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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 2 KB, 259x194, ocean_protocol-logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22407708 No.22407708 [Reply] [Original]

Are you there my fellow ocean holders? I really didn't expect another dip, but to me it doesn't really matter, I know that we are going to $5 sooner or later, still holding.

>> No.22407737

Donnie and Cobra have sold bud. Notice how the shilling in BH is shifting focus to EWT now? You guys got dumped on. Give it up. Sell your Ocean and re-buy it in a few months. Support at 20cents.

>> No.22407747

why buy this over rlc?

>> No.22407749

$1 EOM.

>> No.22407930

I feel like its gonna drop to a lower price 10-20 cents one more time before going into the $1 plus area.

>> No.22408307

1. They haven't
2. Who gives a fuck if they do, there's more than 2 holders lmao

>> No.22408664
File: 280 KB, 800x450, dehliclub(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm actually surprised at this price action considering Ocean will be to the Data Marketplace what Bitcoin is to the Crypto Marketplace.

Nobody really understands what's going on here. A make it stack is only 3k considering one Ocean token will be in the thousands in a year or 2.

>> No.22408742

Ocean isn't normie friendly. They'll rope by end of year for not picking up at these prices

>> No.22408756

The best way to screw Cobra and Donnie over, the way they screwed Ocean holders over, is to buy Quant.

When Quant 100x, Cobra and Donnie will throw themselves under a train, fuelled by regret at missing such an obvious win.

You can then buy back into Ocean for your next 10x.

>> No.22408784

Fuck of QNT fag, your desperation is palpable. Have some dignity

>> No.22408831

Agree. QNT holder here. Comment was cringe.

>> No.22408871

We’re here to help each other fren. Quant and Ocean were selected by the same people. It’s just unfortunate a couple of them are mental and like to p&d on folk.

>> No.22408875

Data is a huge market, there is no reason there can't be more than one successful coin

>> No.22408885

Proof or stfu

>> No.22408890

Hi Cobra!

>> No.22409444

Stop shilling your quant bags, we all know you are stuck with a shitcoin

>> No.22409716

What makes OCEAN good, why won’t it pull an RLC?

>> No.22409847

I have 2.5k. What is a suicide stack? Make it stack?

>> No.22410102

RLC tries to do lots of things. It's way behind schedule and spreading itself thin.

Ocean does one thing amazingly. It's at least 3 years ahead of competitors and will be the standard for data monetization by 2021.

>> No.22410119
File: 26 KB, 750x750, 1599249403025.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nobody really understands whats going on here

oh fuck off dumbass. you're not "in the know" we've all heard the "data" "data" data" "data tokens" "data legos" "bmw" "dhl" "trent"

I'm a long time Ocean holder. I sold roughly the top because I've been there for years. I've also rebought almost every sizeable dip. I've heard it all, seen it all. The DHL&BMW things have been around forever, long before you were seeing it on TG and twitter. You're going to get dumped on for the next few months. Get ready

>> No.22410206

So we're going to get dumped on through the release of v3, staking, the first usable data marketplace all of which is coming within the next few weeks

>> No.22410429

yep. screenshot this.

>> No.22410512

Screenshotted will report back at $1 EoY

>> No.22410757


>> No.22411100

>dumped on for the next few months
Nice, sounds like prime opportunity to buy more on discount

>> No.22411273

Never selling my OCEAN, neither my BMW

>> No.22411682

50k make it, 10k suicide, you are still a small fish

>> No.22411860

You are the one that seems a bit mental. There's too many desperate quantfags itt. It's so cringey.

>> No.22412061

Just stop it already. OCEAN is shit, just like RLC or SXP. You picked the wrong shitcoin

>> No.22412157
File: 132 KB, 405x205, 1599578146766.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Always the same few people fudding Ocean threads, with the same writing style, same wild speculation, same QNT and RLC alternatives

>> No.22412653

Oh Snap! BTFO with truth

>> No.22412656

weak fud, have you ever done even 5 minutes of research?

>> No.22412960

Stay the fuck out of Quant threads and we might stop

>> No.22413199

I personally haven't seen any Ocean shilling in QNT or RLC threads, but I also don't fud other legitimate tokens, only absolute pajeet ones

>> No.22413270

No, he has not. Truth is, all of them are going to do fine if BTC keeps stable / grows and most likely all of them will slump if it doesn't. I just think Ocean has the biggest potential together with RSR. That's it.

>> No.22413677

Donnie still has some ocean but it's a low % of his portfolio. If you fell for the "hold forever" shit after a 50x you're a straight up retard.

Ocean is going back to 1000 sats. I sold close to the top as did most experienced BH members.

>> No.22413861

Why are you all so obsessed over what Donnie is doing? You do realize there are 11,000+ other holders right? lmao

>> No.22414031

Hi. Janon Smith here. See you at 10 cents, goys.

>> No.22414525

Did you mean $1?

>> No.22414681


>> No.22415241

Bought the dip, can we go up already?

>> No.22415380

Data is more precious than anything. Knowledge is power, the pen is mightier than the sword. If you don’t realize this you’re low IQ.

>> No.22415443

Nah, $0.10. BTC won’t go up until stocks do. Stocks won’t go up until US erections are over. If Biden victory, stocks dump a bit. If Trump, stocks pump.

>> No.22415778

Thanks I'm convinced, just went all in. Ocean only go up

>> No.22416231

Wow what a great analysis sir, just went all in

>> No.22416255

Only do so if you like losing money. RLC makes this obsolete

>> No.22416724

>digital oil
RLC is a literal shitcoin

>> No.22416871

Are you the trannie Donnie raped in Thailand? Did you ever stop bleeding?

>> No.22417415

Stop with this useless fud

>> No.22418169

I don't see any similarities between rlc and ocean

>> No.22418679

One is digital shit while the other one is our ticket to financial freedom, that's how it is

>> No.22419593

>sold the top
>rebought every size able dip
>didn’t wait for an actual working product
Way to go.

>> No.22419620


>> No.22419639

Listen here. Dapper Donnie, King Cobra, and Johnny Hopkins have all dumped which means OCEAN is dead. Our only hope for recovery is if GI Joe revives the project.

>> No.22419909

Just buy VXV at 30 times less marketcap. It’s that easy.

Datasets being purchased & integrated by : S&P Global, Bloomberg, Factset, Microsoft, Snowflake.. etc. The list goes on & on. Will probably partner with Ocean in the future too desu