that "it's hard" and that she's "never really done anything that hard before". I'm all, WTF, do you expect it to be easy?

On the upside, progress is being made and interviews are being had. So, I believe it's only a matter of time

>> No.224544

> some people truly believe this

>> No.224553

I think corporations ought to print shirts for the poor with the company logo on it. Free advertising for them, free shirts for the poor.

They would need someone to distribute the shirts, so some of them would get hired. With that, they could save up for a place and start moving up in the company.

Maybe the companies could put up some tenements as well, so you wouldn't have homeless people anymore, just roving street teams advertising Microsoft, Geico, etc.

They should also start a reality show, somewhere like North Philly or LA. I think that'd bring in at least some money.

>> No.224554

>Is there any hope for the poor? I mean any?
It is a huge disadvantage. Much bigger than most of us more fortunate people realize.
>I just can't see anyone from the street all of a sudden playing the market or some shit and earning thousands. They don't even have the money to make a decent investment.
Once they understand the importance of getting out of the hole, they can very,very slowly dig themselves out. (Barring major illness of other catastrophe.) Once out of the hole, it becomes much, much easier.
>It's like the only thing you can do when you're born without enough money is either work for your entire life or just kill yourself. There is simply no point in living.
Work for your entire life is the better option. Almost everyone can improve his station in life. I'm not going to say "Everyone born in the worst ghetto can become rich, if he works hard enough". That is bullshit. But I firmly believe almost everyone can move up to a more comfortable life. It isn't all about working hard either, much of it has to do with learning the basic principles. Resisting the urge to buy crap. Avoiding debt. Saving what you can, even if it is a very small amount.

>> No.224562

This guy has nine bikes, he's made it guys!

>> No.224567

I had no money, so I got a job, saved, and invested. Seems pretty simple.

>> No.224571

revolution. eventually the poor will revolt and the rich will be fugged. it's an inevitable cycle through out history.

>> No.224577

>This guy has nine bikes, he's made it guys!
LOL! Name goes back to a bicycle thread on /n/. I'm "the guy who has 9 cheap loaner bikes for my friends to ride". Sorry to disappoint you.

>> No.224584

Heh, nevermind. Having nine cheap bikes can't be all that bad, amirite?

>> No.224585

>study in HS and get good grades which is piss easy
>go to CC and get scholarships with HS good grades
>transfer to university CS program. Get good grades, do side projects and get internship
>graduate with a nice middle class salary job lined up

>> No.224586

But was your family poor?

>> No.224595

Rich(enough)fag here.

Not really. It's impossible to get a good education without money, even if you work your way through uni/college you won't have the energy to get a good degree. Any job that requires travel is right out too, as is moving to a better area for jobs, so options are severely limited. Getting a job above minimum wage without having money in the first place is a pipe dream.

I get £5k+ from my family every year without which I'd struggle to get through uni. There's no way i could keep up a part time job with my course. My summer job requires me to use my parents spare car to commute.

>> No.224601

If you mean from poor to middle class, sure theres hope - just study some shit like accounting/software development or alternatively engineering/finance/medicine and you're set to be lower middle/middle class. Is there any home for the poor to become rich? Only if youre a warlord in mexico or africa.

>> No.224599

>Heh, nevermind. Having nine cheap bikes can't be all that bad, amirite?
It is a blast.I have a bike your size. Drop by anytime and we can go for a bike ride. Bring your GF, I got a bike her size too.

>> No.224606

What if my girlfriend's a midget? Does she get a children's tricycle?

>> No.224607

What fucking difference does that make in me making the money that I have? I hardly had 5k to my name. I had to work very hard for that. I was working full-time and going to school full time. 2.5 double shifts on the weekends. School was 50% paid for because yes, my family made little enough that I qualified for grands.

>> No.224611


No company wants to be associated with stinking homeless vagrants. But a couple of years ago, people hired homeless to act as Wi-Fi hotspots, so there's potential there.

>> No.224612

>What if my girlfriend's a midget? Does she get a children's tricycle?
I have kid's bikes too. A couple on 20" wheel bikes and a 24" wheel bike.

>> No.224613

>actually believing this


>> No.224614

Stop denying it bud. You've made it.

>> No.224617

Your families income plays a huge role on you whether you want to admit it or not.

>> No.224619

require welfare recipients to invest or spend a percentage on education or get cut from welfare

or scrap welfare, provide a basic income and apply the same requirements

>> No.224620

Yeah, and no politician wants to be caught smoking crack, but it worked for Rob Ford.

Publicity is rarely a bad thing. I think it'd be fairly easy to spin it into something positive.

>> No.224625

I would rather see a suppression in the capital given to welfaries. It should not be over the amount you'd earn working a minimum wage job. Right now, some are getting the equivalent to at $18/hr job because they have kids. Which is justifiable from a moral stand-point. But it facilitates an unrealistic style of life for the welfarie that would not be sustainable otherwise.

>> No.224631

Start a business OP. With mobile app development being as easy as it is now and websites, you have NO idea how easy it is to turn a good idea into an early retirement.

It is easier to do that now, than it has ever been in the history of mankind. If the internet collapses due to whatever reason in the next 100 years people will look back on this time and think DAMN i could've been a millionaire if I had just lived during that time.

Don't worry too much about investing in shares. It's the lazy man's game.

>> No.224632

>Stop denying it bud. You've made it.
I'm trying to keep that on the down low. Don't go 'round givin' people the impression that I have somekinda extensive bicycle collection. It is my cheap entertainment. I have less tied up in my fleet than many people spent on their TV.

>> No.224636

You need money to start a business mayne.

Have you ever seen Dragon's Den? The proposals some of those guys come up with a fucking pathetic.
There was this woman trying to market a piss tube for women so they could use urinals and she was pitching it 100% serious.

>> No.224640

You have only one chance OP. Become black.
